March 2021
The Editors Letter
How are you all? Be honest! It’s very easy and quick to say, ‘I’m fine’, together with a very convincing smile. It takes a bit more time when you’re passing a familiar face in the village to say, actually, I’m not doing so well. If we’re all being completely truthful, we’ve had a lot of challenges over the last…….oh it’s nearly a year when all said and done isn’t it? Loneliness, sadness over being apart from our families and friends, grief if we’ve lost a loved one, anxiety if we’ve not been working as much and frustration when trying to balance home schooling with working etc. I get it, believe me do. I’m usually an incurable optimist but this last year I’ve questioned a lot of things and I know you’ll all understand what that feels like.
I do still have hope though, of course I do. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have received the Covid vaccine this past week and I know many of you will have also had it. I went to the PRSA and was absolutely astounded at how organised everything was and how the staff put everyone at ease. A real reason to be hopeful and ever thankful to our NHS. Plus, Spring is around the corner, even though the snow is still very much on the ground as I write this. It wouldn’t be one of my letters if I didn’t mention the weather!
In our Meet the Locals feature this month we’re talking to Suzie Bentley who runs her own business, Sewing with Suzie. In forthcoming issues we get to chat to Sylvia’s Salon and a very familiar local face, singer Pat Campbell. If you would like to feature or know anyone who would, please email me!
On a different note, I have been contacted recently by Judith Thorpe (nee Hempsall) who, during the last few months has been trying to trace her family tree and has found that her ancestors hail from Swineshead, Donington, Quadring and Kirton Holme. Her uncle, Tommy Hempsall, lived in the area until his death and Judith remembers he had a small holding or similar (her cousin Dorothy kept lots of chickens there). She has also found a connection with Barberry House. She would love to know any more so if any of you out there can help Judith please email me and I can pass your information and contact details onto her!
I’m always contactable on
Take care of yourselves.
Meet The Locals
In this issue we’re chatting to Suzie Bentley who runs her own business Sewing With
Suzie from her home in Kirton!

1) When did your business first open?
I first started in 2019, after teaching sewing in a shop for 2 years and before that I studied fashion at university.
2) What services do you usually offer?
I make and sell adult and children’s clothing on Etsy and I teach sewing, one on one and group classes.
3) How much do you charge for lessons?
One on one classes are £15 an hour, either at my home studio or I can come to you. Group classes vary in price with length. They’re held at Unique Cottage Studios Spalding.
4) What inspires you when you’re making your own garments?
My main inspiration was my niece and nephew and wanting to create unique clothes for them and me so I can match them!
5) Do you have plans for the business once the world gets back to normal?
When the world gets back to normal my home studio will be back open to sewing lessons and group classes!
6) How can people get in touch with you?
For sewing classes email For my clothing brand
The Old Kings Head

Kirton now a small village was once a hectic town, the third largest settlement in the county. The history of The Old King’s Head and its custodians reflects the cultural heritage of the local area, prosperous landlords, vigorous rivalries between the church, barmen and even their own clientele! Heritage Lincolnshire, the Buildings Preservation Trust for the county, came to the building’s rescue in 2016 as the building stood proud, but vulnerable to irreparable damage.
Through fundraising and grants the Trust raised enough money to purchase the building and carry out the extensive restoration works that have been ongoing since February 2019.
The building now fully restored and transformed into a 9 bedroom B&B, Café and Community Room will be open to the public in 2021.
Kirton Church Fund
The winning numbers for February will be printed in the April magazine.
The March draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.
Both our January winners have been members since we began have had previous wins. Congratulations to them both.
Normally in February I have received the books back after their annual audit and I check through them to give an update on the winning streaks. However this year I have not yet received them back so an update will have to wait. I can however tell you that 2020 was a sad year for loosing members. Since April we have lost 12 members, who have moved away or sadly died. Currently we have only 34 members playing 43 numbers so chances of winning are very good.
Come and join us, you could win. It’s only £5 a number each month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number. Anyone over 18 may take part.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
The prize fund is ¼ of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that take part the higher the prize money and the more money we raise for the church and we are still trying to raise the money for the work needed on the church roof, which is still leaking.
If you would like more information give Fay a ring.
January 2021 Winners
1st PRIZE - £42.19 - TICKET NUMBER: 11
2nd PRIZE - £14.06 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
St Barnabas Hospice Bunny Hop
With Spring in the air and Easter just a few weeks away we are ‘egg-cited’ to launch St Barnabas’s Bunny Hop, perfect for nurseries, childminders and schools.
This free to register fundraiser will provide you and your bunnies with all the support and resources you need to plan the big Hop. Pick a date between 22nd March and 16th April to hold your Bunny Hop and Barney will deliver a FREE pair of fluffy bunny ears for each child (and one lucky adult!).
Once more fundraising couldn’t be easier! All we ask of you is to set up your very own JustGiving page where supporters can donate in the weeks towards your Hop and every setting who has set up their just giving page by the 16th March will receive a Bunny Hop Easter Hunt kit, including chocolate eggs and bunny footprints.
We have set a sponsorship target of £5.10 for each child. This would provide a patient receiving Hospice at Home care hot and cold packs to help soothe swollen joints and offer pain relief from aching muscles. Even the smaller donations can make a big impact for a patient, which is why any sponsorship raised will be gratefully received.
On the day you can choose to hop around your nursery garden or bounce across the school playing field. Our website will also be filled with a downloadable activity pack, including recipes and early years worksheets to keep those little bunnies entertained.
Barney will also be making some special appearances on social media, so make sure you follow #bunnyhop to see what Barney is up to next.
Registrations close on 15th March or earlier if the event is full. So, what are you waiting for? Hop to it and register via our website
Paisley Paddison
The Royal British Legion
Kirton & District Branch
To all branch members, We don’t know how long this pandemic will last before we are able to have a branch meeting again, so I am writing to you all to ask if there is anything I or the branch committee can do to help you? Is there anything you would like to ask?
You may have noticed the new legion logo and be aware of the costs? I would just like to point out that the cost of this has nothing to do with the poppy appeal, it has been paid for out of the nation members fees, the yearly membership fee we pay to belong to the RBL.
On Saturday 6th February I attend a zoom meeting for the County Conference, that was an experience! However, we were not able to ask any question about the new logo or anything else but we were ask to put any questions in writing and send them to MSO (membership support officer).
The County President Mr Simon Erskine has stepped down as president and he has handed over the reins to Mr Gary Headland Group Captain (ret.)
Mr Tony Goodwin BEM has joined the board of trustees so he stepped down from the post of County Chairman so the vice chairman has stepped in to this position and has now been elected to the post by conference, and Mr Dave Tyler County Training Officer has been elected has Vice Chairman.
Mrs Joan Hodgson past president of the women’s section was successful in the awards and her name will go forward to the east midlands area for award in the service category, we look forward to hearing more on this later in the year.
Mr Bob Allen our Branch President has been awarded a County Certificate of Appreciation for his services to the Royal British Legion.
Kind Regards
Roland Reece -
Chairman & Poppy Appeal Organiser
Don’t Quit, Get Fit!
This new fundraising challenge is for all adults, children and families across Lincolnshire and it doesn’t matter if you are a pro athlete or a beginner who wants to try something new. It’s the opportunity to either lose them Lincolnshire lockdown pounds, try something new or challenge your abilities. This challenge will run from the beginning of January to the end of March and we have put a few ideas together on what you could be doing in the coming, Days, weeks or months.
• Cycle or run the distance between our Hospice bases, Total: 185 miles (296km).
• Walk 12,000 steps a day for a week. Did you know this is the average steps a day our nurses take when providing end of life compassionate care?
However, that’s not to say that challenge is the right one for you. You can make up your own challenge if you wish and set yourself some new year goals and achievements while fundraising for the hospice.
This challenge is completely free of charge all we ask in return is that each participant fundraises a minimum of £71.40. This covering over two hours of vital physiotherapy or occupational therapy sessions for our patients. Often when a patient is diagnosed and is referred to our services, they have limited movement. Our Clinical team work closely to support their wellbeing and make sure they live as comfortably as possible, for as long as possible.
More info at
Spring clean your finances
Did you start the year strong, setting realistic goals, despite the pandemic? Perhaps the long, cold winter combined with another national lockdown affected you mentally, physically or financially. Maybe you started the year focusing on getting fitter, healthier and aiming to watch the pennies, but it’s been so hard to stay on track in the midst of the storm of challenges the world is currently facing.
Wherever you’re at, it’s a good idea to take time to review your finances. Checking in with where you’re at financially can help to relieve stress and gives you the chance to get help sooner, if needed, rather than putting it off.
What are you saving for?
Before you start putting together your budget, it’s important to consider your main goals for the year ahead. This may include saving towards a big purchase, or for an event like a holiday (when we can all start travelling again). Then, break down how to achieve that goal.
Although you can start saving by setting aside a specific amount each month, there are other ways to save money, such as shopping around for better deals on services like insurance when it’s up for renewal. It could be as simple as increasing how much you’re able to save by being cannier when shopping. Just ask yourself the question: what can I reduce, what can I cut out and what can I save?
Remember to also check through your standing orders and Direct Debits and see if there’s anything else you can cut out, such as a subscription you no longer use.
With your main goal considered, you can then plan how to get there by creating a budget using an online tool such as Money Saving Expert’s budget planner.
What’s next?
To stay on track, it’s important to make reviewing your budget a part of your regular routine.
If it goes a bit awry one month, that’s okay! Identify what went wrong and approach the following month as a fresh start. A budget is never set in stone but is meant to be a tool that you use regularly and review as your circumstances change.
Spending a little time regularly taking stock of your budget is time well spent and will help you move ever closer to your long-term goals.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking life-controlling dependencies. Visit to find out more or contact Hannah on 07947 621899.
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2021 via video conference
Public Forum
No Residents attended.
To consider Co-option
of new Members
Two candidates had been ‘interviewed’ by a panel and their reports sent to all members. At a vote for the first co-option it was decided unanimously to co-opt Jackie Skinner to the Parish Council. At a vote for the second co-option it was decided unanimously to co-opt John Shelton to the Parish Council. Both candidates were held in the zoom ‘waiting room’ whilst the discussions and votes were held then invited back. The Chairman welcomed the two new councillors to the Parish Council.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman welcomed members to the first meeting of the year. He said that he hoped as a council, that more could be done for the residents in the Parish in 2021. He commented on the excellent job that the contractor has done at the Town Hall on the fencing.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Apologies were received from Cllr Welton and Cllr Austin as they were both attending a meeting at the Borough.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllrs I and G Cole declared that they are married.
Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will not take part in discussions on planning applications.
Cllr S Watson declared an interest in that her husband, Cllr P Watson is on the planning committee at Boston Borough Council.
Approval of the minutes
of the previous meeting
It was resolved after a proposal from Cllr Cole which was seconded by Cllr P Watson, that the notes of the meeting held on the 17th December 2020 previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
No Police attended however, PCSO Williams had emailed the Clerk the following information:
1 x Damage to property on Wash Road – undetected
1 x Possession of a bladed weapon – 1 arrest
1 x damage to property on Boston Road – under investigation
1 x damage to vehicle on Thomas Middlecott Drive – undetected
1 x assault on Thomas Middlecott Drive – under investigation
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No residents attended however, Cllr Wright reported that since the last meeting she has been in touch with the lady who attended December’s meeting and the issues at the Park have disappeared and that she said it has been quiet down there.
Matters for the attention of LCC/BBC/Councillors
Cllr Austin was unable to attend but she did send a report in which she said that the design of a scheme to solve the Station Road flooding issues is due to commence on 27th January. Stakeholder and engineers’ visits will take place between January and April. A large amount of money has been allocated for this scheme.
Cllr Austin also reported that she had been made aware of the issues regarding the King Street flooding/sewerage issues and is waiting for more information from the residents affected.
Cllr Austin also said that she had been contacted by a resident at Hubberts Bridge/Kirton Holme border regarding an extension to the footpath. This is early days but she is taking this up with Highways.
Cllr Austin reported that she found it increasingly frustrating that she has to split the meeting night between Frampton and Kirton and asked that both Councils find a solution. It was resolved that the Clerk will liaise with Frampton Clerk and the Borough and County Councillors to find a solution if one can be found.
Cllr Brookes informed members that the flooding on Priestly Gardens/Willington Road and Penny Gardens investigation work was due to start on the 10th February.
Cllr P Watson reported that there is another issue with fly tipping (of a serious amount) at Langley Mews again. The previous tipped rubbish had been removed and resulted in one £300 fine plus another 2 were fined. One additional issue arose out of the fly tipping investigations which resulted in a child protection issue being raised.
Cllr P Watson also said that after a recent scrutiny meeting at the Borough, a task group on fly tipping has been formed and they would like to ask for ideas from residents on how they feel it could be tackled.
He also reported on a meeting that had been held over Facebook between Inspector Fran Harrod and Peter Hunn of the Borough Council where they discussed current issues and concerns. This was a success and will be scheduled again.
Cllr P Watson said that there is now an ongoing task regarding testing for Covid 19 in the Borough at the two sites. The Borough Council is keen that as many Borough residents get tested as possible.
He also updated members regarding the dumped fridge freezer on the corner of Hardwick Estate, this is on private land and an officer has attended once to the residence and will visit again, he may issue a protection warning notice.
1) Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated December 2020/21 (10 of 12)
It was resolved that the payments should be made.
2) Members voted on the ratification of the decision in principle regarding quotations received from the Town Hall Management Committee for the replacement doors for the rear of the Town Hall. The Town Hall Management Committee Chairman has ordered the doors and it is hoped they will be fitted early February.
Report from minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.
LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further
Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.
Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done
The update on the LCC site is:
This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.
Clerk contacted Cllr Austin following on from a request from Cllr S Watson to chase up the signage issue at Skeldyke Road. Cllr Austin has raised this again with Highways Manager and is waiting to find out when it will be done.
Preliminary enquiries made regarding obtaining land for allotments.
Contacted various bodies with regards to obtaining land for allotments. As of yet no success. Query made to Borough Council for further information.
Grant forms completed towards getting funding from LCC for bus shelter at High Street.
Grant approved subject to the bus shelter having a timetable mounting added to the bus shelter. Bus shelter ordered and start date given of 4th February 2021.
Moneyclaim online to recover monies from Contractor who did not start work on fencing at the Town Hall after deposit paid
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
1) Lincolnshire County Council = Temporary Traffic Restriction – Kirton End for Anglian Water Maintenance Works at Kirton Holme Road between B1391 and a point 135m northwest on 8th February 2021
Town Hall
Nothing new to report at this time
Sadly our gravedigger has passed away. Members agreed that the Clerk should contact other grave diggers to enable the council to have our own again. It was also resolved that the Clerk should send a card to the late grave digger’s wife and make a donation of £100 in his name to the Air Ambulance.
Parish Matters
a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting
Update for councillors as to how committee meetings should be conducted – advertising, minutes etc
Members were instructed on the basics on how to convene a meeting etc.
Consider each committee setting meeting dates for the website
It was resolved that each committee will agree meeting dates for the coming year and let the Clerk have them for publishing
b) Consider ways to issue Community/Village award certificates
These have now been received by the Clerk. It was agreed to send the two children that did litter pick during the autumn a certificate each.
c) To consider forming a social media committee It was resolved this was not necessary as the Policy is in place, however it was resolved that all members can automatically post to the Council Facebook site.
d) Allotments update
Cllrs P Watson and C Brotherton are now a working group with back up from the Clerk. Cllr P Watson and will contact land owners locally as soon as they are able to regarding obtaining land.
e) To ratify agreement in principle to contractor for Town Hall fencing
This was resolved unanimously.
Reports for Various Bodies
Nothing to report
Planning applications
B/20/0492 – Change of use of land from agricultural use to residential use and the erection of a garage and a maintenance equipment store at The Farm Yard, Mill Lane, Kirton End
Members commented that the information given is very sketchy. If the need is to build a storage facility to house machinery/equipment they did not see the need for the change of use from agricultural to residential.
B/20/0500 – proposed new driveway and vehicle crossover at 2 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton – No Objections
Determined Applications
B/20/0448 – Outline planning application for one dwelling with all matters reserved (Access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) at land adj to Parsley Cottage, Drainside South, Kirton – GRANT
B/20/0441 – Application for a lawful development certificate to confirm that the proposed extension to the garage is lawful at Ancaster Lodge, 10 Meeres Lane, Kirton - GRANT.