March 2017
The Editors Letter
I do wish people would stop banging on about the ‘Referendum’ results and those whom we elected to serve us just get on with implementing what the people want.
It’s always the same with any organization or power base – if you upset ‘em, or go against their cosy ideals, they’ll stall until the cows come home (no pun intended).
Anyway... I have had a few locals venting their various spleens at me lately about several square feet of tarmac.
With reference to the photo included, the Windmills development (Persimmon Homes) on Boston Road seems to have decided, aparently randomly [a word I personally detest at the moment but is, in this case, appropriate] to finish the end of a footpath encroaching on the curtilage of the ‘new’ cemetary. And folks are asking why, with all of the frontage available east of that, it should be so.
Ownership of said ground seems to be uncertain.
As far as I am aware, the Parish Council’s responsibility stops the other side of the cemetary gates.
So is it the Borough or County Highways land, or just in public ownership? Do the Parish Council, purely by dint of the fact that they mow and look after the grass verges have some proprietory rights to it?
In either event can a developer just muscle in and snatch a piece of honest Lincolnshire soil in that way? Is it an encroachment on the village person or a violation of an already established institution? If anyone out there can enlighten me further I’ll gladly pass it on. Get in touch by the usual channels. This may prove to be another Sisyphian task to add to my already bulging bag – but why not?
Our little mag this month includes a contribution from a young man, Abdul Rahman Oyedele, who wishes to get into journalism. I feel quite flattered that he has chosen Kirton News to host his first published pieces and we will give him all the support we can.
Good luck Rahman.
As for the rest of you ... I hope there are some bits here to interest you and keep you informed. Keep up your contributions and we will keep popping this through your letter boxes.
And remember, Spring forward on March 26th and here’s a Happy Mother’s Day to all of you out there who qualify.
The Kirton Church Fund
The February draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
The March draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine
Having received the books back after their annual audit I thought I would check through and update you on the winning streaks! In all we have had 48 winners and paid out £2587.35 since we started the draw. One person has been lucky enough to win seven times, one person six times, one person five times, four people have won 4 times, twelve have won 3 times, 13 have won twice and 16 people and won once!
Both winners this month have now had 3 wins so well done to them.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
November 2017 Winners
1st PRIZE - £37.97 - TICKET NUMBER: 15
2nd PRIZE - £12.65 -
Swineshead Children’s Centre Activities
MONDAYS: Little Explorers 9.30am to 11.00am. (Free & No Booking)
TUESDAYS: Musical Minis 10:00am – 11:00am Pre-school group of fun time music for babies & toddlers – Contact Hazel on 07752 270700 to book or phone the centre as we are running a waiting list of interested (Fee Paying)
WEDNESDAYS: Come and Play 1.30pm – 2.30pm (Free & No Booking)
THURSDAYS: Learning Together Family 10.00am – 11.30am 1pm to 2.30pm.
(Term Time Only – Free & No Booking)
FRIDAYS: Movers and Shakers 9.30am – 10.30am. (Free & No booking)
Health Visitor 1.00pm - 3.45pm Appointments will be sent to parents
Just come along! Sessions run all year round unless otherwise stated.
New Adult
Learning Courses: First Aid, Reiki, Food Safety, ESOL, and more; please call the centre.
Mum, Dad, Carers and Grandparents are welcome to every session.
Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday-Thursday / 8.30am - 4.00pm Friday
St Marys School, Abbey Road, Swineshead PE20 3EN
Telephone: 01205 820331 or email:
Keep up to date with our events and activities by visiting:
We are now on Facebook:
Like us and follow us!

Take five minutes;...with Fred and Polly
Fred,’ said Polly, You remember we were talking about the Co-Op? Well, somebody told me they knocked an old brewery down to build the new one.’
‘They did, but it hadn’t been a brewery for a long time. The part in Station Road where two families lived and a yard between them, that’s where the drays loaded to take beer out to the pubs that didn’t brew their own. Like the Boat and Gun, or the Three Horseshoes.’
‘I bet that made a nice smell down Station Road. And the same person said the original Co-Op was in New Street. You don’t hear that name anymore.’
‘No, when we all got numbered they decided it was part of Station Road. But the hardware shop still keeps the old name of ‘The Green’. A lot of old names get passed down for centuries , like Bailey Walls Farm.’
‘Ive heard of that. Near Rainbow Terrace in Skeldyke Road.’
‘That’s right. A bailey wall is a wall round a fortified place like a castle or ancient Manor House. But there’s no such place on record near to that farm.’
‘Talking of old names,’ said Polly, ‘When you were a boy did you ever play with Roman marbles?’
‘I didn’t. But I saw other boys with them. They wee picked up in the soil of the College Farm in Willington Road, where a footpath went past the castle.’
‘I know what the castle was. Orme Hall.’
‘That’s right. But the marbles weren’t Roman at all, they were musket balls. When Napoleon threatened to invade us , some of the big houses trained men for defence using muskets. The marbles got turned up with the plough, near to where the practice targets were. Some were found near D’Eyncourt Hall as well.’
‘Our neighbour said she found one when she was working for Lightons, in the berries.’
‘You don’t hear that anymore, “In the berries.” Do you know,’ said Fred, ‘When Ambrose Lighton had his orchard beyond Hardwick Estate, and an even bigger one down the Meers, he was reckond to be the biggest gooseberry grower in England.’
‘Some of them, the yellow ones, were like big grapes. If you were in the berries and the foreman saw you eating them, you were likely to be sent home.’Did you get sent home Polly?’
‘I didn’t. But my Mam got warned about it. She worked in the berries till the war, but when the men got called up she got a job as a bus conductor.’
‘Conductresses, they called them. If you had told them that in the future a bus crew would be a one-man job – or even one woman job – they wouldn’t have believed you.’
Add Your Child To Our Register
- Not Our Waiting List
If your child’s birthday falls between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014, they are eligible to start our Nursery this September. Ensure your child receives the head start they require for school by enrolling them now.
Our School Nursery introduces children to all the skills they need for Reception, such as phonics, number skills, and early reading and writing skills – and all this is provided by a fully qualified teacher who is supported by highly qualified teaching assistants.
Children are entitled to 15 hours of Nursery education absolutely free but, should you require more, additional sessions may also be purchased where available at a current rate of £10.50 for 3 hours rising to £11.00 from September.
You will find this to be extremely competitive. We are flexible about provision, so please speak to us about options. Lunch provision is also available if required. Don’t leave it too late. OurNursery fills up quickly! For further information and admission forms, or to book a visit, call in at the office or contact us on 01205 722236.
South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Publication Version Consultation
Preparation of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan is almost complete and we will soon be undertaking a final (statutory) round of consultation on the Plan, under Regulations 19 and 20 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. We would be grateful if you could publicise this consultation for us in your next parish magazine or newsletter.
The consultation period will run from Monday 10th April to Monday 22nd May 2017 and it will be the last chance for residents to comment on the Local Plan before it is submitted to the Secretary of State in the summer. This consultation will be different to previous ones undertaken in that the comments made must relate to whether the Local Plan is ‘sound’ and complies with legal and procedural requirements.
As a consequence there will not be any public exhibitions at village halls as has previously occurred. A guidance note will be available to view on our website ( from 10th April, which sets out advice on how to respond to the consultation.
We will be publishing a number of documents for consultation including the Publication Version of the Local Plan, the Policies Map, Sustainability Appraisal, Statement of Consultation and other supporting documents. The documents will be available to view on, in the area’s libraries, mobile libraries and the council offices in Boston and Spalding from 10th April. An online consultation portal (where we would prefer comments to be made) will also be available at from the 10th April.
Comments must be received by 5pm on Monday 22nd May. All comments received will be submitted to the Secretary of State and considered as part of an independent Examination in Public by a Planning Inspector.
For further information, please contact the Local Planning team at or on 01775 764476.
Letters to the Editor
Dear Sam I would be grateful if you could publish the figures you will find below. They represent the figures that will in part make up the precept for the next two years.
As can be seen the Parish Council has worked hard to reduce the potential impact if we were to follow the increase if we had followed the Boroughs costs. Included in the first year is the cost of changing the type of lights used, once installed the cost falls dramatically in the second year.
It is always the first consideration of the Parish Council to keep costs as low as physically and financially possible.
We off course would have like to have seen the Borough to still have charge of these areas, however National cuts have led to County cuts and hence have had a major impact upon Boroughs ability to finance everything with a vastly reduced budget.

Ian Turner
Chairman of Kirton Parish Council
Kids Club
Here we are again – another holiday, another Christmas over and into a bright fresh new year and term.
How quickly it went but the children are happy and excited to be back.
There are now a few places at the breakfast club sessions but these will go very quickly – so if you wish to book your child in please contact us – after school also has places and again if you would like any of the above please give us a call or pop in.
Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am to school and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.
The children are offered a hot or cold menu in the morning and a ‘high tea’ in the afternoon with a drink included in the price.
Breakfast club is £3.50 per child per session and after school is £5.50 per child per session.
The club is open term time – matching the school dates, enabling parents and carers the chance to extend their day each side of the school times.
There is an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of toys and equipment to keep the children happy and occupied.
In better weather there is a lovely outside space for the children to use and a large private car park to the front of the premises.
Contact us on 07583 762072 or on
Major investment
for Kirton convenience store

Following a £150,000 investment, a new-look Costcutter convenience store is preparing to open on Boston Road, Kirton, offering customers greater choice, more in-store offers and a fresh new look.
As the third new-look Costcutter in the UK and the first in the Midlands, the store forms part of a brand transformation programme that better responds to the needs of today’s shoppers.
The store will offer an extensive range of convenience products including food-to-go, a comprehensive selection of fresh food and chilled produce, beers, wines and spirits, Tchibo coffee and locally sourced meats and locally grown fruit and vegetables. The store will also continue to operate a main Post Office counter and an out-of-hours counter offering a range of services.
Officially opening on Saturday 18th March, store owners, Mandy and Suni Keshwara are inviting customers to a fun filled day including free coffee, food tastings, a free raffle and a range of special offers.
Suni Keshwara commented: “As the first new-look Costcutter store in the Midlands, we’re really looking forward to showing off our new store to our customers and getting their reaction to the fantastic new shopping experience and extended offerings, especially the food-to-go range. We look forward to seeing our customers on the 18th March, so they can help us celebrate the opening.”
The new store will open seven days a week from 07:00am to 9:00pm and will continue to be run as a family business. The store on 17-19 Boston Rd, Kirton has been run by the Keshwara family since 1986.
ESOL Classes now in Kirton
With a grant from Lincolnshire County Council a new partnership has been formed in Kirton. The New Life Community Church (NLCC) and Bringing Learning into Communities (BLIC) are working together to offer English Classes at the NLCC Kirton.
BLIC already run classes in Boston and NLCC have classes running in Lincoln, together they can extend this service to the Kirton area and initially the classes will be held on Tuesday mornings from 10am – 12noon. The funding provides the opportunity to run 4 x 12 weekly sessions and any anyone who feels they would benefit is welcome to attend. The classes are not accredited but a certificate of achievement will be given at the end of the 12 weeks.
If you would like to improve your English in a relaxed and informal setting please join us on 4th April 2017. If you are not sure but would like further information please do not hesitate to contact either Neal at the church on 01205 724542 or Lorraine at BLIC on 01205 722726.
My Name is Rhaman Oyedele
Hello, my name is Rhaman Oyedele and I’ll be writing a monthly article for you to read. This month I’ll be telling you about the transfer embargo, that West Ham were facing with Dimitri Payet during the January transfer window.
For those of you that don’t know Dimitri was west hams stand out player last season, but in a dramatic fall from grace, he refused to play for West ham and left for former team Marseille. West ham co-chairman David Gold said he was ‘Hugely disappointed’ by Payets’ actions.
Constant bids from Marseille were made and west ham accepted, as they were more concerned about team morale than one player. The question on everyone’s mind now is will west ham be able to cope without Payet?
Garden waste collections 2017/18
Do you want to be in with a chance of getting your garden waste taken away FOR FREE this coming growing season?
All who registered online for the past season’s collection service will shortly receive an email with details of this year’s arrangements... and the opportunity to qualify as one of ten winners of a completely free service (to the value of £30, equivalent to the annual collection charge for one bin) if they make a direct debit payment agreement.
If you didn’t register online last year, or want the service as a new customer, you can still be included in the draw by sending your email address to providing that you sign up by direct debit.
The incentive has been introduced to encourage more to use the easiest, quickest and most economic way for the council to register those who want to take advantage of the service for the coming growing season. Please note this offer is not open to Boston Borough Council employees or its elected members.
The council is keeping the charge for collection, with no increase in 2017 – at £30 for emptying a single bin plus £15 for emptying each additional bin. For those new to the service, or those requiring extra bins, there will be a one-off charge of £25 to buy each bin plus the service charge.
The service will start again on Tuesday, February 28, and run to the end of March, 2018, over 40 weeks (20 fortnightly collections) with a break over the winter period.
Cllr Michael Brookes, the council’s portfolio holder for waste services, said: “This service is now well established and much appreciated and I want to thank all those who used the service last year. We are offering it again this year without any increase in cost.
“If you have a garden there are good reasons for requesting that the council makes a kerbside collection of your garden waste. While anyone can still take their own garden waste to the Slippery Gowt tip for no charge, the council’s collection service means residents do not have to move dirty waste in their own vehicles.
You can also contribute to the borough’s green ethos of recycling garden waste into environmentally-friendly compost.”
You can find out more at:
Last year’s garden waste collections generated 5,000 tonnes of waste sent for recycling into compost.
Residents are reminded that they must not put garden waste in their green or blue bins. This will contaminate waste bound for the Energy from Waste plant near Lincoln or for recycling. Contaminated bins will not be emptied.
Parish Council News
Public Forum
Two residents came to enquire whether the Parish Council would buy the Phone box on Horseshoe Lane from BT for £1. They had enquired about doing it themselves but were unable to as individuals. They were prepared, with a bit of help from some neighbours to pay for all work to be carried out to get it up to standard and also to continue its maintenance.
Jen Moore – Environment and Sustainability Officer
Jen Moore came to inform members that the Public Space Protection Order will come into force in February 2017. Under this order residents of the whole Borough were subjected to its controls. This was devised after extensive consultation with professional bodies as well as residents of the Borough.
Under the new order it will be possible to enforce a fine of £100 for those who allow their dogs to foul and don’t pick it up. It will also be an offence to not carry a ‘poo bag’ when in control of a dog. The Borough is currently in talks with a private company who will carry out the enforcement. Under the order there are more powers for taking action against those who allow dog fouling, plus those who fly tip etc.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman thanked the 4 councillors who helped/attended Last Night of the Proms evening which raised approximately £700 for the evening.
He also thanked the 4 councillors who attended the Remembrance Sunday. With thanks also given to Cllr Carter who was the Parade Marshall.
The Chairman asked that all members reply to emails sent to them by the Clerk which refer to attendance or asking for comments.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs Edwards, Hannay and Rylott and Danby gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllrs Lee and Carter declared an interest in item Town Hall on the agenda. Cllrs Ransome took no part in planning discussions as she is on the planning committee at the Borough.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Lee which was seconded by Cllr Brotherton and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 20th October 2016, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
PCSO Williams reported the following incidents since the last meeting:1 shed burglary – bikes stolen – under investigation, damage to vehicles – under investigation, theft of heating oil – under investigation, theft of tools from building site – under investigation.
It was reported that there was fly tipping on Whitbread Lane which was garden waste – the Police were asked to watch this area as this was the second-time fly tipping of garden waste had been done in the same spot.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
The members were in agreement that the BT box should be adopted on Horseshoe Lane. Clerk to make enquiries with BT.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/
Clerk’s report
a) Meeres Lane Potholes reported to LCC ref 101000166148
b) Overgrown hedges from London Road entrance to Manor Road continuing down Manor Road reported to LCC ref 101000166147
c) Clerk has spoken to Ken Pratt from the County Council who is investigating the flooding in the village and has given him the information provided by the residents who attended the September meeting regarding the flooding in Green Lane – a full report is being undertaken to stop/understand the type of flooding which took place in June 2016 happening again.
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a) Lincolnshire county Council – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – publication of the site locations (pre-submission draft) – consultation
b) Temporary road closure for essential maintenance works by C3 construction on B1397 Boston Road (Bungley Lane to Kirton Medical Centre entrance
c) Lincolnshire County Council are bringing in a new process which shares information supplied by Parish Councillors with County Councillors in relation to highways services.
d) Resignation of Councillor: Sue Still has resigned regretfully. Clerk informed Electoral services at the Borough.
e) Walkabout results/reports/what is possible
Clerk to copy letter and give copy to all at the next meeting.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes reported that Ken Pratt at the County Council is still gathering information at his desk prior to a full investigation in to the flooding in the village – Clerk to report the Coop flooding when any rain comes down to him.
Planning applications
B/16/0418 – Erection of 2No. detached dwellings, vehicular access and associated garages at Land north of Drainside South, Kirton – This area is not part of the development plan – Drainside South is a single-track lane and there are already issues with the number of vehicles which use this roadway, the site is boggy and has a drain along the full length. Removal of this area to development will put strains on the properties to its rear with regards to rainfall.
Outline application with all matters reserved for no.3 dwellings at land to the east of 26-34 Boston Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Erection of a dwelling adjacent to 41 Thomas Middlecott Drive (existing single garage to be demolished) at 41 Thomas Middlecott Drive, Kirton – Overdevelopment of the site and not in keeping with the surrounding dwellings which are all house with garage and garden.
Application under s73a for the variation of condition2 (i.e. standard compliance condition listing all plans), condition 7 (i.e. details of the siting, design and appearance of the switchgear building (and condition 8 (i.e. details relating to the number, design and siting of the CCTV cameras) attached to permission B/15/0001.
These amendments include alterations to the layout of the site and the siting/design of the arrays, the installation of 2 transformer stations and an increase in the number of CCTV cameras from 4 to 23 at Land to the north of Meeres Lane and adjacent to Picks Barn, Kirton – this application should be retrospective – CCTV should be static as neighbouring properties are concerned regarding privacy.
Application under S.73a for the removal of condition 3 (Extensions) of planning permission B/06/0361 to enable extensions and outbuildings to be constructed under the provision of part 1, schedule 2, (class A) and (Class E) of the Town and Country Planning (GPD) (England) Order 2015 at 174 Willington Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Cllr Austin gave a brief guide regarding hearings to members but took no part in discussion of the applications received.
Accounts for payment
It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 8 of 12 dated November 2016/17 should be paid.
Town Hall
Cllr Carter was unable to attend.
The Town Hall Management Committee would like to get permission to use the Town Hall grassed area for their fete/fayre next summer. It was resolved that this is agreeable.
It was resolved to ask the Town Hall Management Committee to waiver the fee for the British Legion poppy count plus the Remembrance Sunday activities. Clerk to email Chair of committee.
The main gate has been repaired. Just needs a knob putting on it now. Cllrs will keep an eye out to get a suitable one.
The leaf cleaning has started in the cemetery.
Quotations regarding the severe cutting back of the 11 foot left-hand hedge were discussed and a contractor chosen. Cllr Lee will speak to contractor and liaise the work when Cllr Brotherton has cut back the walk area to allow the work to be carried out.
There is still some concern regarding the encroachment of the boundary for the first house on the new development on Boston Road, Cllr Lee will speak to the developers and ask that a boundary post be erected to ensure the builders/home buyer is fully aware of our boundary markers.
Reports for
Various Bodies
Cllr Foster enquired why the manhole cover missing from Donington Road has not been replaced still. Clerk to chase, Cllr Brookes will also enquire.
Cllr Lee reported that the noticeboard needs updating. Clerk reported that everything she has been putting in it has disappeared of late. It was resolved that a new locking noticeboard should be put up to replace the old one which is tired now.
Cllr Smith reported that some of the potholes on Sykemouth Drove have been filled and the remainder are programmed to be filled.
He also reported the footbridge over Little Side Road is missing some of the wooden railings. Clerk to report to LCC.
Also the exit from Little Side Road onto Holme Road is being obscured by overgrown hedges, making it dangerous to join Holme Road as motorists cannot see what is coming. Clerk to report this to LCC too.
Cllr Turner proposed that letters of thanks were sent to the three individuals who cleared up the War Memorial and Church areas in preparation for the Remembrance Parade. He also proposed letters of thanks be sent to the Police regarding their work during the Parade. It was resolved the Clerk should send these.
Parish matters
a) Inspection Rota: Cllr Danby needs to pass this on to Cllr Carter.
The Lone Anglo Saxon Warrior
by Samuel G Wainwright
aged 9½
Anglo Saxon warrior clang of
armoured shoes on stone
Anglo Saxon warrior in the
battlefield alone
Cracks and dints in his gear
The bloody battle lasted a year
Roar! of Vikings still ringing
in his ears Axes and swords snappedhis spear
Battle was really dreaded
Many friends unfortunately
A dark and deathly atmosphere
Weapons of Vikings still strike fear
Metallic clash of weapons from friends and foes
Brave warriors in their
terror froze
After a while they won! Clearly deserving a celebration
Happy cheers spread across
the nation
Then all men filled with greed So kind hearted queen handed
out delicious honey mead
Anglo Saxon warrior now having a feast
Anglo Saxon warrior now battle
has ceased
Anglo Saxon the Viking army will fall
Anglo Saxon safely in the mead hall
Now the Vikings has bred stronger horses
Oh No! they’ve come back with stronger forces!
Anglo Saxon boy had a terrible sighting
Another bloody battle and terrible fighting
Now Anglo Saxon warriors come to gether united
And stormed to the Vikings land quite uninvited!!!
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
No Baptisms this month
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
No Weddings this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
2nd February -
Mrs Joyce Peters
8th February -
Mr George William Chambers