©Kirton News 2025

March 2015

The Editors Letter

“March many weathers”; carrying on from February’s reference to Weather lore I guess it means we should expect anything and everything to drop on us over the next few weeks. There’s no telling what’s around the corner.

I’m sure, by now, many will have noticed Beeson’s Butchers shop “closed due to fire”. Mick and July certainly didn’t expect to advertise that when they closed up on Valentine’s Day! An electrical fire having burnt out the main shop it’s going to take more than a bucket of suds and elbow grease to sort out but, Mick, Julie, Stewart (sorry.... Stuart?) and the rest of the staff have one message for Kirton: “please... be patient and bear with us. We’ll be back!”

It might be a week or two rather than days but - with Billinghams and ‘The Monk’ already empty and their future uncertain; the NatWest Bank snatched away from us and the Library’s future still in the balance we certainly don’t want any more casualties in the centre* of the Village [*flying in the face of the Borough Council’s definition]

We do though, have a new business to welcome into our midst. On what many still know as ‘Stag and Pheasant Corner’ has appeared “My Kinda Flavour”.

The entrepreneurial Jon Cheetham and his partner Gail are full of enthusiasm and good ideas to bring something fresh and (slightly) alternative to the High Street. As well as a modern take on the traditional suppliers of smokers requisites (e-cigarettes, liquids, etc.) they also stock body and costume jewellery and a large selection of clothing - all new stuff, hot off the ‘rails - though I would say more for the teens, twenties and thirties than rhinestones and twin sets. If you know what I mean! An emporium packed with items for a wide range of tastes and servicing all sorts of styles.

We wish them every success.

So why, when we have such good stuff to offer in Kirton do folks seem to want to get through the village as quickly as possible? I refer, of course, to that old gripe about drivers who insist going through the 30mph limited High Street at Mach 3, at all times of day - as well as night.

Since the pedestrian crossing lost its belisha beacons to be replaced with traffic lights it has been my constant chagrin to observe imbeciles in motor vehicles - more than several still on their mobile telephones - thinking they have been briefly transported to Monaco.

Recently there has been devastation caused at the row of terraced cottages on London Road (58 to 66) where two metal fences and a low brick wall have been completely blitzed by some nutter taking the curve in the road too fast just south of the Black Bull; at 12noon in bright, dry conditions for gods sake! Do we have to wait until we have a fatality to sort this out?

Especially now, with the increase in pedestrian traffic in the area, since the opening of Coopers Convenience Store, I reckon its time we admitted that common sense won’t actually prevail and we need to think seriously about some permanent and major traffic calming installations between Dennis estate and Duckworths car showroom. Lobby your local council. We’ll be getting a new MP in May with the imminent retirement of Mark Simmonds. It might be a good opening gesture for fresh-faced young Matt Warman to make his mark, eh? If he gets in... of course (!!!!)

If he can sort the traffic out he’ll have my vote for sure.

Well, here’s looking forward to the equinox. Remember.... ‘Spring forward’ for those clocks.

Ta ta!


Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

36 members attended the AGM on February 12th at The Supreme Inn at Bicker.

We were welcomed by our Chairman,  who asked if we were happy with our new venue,  everyone was in agreement so we look forward to a year of good lunches and interesting speakers.

All of the present committee were willing to step down, but as there were no offers to take up their positions, led by Chairman Laraine Harding they all agreed to continue in office for the next year.

Although monthly meetings will generally be held at The Supreme Inn on the 2nd Thursday  of the month,  the March meeting is going to be at The Red Lion Bicker.

At this meeting we welcome Peter Overton to talk to us about Lincolnshire Birds a subject on which he is very knowledgeable,  we look forward with interest to this, also to all our future speakers throughout the coming year.

Don’t forget MARCH we are at RED LION BICKER.


Garden waste collections are
coming back

It’s coming to that time of year again when everything starts growing and gardeners are getting back out. So it’s good news that Boston Borough Council’s garden waste kerbside collection service resumes fortnightly, from Monday, March 16.

The brown bins service will mainly follow the same routes and days as last year; any changes will be notified to householders individually. If you would like to check which day and week your collection will be please visit : bins.boston.gov.uk

Garden waste can only be presented in your brown bins – loose with no bags please. Any additional garden waste can be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Slippery Gowt. If your bin is contaminated with other waste or is too heavy, then your bin will be rejected.

If you don’t already have a brown bin and would like to purchase one, or would like an additional brown bin, you can order one for just £25 and pay online at: www.boston.gov.uk using the “make a payment” tab or phone 01205 314200. There is no additional charge for collecting your garden waste once you have purchased your brown bin.

 Last year more than 5,000 tonnes of garden waste, much of which, under the old system, could have otherwise gone into green bins and to landfill, was turned into useful compost at a saving to the public purse of more than £300,000.

The final collection of the season will be scheduled for week commencing: November 16.

Please ensure bins are presented at the edge of your property by no later than 5.30am on the day of your collection as times do vary on a weekly basis.

Please note: your brown bin may not be collected on the same day as your blue and green bins

Yes please: grass cuttings, prunings, dead flowers, house plants, leaves, weeds, hedge/tree cuttings

No thank you: plastic bags, plant containers, rubble, gravel, tree trunks, large branches, soil, tools, food waste, animal waste, pesticides, turf, sawdust/animal bedding

Andrew Malkin, Communications Manager
Tel 01205 314308.


Letters to the Editor

Possible new Cyclepath

The footpath that runs between Kirton and Sutterton is used widely by walkers and cyclists. 

Will you put something in the mag asking residents to let me know that they use it as a cycle path - in a bid to get the footpath upgraded to a cycle path the more the merrier. Thank-you

Mrs Belinda Buttery
Clerk to Kirton and Sutterton Parish Councils
Tel: 01205 460618
email: belindabuttery@hotmail.com

Please drop Belinda a line or e-mail detailing your support for the project - it will make it safer for all who use the route.


Kirton Kids Club

This month has seen the club celebrate its sixteenth birthday!

The children had a wonderful time choosing their own menu and outfits for the celebrations.

They joined in with numerous games, dancing and of course eating during the session.

The day coincided with Lilly Ella Reid’s birthday and she had the honours of blowing out the candles on the Kids Club birthday cake the club was sixteen and Lilly was six!

The children also got involved in the Valentines celebrations – making beautiful, personalised cared to take home to their families.

They also worked on Chinese New Year art and talked about the year of the sheep. Children also brought in some of their own art related to the celebrations.

After half term the children will be sampling some of the Chinese cuisine on offer locally to round up this New Year.

The Kids Club growing space is still ‘sleeping’ but as the warmer weather starts to bring it to life again we hope to set up the vegetable raised beds and the flower containers.

The outside space always looks so wonderful and the children enjoy having this extension to their play area. The club is open for breakfast at 7.30 am to school and after school to 5.45 pm every day the school is open.

If you would like a free taster session for your child/children – where you stay and watch how they settle in and enjoy the setting – please feel free to pop in or call on 07583762072.

Ofsted and Charity registered.

Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk


Martin Jessop will be running
the 2015 London Marathon for
Cancer Research UK - Sunday 26th April

Recent information now says that one in two people will get cancer at some point in their lives.

Research is discovering new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and survival has doubled over the past 40 years. Around half of patients now survive the disease for more than 10 years.

“Members of my close and extended family, like many others, have suffered, and died from cancer. So I just want to help in some way to fight against this terrible disease."

For more information visit: www.cancerresearchuk.org

If you would like to sponsor Martin you can text: MJES90 + £(specify amount here) to 70070 or go to www.justgiving.com/martinjessop-vlm2015

Alternatively add yourself to my traditional sponsorship form. Any sponsorship would really be appreciated and will help to spur me on, especially during the difficult stages in the race!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks also if you have decided to sponsor me.

The Probus Club of Boston

Probus Clubs are organisations promoting friendship and fellowship for retired professional and business men.

The Probus Club of Boston meet monthly for carvery style lunch at Boston West Golf Club usually followed by an illustrated talk on diverse topics of local, national and global interest.

We are now open to new member, interested parties should contact John Griffith, secretary, tel. 01205 723189 or e-mail griffatmillerswood@sky.com for further information.


The Kirton Church Fund

The February draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

The March draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine

Having received the books back after their annual audit I thought I would check through and update you on the winning streaks! In all we have had 37 winners and paid out £1392.13 since we started the draw. One person has been lucky enough to win four times, six people have won 3 times, 11 have won twice and 19 people and won once! You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part.

With the new members recently joined we currently have 46 people playing so still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.


January 2015 Winners


News from Kirton Parish Church

The Social Afternoon

The Kirton Parish Church social afternoons are held on the first Wednesday of every month 2pm – 4pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a relaxed social afternoon. You do not need to be a member of the church.

Meet new people, catch up with friends, sit and chat, play cards, have a game of dominoes, draughts or scrabble and even help with a jigsaw. The choice is yours. The £1 donation to the church includes refreshments.

Look out for details of future church outings that will be arranged during the coming months. These are usually half day outings to local places of interest.

Kirton Parish Church are planning to hold a Flower Festival in church from 26th – 28th June.

Church services will continue as normal during this time when there is no vicar based in Kirton.

All enquiries to Carol Lidgett, Churchwarden on 01205 724507.


Parish Council Elections
- Thursday 7th May 2015

Elections for all the Parish Councils in the Boston Borough area are scheduled to be held on Thursday 7 May 2015.

As a councillor you can become a voice for your community and affect real change. Councillors are community leaders and represent the aspirations of the public that they serve. Parish councils are the most local part of our democratic system and are closest to the public. Why don’t you stand for your parish council and see what difference you can make to your local community?

Becoming a candidate for election is a simple process, all you need is to be qualified to stand (as set out below), and to submit a completed nomination paper to the Returning Officer at the Municipal Buildings, Boston, by 4 p.m. on Thursday 9 April 2015.

To qualify to stand as a candidate you have to be:

A British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union; and be 18 years of age or over on the day you are nominated;

You also have to meet at least one of the following criteria:

Be registered as a local government elector for the Parish you want to stand for;

Have during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day of nomination occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the Parish council area;

Have during that same period had your principal or only place of work in the Parish council area;

During that 12 month period resided in that Parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it.

You cannot stand for election if you;

Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order;

Have within five years before the day of election, been convicted in the UK of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine;

Work for the council you want to become a councillor for.

Nomination Process

Nomination papers will be available from the Parish Clerk or the Returning Officer from 9 March 2015. The candidate’s full name, address and description (if required) must be entered on the paper.

The paper must also be signed by a proposer and a seconder, who must be registered electors for the parish the candidate is standing for. Their number and prefix letter from the register of electors will also need to be included on the paper. The Returning Officer or Parish Clerk will be able to provide the information from the electoral register.

A consent to nomination must also be completed and returned with the nomination paper.

All nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the offices of the Returning Officer by 4 p.m. on Thursday 9 April 2015.

Election Day

If more valid nomination papers are received than number of seats available on the parish council an election will be held on Thursday 7 May, when polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The Parliamentary election and Borough Council elections will also be held on the same day.

If there are less, or the same number of nomination papers received than the number of seats available, those candidates who stand validly nominated will be elected uncontested to the Parish Council and polling will not take place on 7 May, other than for the Parliamentary and Borough Council elections.

For further information on the election process please contact

Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager at Boston Borough Council Tel: 01205 314224 or e-mail lorraine.bush@boston.gov.uk


Frampton News

Last night I followed a ray of sunshine directing me towards the village hall (I know it’s not sunny at night - just bare with me all will be disclosed) and had a very enjoyable evening with over 30 members present.

Trevor Rogers held us spell bound with his poetry and prose all things garden, and some beautiful slides particularly of Sissinghurst.

Supper provided by Myra and Moira was delicious and very welcome. There were so many winners in the competition for the prettiest plant pot I just can’t list them all but you know who you are! The raffle... well back to normal... no win for me and I really wanted those gardening gloves.

We discussed forming a walking group, a book club and a knit, stitch and chat group. We welcomed two first time ladies Sandra and Sally. An intrepid group are off to see a newly released movie in the next week can you guess which one I wonder? A wonderful evening came to an end at about 9:30pm - hence my poetical ray of sunshine on a dark and gloomy night.

The meeting next month will be our AGM we are starting with a fish and chip supper and we will also be serving tea, coffee and mushy peas and there will be a delectable tantalising small dessert. And possibly cake for those not wanting the supper. We would like all members to be sat at the dinner tables ready to partake by 7:20pm please. If you have not indicated your choice please contact Carol, the cost is £5 per head to be collected on the night.

Your hosts will be the committee some for the last time as three are stepping down. If you would like to be considered and you are a member! Please contact the President, Ann, on the number below. If you are reading this and thinking oh I wish I had joined the Frampton WI! Please do not despair, give me a call, book your supper and come along. If you prefer to come on a more ‘normal’ evening which is not the AGM drop me an email or give me a ring and let’s get on with it!

If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann ( President) on 01205 366020 or:
Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk
Vanessa (New Members) on 01205 723891 email: vanessajameson@btinternet.co.uk


The Registers

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

28th January - Doris Baxter
3rd February - Joan Haw