©Kirton News 2025

March 2011

The Editors Letter

As I write my letter this month I notice how the nights are drawing out, spring is certainly round the corner, the weather has turned milder and we have had numerous sunny days. I think we all feel so much better on a bright sunny day than a cold miserable one.

This month you will notice the magazine is bigger, extra articles for you to read as well as extra adverts. Please keep the articles coming in, we need to hear from you. If you have an interesting story to tell, recipe, poem anything at all.

Personally I am looking forward to seeing Johnny Marks at Kirton Church on Sunday 6th March; I do love my Country Music, and Johnny starts this year’s wonderful programme of Country Music off.

Best Wishes to you all


Kirton Fire Station        

Kirton fire station was first formed in approximately 1939 on Willington Road in Kirton before moving to its current location on Station Road, Kirton, in 1998.
Kirton fire station is a retained fire station and is manned by ‘on call’ firefighters 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The station is one of the busiest retained fire stations in the county and attends around 350 incidents a year; these range from fires, road traffic collisions, flooding, hazardous materials and chemical incidents to medical incidents, which our first responders attend, such as breathing difficulties, chest pains and cardiac arrest situations.

Crew Manager Simon Westwood, who has more than 14 years service at Kirton fire station, said: “Being an ‘on call’ firefighter is challenging and demanding but very rewarding, and requires commitment and dedication as we each hold down other full-time jobs as well. “We all carry a pocket alerter and are on hand to respond to emergency incidents as and when, any time, whether it be in the daytime or early hours of the morning. When alerted we literally have to put down our tools, stop whatever we are doing and make our way to the fire station – hence the reason we can usually have the fire appliance on the road to the incident in less than 3 minutes from the time the alerters sound.

“We never really know what we will be faced with until we turn up, so forward pre-planning on route, generic risk assessing and designating tasks always makes the incidents run more smoothly.

“We are all trained to a professional and high standard at our fire and rescue training centre in Lincoln and also our new training facility opposite RAF Waddington where we can train in real-life fire scenarios. We also train for two hours a week on station every Thursday night to maintain all our equipment and train in all aspects of a firefighter’s role map.

“Some incidents we attend are sometimes of a stressful nature, though working as a team and supporting each other enables you to carry out the task with full support of your crew. 
“I could sit down and tell many a story or even write an interesting book of all the different incidents I have attended over the years!”

For more information on becoming an on-call firefighter, please contact Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue’s recruitment department on free phone number 0800 358 0204 or email: recruitment@lincoln.fire-uk.org


Get back to your roots!

Would you like to find out where you originally came from? Have you ever wondered what your Great Grandparents were like, or even, just what their names were? Where DID that distant cousin get the unusual middle name "Medlock"?

We are, as they say, a product of our history, and few things can prove more fascinating than digging into your own family's past.

Local Genealogy enthusiast, Sue Honey, has spent over 16 years doing just that, and has uncovered some fascinating stories. She has also gained a lot of knowledge and experience that could be useful if you're already involved in researching your family tree, or have always had a 'yen' to look into your family's past, but have never made that first, crucial step.

Sue wants to set up a Genealogy Group in Kirton for like minded people to get together to help one another; swapping knowledge and experiences; useful books, addresses or web sites; and to accompany one another on, what will surely be, a truly fascinating journey.
Living in the village, Sue is happy to use her own house to host initial meetings so, if you'd like to be a part of the group, get in touch by e-mail at suehoney@btinternet.com
Alternatively, if you're not yet part of the internet community but want to be involved - give me a call, Sam Chapman, on 01205 722466 and I'll be happy to forward your details on to Sue.

Happy (ancestor) hunting!

'Shoulder to Shoulder with all who serve’

From your local branch and from our legion information, let me give you a brief update on how The Royal British Legion has moved forward into the 21st century in the year that we are celebrating our 90th Anniversary.

The Royal British Legion provides welfare to the whole Armed Forces family-serving Ex Service and their dependants, not just those who fought in the two World Wars, but all those involved in many conflicts since 1945, We provide welfare services, campaign on a range of issues affecting Service people, raising funds through the annual Poppy Appeal and we are the custodians of Remembrance.

Our mission is to be the No1 provider of welfare, comradeship, representation and Remembrance for the Armed Forces community.

So what are the Legion values ?

Reflection - through rememberace of past sacrifice in the cause of Freedom

Hope: by remembering the past, a younger generation has the chance of a better future

Comradeship: through shared experience and mutual support

Selflessness: by putting others first, and finally

Service: to those in need and in support of the whole community
Now what is The Royal British Legion doing in 2011 to help the many war wounded service personnel returning from the war fronts of Afghanistan, Iraq and other confrontations.

Personnel Recovery Centres

Personnel Recovery Centres are part of the Army Recovery Capability, a new scheme to provide assistance to injured soldiers and by association, their families. This scheme will take soldiers from the point of injury or illness through to their return to duty or into a successful and supported civilian life.

Four purpose-built Personnel Recovery Centres will be built at 4 locations around the UK. These centres, built by Help for Heroes and operated jointly by The Royal British Legion and the Army, will provide a residential base and day care facilities for those who need it.
Each centre will be located inside or close to Army sites, enabling access to Army facilities and support from the Army, including existing medical, educational and other garrison facilities. The centres will be in Colchester (opening early 2012), Tidworth, Catterick/Bulford.

Kirton Kids Club

The club has been a sea of colour since we came back after the Christmas holidays!
Waiting for the Spring to kick in the children have been making bright and cheery art and decorated the club walls – Spring starts at Kids’ Club first!

They have also been putting up their own ‘sayings’ around the club walls too.
‘We love to play’ being a very obvious but very true one and ‘we are all different’ being another. It is good that children recognise the fact that they grow up around other children and people who are different in so many ways and yet we can all get along and integrate in our community.

The weather has been kind to us on a couple of occasions this term and the children have managed to get outside and play.
It is amazing what a difference being outside (even if it is only for half an hour) makes to the children. They can let of steam, run off energy and simply be kids.
I love to watch children play – their imaginations are wonderful and the simplest things can become something special.

Even wooden blocks – which seem to be a favourite at the moment – are made into sky scraper buildings or tiny child sized seats or stood up around the club floor like dominoes and the screams of excitement that echo round the room as they fall one by one making such a noise makes me smile.

The planning for the half term holiday sessions is now complete and by the time you read this they will be over.

The children voice their opinions of trips and visits they enjoy and I try to include as many of the things they really like into the holiday sessions too.
Cooking is a favourite and the ‘Kids Club Scones’ are now notorious for their great results, flavour and ‘most wanted’ to bake recipe by the children.

Children are very good cooks and their pride in showing off the end results (and eating them) really makes this activity very worth while and an enjoyable part of the sessions.
The Kids’ Club is open from 7.30am to school (£3.00 including breakfast and a drink) and after school to 5.54pm (£5.00 including snack and a drink) each day of the school term.
Holiday sessions start at half eight in the morning (earlier times can be arranged) and end at three thirty in the afternoon.

The cost of the sessions includes all arts, crafts, trips and coaches – and amazing value! (£12.00 for the Feb. half term and Easter holiday sessions – first week).
The new club phone number is 07583 762072 – please feel free to phone any time during club hours or drop in for a look around.

If your child/children are keen to come - bring them for a free hour long ‘trial’ session.
You can stay with them and see how they enjoy the club.

If you would like a chat but do not want to do it over the phone – please pop into the Youth Centre (next to Kirton Church). We will be pleased to see you.

Keelie’s Marathon Challenge

On April 17th 2011 I will be running the Virgin London Marathon in memory of my Dad (Les Cook) who passed away in 2008. I am running the marathon in order to raise money for The British Heart Foundation who are special to me as heart problems have affected three members of my family. My dad had a heart transplant, my step-dad had a triple heart bypass and my Grandfather passed away when I was about 5 years old from a heart attack.

After years of being very ill with an enlarged heart which was not working efficiently, Dad needed a heart transplant which he received in 2000 when I was 16 and my sister was 13. He had a few years of fantastic health before his new heart also began to enlarge and reject. His health began to deteriorate slowly until September 2008 when my sister and I decided that he needed to be hospitalised. He was so ill that he was virtually bed ridden. He was weak, had coughing fits, couldn’t seem to eat and was generally very ill. He was taken into hospital on 8th September 2008. He never came out again.

Whilst in hospital they discovered that in addition to his heart problems, he also had a massive blood clot on his lung which had starved it of oxygen. His lung was infected and had pretty much died. There was nothing they could do to make him better. At this point my brave Dad took the decision to stop all of his medication (and in the final week he also refused food and water). He was in so much pain and felt so ill that he didn’t want to prolong the inevitable. He passed away on 28th October 2008. Only a few weeks after the birth of his first Grandchild - Rhian. He only got to meet her a couple of times and never got to hold her - he was too weak.

This was probably the worst thing I will ever have to experience in my life. This I why I am running the marathon for the BHF in memory of my brilliant Dad. The BHF do fantastic research and also help to educate the public about looking after their own hearts better. This is why I need to raise £2500. If it wasn’t for the work the BHF have done, then I probably wouldn’t have had the extra 8 years with my lovely dad.

It’s not so long ago that I wouldn’t have even thought about running for the bus! I now run at least 4 times a week (more now I’m in training!) and have lost 7 stone in weight. I’m sure my dad would have been proud of me. I know he is looking down on me.

Please, please donate as much as you are able to. I am eternally grateful to the BHF and also to Papworth Hospital where he had his transplant, aftercare and spent his final days being looked after by their amazing staff. Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this and to donate. This marathon means the world to me.

Keelie Gray

Call me on 07885946322 for more information or visit my website: www.justgiving.com/keeliegray alternatively please send any donations by cheque (made payable to Keelie Gray) to North Lodge, Ropers Lane, Sutterton, Boston, Lincs PE20 2AA. I will then cash these cheques and put the money straight into the ‘Just Giving’ account –It will all go directly to the Heart Foundation. Or see me in person.
British Heart Foundation is a registered Charity No. 225971

A reflection from the Methodist Minister

Greetings! The season of Lent begins during March with Pancake Day, and of course there is always the debate as to the best fillings. For me, I prefer the traditional sugar and lemon, but am always open to try something new.

The eating of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday has become an essential occasion and I hope you have already checked the store cupboard for the necessary eggs, flour, milk and whatever filling you choose. It can be a rather time consuming exercise depending on how big or thick you like them. I remember my mother standing for what seemed like an eternity to make a huge pile of pancakes to serve up for our family of eight.

So why use up so much time and effort to produce something that is devoured in a matter of minutes? Simply because they taste good and we can have great fun tossing them and making a mess – my opinion is that it is best done as a group effort!

All sorts of possibilities there to illustrate the Christian life. The traditional thought has been that pancakes are one way of using up the stores from winter, clearing out the old ready for the new. Whether or not that is true, it certainly is in keeping with the idea of Lent being a time to reflect on our lives and change the things which are not so good and reassess our values. But that takes time and effort to truly use Lent as a tool for change leading up to the celebration of Easter.

And we need all the right ingredients if we are to become the people that God plans for us to be; the basics are all the same, we need to study God’s Word and spend time in prayer. But God has different plans for all of us to use the different personalities, gifts and talents that we have to make this the beautiful world that God originally created. So as you decide what to ‘do without’ through Lent, replace it with prayer and Bible reading to discover what God has to say to you.

May God make this a special time for you


Rev Irena

A Recipe for Success?

In the Kirton News for December/Jan [page 6] we reported on the Town Hall centenary and (hoped for) celebrations. The re-production of a recipe book, originally sold to raise funds for the construction, was 'spoken' of, and that is now a definite project. But it would be nice to make it a little more contemporary.

So, if any of you out there have a favourite dish we could include in the new book; sweet or savoury - main course or pudding; contributions will be gratefully received.
It would be brilliant to get enough to make it, say, 60/40 - old to new, and would be a fascinating insight into how our tastes have (or, have not!) changed over a century.
Please send your contributions, by post or e-mail, to me, Sam Chapman. My details appear on the inside front cover of this magazine. And please, include your name for a credit if you can.

Also, if any local businesses would like to sponsor the publication we could make it bigger, and better than ever! So, lets get cooking Kirton; who is this 'Delia' anyway!!!


Kirton Royal British Legion
Women's Section

This year has begun with the very sad news of the loss of our Chairman, Doris Traves.
Doris had not been well since last summer but carried on doing so much for the legion as she had done for years.

She will be so missed. We send our sincere sympathy to all the family especially Fred who always came and helped out at all our events.

Joyce Williams.

Parish Council Elections

Elections for all the Parish Councils in the Boston Borough area are scheduled to be held on Thursday 5 May 2011.

As a councillor you can become a voice for your community and affect real change. Councillors are community leaders and represent the aspirations of the public that they serve. Parish councils are the most local part of our democratic system and are closest to the public. Why don’t you stand for your parish council and see what difference you can make to your local community?

Becoming a candidate for election is a simple process, all you need is to be qualified to stand (as set out below), and to submit a completed nomination paper to the Returning Officer at the Municipal Buildings, Boston, by 12 noon on Monday 4 April 2011.

To qualify to stand as a candidate you have to be:

1) A British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other memberstate of the European Union; and be 18 years of age or over on the day you are nominated;

You also have to meet at least one of the following criteria:

1) Be registered as a local government elector for the Parish you want to stand for;

2) Have during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day of nomination occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the Parish council area;

3) Have during that same period had your principal or only place of work in the Parish council area;

During that 12 month period resided in that Parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it.
You cannot stand for election if you;

1) Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order;

2) Have within five years before the day of election, been convicted in the UK of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine;

3) Work for the council you want to become a councillor for.

Nomination Process

Nomination papers will be available from the Parish Clerk or the Returning Officer from 14 March 2011. The candidate’s full name, address and description (if required) must be entered on the paper.

The paper must also be signed by a proposer and a seconder, who must be registered electors for the parish the candidate is standing for. Their number and prefix letter from the register of electors will also need to be included on the paper. The Returning Officer or Parish Clerk will be able to provide the information from the electoral register.

A consent to nomination must also be completed and returned with the nomination paper.
All nomination papers must be received by 12 noon on Monday 4 April 2011.

Election Day

If more valid nomination papers are received than number of seats available on the parish council an election will be held on Thursday 5 May, when polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Elections for the Borough Council will also be held on the same day.
If there are less, or the same number of nomination papers received than the number of seats available, those candidates who stand validly nominated will be elected uncontested to the Parish Council and polling will not take place on 5 May, other than for the Borough Council elections.

For further information on the election process please contact: Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager at Boston Borough Council. Tel: 01205 314224, e-mail lorraine.bush@boston.gov.uk or The Parish Clerk: Mrs Belinda Buttery 01205 460618, email belindabuttery@hotmail.com

Kirton Youth Council

Kirton Parish Council would like to offer the young people of Kirton the opportunity to have a Youth Council. If you are under 18 years old then this applies to you.

Why set up a Youth Council?

Young people are the future of our communities and it is important that we, as parish and town councils, invest in them. According to the Office of National Statistics, nearly a quarter of our national population is made up of people under the age of eighteen. They may not yet be able to vote yet but it is essential that these people are not ignored in our communities.

Fact: Article 12 of the UN Human Rights Convention states that young people, under the age of 18 have the legal right to formally express their opinions and for those opinions to be taken seriously. It places a legal responsibility on the decision-makers to consult young people about the things that will affect them and recommends that this be done through establishing youth based groups such as youth councils. Despite all the bad press the vast majority of young people are social, not anti-social. As legislation increases to 'protect' society against the 'anti-social behaviour' of the young (and the role of parish and town councils will be increased in this area too), young people are finding themselves increasingly marginalised in their local communities. It is therefore important that young people are involved in the decisions made in the local community that affect them.

Young people are valuable not only as future adults but people who have a place in society now… Not involving children and young people has its consequences. It breeds discontent and resentment… It is only through having rights that young people learn to respect other people's rights.

Facts: More young people are victims of crime than any other group in society. West Midlands police reported over 1 million calls from local residents complaining that young people were simply 'there'. New anti-social behaviour laws have demonised and marginalized the young in our society.

Youth councils can act as a real means of incorporating young people into our communities and can lead to a safer, vibrant and sustainable community for all residents.

Who Benefits?

Not only do young people benefit from setting up a youth council but your parish or town council and the local community as a whole benefits.

Youth Councils enable Young People to;
Voice their concerns
Participate in local government
Be empowered to take decisions and action to improve their local community.
Youth Councils enable Local Councils to;
Truly represent the whole of the community they live in
Become more vibrant, modern and dynamic
Encourage young people to vote and become councillors when they are old enough
Improve services to young people
Youth Councils enables the Local Community to;
Become safer and more sustainable
More vibrant and progressive
Improve services and be more representative

If you would like to be involved in a Youth Council please contact Belinda Buttery (Parish Clerk) on 01205 460618 or by email: belindabuttery@hotmail.com

Oh, I wish I’d looked
after my feet

by Gladys Seabrook


Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet,
In my youth they were dainty and neat.
But I purchased some sandals with straps at the heel,
Now I suffer from callouses hard to conceal.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.
Winkle-pickers I borrowed in haste,
I have scars now that can’t be erased.
And wearing high heels on those long sponsored marches,
May have boosted my pride but it ruined my arches.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.
Though I still wear smart fashionable clothes,
There are corn pads all over my toes.
And I never go out to a dance anymore,
My shoes are too tight and my feet are too sore.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.
I say things you should never repeat,
As I massage my poor aching feet.
When the pain that I suffer gets too hard to bear,
I curse all those shoes that I once used to wear.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.
I wore flatties, stilettos and boots,
There was one pair I called my daisy roots.
Now I flap round the house with my feet flat as kippers,
I cannot wear shoes so I stick to my slippers.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.
But one day up in heaven above,
Angels there will say, ‘never mind love’.
They will give me some wings made of gossamer white,
My feet ‘neath a gown will be hidden from sight,
But until that day happens I’m in such a plight.
Oh, I wish I’d looked after my feet.



Bread Pudding

provided by Ann Dawson

6 – 8 Portions
8oz (225g) day old bread
1 pint (567ml) water
2½ heaped tablespoons dried milk powder
3oz (75g) dried fruit – currants, sultanas, raisins
Finely grated rind of 1 lemon or orange
2oz (50g) brown sugar
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 large egg
Caster sugar for finishing

Slice the bread and cut each slice into four. Put into a bowl.
Mix the dried milk into the water and pour over the bread.
Leave for 1 hour to become soggy.
Grease an 8in [20cm] square tin.
Whisk the egg and stir into the soggy bread.
Use a fork to make sure it has all broken up.
Stir in the fruit, rind, spice and brown sugar.
Mix well and spoon/pour into the prepared tin.
Level the top with the back of a metal spoon and bake above centre shelf in a pre-heated oven at Gas 2 / 300 F / 150 C for about 1½ hours.
Test to see if it is done by pressing the top with a finger. If it springs back it is done.
Take out of the oven and sprinkle with caster sugar.
Cut into 6 – 8 pieces and serve still warm. Eat within 1 day.
Cold slices can be wrapped in greaseproof and frozen, but it is at its best freshly made. Just the job for fireworks night.

Local Policing

Once again, Kirton has enjoyed a continued decrease in Anti social Behaviour calls to our Command and Control Centre.

Kirtons Neighbourhood Policing Team has acted pro-actively to reduce ASB incidents, identify those responsible and continue to enforce where necessary with the assistance of Boston Borough Council’s “Community Safety Team”.

We reported in our last edition that there had been an increase of “Criminal Damage” to various parts of St Peter and St Paul Church in the village. As a result, this was highlighted and raised as a priority by The Kirton Neighbourhood Panel.

Kirton NPT increased Hi-Visibility patrols in and around the Church grounds. Due to our pro-active approach, the Church grounds now no longer seem to be a place that the younger residents of Kirton wish to congregate, and the criminal damage has ceased.

Boston NPT would like to inform the readers that the church grounds belong to the church and as such are private property. The footpath that runs through the Churchyard is public right of way.

Two Kirton youths have been given “Interim ASBO’s” to try to address their behaviour. Unfortunately the two youths can not be named until a Full ASBO is issued.

I would like to introduce a new member of the Boston South Rural Neighbourhood policing Team. PCSO David McPherson. He is fresh out of training, and for the past 18 months he was one of Boston’s Traffic Wardens. David will be covering the CD04 beat which includes the parishes of Swineshead, Bicker, Amber Hill, Brothertoft, and Holland Fen. He will be based in the Kirton Police Station and will be happy to help if you have any problems.

Please can I remind you to remain vigilant and look out for any suspicious persons or vehicles in and around the village, especially during the hours of darkness. This is inrelation to a spate of diesel and heating oil thefts occurring around the Kirton area recently.

If you see anything suspicious, please don’t hesitate to report it.

PCSO Jon Thornton - 07939 886327

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

16/01/2011 - Ella Marie Haile

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

28/12/2010 - Gareth Edward Pinder & Laura Eliza Kidd

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

17/12/2010 - Gladys M Jessop
21/01/2011 - Keith Joseph Fowler



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Mothers Union.....................................£5

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.