©Kirton News 2025

March 2020

The Editors Letter

As my letters to you inevitably start with something to do with the weather, will someone please reassure me that Spring is around the corner? According to Ciara and Dennis, it’s still a long way off yet! I do hope you and your fences all managed to escape unscathed – it did get a little hairy there once or twice!

We are happy (and relieved) to report that the magazine collections from the Town Hall went really well and we would like to send a wholehearted ‘Thank You’ to our fantastic band of distributors who were very understanding and accommodating.

This month in our ‘Meet The Locals’ feature we will be talking to Ola from Orchard Medispa, a deluxe beauty day spa just outside Kirton (on the road to Sutterton). If you would like to promote your business or you have some memories of growing up and/or living in Kirton, we would love to hear from you!

You may see that the front cover is asking for budding artists! I will be running a competition shortly in partnership with Kirton Primary School to give one young artist the chance to design our May front cover! This year commemorates the 75th anniversary of VE day so with that in mind, I will be sending flyers out to the school later this month asking the children to create a front cover with the theme of ‘bravery’. One lucky winner will get to be the front cover and win a prize! There will also be a prize for the best runner-up. So, if you have any creative children or grandchildren who attend the school, get them to sharpen those colouring pencils!

We don’t blow our own horn enough do we? We certainly don’t here at the magazine. We deliver to over 2300 homes and businesses in Kirton and have the mostly widely read community magazine, I believe, in the Boston area. If you are looking to advertise, do contact us at Advertising@kirtonnews.co.uk. We will be happy to discuss your requirements.

Equally, if you’ve just read the BEST book and you want to shout about it, let us know! We would be happy to post a book review or a really fail safe recipe! The reason we’re here is to bring our community closer together and to be able to share the good things in life.

See you in the Spring!


Meet the Locals:
This month we’re meeting the proprietors of Orchard Medispa,
a beauty spa on the outskirts of the village.

1) Please tell us a little bit about Orchard Medispa.

We have a deluxe beauty spa, a medical aesthetic room specializing in laser and a podiatry room, all our clinicians/beauticians and podiatrists are highly skilled and qualified.

2) When did Orchard Medispa open in it’s current location?

January 2017.

3) What are your most popular treatments?

Aesthetics - skin tag removal. Nouveau Lashes - LVL (lash lift)- your own lashes but better. The original natural lash lift is a revolutionary treatment to lengthen, volumise and lift. An alternative to lash extensions but still leaves your natural lashes looking fuller and longer, less maintenance and         results last up to 6-8 weeks (includes a tint). Podiatry - ingrowing toe nails. Beauty - Chocolate and marshmallow whip indulgence facial; indulge             your senses whilst your skin experiences a deep exfoliation from raw chocolate and superior hydrated infusion of marshmallow extract, HA, royal jelly and honey. This mask heals, soothes and botanicals  protects the skin barrier.

4) What’s the best thing about running a business in Kirton?

As we are on the outskirts of the village people do feel like they’re coming to a completely different environment; especially with how we have designed the Orchard Medispa. We do also offer free client parking. 

5) Do you have any plans to expand or offer anything new in the future?

We have opened a podiatry clinic in Boston, down Fountain Lane.

6) Are there any current offers on at the moment?

Yes, do check out our Facebook pages: Orchard Medispa, Orchard Orthotics and Footcare and Orchard Nouveau Lashes.


Kirton Church Fund

The winning numbers for February will be printed in the April magazine.

The March draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.

Both our January winners have had previous wins. Congratulations to them.

Normally in February I have received the books back after their annual audit and I check through them to give an update on the winning streaks. However this year I have not yet received them back so an update will have to wait.

Another new member joined in January bringing our total of members currently taking part to 53 so welcome aboard and good luck to them. We do however still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, (01205 723529), or call in Kirton Church (forms at the back of church), Paula’s Gifts on Station Road, or Kirton Library.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring on 01205 723529.


I have just been informed that because of a change in the gambling laws since the Kirton Church Fund was set up we can no longer offer a discount and all entries must cost the same i.e. £5 monthly and therefore £60 annually. I am sorry for this and hope that you will continue to support KCF.


January 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £42.80 - TICKET NUMBER: 1
2nd PRIZE - £14.27 - TICKET NUMBER: 35


Kirton Kids Club

The Kids Club is very busy again at the moment and places have filled up in the last month.

The children have been involved in Chinese New Year art and Valentine this term.

We decided this year to have a Valentines tree.

It looks lovely with all the different coloured sparkly hearts hanging from it.

They have made a heart archway as you walk into the club and lovely cards to take home.

Just a quick ‘thank you’ to the ladies who helped club staff get the children across the busy road outside the newsagents the other night when it wasn’t possible to use the crossing.

These lovely people helped stop the traffic and get the children across with us. Thank you both so much.

Breakfast clubs starts at 7.30 am and after school sessions finish at 5.45 pm. If you want more details of what we do etc please go to kirton kids club online and you will find us.


Kirton Primary School Features in the ‘Top Ten Best State-Funded Primary School in Lincolnshire for the fifth year running!

We are delighted and proud to announce that Kirton Primary School has been ranked the eighth best primary school in Lincolnshire, making the top ten best schools in the county for the fifth year running out of over 300 state primary schools in Lincolnshire. In the four previous years, our village school has been ranked the best school in the county and we are proud to confirm it retains its title as one of the best schools, not only in Lincolnshire, but in England.

Lincolnshire Live said of The Real Schools Guide: The guide takes a comprehensive look at each school in the county and provides a thorough insight into 45 different aspects - including not just KS2 results but factors like progress, pupil-teacher ratios and absence rates.

The Real Schools Guide, now into its eighth year, has been praised by ministers and education experts alike. Former schools minister David Laws called it ‘public service journalism in the best tradition’. This guide aims to move beyond more limited measurements and give parents a better idea of which schools will help their child prosper, no matter what their background may be.


Discover Boston Woods

I expect most people in Kirton and the surrounding villages know Westgate Wood and Jenny’s Wood which, along with the Oak Wood and the wildflower meadow, make up the Sir Joseph Banks Country Park and Woods. If you don’t, they are well worth a visit, we are situated between West End Road and Old Hammond Beck Road and alongside Westwood Fishing Lakes on Five House Lane.

Regular visitors will have noticed that we are very busy thinning out the willow and any dead ash to give the younger oaks room to grow. We have already planted some new hazel as understory and next autumn we will introduce a better mixture of native trees. The woods need constant management to provide the best possible conditions for long term development. One advantage of the tree thinning has been the improved view of the snowdrops which are putting on a good show this year. We also have firewood for sale, please contact Steve on 01205 723954 for more information.

You may not all be so familiar with our Fenside Woods which are also developing into interesting places to visit. Grange Wood is quite small but has been upgraded with new all-weather paths and a significant amount of woodland management which has quite changed the ambiance of the wood. In Beech Wood we are delighted with the carvings Nigel Sardeson has made, funded by the Lincolnshire Co-op Community Fund. There are now five to find and admire and we hope children will be encouraged to make up stories about why they are there!

The woods are part of an ambitious project to provide an arc of woodland around the west side of Boston. Woods are so important for many reasons, to help combat climate change, to increase biodiversity by providing varied habitats for wildlife, for the health and wellbeing of us all though exercise and enjoyment of a natural space. Eventually we will also produce good quality timber but this is why it is such a long term plan, we have to start today to make changes that will affect the world in 50 or 100 years’ time. Can you be a part of this project? A small contribution of £20pa will help with the regular maintenance or if you have spare time why not come a help with the practical work. No experience is needed, and we are a friendly bunch who will make all volunteers welcome. See the website for more details or Frances on 07845 481621, or BostonWoods.Fran@gmail.com, www.bostonwoods.co.uk/support-us.



The View from the Vicarage

Dear Friends,

I am writing to introduce myself as Interim Minister in Kirton. I have been asked to lead the parish alongside retired priests Father Alan Taylor and Reverend Doreen Brown, whilst the church looks for a new parish priest.

I have been training to be a Vicar in the Parish of Boston since 2017, and I still live in Boston, rather than at Kirton Vicarage. I am married to Mike, also a Vicar and also Chaplain to the Port of Boston, visiting crews on ships at the local docks. I am now working full-time in Kirton, and excited to be to serving Kirton as your priest.

As well as our weekly Eucharist Services (Thursday 9.30am and Sunday 11.00am), I will be leading Morning Prayer in the church on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9.30am. The church will be open on these days until 12 noon – do pop in if you would like to meet me for a chat and a cuppa, or if you would like to enjoy the peace and quiet of our beautiful church.

During Lent, Christians use this 40 day period before Easter to prepare, often by fasting - giving up something we love to eat or drink – usually drinking coffee and eating chocolate for me! We might also prepare by taking other actions such as saying extra prayers, reading something spiritual, or by making donations to a charity, or doing some charitable work. During Lent we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.

This year, the Church of England has launched a Lent campaign to encourage us to appreciate and protect the created world around us. In Kirton we are holding a Lent Group in church on Thursday mornings from 10.30am until 12noon from 27th February until 2nd April. Each week we will be exploring a different topic: Light and Energy, Water, Land and Plants, Stars and Seasons, Creatures of Sky and Sea and Humans and other Animals; particularly thinking about what we can do together and individually to protect our world for future generations. Do join us if you can – all are welcome.

I am excited to be serving the Parish of Kirton. If you would like to contact me, please email me on revsuerose@outlook.com; for general enquiries about christenings or weddings please contact our parish administrator on 07598 987199.

Reverend Sue Rose