May 2017
The Editors Letter
Well, what a momentous few days towards the end of April.
The entire staff at Kirton News International are gripped by election fever !!!
As I write this I am trembling at the thought of actually being able to, at last, guarantee Mother Theresa (II) her mandate to finally smash our (soon to be) former economic wardens into submission under the flaming banner of Liberty that is BREXIT!
Or is it just wind from last night’s Vindaloo?
Well, it’s going to be a tough few weeks of media bombardment calmed only by the comforting thought that we have the opportunity - a whole three years early - to put those that make the rules and pay themselves extortionate salaries at the expense of the Proletariat back into their comfy dragon green seats to snooze away another term. You may notice our local MP no longer advertises in this publication, though he would receive an entirely unbiased welcome if he chose to.
But, back to the reality that is Kirton in the Springtime. We have a packed edition for you this month, and would love to do same for future editions so, keep coming through with your thoughts, articles and features of interest to give them a wider voice.
I do have a couple of more unsavoury things to ‘flag up’ that locals have asked me to mention however - can KIrton Church have their blue re-cycling bin back please? It was, for whatever reason, taken after being emptied on Friday March 24th (or thereabouts). The good folk of the congregation would welcome its return.
Also I have to quote the leader of our Parish Council, Ian Turner, in a report (yet again) about misuse of the Skate Park which so many of you out there [the youth very much included] spent so much time and effort in establishing in the first place. It is dated April 6th.
“I am saddened to report that the Skate Park has been vandalized yet again, maybe you would like to make a statement in your editorial how sad this is after all the money spent on the park for the youths of our village. What path does the council follow now, as it is a cost each time we have to repair it for safety reasons? Or are we left considering having it removed.”
Stern words... but fair. It really is a matter for you young folk out there - who will inherit the responsibility for this neck of the Fens - to get a reality check and protect and keep what is good about this place.
Look after the community. You’ll probably be doing a far better job than those looking after the country! But you’ll have to do it voluntarily, as so many of us already do.
So, on to the next one. Cromwell has a lot to answer for, and so, perchance, do I.
Looking After The Pets Of Kirton
For Over 40 Years
There has been a Veterinary Surgery in Kirton since the early 1970’s, when Mr David Eckford and his wife Jenny first opened the doors of their newly built premises, adjacent to Culham House where they lived.
In 1985 Mr Stephen Elwood came to work for David and eventually became a partner in the practice to become Eckford and Elwood Veterinary Surgery. At this time they dealt with pets and also farm animals and horses . In 1987 Steve acheived his Certicate in Small Animal Orthopaedics . A few years later David retired leaving Steve as the sole partner . Over the 1990’s the practice grew, taking on more vets and nurses to cope with the increased workload. Steve built up his very successful Orthopaedic Referral Service, taking on referral cases from vets all over Lincolnshire.At this point some extensions were added to the buildings to add extra rooms for operating, xrays and laboratory.
In 2002 Miss Maxine Briggs became a partner in the practice after having started working as an assistant vet with Steve in 1993. The surgery became Elwood and Briggs . The practice continued to grow with increased demand on the small animal side (dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs etc). At this time the difficult decision was taken to no longer deal with farm animals and horses. The reason for this was that there were very few livestock farms left after the Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2001 and it became very difficult to maintain all the drugs and skills needed to provide a good service to the large animal cases.
In 2006 the property next door to the surgery was acquired.This became the Dispensary and Retail area, extra consulting room, office and extra car park spaces.
In 2012 Mr Nigel Turner became a partner after joining the practice as an assistant vet in 2000. The practice then became Elwood, Briggs and Turner.
Veterinary Medicine has changed immensely in the last 40 years. Due to the success of pet vaccines we thankfully do not see the awful infectious diseases that were so common in the 1970’s and 80’s (eg Parvo Virus and Distemper).
We can now diagnose and treat illnesses much more effectively due to improved facilities ( digital xrays, ultrasound scans, inhouse blood testing machines).
Modern medicines enable conditions to be treated more safely and effectively.
Modern anaesthetics mean operations are safer and recovery times quicker.
Pets are now, like people living longer so we are seeing many more “senior pets”. Like older people they will have more complex medical issues, however we have many options open to us to maintain their quality of life and keep them happy in their senior years.
Preventative Healthcare is now one of our main goals. This aims to keep your pet well . We advise an Annual Health Check for your dog and cat.At this appointment they receive a full clinical examination by the vet, and appropriate booster vaccination depending on lifestyle. We would advise preventative treatments for parasites depending on lifestyle of your pet (fleas,worms,ticks, lungworm). Parasite infections can be a risk to human health( in the case of round worms) and can be debilitating for the pet or even life-threatening in some cases.
We can now also offer a Well Pet Blood Test at the time of the Annual Health Check (this checks the blood cell counts, liver and kidney function and electrolyte and protein levels in the blood). In some cases problems can be detected at an early stage before external signs are apparent. This can enable treatments to be started early, or changes in diet, exercise etc.
Times may have changed but the underlying aim is still the same – to give the best care to you and your pet.
We have a friendly team of vets, nurses, receptionists and support staff.
“A dedicated team committed to the welfare of your pet”.
Our vets – Steve Elwood, Maxine Briggs , Nigel Turner, Sue Allen,Norma Hunter, Derrick Carpenter , Liz Hele, Gosia Szczepanska, Marta Marcos. We do our own 24hour Emergency Call Out Service.
For all enquiries telephone: 01205 722696.

Receptionists Julie and Sue welcome you

Nurse Kate in the Dispensary

Steve Elwood, Nigel Turner, Maxine Briggs the partners of the practice.
Charity Bicycle Ride to
take place in June
In memory of local business man, Dave Booth a mamoth cycle ride is planned to take place from 10am Saturday June 10th over 24 hours.
Out of the blue in June of 2016 Dave Booth was diagnosed with a brain tumour which proved so agressive that, in spite of every effort by friends and family and every available treatment he passed away in the November of that year. A seemingly healthy 51 year old with a loving family cruelly struck down in such a short space of time.
As with many such conditions one never knows just what is on the cards for any of us. Brain tumours can be especially devastating, No physical signs until the moment strikes.
On Saturday 10th June 2017 Dave’s friends and family will be undergoing a cycling trial to raise much needed funds for the Brain Tumour Charity.
The aim is to challenge themselves... each cycling from 20 to 300 miles in a 24 hour period.
They will all be wearing red (mainly lycra!!!) to support the charity, as they cycle the twenty mile route around places of interest to Dave.
The group would love your support in this! Here’s how you can get involved:
Come along and support them on the day! they will be setting off from the Black Bull, Kirton at 10AM on Saturday 10th June 2017; and people will be returning back to the pub as they finish their rides throughout the next 24 hours. Come and see them set off, and return! When the last riders come in at 10AM on Sunday, they’ll be welcomed back with a BBQ.
Donate! If you’d like to donate to the event, please go to the JustGiving site at:
Join them and challenge yourself! If you’d like to ride, please contact Antony Luto at the black Bull on 01205 722530.
The Brain Tumour Charity is at the forefront of the fight to defeat brain tumours, making a difference every day to the lives of people, and their families affected by this terrible disease.
The Charity is committed to having the biggest possible impact for everyone affected by a brain tumour, to defending the most amazing part of the human body, so that the diagnosis is no longer a death sentence.
Dave’s family and friends thank you in advance for your support, your donation is greatly appreciated and will be used towards helping fund world class research.
For further details on how your generosity will help, please visit:
Photo courtesy of Boston Standard
The Kirton Church Fund
The April draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine.
The May draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July magazine
No first time winners this month – both our lucky winners have won before. Well done number 40, who has now won 5 times and number 60 on his second win.
It will soon be five years since we started the Kirton Church Fund (how fast time is flying by!) and we have given away a lot of prize money (around £2700!) Why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part.
We welcome two new members who have joined us this month but we still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
March 2017 Winners
1st PRIZE - £38.68 - TICKET NUMBER: 40
2nd PRIZE - £12.89 -
Swineshead Children’s Centre Activities
MONDAYS: Little Explorers, 9.30am to 11.00am. (Free & No Booking)
TUESDAYS: Baby Sensory 9.45am to 10.30am (Precious Early Learning for Babies Fee Payable) Ring Mallissa on 07541801984
or email: to book.
WEDNESDAYS: Come and Play, 1.30pm to 2.30pm (Free & No Booking)
THURSDAYS: Learning Family 10.00am-11.30am 1pm-2.30pm (Free - Term Time Only)
FRIDAYS: Movers & Shakers 9.30am to 10.30am. (Free & No booking)
HEALTH VISITOR: 11:00am to 3.45pm (Appointments are sent to parents)
Just come along! Sessions run all year round unless otherwise stated and free unless stated.
Now taking bookings for Adult Learning Courses eg: Emergency Paediatic First Aid, ESOL, Healthy Eating, Money Management, CV Workshop and more so please call the centre for more details.
Mum, Dad, Carers and Grandparents are welcome to all session’s. Sessions may be subject to change so please check with us by giving us a ring or dropping in.
Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday-Thursday / 8.30am - 4.00pm Friday
St Marys School, Abbey Road, Swineshead PE20 3EN
Telephone: 01205 820331 or email:
Keep up to date with our events and activities by visiting:
We are now on Facebook:
Like us and follow us!

Get on-line with Barn Owl
Having lived in Algarkirk for 10 years, I’m struck by the number of local businesses that don’t yet have a website. Talking to people, it isn’t that they don’t want one, in fact many had tried and been put off by the experience.
From yellow-pages type ads to full e-commerce solutions, I want to show that you can have an affordable, customer attracting, legally compliant website. It will be fully owned by you, you can update it yourself at any time or, if you prefer, you can leave that to me.
With a free initial consultation I can put together some ideas for you. Once your website is ready I can host it for you, making sure it reaches as many potential customers as possible, and is kept secure from hacking and viruses. I’ll also be available to help you if you get stuck with anything.
Please see my website for a portfolio of local businesses whose websites I have developed and look after.
Letters to the Editor
Hi Sam, I have noticed lately that a few boys are using the War Memorial as a scooter Park. Would it be possible to mention in the magazine that a skate Park has been provided for them at great expense. Also to stress that the lives of very brave men are commemorated on the memorial and perhaps this generation should continue to respect that, as their parents have done. Don’t want to sound an old grump, but it does upset quite a lot of people to see children climbing and scooter-ing all over the steps on the memorial.
Kids Club
Oh haven’t we been lucky! Such wonderful weather and so early in the year. Not just Spring but a little bit of summer too – long may it last.
The children have really enjoyed their sunshine play this month.
Most afternoons were spent outside for the whole of the session with a multitude of toys and equipment to help keep them happy and occupied.
It is wonderful to watch children playing. The club caters for all ages from nursery to fourteen years.
I have to admit by fourteen the children are not ‘into’ a kids club so we do not get any of this age group but the option is there should it be needed.
The Club opens at breakfast 7.30 am and closes after school at 5.45 pm – giving parents and carers the chance to extend their working day.
Children are offered a hot or cold breakfast menu and drink in the morning and after school a ‘high tea’ in the price.
Breakfast club £3.50 per child per session and after school £5.50 per child per session.
The children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt before the holidays – with only one egg lost – it melted in the sun!
For Mothers Day they took home a plant and card that they wrote and signed themselves.
We now have a few places at breakfast club and after school should you require them.
For more information or to book places please contact or phone 07583 762072.
The Sun Shines on Local Good Causes
It was “all at the Co-Op” on Wednesday April 19th as three local charitie benefited from a scheme which has been running at Kirton Co-Op since last September.
Over a six month period, from any money spent using a members card on own brand products, five percent of the purchase price has been going back to the customer (via the member’s card) but one percent has been accruing to be split between three local nominated charities.
A cheque for £4,335 was proudly displayed by staff and branch Manager Ian Lawrence photographed here with representatives from the three local good causes which received over £1,400 each.
Kirton Scout Group:
Leslie Lanfranco and other troop members welcomed their cheque which will be used towards a new mini bus, helping local young people achieve the best for themselves with day trips, activities and holidays.
The Kirton Town Hall Management Committee:
Represented by Paula Davies the Committee in its current form sees its tenth anniversary this year. They have been running a monthly Luncheon Club for the over sixties which has been growing in popularity.
The plan is the cash will be used to aid a much needed kitchen refurbishment including the purchase of a new cooker.
Kirton Consolidated Charities;
Thanks for the boost in funds were expressed by Chairman Richard Leggott and Secretary and Treasurer Joan Barnes. The charity provides better living conditions with funding for accommodation for vulnerable members of the community.
Three more good causes have already been nominated and chosen for the next six month ‘round of collections which will finish in September. But if there are representatives from any local organization which would like to benefit from the third planned collection for 2017/18 then more information is available at Co-Op on-line, or ask in the store.
Supporting local business really can go a long way!

Kirton Primary
School Shortlisted
Kirton Primary School is celebrating after being short listed for the national, Times Educational Mathematics Award. This is a prestigious and highly regarded award, and follows a successful year for Kirton Primary in which its results placed it in the top 2% of schools in the country for progress in mathematics, and in the top 1% for children in receipt of premium funding.
Kirton Primary School is determined that all children, no matter what their starting point, achieve well across all subjects. The school uses creative strategies to engage its pupils in mathematics, including an inspirational Shop and Bank system, which itself won an award last year.
The winners will be announced at the end of June at an award ceremony at the Grosvenor Hotel in London.
Can you help?
Does anyone have information as to the whereabouts of Mr. W. Ingram formerly of 102 Dennis Estate, Kirton Please contact Sam the Editor at by the usual channels.
A genuine enquiry, thanks.
Happier days at Elgro

I have recently come by this photo of a staff celebration at the ELGRO Factory in Kirton.Echoes of days when the Village had a variety of decent shops and small as well as large businesses; three pubs; a cycle shop; butchers; laundry; haberdashers.... I could go on and on.
I don’t know what the celebration may have been but if any of you recognize yourselves or a friend or neighbour and want to pass your memories on (the printable ones anyway!) then I would love to hear from you.
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia now and then, eh?
Hours as required during exam periods (peak time May & June), Zero hour contract.
No experience required as full training will be given, must be observant and willing to help set up and take down the exam room. Be flexible with availability to the working hours.
To apply please send in your CV with a covering letter to Mrs S Illingworth, Thomas Middlecott Academy, Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston, Lincs. PE20 1JS or via email
Successful Applicant will be subject to references and an enhanced DBS. Rate of pay above the minimum wage.
Town Hall
Committe AGM
Kirton Town Hall Management Committee will be having their AGM on 16 May 2017 at 7.00pm in the Upsall Room at the Town Hall, Station Road, Kirton.
The public and other interested parties are invited to attend.
Paula Davies,
Secretary, Kirton town Hall Management Committee
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- February 2017
Public Forum
The Chairman had invited Mr Stan Naylor to attend along with 3 members of the Royal British Legion to present him with a Community Award for his services over the years to the village. Mr Naylor was a Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council previously, plus for many years he has researched the War fallen of Kirton and this has resulted in new names being added to the list in the Church, plus on the War Memorial. His contributions towards the village over the years have been invaluable.
One resident came to get updates on items he had previously raised with the council. Before leaving the meeting, this resident was told that these items had already been covered in previous meetings.
Mr Naylor updated members regarding the Victoria Cross holder, Serjeant Harold Jesse Jackson is his correct rank and name.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman said he was pleased to report that the potholes near to the roundabout on Station Road have been filled, plus the small ones near to the large ones reported, have also been filled.
The Probation services have started work on the treeline around the rear and side fence lines of the Town Hall. This is going to generate a lot of waste. One skip is in place.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs Austin, Ransome, Rylott and Hannay all gave their apologies and their reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllr Lee reported he had an interest in item 12 on the Agenda, Town Hall as his daughter is on the committee.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting should be recorded as the minutes. Cllr Brookes apologised for his late arrival at the previous meeting.
Police Matters
No Police attended but PC Appleby informed the members via email to the Clerk that the antisocial behaviour is being kept in check within the village with procedures in place. There has been a spate of hare coursing in the Parish which the Police are trying to prevent.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
a) Dennis Estate, gully’s blocked, ditch not working properly and road surface flooding.
b) Station Road onto High Street – surface coming away, potholes coming back.
c) Station road onto A16 – numerous potholes, some deep.
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a) Lincolnshire County Council – Future operating Model is to be introduced which is going to change the way that the service highways offer, and how it is both commissioned and delivered.
b) Lincolnshire County Council – reply received regarding the proposition of opening up the end of King Street to the A16 and installing a roundabout there.
The suggestion from the Parish Council to open the end of King Street was rejected.
c) Lincolnshire County Council – Surface Water Flooding Investigation – June 2016 – information continues to be gathered. Residents are being contacted with a short response sheet.
d) Boston Borough Council – new service being looked into which if offered which offers free service to community groups, clubs, charities etc – will boost information contained in Boston Bulletin
e) Lincolnshire County Council – Seadyke Culvert, Kirton being replaced by plastic one, in April, road diversions will be necessary.
f) A resident had contacted the Clerk regarding the number of vehicles that pass her house on Willington Road that make her house shake.
Members advised that she keep a log of the number and type of vehicle that makes her house shake, in conjunction the Clerk will also report to Highways.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors
/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes reported that Ken Pratt is continuing his investigations into the flooding issues in the village. He has written to the Primary School for feedback, plus he is arranging for CCTV to be fitted into the drains in the village. It is a big investigation and will take time to come to a satisfactory conclusion.
Cllr Lee thanked Cllr Brookes in his involvement with the developers on Boston Road getting the footpath/grass sorted in between the new development and the Cemetery.
The Borough members were asked by Cllr Danby when the maintenance programme on the lighting that the Parish Council is taking on responsibility will be completed? The Borough Council had previously been asked this questing and had confirmed on an email that they would ensure all the lights are working fully before the Parish is responsible for them. It was not certain however, that the timers for the lights would be put on the lights before the Parish takes over responsibility. Cllr Edwards said that he would look into it and inform the Clerk of his findings.
Cllr Brookes said that there was a quick way of identifying whether the light column was a Borough or a County light by the colour of the sticker on the column. White is Borough, yellow is County.
Cllr Lee informed members that he hoped that the footpath sweeper would soon be coming to the village as he had seen it in Wyberton the day before.
Planning applications:
Erection of six detached dwellings with associated garages and access at Land adjacent to 21 Horseshoe Lane, Kirton – OBERSVATION: Members do not want the existing roadside trees cutting down. They feel there is not a need to cut any down.
Proposed end extension to the existing warehouse at Sports Bike Shop, Kirton Distribution Park, Wash Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Erection of 2 No. detached dwellings, vehicular access and associated garages at Land north of Drainside South, Kirton – OBJECTIONS: Ground is wetland, next to a water way and is unsuitable for domestic dwellings. Road way is unsuitable for regular usage. Request this one is seen by Planning Committee.
Erection of two storey front and side extension to existing dwelling at 87 Dennis Estate, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Erection of single storey front and rear extensions at La Vern, Washdyke Lane, Kirton Meeres – NO OBJECTIONS
Replacement of existing softwood gazebo with a larger oak gazebo at Mahoneys Point, The Fairways, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Application for prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural building to a dwelling house (Class C3) at Agricultural Building, The Farm yard, Mill Lane, Kirton End – OBSERVATIONS: Insufficient information within the application as to sizes etc. What is the building currently used for? Request this one is seen by Planning Committee.
Change of use from shop (Class A1) to restaurant (Class A3) together with a single storey rear extension with flue extraction and the formation of a n independent flat on the first floor at 15 High Street, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Application for the approval of reserved matters for the construction of 9 dwellings including access, appearance, layout, landscaping and scale following the grant of outline planning permission for residential development ref: B/16/0099 plus the discharge of conditions 4 (surface water drainage) and 7 (landscaping) attached to B/16/0099 at Land between Bungley Lane and West End Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS BUT request a condition is placed on the approval that the road way (Bungley Lane) is upgraded to the entrance to the development.
Construction of extensions and alterations to Salon at 14 Station Road, Jayne Rush Hair and Beauty, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Accounts for payment
It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 11 of 12 dated February 2016/17 should be paid.
Future cuts regarding Highways were considered and it was resolved not to take any more responsibilities on this coming financial year and reassess in the future if necessary.
Town Hall
The improvements to the Town Hall continue, a new water boiler has been fitted in the kitchen and some new tables purchased.
The committee met and now the footpath area has been levelled and reseeded. It is the decision of the committee that both ends of the maintenance strip are gated to stop dog walkers and fly tipping. Cllr Lee will get some quotations for the work.
Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Lee reported that the footpath between Thorne Way and Drainside South is so overgrown it is in danger of disappearing. Clerk to report to Highways.
Cllr Smith reported that in the light of the flooding issues on Dennis Estate it would appear that the drains/ditches in the area have been neglected for a very long time. Cllr Brookes informed members that there are plans for future developments which must make for sustainable drainage, but previous bad practice will take some more work.
Parish matters
Due to the nature of the business about to be transacted the remaining members of the public were asked to leave.
All residents left the meeting.
Cllrs Brookes and Edwards also left the meeting.
Cemetery fee increases were discussed and it was resolved that resident’s fee table will increase by 2% and none residents by 5%.
Town Hall grant payments were discussed. It was resolved to leave the grant as it is for this year, but to reduce from 2018/19 financial year.
Use of the Town Hall grassed areas will be discussed on an event by event basis with a view to whether use should result in a charge for the use.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Peighton Jean Featherstone
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
no Weddings this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
Mr John Smart