©Kirton News 2025

June 2024

The Editors Letter

Hello everyone! I’ve had a count up and this is my 59th letter as Editor, (I can’t believe I have found enough to babble on about) and I’ve now been Editor of this wonderful publication for over 6 years! Time really has flown by.

In all that time, I hope you’ve been entertained and informed and as always, we welcome new ideas. Also, (I hope you agree) not many mistakes have been made but we are most definitely human! We would like to formally apologise to Kirton Parish Council for the lack of minutes in our last issue. Many eagle-eyed readers noticed that the minutes referred to Donington Parish Council. This was an error on our part and has definitely made us more aware of not just double, but triple checking everything!

Our front cover this month celebrates the Centenary of our Bowling Club. Some of you may not even realise we have a Bowling Club as it is hidden away but what a gem it is. My Mum and I visited the club recently to meet two of its members and had a wonderful chat about Kirton in years gone by and their hopes for the future. Both of my Grandparents were long serving members and looking at the many photographs on the wall in the club house was very special. They are having an open day on Sunday 30th June so why not pop down for some refreshments and a chat!

In this issue we have another book review, we hear from one of our Parish Councillors, Claire Rylott and our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature is Mark Osborne Plumbing & Heating.

We’re running another front cover competition for our July/August edition with the help of Kirton Primary School! The theme is ‘Olympic Heroes’. If you have children or grandchildren at the school, tell them to look out for an entry form! There will be prizes for the Winner and first Runner-Up!

I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Meet The Locals

This month we hear from Mark Osborne from Mark Osborne Plumbing & Heating!

I offer everything plumbing related from a dripping tap to a full heating system. Powerflushing service also available. My passion is oil fired boilers, either installing, servicing and repairs. I’ve also recently done a course to install air source heat pumps.

You can email Mark on: Moph1974@outlook.com or give him a call on 07498 070418.

Book Review

Katherine by Anya Seton, published in 1954, is a captivating historical novel set in 14th-century England, rich with references to Lincolnshire. It offers a fictionalized account of the life of Katherine Swynford, the mistress and later wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, who was the son of King Edward III and father of King Henry IV.

The narrative traces Katherine’s journey from her humble beginnings as the daughter of a Flemish herald to her rise as one of England’s most influential women. Central to the story is her enduring love affair with John of Gaunt, depicted against the backdrop of societal norms and challenges of the time. Chaucer immortalized John as the mourning figure in “The Book of the Duchess.”

Anya Seton’s meticulous research ensures historical accuracy, immersing readers in the sights and sounds of medieval England. From royal courts to peasant life, the novel vividly portrays the era’s essence.  Lincolnshire sounds incredibly bleak in those times and there are many references to the local area including Boston.

At its core is the passionate yet complex relationship between Katherine and John, defying conventions and enduring despite obstacles. Their affair, spanning nearly 30 years and producing four illegitimate children, challenges moral and social norms.

Beyond romance, “Katherine” delves into political intrigues, enriching the narrative with historical events and figures. Katherine emerges as a multidimensional protagonist, embodying strength and resilience.

Seton’s storytelling prowess and historical authenticity make “Katherine” a timeless classic, appealing to lovers of historical fiction. Whether drawn to history or seeking an engaging tale of love and adventure, readers will find “Katherine” unforgettable.

Katherines tomb Lincoln Cathedral, where she married John in 1396, is fitting of course for a Duchess of Lancaster, as she ultimately became. It is many years since I visited it and it will demand another journey to Lincoln for me. John was buried next to first wife Blanche and their tomb was sadly destroyed in the fire London.   There is a memorial in St Paul’s Cathedral though.


Kirton Church Fund

The winning numbers for the May draw will be printed in the July/August magazine.

The June draw takes place on Sunday 30th and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

Both winners have won several times before. Congratulations to you both!

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. I have just handed over a cheque for £900, money raised so far this year! Well done everyone and thank you for your support.

The money is used to maintain our beautiful church and with work needing to be done to replace three of the roofs we need to raise as much as we can. We are applying for grants to help with the cost of the work needed, however we will need to show that we are raising money ourselves before we can get grants. In 2012 were expected to raise £60,000 . Ten years later we will be expected to raise a larger sum as our share towards the costs. Can you help?

Taking part in Kirton Church Fund is one way to help the church raise the money needed. There is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the monthly draws.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Could you win our monthly draw? You won’t know unless you join in. Remember you have to be in it to win it! Anyone over 18 may take part. Do come and join us.

You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.

Registration forms are available from Fay, (01205 723529), or call in Kirton Church. Paula’s Gifts on Station Road also has registration forms.

If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring on 01205 723529 or email fayngeoff@gmail.com

April 2024 Winners

1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 96
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 - TICKET NUMBER:21

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Thoughts brought home from aboard

A short story sent to us by Bill Crewdson - - Part 4

When they arrived back in England Helga had to undergo many months of questioning to decide whether she was genuine or not, and although Michael tried to keep 111 touch somewhere along the line they lost contact.

Sitting there in that pub with the rain pouring down outside, Michael_’s thoughts went back to those days, of Helga, and what might have been. He still had hopes and dreams, and tonight he might fulfil some of them.

All at once the door opened and in she walked. Michael recognised her immediately, the long black hair, the gorgeous figure and the discreet tattoo. he smiled when she saw him and came straight to his table.

“Hello Michael” she smiled, ‘I’m Julie - from the dating agency.’ The End

Letters to the Editor

A Message from Claire Rylott

I can not believe I have now been elected a year, doesn’t time fly! I have just become a member of Kirton Parish Council and I am looking forward to getting involved after a 5 year break.

As a borough councillor I am always available if any resident has any local issues that they think I may be able to help with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Back in 2021 Boston secured £21.9M in Town deal funding from the government to deliver an ambitious vision that will level up Boston and bring transformational improvements.

£14.8M of the funding was to revitalise the area called the PE21 project, situated around the bus station in Boston. The Borough Council announced recently that they had finally managed to purchase the old B & M site and car park. Hopefully now owning this missing piece in the jigsaw will mean we can finally see this project move forward.

Significant investment has been made in the town from the monies granted in the Levelling up Fund – including the transformation of Blenkin Memorial Hall, the rejuvenation of Dolphin Lane, transformation of Boston Railway Station, and the demolition of the former Ingelow Centre ready for the new Mayflower building, part of Boston College.

I was delighted to be asked to be Chair of Environment and Performance after the elections last year. I have recently been pushing for a Joint Scrutiny meeting regarding the pylons, a consultation sent out by Nationa Grid clearly shows the route will be through our ward. Many residents are clearly very unhappy with the consultation that was received. Perhaps some residents will come along to the scrutiny meeting. These pylons will be a blot on our beautiful landscape forever and I will fight the proposal. The second proposal from National Grid is for more cables underground running through our County. We should of realised when a Sub-Station arrived at Bicker we would have everything thrown at us!

Kirton and Frampton ward is a fantastic ward to represent, and covers a large area. As I said earlier I am always available should you require any help with issues in the ward.

Digital Hub A Huge Succsess

Friday the 3rd of May saw the successful launch of Kirton’s very own Digi-Hub, a new initiative from Boston Borough Council funded by money from the UKSP fund.

 On the first Friday of the month a team of professionals will be at Kirton Town Hall to give guidance with the digital world we live in. In future months we will also bring on board Kirton Medical Centre, professionals in Wills and Power of Attorneys, all conveniently accessible within your own village.

 This new initiative has been funded for a year and the Parish Council look forward to meeting as many of you as possible to see if there is anything we can help you with in this digital world. 

A big thank you to the Digi-Hub team and everyone who came along, we look forward to seeing you all next month.

Kirton Primary School Says ‘Goodbye’ to their Long-Serving Headteacher

Mrs Donley, the long-term serving Headteacher, will be retiring from our local primary school in July.

Mrs Donley was appointed to the position of Headteacher at Kirton Primary School back in 2007, following two previous successful headships, and has led our local school for 17 years. When Mrs Donley inherited Kirton Primary, it was unable to meet the most basic, minimum, floor standards set for a primary school. At the same time, the school was on a long, downward trend of declining academic results and behaviour – and was considered in the county to be a ‘sink school’.

In the 17 years Mrs Donley has led the school, they have become one of the highest performing schools, not only in Lincolnshire (regularly topping the league tables), but one of the highest performing schools in England.

Under Mrs Donley’s leadership, the school has won multiple, national awards, and has appeared in multiple local and national publications. The school has also had film cameras in school on numerous occasions such is the profile of and regard for our widely acclaimed local school.

It was Mrs Donley who introduced the school’s Bank and Shop, built the Coronation Gardens and glasshouses, installed the climbing frames and gym equipment, extended trips to all year groups, brought in free after-school clubs and invited educational visitors into school.

The clamour for places at our village school hit such a high in 2014 that it was reported on BBC Look North. The Local Authority was forced to build a £2 million extension, expanding from a two-form entry school to a three-form entry school, to accommodate the growing demand from parents in our village and the wider area.

Mrs Donley has quite literally transformed Kirton Primary School. She has put Kirton on the map and made the school everything it is today – a thriving, popular and successful village school.

Mrs Donley’s vision and innovation will continue to inspire everything the school does as Mr Neall takes on the mantle of Headteacher in September. As the current Head of School, Mr Neall has worked closely with Mrs Donley and the Governors for many years. The transition from Mrs Donley to Mr Neall as Headteacher promises to be a seamless process.

In the meantime, we wish Mrs Donley a long, happy and well-earned retirement!

Kirton Bowls Club History

Kirton Bowls Club was formed in 1924 by a group of locals on land rented from Jessops (at that time a local baker). In the following years it progressed to be successful in the Boston Bowling Jack League. The members built a small hut to keep everything in and this was updated in 1953 (the members bought a second hand snooker building to form a pavillion).

In 1975 they extended the green by 40 yards square so that 6 rinks could be played in either direction (bowls had moved on to rink play). 1975 was also the year the ladies were permitted to join the club! That was a big year!

In 1988 the club had all it’s equipment stolen so the members built what was known as an air raid shelter to protect everything in the future.

In 1991 they started to build a new pavillion after the ground had been purchased from Mr P Jessop. The only way they could build the pavillion was by building one wall a year! They did this by lifting the roof up and then building the wall underneath. The following year using cash leftover the members built the veranda. The new roof was fitted after a small area of the land was sold and made into a garden.

A small bar was available until cost and insurance made it unviable in the 1980’s. A Portacabin was purchased in the mid 1990’s and fitted with a second hand kitchen given to us by one of our members. Again, most of the work being done by our members.

We had to close the club in 2020 because of COVID but opened up again in 2021 (under COVID guidelines) with most of our members returning. We had to have all our electrics updated because of new Health & Safety regulations. Over the years the club has had help from a number of very good members and continues to do so. We look forward to the future.

The club membership has been declining for the past few years and we now have between 20 and 25 members. The club runs teams in the Boston League EBF on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Boston EBA on Thursday and the Coningsby League on a Friday. An open friendly afternoon is available to all members, non member players and beginners. Everyone is welcome and a cuppa is included!

A message from the Chairman of Kirton Bowls Club:

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mark Moore, Chairman of Kirton Bowling Club. This year marks the centenary of our club.

The club, according to records, was formed back in 1924 on the same site as it is now. Looking at some of the old photos in the clubhouse there were around 100 members back in the 1940’s (now we have around 25). How times have changed! I guess in those days people had limited social activities.

On Sunday 30th June this year, to commemorate the centenary year, we are staging an open pairs tournament. We have had a good response for this event with all 24 teams booked up. Bowlers will be travelling from as far as Bedfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Norfolk, Lincoln, Skegness and Sleaford including the local Boston league. Many of these visitors are County and International bowlers.

We feel privileged to have attracted some of the finest players around to help us celebrate our centenary.

On the day of the event, play will start at 9am and will run to around 6.30pm. There will be a raffle and refreshments available to purchase on the day. We are a dog friendly club so if you’re out for a walk, please pop in. Why not drop by and lend your support to our 100 year old club? We’d love to see you.


Frampton Gardening Club

We had a different, but interesting take on gardening, when our speaker for the April meeting of Frampton gardening club, was Hannah Sylvester, who is a medical herbalist.

Hannah trained in Western Herbal Medicine at Lincoln University and graduated with a BSc (Honours) in 2010. Hannah has been in practice for 13+ years, helping people with her individually tailored herbal prescriptions, and has helped people with a range of illnesses, including, skin conditions, neurological, muscular- skeletal and reproductive health.

We learned about herbalists through the ages, and talked about connecting with plants and how to use them safely, explaining how herbs work.

Hannah also brought a selection of dried herbs and tinctures with her, which were passed around for us to see, along with empty t-bags, which are used to put the herb of choice in to make a tea.

Certainly the list of plants which could help us if used safely, would include some that many of us already have in our gardens. A very interesting and informative talk.

Our next meeting is the AGM on May 30th. All are welcome to attend, especially anyone who would like to join us on our committee.

On June 27th our secretary, Maggie Welberry has kindly offered to host an ‘open garden’ at her home.

In July we are joining Phil Haines coaches for an outing to Cambridge Botanical Gardens, so our next meeting at Frampton Village Hall will be on August 29th, when the speaker is talking about Lincolnshire cheese. (Annual subscriptions are also due in August)

For more details about the club, contact Ray Harding on 01205 723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205 722382.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2024

Present Councillors:     

Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill,  Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr A Bowen, Cllr M Elston, Cllr Pryke,  Cllr J Stevenson and Cllr S Watson.                  Also Present: Clerk D. Fairweather. Borough Cllrs Pryke & Rylott. County Cllrs Brookes 

Public Forum

Following the complaint to the Monitoring Officer, against the Chair, the Chair read out a letter of apology to the named party. In response the member of the public accepted that apology and hoped to move forward. Town Hall footpath, to be discussed. Diagonal footpath proposed with foot fall being quite high. felt it may be the best idea to persuade people to walk that way in order for them come from behind the Town Hall nearer to the zebra crossing. Town Hall Car Park- suggestion would an additional entrance work on road between Town Hall and Fire Station. Resident thanking Cllr Astill and contractor for putting in new step at rear entrance of Town Hall. Disabled parking space to be highlighted again. Asking if the original car park sign be returned. As it was previously. They felt it would alleviate problems when an event was held at the Town. Hall.

Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors

Cllr Brookes – Bungley Lane is ongoing. Highways are checking on original drainage. Once checked they will put together a project to resolve the issues. Kirton End Speed limit – requesting a reduction in speed from 40 mph to 30 mph is still awaiting the speed survey to be conducted. Drainside North – poor condition with eighteen potholes. Reported to Highways as reported by Cllr Rylott and clerk. Has been reported to fix my street but Cllr Brookes and asked if it could be investigated further. Hopefully by next meeting he may have an update.

Cllr S Watson noticed the increasing in fly postings and asked if Cllr Brookes knew of this. Not all lamp posts belong to County and therefore difficult to monitor. It is against the law, but Highways can only remove from their own assets, but Cllr Brookes will report it to Highways. Cllr Pryke – had reported this some months ago and the County had removed many August/September last year.

Cllr Rylott – on fly posting, report to BBC who will act. As Chairman of Performance and Environmental, spending time trying to put together a joint scrutiny regarding the Pylon proposal. Takes time to organise but there is concern regarding the pylons and as Councillors we need to be seen to be acting on it.

Cllr Brookes advised that LCC has officially objected to the application.

Cllr Pryke – potholes reported in Marsh Road, together with missing road signs. National cycle route signs have been replaced by Sustrans. Request for additional rubbish bins between Middlecott School and the village. Felt children need educating more than providing additional bins. Speed limits. Had contact regarding fatal accident on A16 asking why speed limits are not reduced. Cllr Pryke wanting to put to LCC with Parish Council support. Middlecott House Nursery. New applicant has been sourced and a new lease being drawn. Hope to open before summer term. At recent BBC meeting payments approved for salaries to employees. Boston increase slightly higher than National.

To Receive Apologies For Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr O’Connor. All resolved to accept reasons given.

To Receive Declarations Of Interest

Cllr Rylott sits on planning so will take no part in planning discussions.

To Approve Notes Of Previous Meeting On 5th March 2024

Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Stevenson that these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes. Unanimous.

Cllr Bowen commented on a statement made at the previous meeting regarding publishing in the Kirton News and it being accused of not printing articles when asked to do so. Declared an interest as he works with the editor but asked the question and the statement made was not in fact true.  The editor will not now publish anonymous letters. Felt this was unfair on the Kirton News as they do sterling work and Cllr Bowen asking for the statement to be retracted.

To Receive Updates From Clerk

Townhall and Broadband Clerk obtaining quotations from Quickline and Lightspeed. Streetlights. – received cost of electricity. Now waiting for Ray Frankish to give a quotation for replacement bulbs. Solar panels – following conversations with Town Hall, it was felt we should go for another company. Damage shed in Hemington Way. LCC are wanting cost of replacement. Orthodox Chapel agreed on new rent and 5 years invoices sent. Cllr S Watson asking for updates on war memorial works. Clerk had asked Skillingtons, to look at work required. Grant application to be submitted when costings known.  Town Hall tower – Ray Sellars could not get to the top floor as the first level was not safe to continue. It would be a case of doing works and then looking again for further works and costs. Clerk had authorised work to be done to the next stage. Cllr S Watson advising that Councillor details are still incorrect in Kirton News. Cllr Bowen works with the editor and will get details updated. Cllr Elston asking for updates on renovated benches. Gentleman asking for them to be collected from his property now.

To Co-Opt New Councillor

Cllr Claire Rylott – proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Bowen. Unanimous. Cllr Rylott back on the Council to help all she can.

To Discuss Possibility Of Bicycle Racks In Town Hall Car Park

Cllr S Watson requested to be on agenda. Seen at other village hall and we had none. Cllr Jarvis suggesting item is deferred until work on footpath had been discussed regarding to their siting.

Bicycle racks in the village are at the Co-Op, Church, and One Stop. Cllr Stevenson advised these must be permanently fixed to the ground. Cllr Astill asking how many are required as there is sufficient for twenty-three bikes at present, are they used, are additional racks required. Cllr P Watson advised that many children attend school on bikes and visit the Town Hall playing field on them. So, Bike racks would be an advantage. Clerk advised this should be discussed with the Town Hall Committee.  Proposed Cllr P Watson, seconded Cllr Elston that this be discussed with the Town Hall Committee at their next meeting, with ideas of designs. Clerk suggested the Town Hall representatives of the Parish Council and the Town Hall Committee walked the grounds together to decide best siting. Cllr Bowen and Ann Booth to meet to look at this. Everyone agreed.

To Approve Community Hub

From the discussion at the joint Town Hall Management Committee and PC Cllr Elston and Clerk took forward ideas to promote increasing footfall at the coffee mornings on a Friday. We were contacted by South East Lincolnshire Partnership with a new initiative that had been successful in East Lindsey but was not available yet in Kirton. Clerk had spoken with the coffee morning people who had no objections but did not feel digital and media would be of any assistance to the people of Kirton. Cllr Elston went on to speak of what SELP could offer. There had been a bid for finance from the UKSP from Boston Borough, East Lindsey South Holland partnership. Fuller funded facility run by Lincs Digital from Horncastle that offer services locally to anyone they can help. They bring equipment with them and help on ‘How to’ several things, for example, housing benefits, online banking, mobile phone, employment etc. PC have also been in contact with local Doctors who are also keen to come on board to hold meetings on men’s mental health, menopause etc. It is money available to offer this service which is not available in the Borough at this moment. If we decide not to take on board it will be offered to another parish. Grantham College have also been in touch regarding assistance in ‘getting back to work.’ If we accept it will be offering benefits to the youth, mental health and categories that will be of assistance in the future for grant funding. Cllr Pryke asked how many hours? Envisaged 9 – 12 to capture parents too. Cllr S Watson proposing we accept offer. Seconded Cllr Elston.

To Discuss Car Parking At Town Hall

Town Hall Management Committee has discussed this and agreed they wish for the car parks to be separated again and to go back to how it was, and they will monitor their car park themselves.  The only thing requiring discussion therefore is how to monitor the PC part of the car park and that a public meeting was now not required. Do you require parking restrictions or just a height restriction. Cllr Astill advised we had promised the public a meeting and we should therefore hold a meeting. Cllr Jarvis felt appears to be working well as people are not aware there are no charges at present. It will cause an issue for parents dropping off children if car park closed. A deplorable amount of time has been spent on this subject which still has not been resolved. Cllr Bowen, heated conversation in August 2022 Chair said that if the new system were not successful then it would return to how it was at that time before Car Park monitoring. Because of problems experienced as a Parish Council we must decide what is it we need of this car park and how can we attain it. Admits when there are problems, the members of the Town Hall and Parish Council should not suffer verbal abuse. Cllr Elston, if we had promised the public a meeting, to have that meeting. Cllr Pryke, it was definitely promised to the public to have a meeting. Look at options from surveying the car park and give suggestions from that. Cllr Astill, to solve the problem of the ownership of car park put the original sign back, saying Town Hall car park. Asking confirmation, the current car park company have been notified the PC will not be renewing the contract. Cllr Elston, there are other options than the one picked previously. Cllr S Watson, agreeing with Cllr Astill should revert to one car park. Proposed Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Elston to bring all parking information to a meeting with the Town Hall Management Committee to be discussed at a further meeting.

To Discuss Generic Emails

Despite having confirmation from external auditors that our generic emails did cover us legally, we now have new information available plus we are just waiting for the latest JPAG Practitioners’ Guide, therefore the guidance will be updated soon.

To Discuss/Approve Replacement Pathway Behind Town Hall

Cllr Jarvis advised PC to decide which of the options is required before any further discussions can take place. I.E. make good the original or, as suggested by a member of the public, lay the diagonal one to encourage the use of the zebra crossing. Cllr Astill obtained quotations from three companies, originally for making good the existing path as per the suggestion of last meeting. Following discussions and on the knowledge that although not originally budgeted for in the precept, there was finance available to complete the work. Cllr Baillie proposed the diagonal path to be installed, seconded Cllr Elston. 7 for, 1 against 2 abstentions Agreed contractor. Cllr Pryke had previously asked if the railings at the zebra crossing could also be extended around the corner of the junction. Can the PC please now write to Highways regarding this.


a)    To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule. Proposed Cllr Elston, seconded Cllr P Watson b)    To Approve The Governance & Accountability Statement - Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Elston c)    To Approve The Annual Accounts – proposed Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr Jarvis.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting B24/0086 4-6 Willington Road B24/0115 Land Off Wash Road- Major concerns on the access to this development. The original application for this site for thirty-one houses with access off Station Road. This application was accepted. Another application was made to build on the site marked in this current application, with the demolition of the current bungalow and being re-sited at the opposite end of the site. The owners of the bungalow took money for its demolition but never had it rebuilt. Traffic on that site was to continue through to Station Road.  With fourteen industrial units on the existing site and its corresponding work traffic with access via Wash Road, it is imperative that the original plan of access from the site to Station should include these additional four houses.  The junction at Wash Road cannot take any additional traffic, it is a danger spot now.  Cllr Pryke – had asked the question at the original application why access was through Station Road as that would be opposite another road and close to the roundabout and was told that under no circumstances could access be at Wash Road end of the site.  On the original application, when the bungalow was on site giving one access onto Wash Road, the new application gives now three. The Parish Council therefore objects to this planning application and demand that access is at Station Road. B24/0120 Burton House, Nidds Lane B24/0086 – Saffron Restaurant, Willington Road, application for a non-illuminated fascia sign. PC concerned regarding varying different applications for this site. In a conservation area and PC to write to advise BBC of this.

Members Reports FB

residents of Hardwick Estate complaining of cars parking on grass. Perhaps it is time to remove some of the grass verge to make room for cars.  LHP land. Clerk to contact LHP. CA – There has been water problems on Station Road for many years, can anything be done.  Also area at crossing.  Clerk to report to Highwways. LHP have problems with parking in various areas of the village. Also, problems with potholes on these estates. Planters are overgrowing with weeds. Can we have volunteers to clean them please. JS - LHP have massive problem with parking all over the country. Idea to contact Director of Customer Support. AB - Pertaining to a comment made by a Councillor last meeting regarding the schooling at Woodlands being part of the CIT.  This is not the case as they are a maintained trust and cannot have independent schools within their retinue. Cllr Bowen has had confirmation of this also. Called into the Home Education Group which is held on Fridays at the Town Hall CR – can rubbish bin at Kirton Holme been purchased please. Will assist in moving flower planter Local resident advised they are willing to water the planter. SW- requesting update on substance being poured into drain. Environmental have visited and there was evidence of rats but regarding the substance it will have to be witnessed for them to take any action.

To Receive Correspondence

Information on pylons, Cllr Rylott is hopefully to hold a scrutiny meeting for Parishes to attend.

Date Of Next Meeting

7th May 2024.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

Sunday 7th April - Elle Florence Magee

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

None this month

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

None this month