©Kirton News 2025

March 2010

The Editors Letter

WANTED!.......Local businesses and local people to feature in Kirton News.

I would love to feature more local businesses and local people in the magazine.

So if you’re a business and wish an article on yourselves or if you know of a local person who you wish to nominate for something e.g. friendliest shop assistant, or someone who does a lot for Kirton but doesn’t get recognised for what they do, anything at all, then do please contact me.
I would like to point out that Kirton News is not a business! It is a voluntary organisation.

Neither I nor none of the committee or helpers gets paid for doing the magazine. So spare a thought for those who use their time to collate the magazine into bundles ready for the delivery people, and those who deliver your magazine in all types of weather.

If it wasn’t for those dedicated volunteers Kirton news would not exist.


The Black Swan, Donington

The Black Swan in Donington is pleased to announce the
re-opening of their new restaurant on Tuesday 2nd March 2010. Come and enjoy traditional pub food in a relaxed, family friendly environment without breaking the bank!

We have main meals starting from as little as £3.95 and children’s meals at £2.50 (which include a free bowl of ice cream). Or why not try our 3 course special for £8.50.

On Sunday we have a traditional Sunday roast for only £4.95. Or you could have a 3 course for £8.50. Table booking preferred for Sunday. But not always essential. Our opening hours are Wednesday to Saturday mornings: 10.00am to 2.30pm and afternoons: 5.30pm to 9.30pm. We open at 12.00pm on Sunday, closing at 4.00pm.
Bar snacks and take aways are also available.

So why cook at home when you can dine in a friendly relaxed atmosphere and you don’t have to do the washing up!!

We are giving the chance for one lucky reader to enjoy a 3 course meal for two for free.
All you have to do is answer the following question:

Where is the new restaurant opening? - is it:
a) The Bull
b) The Horse and Groom
c) The Black Swan

PLEASE SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO: The Editor, Kirton News, 38 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston, Lincs, PE20 1JX. Please include a telephone number for the lucky winner to be contacted on. Closing date 31st March 2010.


You will probably have seen in the press that Girlguiding is celebrating its Centenary between 2009 and 2010. Kirton Guides are also 100 in 2010 and we believe that we are the oldest surviving unit in the country. We shall be having a party to celebrate the last 100 years and to look forward to the next 100. We would like to contact as many past members as possible so that we can invite you to join the celebrations.

Guides Brownies and Rainbows are flourishing here in Kirton enjoying a wide range of activities Guides have tried camping and toboganning, archery, craft.cooking and have taken part in community projects. Brownies and Rainbows enjoy crafts, singing outings and games, Brownies also enjoy pack holidays.

If you are a past member of the Guides please contact Barbara on 01205 354281 or email bcharity@tesco.net. If you want information about any of the above units please also use the above contact details.



The Communities Together Project

Age Concerns role in the project is to develop new groups / activities for people age 60+, support existing groups for people aged 60+ and provide free training for people aged 60+.

Since my editorial late 2009 I have several members of the community come forward from the South of the area but not from Boston and surrounding areas who have wanted support either with an existing group or to set up a new group/activity.

So far the areas I have been working are: Fleet Hargate: In conjunction with SHDC a new lunch club has been developed and will commence the 1st Monday of the month in March with the option of activity afterwards, held at the community centre.

Holbeach: Supporting the Old Time and Sequence-dancing Group held at the W.I Hall. Who are looking for support and recruiting new members, this is for anyone of any age.

Holbeach Bank Primary School: Utilizing the facilities on offer and an ICT course is to commence in April. The school has also offered the use of its hall for various activities such as use of the Wii machine, coffee morning or a venue for a club to meet.

Gleed Girls School: Working towards community cohesion with regard to pupils volunteering at lunch clubs and also setting up an ICT coarse commencing in April.

Spalding Boys Grammar School: Free quiz 1st March 1.45pm – 3pm at the school to introduce older people to the school who may have skills and experiences they could share with the pupils. Refreshments and entertainment will be provided. There will be prizes for the winning team.

St Pauls Primary School, Spalding: Working towards community cohesion; engaging older people with the pupils by volunteering and sharing their skills and experiences. A suggestion of people coming into school and knitting with the children and talking to them, a Gentleman’s gardening club and also the offer of joining the school for two course lunches plus tea and coffee for £2.

Gosberton Risegate Community School: The school has a static mobile available to hire at very modest rates for groups to meet. It is currently about to be refurbished but should be available soon.

The Duke of York Gosberton Risegate: Lunch club, which commenced the 1st Wednesday of the month in February, with the option of activity afterwards.

Road Show: Tuesday 16th March, Broad Street Methodist Church Spalding and Wednesday 17th March, the Conservative Club, Main Ridge West, Boston. Both run from 10am to 12am, information and advice centring on Action against Burglary and staying safe in your own home. Also, information about services available to older people in the community will be included. Information Forum; Friday 19th March. Working with Holbeach Bank School Governor; Erica Wicks. Providing information on many subjects to a rural community.

Ladies Lunch Club: I have a lady who would like to organize a lunch club for ladies age 60+ once a month in Spalding and would like people to join and also help her organize this. The idea is that many ladies like herself may find the thought of joining a new club and arriving alone very off putting and therefore Mrs B would like to establish a group where this is certainly not a factor. The lunch would meet on a Tuesday in Spalding (venue to be confirmed) with a quiz or something similar and then for other activities to be arranged amongst the ladies attending. If you would like to join something of this nature then please contact me in the first instance. Organizing would be minimal commitment and should this prove successful provide a valuable activity for ladies who find socializing difficult.

Training: I am putting together training sessions which are free to anyone aged 60+. If anyone is interested, then please contact me to book. Courses are looking to commence in April at varied venues and will be widely advertised. The training is primarily aimed at groups and committees but is open to anyone aged 60+. The training will be on: Health and Safety, Risk Assessment, Basic Food Hygiene, Basic First Aid, Manual Handling and Basic ICT Skills. ICT training is in conjunction with Boston Learning Centre and will cover an introduction to computers and internet.

Further courses can be arranged but will be chargeable. It is hoping that from the introduction courses there will be demand for regular courses and there is also the opportunity to attend an accredited course should anyone wish but this would also be chargeable. Places for the free training are limited and are on a first come first served basis.

I am also hoping to organise some courses on CRB’s and how they may or may not affect people who are involved in groups and activities. The vetting and Barring Scheme is planned to commence in June and courses will be held after June.
If anyone would like support for a group they attend or would like to start a new group or activity then please do not hesitate to contact me. I am usually available Monday – Wednesday.

Obviously in such a rural community transport can be an issue, if you would like to attend any of the activities listed then please call me to discuss.

Kathy Briggs - Tel: 07939 669 308 email:kathyacbsh@btconnect.com

Kirton Kids Club

Despite the very cold weather the club has been its usual hive of activity. The wind might have been blowing storms outside but inside there was a warm glow of activity from the children.

The numerous games, equipment, arts, toys etc took their minds off any worries they might have had over the weather.

(Mind you, anyone who has ever worked with children will know – one flake of snow can cause excitement – they even got to run around in it which was a total delight to watch!).
The club itself is still very busy both mornings and after school – the children join in with numerous activities in the main hall and the older ones have a small room of their own equipped with games stations, tellies, music equipment and sofas.

The main hall also now has its own ‘Wii station’ with games – a very popular activity amongst all children.The school half term holiday will have gone by the time you read this – but we will have filled it with workshops, trips, cooking and activities’ for the children attending.

The club will also be open for the first week of the Easter holidays and the last three weeks of the school summer holidays.

These weeks have been worked around other local providers of holiday sessions. Term time the club opens before school from 7.30am and after school until 5.45pm. If you would like more information or wish to take a look around with your child/children – please call in or phone 722426 in club times.

The Mothers Union

March is a busy month for us. We begin with the Womens World Day of Prayer service on Friday 5th March in the Methodist Church when the speaker will be the Revd. Julie Dodrill.
Wednesday 17th March, St. Patricks’ Day, is our monthly meeting in the Methodist hall at 7.15pm. Our vicar, the Revd. Gary Morgan, will lead us in a Lenten Quiet Evening and we extend a very warm welcome to him and his wife, Paula, who is looking forward to rejoining the MU in our branch.

Saturday 25th March is Lady Day and it will be celebrated with an Area service for all members at St. Pauls’ Church Spalding, at 11am. Anyone needing a lift please contact me.

Helen Airey - Branch Leader

Kirton Town Hall

Kirton Town Hall roof is in need of replacement. The Town Hall Committee is applying for a grant to enable the roof to be replaced. Your support and comments are very welcome.

Please forward any comments to the Parish Clerk Mrs Belinda Buttery on 01205 460618 or belindabuttery@hotmail.com or to Spring Cottage, Asperton Road, Wigtoft, Boston, PE20 2PS or call into the Parish Council Office on a Tuesday morning between 9.00 and 12.00.



Looking for new things to do, new places to go, new people to meet, new hobbies and interests? Then visit boston u3a’s open day on Tuesday 16th March at 11am-2pm at The Assembly Rooms, Boston.

There’s something for everyone!


Kirton News Advertisers

Please be aware that if you haven’t renewed and paid for your advert this year it may be removed.

Can you double check your records to see if you have forgotten and please let us know if you wish to continue advertising with us.

Kirton Kids Club

Despite the very cold weather the club has been its usual hive of activity. The wind might have been blowing storms outside but inside there was a warm glow of activity from the children.

The numerous games, equipment, arts, toys etc took their minds off any worries they might have had over the weather.

(Mind you, anyone who has ever worked with children will know – one flake of snow can cause excitement – they even got to run around in it which was a total delight to watch!).
The club itself is still very busy both mornings and after school – the children join in with numerous activities in the main hall and the older ones have a small room of their own equipped with games stations, tellies, music equipment and sofas.

The main hall also now has its own ‘Wii station’ with games – a very popular activity amongst all children.The school half term holiday will have gone by the time you read this – but we will have filled it with workshops, trips, cooking and activities’ for the children attending.

The club will also be open for the first week of the Easter holidays and the last three weeks of the school summer holidays.

These weeks have been worked around other local providers of holiday sessions.
Term time the club opens before school from 7.30am and after school until 5.45pm.
If you would like more information or wish to take a look around with your child/children – please call in or phone 722426 in club times.

Excerpts from the Minutes
of the Kirton Parish Council Meeting

21st December 2009

Cllr Turner raised concerns regarding underage drinking in the Churchyard. The youths are buying the alcohol locally. It was resolved that this is one of the issues to be addressed when Mark Simmonds MP attends the March meeting.

Cllr Lee reported that Green Lane in Kirton narrows on the way towards Frampton where it is overgrown and covered in leaves and has many potholes. Clerk to report to Highways
After a proposal from the Chairman, it was resolved that the profits from the Quiz Night be given to the Kirton Youth Band. Clerk to also send a letter to the Youth Band thanking them for their contribution to the Xmas Fayre.

Cllr Lee informed members that Cllr Foster had completed the hedge clearance on Bungle Lane. He also informed them that the replacement Hawthorn hedging had been purchased and the Friday Club had planted it.

Cllr Brookes informed members that the footpath repairs at Kirton Holme had commenced. Also that the double yellow lines had started on the Stag and Pheasant corner, but had been hampered by cars that were parked. The contractors will continue to try and finish the lines as soon as the cars move. Cllr Brookes also informed members that it looked as though an order will be granted in the New Year for the requested double yellow lines on Willington Road.

Cllr Skinner informed members that he had taken photographs of the problems on the footpaths in Kirton Holme and further work was going to be done on them.

Cllr Skinner also took away the information that Holme Road to Kirton End is breaking up – he will photograph and follow up.

The ongoing saga involving the tractors/farming implements that are parked on the side of the road in Kirton Road was updated by Cllr Rush, he informed members that the owner of the machinery has told him that as soon as she can find somewhere to put it she will have it moved.

Date Loaf Cake

Preparation time: 25 min
Cooking time: 45 min
Ready in: 1hr 10 min
Original Recipe Yield: 1 - 9x5 inch loaf pan

1 cup dates, pitted and chopped
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup margarine
1 cup boiling water
1 3/4 cups self-rising flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 400F (200C).
Grease and flour a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
In a large bowl, combine dates, brown sugar, margarine and boiling water.
Let stand 15 minutes. Stir in flour, soda and vanilla. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.
Allow to cool.

Local Policing

Dear Kirton residents.

During the period of 1st January 2010 and the 4th February 2010 there have been 28 anti social behaviour (ASB) incidents reported to the police.

14 incidents of throwing things, 11 of the 14 incidents were snowballs being thrown during the heavy snowfall period. Youths responsible for this were spoken to by the police and appropriate action has been taken for their behaviour.
5 incidents of people banging on doors and windows of properties, and 9 incidents of loud noise, groups of youths gathering in the street.

From the reported incidents we have ‘hot spot’ areas around Kirton where ASB is taking place. These are Co- Op Station Rd, Town Hall Station Rd, Saxon Gate and Jubilee Close play park. ASB is usually taking place between 18:00hrs and 21:00hrs.

As a result of this we have been on patrol in the streets during the evening and obtaining names of youths seen in the area and/or misbehaving. The youths have been dealt with by ourselves, PC Oswin the ASB officer, Adam Eden and Neil Williams the ASB case workers community safety from Boston Borough Council. Necessary action has been taken with the youths involved.

On Tuesday 26th January 3 arrests were made in Kirton from ASB related incidents, and action is being taken. As a result of this the number of incident of ASB has decreased. The Neighbourhood Policing Team in Kirton will still be working proactively to ensure safer neighbourhoods.

If you are suffering from ASB in your area please report this to Boston police on 0300 111 0300, or to myself on 01205 722002 then can peruse the problem to try and resolve it as best we can.

Kirton Neighbourhood Panel has been running for over 3 yeasr and would like to make the new year with some new faces on the panel. The neighbourhood panel has up to 10 members who live or work in Kirton village from all ages and backgrounds. Meet with the police once every 3 months to discuss local issues, will set local priorities, will listen to community concerns, and work with others and address local problems. The panel can improve quality of life for the people who live, work and visit the area but… Your community needs you!

If you or you know of anybody who is interested in becoming a panel member and making a difference in your community or would like some more information please call PCSO Nicole Page at Kirton Police Station on 01205 722002.


PCSO Nicole PageT

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Keeley Louise Shields
Max Richard Newson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no Weddings listed this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

18/02/10 - Mr Charles Frederick Brinkley
19/02/10 - Mrs Joan Mary Stamp


Scouts & Cadets News

Well its finally here our centenary year and what a great start it has been . We now have 37 Scouts, 32 Cubs and 11 Beavers.

On Sunday 17th January many of us gathered together at the Youth Centre to open the celebrations with a party.

All sections and leaders renewed their promise in front of the flag and were given brand new centenary neckers and woggles. These are still in our great colours of red and green but instead of being half and half they are all red with a green edge and our group name is embroidered at the apex.

They look fantastic and match perfectly with our new red leather woggles that are huge.
Bet you some of our members will still lose them over the year. Each member also received a red or green badge to sew on their camp blanket or poncho.

We will all wear these new neckers for just this year and they will then become a super souvenir to keep forever.