March 2016
The Editors Letter
I received this e-mail from Sky today (we have a Sky contract for telephone; internet; TV; etc. which costs almost three figures a month!) which says “change the way you watch TV forever”. Now I didn’t ask for a change. Remembering a time when there were only two channels to choose from and a white dot at around 10:30pm signalled the end of the day’s entertainment I don’t think the quality of TV programming has improved dramatically with the addition of a billion channels, and I don’t think Sky have any reason to assume they can decide what I want to watch or how I watch it.
I don’t want to change “the way I watch TV”. But I, probably, won’t have a choice.
And it’s ‘choice’ that is our subject for this month.
You pay your taxes. You keep your nose clean. You pick up your dog’s mess and take your litter home.
You keep your garden tidy; your car taxed and don’t subscribe to dodgy Girl Guide sites recommended by fading children’s TV presenters.
But the Big Businesses won’t leave you alone. Choice, seemingly, has gone out of the window.
How to become anonymous, undisturbed; safe is my current mission. To be left alone would be bliss.
So if any of you have any suggestions please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll just shut myself away in my little ‘Library’, read and eat ‘Wotsits’.
Talking of perusal, Kirton News isn’t a bad read this month. We have the usual local club and church stuff (it’s NOT the ‘church magazine’ by the way; for the umpteenth time for ‘church’ read ‘Village!’).
We also start a run of short pieces tossing you tasty nuggets of local history and folk-lore, by way of a conceptualized chat between ‘Fred and Polly’ over a cuppa. Thanks to our good friend and invaluable local historian, Mr. Ken Pearson.
The village celebrates ten years of fit keeping and fat fighting with Middlecott Sports Centre - and many more to come - and when you’ve shed those pounds we give you the choice of plenty of local places to go to put ‘em back on! And if you’re stuck for something to do on a Saturday you could fare no better than popping down to Frampton on the 19th [of March] and sing a few shanties with ‘Kimber’s Men’. It looks like a real treat!’
So that’s PLENTY of ‘choice for March then. The Sky’s NOT the limit after all!
(See what I did there?)
Keep warm and safe; Happy Easter and don’t forget to forward your clocks on the 27th [Hurrah; at last!].
The Kirton Church Fund
The February draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
The March draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine
Having received the books back after their annual audit I thought I would check through and update you on the winning streaks! In all we have had 43 winners and paid out £1985.82 since we started the draw. One person has been lucky enough to win seven times, three people have won 4 times, nine have won 3 times, 11 have won twice and 19 people and won once!
Both winners this month have not long joined so well done to them. You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part.
With the new members recently joined we currently have 47 people playing so still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
January 2016 Winners
1st PRIZE - £38.19 - TICKET NUMBER: 63
2nd PRIZE - £12.73 -
An inspiring decade
at Middlecott Sports
The Kirton Middlecott Sports and Fitness centre celebrates its 10th year anniversary. The Centre was built in February 2006 with funding from the National Lottery. The primary aim for the centre was for it to be a joint community and school usage facility.

The Secondary school currently utilise the state of the art fitness suite in the afternoons and the public have access in the mornings, evenings and weekends.
The facility boasts an impressive high performance gym, indoor sports hall, fully equipped gymnastics studio, multi use games area, outside basketball court and 6 football pitches catering for all ages. It has the facilities to support a variety of different sports such as football, basketball, cricket, badminton, netball, volley ball, table tennis, gymnastics, hand Ball, tennis and the list goes on!
We have come a long way since 2006, starting out in our first year with 120 members and a handful of clubs using the centre. We now have over 450 members and a wide variety of different sport and community clubs using the facility such as Boston United Football in the Community, Boston Junior and Adult Netball Club, Soccer Sixes, Boston United Basketball and Social Badminton club and Kyo-Shin Karate club.
Nuffield Health took over the management of the Centre in 2011 from Lincolnshire County Council. Nuffield Health have since introduced some great initiatives into the centre to help support members into leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
All members are offered a Free Health MOT with all memberships which helps determine the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The assessment is done on a one to one basis with a qualified wellbeing advisor and covers blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body composition, sleep quality, lifestyle habits, aerobic fitness and muscoskeletal history. Members are also offered a free personalised exercise programme tailor made to meet all their individual fitness goals whether it be to lose weight, tone up, build strength or train for a specific event.
The Centre currently offers over 10 different group exercise classes per week which include Zumba, Step Aerobics, Pilates, Spinning and Legs, Bums and Tums. Classes are designed to cater for all fitness abilities and are a great way to exercise in a fun and friendly environment.
In 2013 the Centre received a £65,000 investment. With this investment we were able to update our cardiovascular machines, extend our free weights area and add in additional strength and conditioning machines. This development meant we could cater for a wider variety of different training needs.
This month we are extending our current membership offer to readers of Kirton News. With this article we are offering ONE MONTH FREE & NO JOINING FEES saving you up to £45. To receive this offer simply bring in a copy of Kirton News and show a member of staff at reception. If you require any further information or require any facility bookings call us on 01205 725435.

Kids Club
This half term has been a busy one and included in our aactivities has been Chinese New Year and Valentines Day.
The children made monkey masks to celebrate the year of the monkey; they also made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed a taste of China in a food tasting evening.
They also took home and decorated the club with lovely red hearts highlighted with silver. They also made heart streamers and took home cards and heart decorated biscuits. All in all it was a very bright and cheery start to our school year.
The children get involved in all celebrations throughout the year and we make lots of our own too. Our 17th birthday was a fun filled evening recently, with lots of games, prizes and food – which always goes down well with children.
The morning sessions are now very busy but there are places after school should you like to come and have a free ‘taster’ session for your child/children – when you stay with them and see how they enjoy it.
Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am and includes a choice of breakfast @ £3.50 per child per session. After school finishes at 5.45 pm and includes a high tea @ £5.50 per child per session. (There is a 10% discount for related siblings attending the same session).
Call in at the Youth Centre during club times or phone 07583 762072.
Add Your Child to the Register
Not the Waiting List
Ensure your child receives the head start they need for school by enrolling them at Kirton Primary School’s Nursery.
The Nursery introduces children to all the skills they need for school, such as phonics, number skills and early writing – and all this is provided by a fully qualified teacher who is supported by qualified teaching assistants.
Kirton Primary School’s Nursery is currently full, but when children move into our Reception classes this September, much sought after places will be released. If you act quickly, you could secure a place for your child now.
Children are entitled to 15 hours of Nursery education absolutely free but, should you require more, additional sessions may also be purchased where available at a current rate of £10.50 for 3 hours. You will find this to be extremely competitive. Lunch provision is also available if required.
Don’t leave it too late. Our Nursery fills up quickly. We already have a waiting list for this year. For further information and admission forms, call in at the office or contact the school on 722236.
Take five minutes;
...with Fred and Polly
‘Fred,” said Polly, ‘You know a bit about local history. How did Horseshoe Lane get that name? Did somebody find a load of horseshoes there?’
‘No,’ said Fred, ‘There’s other places besides Kirton with lanes of that name, and they’re called that because of a bend in the road the shape of a horseshoe.’
‘There’s no bend in ours that shape.’
‘No. But Hall Weir is nearby, and in winter it used to flood to over two or three times its summer size, flooding that lane. People in that lane had to walk round it to get onto Skeldyke Road, then back to the village. People would say “If you go that way, you’ll have to go round the horseshoe.” ‘There’s an old map showing the track round. The name got pinned to all of it.’
‘I see. Maybe my great-grandad went round it when he went brambling on his “owd bourn-shecker. I know what brambling is, it’s picking wild blackberries off hedgerows. But what was his bourn-shecker?’
‘Bone-shaker, Polly. It’s a name for an old bike with solid tyres.’
‘Must have done his bones good, he lived to be nearly eighty. Still had his allotment when he died. Said it had a Dennis pole in it, holding his shed up. What’s a Dennis pole?’
‘There were dozens in Kirton,’ said Fred. ‘The Dennis farming company had its head office at Kirton House, and telephone wires belonging to their private ‘phone system strung out to all their departments and farms around the village. The system was still in use when my brother worked there, but they took all the wooden poles down after the second war.’
‘Great-grandad had gone by then, so if his shed was still there mebbe it did fall down. It’s Edinburgh Drive now. Listen, Fred. I heard somebody talking about Frithville the other day, and somebody else said “It’s not on the townland, so it can’t be that old.” What’s the townland?’
‘Didn’t you learn anything at Miss Green’s school, Polly?’
‘I was only there one year. Then the fees went up just as Dad lost his job. So I ended up at the King Street school, same as you.’
‘Townland is a long, irregular strip of land that’s a few feet higher than the general fen level. It starts south of Wainfleet, then goes down to the Welland. Turns along the next coastline then right through into Norfolk.’
‘Why Townland?’
‘Because there’s a string of ancient settlements all the way along it. Kirton church stands on a bump that’s more than ten feet higher than Frithville.’
‘Thanks Fred; I’ll sleep better for hearing that!’
Parish Council News
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- October 2015
Public Forum:
One resident attended to find out the council’s stance on the proposed application B/15/0456. He was against it but did not object to the original application for the site.
Chairman’s Comments:
The Chairman commented that the last 3 weeks had been busy for the Parish Council. He thanked Cllr Hannay for putting up/organising the new lights round the War Memorial; Cllrs Carter, Brotherton for putting up the Xmas tree and its lights. He thanked Cllr Danby for playing ‘Santa’ at the Christmas Fayre.
The Carol Concert had been attended by over 100 residents and was a huge success. Letters of thanks have been sent to the schools for their parts.
He thanked those involved in organising the food/table set up/attendance and clearing up for the Pensioner’s Xmas Party.
Cllr Turner wished to revisit the Parish Plan next year and have an updated one in place.
He thanked all members for their roles and participation during the year.
Apologies for absence and reason given:
Cllrs Austin, Brookes, Brotherton, Edwards, Fitzgerald, Hannay, Ransome and Still gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting:
It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Lee which was seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 19th November, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters:
No Police attended, but PCSO Williams had phoned the clerk prior to the meeting with the following information:
7 crimes since last meeting
6 x thefts from vehicles which are under investigation on Dennis Estate and Hardwick Estate. One burglary is under Investigation.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public:
Members had informed the resident that they were going to be putting in observations to the Borough Council regarding this application.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report:
After looking into the availability for funding for a defibrillator for the village it has been discovered that the British Heart Foundation and the Department of Health do offer some funding. £400 will be required by the applicant.
Members resolved that they were happy to pay £200 towards the application, but would like the Town Hall to pay the remaining £200.
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on:
Lincolnshire County Council – response from Highways Officer to members frustrations in pathway in Kirton Holme not being reinstated.
It was resolved that the Clerk should contact Mr McConchie and ask what information was gathered to support the rationale given. Also ask whether the remaining footpath will be maintained.
Thank you received from Royal British Legion for contribution to Poppy Appeal.
Lincolnshire County Council – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – draft site locations document (preferred sites and areas) – commenced 4th Dec and will run until 29th January.
Boston Borough Council – New Development off Boston Road – no suggestions from developers as to the name for the new development – looking for suggestions. Two new roads will need naming.
Members suggested Queen Elizabeth Drive/Road to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday next year.
Lincolnshire County Council – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Consultation on proposed modifications to the core strategy and development management policies – runs 20th Nov – 8th Jan 2016
Boston Borough Council – DPI and Code of Conduct Training – offer of another session should one be required.
Thank you card received from residents attending the Pensioners Party.
Thank you letter received from Cllr Brotherton to members for their work this past year.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors:
Cllr Rylott reported potholes outside Walnut Grange, Tuckers Barn, Beck Cottage, Sands Cottage and between Jubilee Farm and Sunnyside Farm all on Holme Road. – Clerk to report to Highways.
Cllr Rylott also reported that at the walkabout on 21st May it was promised that some topping work opposite the Golf Course outside The Croft. This has not been done. Clerk to chase with Highways.
Cllr Smith reported that Sykemouth Drove is further deteriorating due to the 100+ lorries that have been collecting beet/produce. Clerk to report to Highways.
Planning applications:
B/15/0453 – Application for the replacement of an Agricultural Store at Manor Farm, Manor Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/15/0456 – Outline application for residential development (45 dwellings) with all matters reserved at Land adjacent to London Road/Drainside South, Kirton – OBJECTIONS:
Overdevelopment of site:
Not safe to join roadway at London Road as too close to other junctions
Council was happy with previous application for this site for 16 dwellings exiting on Drainside South.
B/15/0453 – Application for the erection of a first floor side extension and detached garage at 38 Grosvenor Road, Frampton, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/15/0503 – Demolition of existing dwelling fronting Wash Lane and Outline Application for up to 30 dwellings with consideration given to access off Station Road only (all other matters reserved for later consideration) at Land between Station Road and Wash Road, Kirton – OBJECTIONS:
Dangerous to join road at Station Road, busy footpath used by residents using the village, but mainly by children going to the Primary/Secondary schools to the crossing over the A16.
Land contaminated since 2003 following tyre fire – farmer been unable to farm the land.
Village is being overdeveloped with over 300 dwellings given permission over last 12 months alone.
Planning Decisions:
B/15/0370 – Application under s.73a for the removal of conditions 3 and 4 on planning approval B14/0250/88 (i.e. removal of agricultural habitation condition and condition which links occupation in connection with the existing dwelling on site) - REFUSED
Accounts for payment
It was proposed by Cllr Carter, seconded by Cllr Lee and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per payment sheet 9 of 12 dated December 2015/16 should be paid.
Nothing specifically to report. Cemetery very busy at this time.
Reports for Various Bodies:
Cllr Lee reported that the road signs in the area were dirty.
Clerk reported that unless illegible, Borough/Highways will not send someone out to clean them.
Parish matters:
Pensioners Xmas Party and Xmas Fayre and Carol Concert feedback.
Many positives feedback after both the OAP Party and the Carol concert. Unfortunately the stall holders did not want to turn out. Committees to review in the coming year.
Feedback from Cllr Turner and Cllr Still regarding recent DPI and Code of Conduct Training at BBC
Cllr Turner informed members that he found the recent training informative, although rather lengthy!
Main points from the training:
Members must conduct themselves at all times as per the code of conduct they signed up to.
Members have a duty to ensure that their information on the forms they filled out (disclosable pecuniary interests) is fully completed. They are allowed to update it as often as they wish. Failure to do so could result in a criminal charge being brought against them and a possible prison sentence.
Information can be updated as many times as councillor feels it needs to be.
Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting:
Date & Time of next Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 21st January 2016 (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall) at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Frampton W.I.
Spring is nearly upon us ladies (and you sneaky gentlemen who read this!). It’s going to be fun packed. We are attending the Spring Council meeting on the 8th March. This is usually a small group but this year we are excelling ourselves and 18 are making the journey this is just under half of us...Go Frampton WI!!
Lots of people to meet, the inner secret world of the WI to be explored the speaker will be John Kettley and we get to sing Jerusalem, the words are in your diaries ladies. Take a packed lunch or hit the cafes at Springfields.
Our new tablecloth is well underway and all the lady members will have a chance to sign it and have their name embroidered on for posterity. Our 80th birthday plans are all coming together, the speaker programme is done. Ladies we are ready for our new year.
I’m getting ahead of myself and I must mention our last meeting, Mr Carl Denton came to give us an insight into the world of Forensic medicine...totally fascinating, thanks Carl. We enjoyed a lovely supper and super raffle. Sadly I must mention the death of one our members, Mrs June Frankish, we hold her in our thoughts and we send condolences to her family and friends.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 10 March 2016. This is our Annual meeting. Usual business, financial reports, election of President and the Committee, ladies if you are reading this and thinking ...”I’d like to join that committee..” please let Carol know before the meeting(contact details are below). We will be enjoying a fish supper, (alternatives may be ordered) which if you haven’t already ordered please also contact Carol to organise.
Why not make this March the time to start something new? Come and join us we meet at 7:30 pm the second Thursday of the month, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free, as this involves a hot supper pre ordered and you wish to attend for the first or second time please let us know so we can feed you!
If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann ( President)on 01205 366020 or Carol(Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: or Vanessa on 07955 763473 email:
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
15th Nov - Maressa Grace Fyson
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
No Weddings this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
Nov 20th - Johnathan Hardy ( Bill )
Dec 1st - Mrs Bertha Lion
Dec 2nd - Angela Scarborough - At The Methodist Church
Dec 4th - Mrs Joan Weavin