©Kirton News 2025

May 2014

The Editors Letter

Greetings Kirton. It looks like May could be an interesting month in the Village. What will we make of the new retail outlet? Will the protests over granting a licence bear fruit, or did we all (Parish and Borough councils, Police, radio, TV, Public and press) waste our time even considering to excercise our rights as free thinking, rational citizens? The story continues...

There’s a few things I could talk about this month: the continuing Willington Road saga; fouling of the footpaths; and, with the lighter nights, I’m sure there’ll be some anti-social behaviour issues some of you will want to highlight but - for this month - I’m going to let one of the younger members of our community have the (almost) final say:-

“I really think you should take this in to consideration. Im a 15 year old boy who loves to BMX and scooter in kirton recently where being told by the pcso’s to go somewhere else. We are getting really fed up now, I think it’s about time we have a Skatepark built in Kirton.This would have a lot of advantages e.g keeping the children in kirton and surrounding areas out of trouble,There is a lot of places in kirton where you can build this in a sensible size park. Please take this in to consideration!

Many thanks - Ryan Williams”

I’ve left as it came to me. And, although it’s not Pulitzer Prize winning stuff, I reckon it’s a genuine heartfelt plea on behalf of the youngsters of the village for those of us who are in the relevant positions to get off our backsides and give these kids somewhere to go and something to do that they will, obviously, enjoy and take care of.

The Skate park is something that’s been mooted more than once. Let’s make it happen for 2013. It’s a sound project to take on and a magnificent thing to aim for.

Let’s have more comments and letters. I’m sure there’s lots of you out there with something to say. Let’s hear it! Shortly, you might have chance of an even louder voice through Kirton News ... I’ll keep you posted!

Stay safe, be happy;


A Lincolnshire Family & The Power Game

Part 3 of the continuing history of the Irby Family by John Almond - local historian.

Anthony was quite a wealthy man in his day, as it was reported in Bishop Kennet’s Chronicle, that, when he married his second wife, Margaret Smith, his income was four to five thousand pounds a year. As well as his country seat at Whaplode Hall and his town Hall in Boston, he also owned a London residence, The Little Almery, at St Margaret’s Westminster. He followed in his grandfathers footsteps and entered politics, first as recorder, then M.P. for Boston. He was to hold this position, albeit with some enforced interruptions, until his death.

He first entered Parliament in the spring of 1628, with Richard Bellingham, Boston had two M.Ps at this time. He later sat in what we now know as the short and long Parliaments of King Charles1, in 1640.

The years leading up to the Civil War must have been awkward for him, as he was no Royalist, and he certainly did not agree with the ship money tax that King Charles brought in. In 1638 Sir Anthony was the high Sheriff of Lincolnshire, and records find him making endless excuses for late payment.

At the outbreak of the Civil War on 22 Aug 1642, when the King raised his standard at Nottingham, Sir Anthony was asked to raise a troop of dragoons for Parliament, which he did. The details of his accounts of this give us an interesting insight into how his troop was equipped, and its pay structure, he was given the rank of captain, with a salary of £1 a day.

His most notable action was when he and his troop assisted Oliver Cromwell and Sir Miles Hobart at the siege of Crowland, taking the town on 28 April 1643. After this Sir Anthony seems to have returned to his Parliamentary duties. He lost his seat during what is now known as Prides Purge, on 6 Dec 1648, it was really a military coup. He was briefly taken prisoner, and on 20 Dec he had a meeting with Commissary-General Henry Ireton. And as he could not promise he would not vote against Parliament, he was dismissed. What I think, he really meant was he could not pull himself to sign the Kings death warrant. At the election of 1656, Sir Anthony was again elected as M.P for Boston, but Cromwell’s council would not let him take his seat. The corporation of Boston must have been well satisfied with his performance in Parliament, as they sent him a long letter, expressing their gratitude for his fidelity and fitness and carriage in Parliament. It was signed by the then mayor, Reginald Hall, and all the aldermen and corporation members. Although Sir Anthony was barred from Parliament during the life of the protectorate, he did not lose all contact in the city of Westminster.

Continued next month.


It’s good to hear...

At any time of life, and in any situation, and particularly during Hearing Awareness Week, which is held between 6th and 12th May 2013.

At Hearing Help Ltd we like to think that we can generally help most people to hear better. But not everyone who has a hearing requirement is ready to consider using a hearing aid. So what to do to help them?

What many do not realise is that there are some highly affordable accessories which help you to hear better with or without hearing aids. Take for example telephones. Many older adults shy away from using mobile phones because they don’t find them easy to use. In addition, they do not want all the applications and functions that young people prefer or even expect from a mobile.

So some mobiles are specifically designed for this clientele. They have easy to use buttons, a large display, extra built-in amplification, an extra loud ringer, and fewer functions, typically, texting and phone calls only.

Some even have a talking keypad. Prices start from around £50-£60.

Similarly with landline phones there are many models which are designed especially for people who want to hear better on the phone. All have extra built-in amplification providing extra decibels of sound making for an easier conversation for both caller and receiver. Again prices start from around £50-£60.

For some people a favourite pastime is watching the TV, but this can be far from a harmonious activity, particularly if there is one person in the household who needs the TV louder than everybody else.

For this situation there is TV listening device which is a wireless amplified headset (no trailing cable from the TV to the listener). All the family can listen together as sound from the TV is not cut off.

However, the wearer of the headset is receiving their own personal amplification direct into the headset. If they want to hear those around them they just press a button, and press again to return to the TV. The price is just under £100.

For more information about any of the items mentioned above, or any other matter to do with hearing, please refer to our advert.



The Kirton Church Fund

The April draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine.

The May draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July magazine.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month.The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.Currently we have 36 members taking part so there is plenty of room for more members ( and a very good chance of winning).

You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part.

Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. For more information please ring Fay on 01205 723529


March 2013 Winners

Did you know that small changes
can make a BIG difference?

If you’re thinking of making changes to your lifestyle, but would like some extra support and advice, a Health Trainer may be just the person to help you.

We can support you with a wide range of issues which can affect your health and wellbeing, such as healthy eating, activity, weight management, smoking and alcohol.

The Health Trainer Service is well established having had many successes and most importantly, it’s informal, confidential and FREE!

If you would like more information please contact The Kirton Area Health Trainer: Mike Peberdy on telephone: 01205 315926, mobile: 07532 358309 or email: Mike.p@lincolnshirecvs.org.uk


Kirton Kids Club

This month has included both Mothering Sunday and Easter for the children at the club. Always a time to get involved in great art and fun activities for them. The children made lovely cards for Mothering Sunday and decorated them in their own unique way.

They also took home brightly coloured flowering plants that could be put into the garden once they had finished flowering. Easter is always a fun time too and the children had a really energetic Easter egg hunt! It is so hard to ‘hide’ something when you really want it to be found – I am sure we will still be finding eggs well into the summer.

They also enjoyed a mountain of hot cross buns during the run up to Easter. There were also lots of arts and crafts all with the Easter theme for them to make and take home. Now the holidays are over and we are back to school again.

Kids Club gives parents and carers the opportunity to extend their working day or to simply have a little more time either end of the school day. Children can be brought to breakfast club from 7.30am and picked up after school by 5.45pm. You can choose what sessions you wish to book your children into and on what days.

Children enjoy breakfast of their choice in the morning and a snack in the afternoon – included in the price. There is also an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of toys, equipment and arts and crafts to keep them occupied and happy during their time with us. Also Wii, Xbox, Ps2’s , full sized football and snooker tables and an amazing outside space set up with climbing tower, slide and astro turf.

There is also a great ‘growing to eat’ space where children can get involved in planting, growing and eating fruits and vegetables during the warmer weather. Staff are well qualified and caring and enjoy working with your children. Breakfast club is charged at £3.50 per child per session and after school £5.50 per child per session – some of the lowest prices for childcare in the area and yet very good quality childcare.

Kids club is fun for the children and peace of mind for you as a parent/carer. We have our own private car park to the front of the building and an enclosed, safe outside space to the back. We work closely with the Primary school and would love to offer your child/children a place so feel free to pop in.

For more information call 07583 762072 or go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school website.


Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club
Be in it, to WIN IT - Win big prizes and support your local Surgery

For just £2 a month you can win big prizes in our monthly draw.

Please add your details to the waiting list in reception and as a ticket becomes available you will be notified.

May we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the current months draw.

Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help. If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home.

March 2013 Winners

IMPORTANT NOTICE for patients of Dr's Gray, Hughes and Hill - please protect your surgery dispensary

The NHS is introducing an EPS – Electronic Prescription Service, this will have a huge impact on your GP practice dispensary.

You will shortly be asked to nominate a place you choose to get your medication from. You may receive a leaflet through the post from an online pharmacy company, describing its service as a “new NHS service working with your doctor to arrange and deliver your medicines”

They will ask you to nominate a pharmacy to dispense your medicines. If you choose to “nominate” a pharmacy for your medication, it does not necessarily mean that they will deliver your prescription.

Nominating to receive your medicines from a pharmacy, may result in the closure of your surgery dispensary. If you want to continue to receive your medication from your surgery dispensary, please tell us.

To protect your right to use the practice dispensary please ask a member of staff to explain the changes to you and if you wish to “nominate” your surgery dispensary, please log-on to the web site below for more details.

What using the Electronic Prescription Service means for you:

• Dispensing patients may continue to use the practice dispensary as normal.

• To arrange this, sign this letter, or ask a member of staff in the surgery for help.

• Please understand that if you nominate a pharmacy to receive your electronic prescriptions, the prescription might be sent there for collection.

• Nomination is very flexible and can be changed at any time by asking a member of staff at the pharmacy or the surgery.

• If you have nominated a pharmacy that you no longer wish to use, just make sure you let the surgery know as soon as possible.

• Opting to use the Electronic Prescription Service may result in delays to obtaining your medicines.

Sutterton Surgery welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to help us improve our service to you e.g do you feel a delivery service provided by the surgery, would be beneficial to our elderly or housebound patients? Contact us on: 01205 460254 or log-on at: www.suttertonsurgery.nhs.uk

National Recognition
for Kirton Primary School

Kirton Primary School’s latest results show that once again their children are performing at ‘significantly higher than the national average’ in terms of progress made in both English and maths.

In addition the school has received a letter from Ofsted informing them that, due to sustained high performance, its inspection can be deferred.

The school has also received a Quality Mark Award for literacy and numeracy and, just before Easter, received national recognition in the form of a letter from Mr Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister.

Mr Clegg wrote ‘the most recently available Key stage results show that you are among the top performing schools in England.’ Congratulations, Kirton Primary School!





What is Alpha?

The Alpha course is open to everyone interested in discovering what Christianity is about. It’s a place where people can come and relax, enjoy a meal, share thoughts and explore the meaning of life.

New Life Fellowship in Kirton is running a new 10 week Alpha Course starting on Friday 19th April 2013. 7.15 pm. At The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ.
To book your place please phone: 01205 724542 or 07985 149607. EVERYONE WELCOME.






An Un-Claimed Raffle Prize!

Will the holder of pink strip numbers 436 to 440 purchased at the Memorabilia Weekend at Kirton Town Hall please contact Paula Davies on 01205 722757 or Sam at Kirton News to look at what you’ve won.

Sorry, it’s not a speed boat!


British Legion past and present

Hello Members and readers. In my last newsletter I stated that the Kirton branch of the Royal British Legion was formed as a branch in its own right in 1943.  However, I was informed by a reader that this was incorrect, that the branch was formed in 1934.  As I am new to Kirton I thought I had better check that the information I was given was correct.

So the Branch Chairman looked up the minutes of the branch meetings of that time.  Before 1934 Kirton area was part of the Boston branch it then became a sub branch of Boston in 1934 and in 1943 it was established as a branch in its own right, and so it is correct the information I was given was true.  

With the kind permission of the author of the history of the Royal British Legion, Kirton Branch (Mr Stan Naylor) the branch has some copies of his history to give away, for a donation to the Poppy Appeal.

The branch membership is now down to 39 so we are looking for new members to help us in our charity work helping serving and ex serving personnel and their families.  You do not have to have served in the armed forces to be a member of The Royal British Legion.  So if you would like to help us in any way please contact myself or our branch chairman Mr Ken Huskisson on the numbers below. 

On the 1st June we are holding a charity fishing match at Westwood Lakes in aid of the poppy appeal the entry fee is £12.  With 1/3 going in prize money, so come along all you fishing enthusiast and help us to make it an enjoyable day.  

To enter please contact Alec at Westwood Lakes on 01205 724162 or myself on 01205 722501.


Extracts from minutes of Kirton Parish Council Meeting - February 2013

Police Matters:

No police attended. The Police have been informed of the damage done to the windows of the Town Hall and have taken the CCTV from that evening to identify the culprits. It has been advised by the Police that smart water could be used on vulnerable areas.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting:

Resident reported that the public footpath alongside Kier development site leading to the Park is full of dog mess. Clerk has reported this to BBC who will arrange for the cleansing team to clean it all off.

Complaint received that Anglian Water has made a donation to the Church in lieu of compensation to residents on Willington Road. Clerk informed complainant that this was not suggested by the Parish Council to be in lieu of compensation to residents, but when asked by Anglian Water for a way to generally compensate residents of the village for the upheaval of the work on Willington Road, the Chairman suggested the Church. Clerk has advised the complainant that she can still make a claim for compensation to Anglian Water, and if she feels that this is justified then to go ahead.

Clerk has contacted LCC Planning Enforcement regarding the ongoing recycling of tyres at Fossit & Thorne – LCC have informed her that they are monitoring operations and will be giving a timescale for work to cease at the Kirton site and to move to Sutterton. LCC are mindful of the concerns of the Parish Council and are now working with the operator to re-locate the business to Sutterton (however, there are pre-commencement conditions that need to be met on the new site – all taking time). The agent informs LCC that they are looking to be moving onto the Sutterton site in September/October of this year.

Cllr Smith told members that the tyres are still being stored at Kirton Holme. Cllr Brookes informed members that this was being pursued still by the Environment Agency who are still trying to sort this matter.

Service to the community awards – unfortunately the two nominees did not get selected for the awards.

Clerk has enquired with Longhurst when the trees/bushes that have died along the buffer zone in the park – likely to be March/April.

Large pot hole at the corner of The Old Post Office, Kirton Holme reported to LCC.

Large pot hole at the corner of the A52 and Holme Road, Kirton Holme reported to LCC.

Grit bin requested for Marketstead Estate and approved in 2012 reapplied for as not materialised. Also requested same for Green Lane and Boston Road (corner). Enquiry made regarding the proposed storage at the Fire Station for a 1 tonne bag of grit/salt which has not materialised. Ref: 1166190

The application for a brown tourist sign has been received by LCC and they will soon complete an assessment.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council:

Cllr Skinner has written a report which he will forward to the Clerk.

Cllr Lee asked for the council’s backing to approach Highways regarding getting double yellow line on the corner of Edinburgh Drive/King Street where the buses turn to go to the school. Buses have to mount the kerb to get round the corner as cars are parking on the corner. These lines would only need to be 15-20m long as this would be long enough for the buses. It was resolved that the Clerk should make a request to Highways.

Town Hall:

The windows have been repaired at the Town Hall.

The Town Hall committee have complained that there is still damp in the storage cupboard off the main hall. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to the contractor and give him the last chance to put the guttering right, and let him know that if it is not done by the end of March that the Council will employ another contractor to fit the guttering correctly and send him the bill.

The Town Hall Committee are concerned about the security of the building. Suggestions regarding a simplex lock system or swipe card system were discussed and Cllr Carter will put this suggestion to the committee.


The Cemetery Manager had prepared a comparison chart showing Kirton cemetery fees and Boston Cemetery fees. Boston has put their fees up 10% this year. After much debate it was resolved by vote (6 in favour, 2 against any increase and 2 abstained) that the fees should be increased across the board by 5%.

The wall at the old Chapel will be repaired next week.

Work at the old Chapel is progressing inside, but slowed outside whilst the weather is cold.

Parish Matters - The Recreation Project:

Cllr Foster agreed to speak to the land owner of the proposed path area to the rear of the park and get things moving along.

Cllr Hannay informed members that: The gates will be removed and taken away for painting. The posts are also to be painted, and the wooden gates altered.

Drainage on the site is still an issue and it is likely to remain one without major works to the park the trees that were killed last year are still to be replaced – Malc Firth’s has agreed to replace and replant as they killed them off. The buffer zone trees are due to be replaced come the spring time.

The next committee meeting is to be 12th March – Clerk to email all members

Ideas from members regarding the ‘Grand Opening’ of the Park:

None were forthcoming from members – committee meeting should hopefully provide some

Inspection Rota: No issues

Consider a revision on the office open hours.

it was proposed by Cllr Lee that the office opening hours be reduced to 9-10 am on Tuesdays as no members of the public are using the facility. It was resolved that this should happen with immediate effect. Clerk agreed to stay longer should the need arise.