©Kirton News 2025

May 2018

The Editors Letter

I suppose I should start the very daunting task of my first Editor’s letter by introducing myself! My name is Rachael and I live just outside the village with my husband and two children. I have very strong ties to Kirton and spent a great deal of time in the village as a child with my wonderful grandparents, George and Margaret Tetther who lived on Boston Road. My Mum and her two brothers grew up in Kirton and still live there today. I vividly remember The Curry King being the Co-Op, Upsall’s, the charming outdoor bowling green and Caroline’s dress shop to name but a few from days gone by.

My first duty as incoming Editor is to send a heartfelt thanks to Sam Chapman who, for very nearly the last 7 years has entertained us with his acerbic wit, kept us informed and who has (and hopefully still will be) a constant presence in the village. I hope I can at least live up to the level of commitment that he has shown. Also, thanks to the outgoing committee, Mary Rayner, Ann Dawson and Audrey Forinton. They have all done a fantastic job in nurturing a publication we should all be really proud of (too many villages no longer have one). We also have a huge band of distributors who make it possible for every home in Kirton to receive a copy of this publication. Be sure that your efforts do not go unnoticed and we’re very grateful.

I’m a huge believer in the power of the local community. I’m a member of the Town Hall Management Committee and I also run the Facebook Community Page for Kirton, Frampton & Wyberton (like it or loathe it)! I have seen many varied and passionate comments over the last few years on a number of subjects. Being a Facebook administrator means that I can’t comment on any post but rest assured that this doesn’t mean I feel apathetic towards things that happen in our village. Far from it. This is precisely why I have taken on this role, why I’m on the Town Hall committee and why I believe we still have a great community at the heart of our village.

My beloved Dad, Alan Lee, who passed away far too suddenly a few months ago was a dedicated ambassador for the village through his work on the Parish and Borough Council. He was a member of the Friday group, who are still seen tirelessly working to make our village a tidier place to live. It takes a lot of guts to put forward your ideas and opinions, especially if sometimes, it goes against the general consensus and he wasn’t ever afraid of that. It’s something I will always strive to live up to.

I ask that you don’t be just another pessimistic voice on the Facebook page. We may not all agree with what new businesses are opening but at least they are opening. Join a committee, introduce yourself to your neighbours or help out at an event. Someone out there always needs help. I may not be as physically available as our previous Editor, but myself and Andy, our Advertising Manager will always respond to your queries and try to help in any way we can. This is, after all, your publication and your village.



Kirton artist exhibiting
at Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston

A member of the Kirton Art Group, Karin Christensen is showing her paintings and drawings for five weeks during the month of May at Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston. The exhibition is called “Streets of Boston”and features over 30 works of art from local street scenes and Lincolnshire landscapes.

Karin has been a member of the Kirton Art Group for many years. She mainly paints using watercolour, with strong elements of drawing and sketching, often giving a striking visual effect. She finds inspiration in the local area and has painted landscapes around Kirton as well as busy street scenes and architecture from Boston.

Karin is originally Norwegian, but having lived in the UK for over 20 years and in Kirton for more than half this time, she considers herself a local. Her work can be seen at www.karinchristensen.com

The exhibition runs from April 30th until June 2nd and is open daily, free entry.

Below: Down Drainside in ink and watercolour and is of Drainside Kirton.




The Kirton Church Fund

The April draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine.

The May draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July magazine.

No first time winners again this month – both our lucky winners have won before. Congratulations to you both.

It will soon be six years since we started the Kirton Church Fund (how fast time is flying by!) and we have given away a lot of prize money (around £3,300!) Why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part.

We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Registration forms are available at the back of church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

March 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £36.56 - TICKET NUMBER: 3
2nd PRIZE - £12.18 - TICKET NUMBER:68


Letters to the Editor

It was with great sadness that I read the editor's letter in Sams final hurray as editor. It seems to me that he seems to think thank both the Parish Council and Borough have magic wands to stop building on agricultural land. I have spoken at three appeals against such projects all that were approved by the Governments inspector. Also he seems to forget the national governments drive to build more and more homes.

As to pot holes yes we are always reporting them, but they are a highways issue, who try to fill them on an increasingly reduced budget.

Sam has been a servant to the Kirton News, and I hope his efforts will be remembered for the right reasons and not off the ball comments over the years.

Ian Turner

Regarding  the loss of 3 heathy trees on Station Road, I refer you to the submitted Planning Application B/18/0101 for the 'shoe horning' of two detached houses on the site. The removal of these trees will no doubt help to facilitate this development and avoid justifying the removal of these trees within the planning application.

This does provoke a wider discussion as to why, assuming these trees were not in the conservation area of Kirton, that tree preservation orders had not been applied for and placed on them and hence how many other trees around Kirton are under similar threat in the future.

Should we expect our Parish Councillors to be more proactive in this area and if not them, who should be? Perhaps they can respond to this question.

Yours sincerely, Paul Cotton

Kirton Kids Club

Easter over and finally we are enjoying some sunny days so it looks promising for the next half term.

The children enjoy the outside space so much – we have tables and benches for ‘al fresco’ snack times, climbing tower and slide, astro turf and raised beds for growing activities.

All of these have been paid for by the Kids Club with money raised or gifted – it does not come easily and we would really appreciate everyone taking as much care of them as the children using our club do.

I would like to thank everyone who support or help in some way to keep the Kids Club the success it still is.

In January we celebrated 20 years open and I think that is cause for celebration – a big party is called for!

Kids club starts at 7.30 am for breakfast and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.

Spaces are on a first booked basis but if you are interested please contact us on 07583 762072 and find out what are available.


Calling All Local Groups!
Meet Your Future Volunteers

Volunteers from local charity Heritage Lincolnshire are putting on a “Do Something New” event at Louth Library to show local people just how many different groups and societies are active in the Louth area. The event will be on May 12th from 10am – 3pm. The “Do Something New” event is a collective event to get more people involved in volunteering in their local area. If your group needs new members or volunteers then book your table now as spaces are limited.

Heritage Lincolnshire is a charity based in Lincolnshire for the people of Lincolnshire. We want everyone to be better connected making the most that there is on offer across the county. We want everyone to have the opportunity to do something truly exciting. Us volunteers have done two other similar events that have been successful, and inspired by Grantham Museum’s ‘Do Something New’, we decided a bigger event would be even better!

– Jackie Goodall, volunteer coordinator at
Heritage Lincolnshire

Entry to the public will be free, and the event will be advertised locally through posters, newspapers, radio and social media. A table will cost £15 each and you can use your own turf for both promotion and recruitment.


Kirton town Hall Management Committee

The Kirton Town Hall Management Committee will be having their AGM on 15 May 2018 at 7.00pm in the Upsall Room at the Town Hall, Station Road, Kirton. The public and other interested parties are invited to attend.


The View from the Vicarage

Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving,
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Even if you have broken your vows a thousand times
It doesn’t matter
Come, come yet again, come”

These powerful words were written by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi, a 13th-century Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic, and they may seem a little odd to be quoted by a Christian priest to the people of his three parishes. But perhaps you will see that by the time you have read this letter, just how apt and powerful these words really are.

There are many people living within our parishes that once practiced their faith but have given up for hundreds of different reasons. There are also those who remember the days when they attended Church regularly, and even enjoyed the experience. There are also those who believe that they have outgrown the concept of religion and moved on, even feeling liberated and free from any religious adherence. I am not doubting that these views are valid, but I also meet lots of people who tell me that they would love to believe again in something greater than themselves, and those who say that they cannot come back because they have messed up. Many people simply crave real fellowship with other human beings.

The 20th-century journalist and Christian apologist G. K. Chesterton once said, “There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there. The other is to walk round the whole world till we come back to the same place.” Chesterton’s point was that truth might be closer than you realize, perhaps right under your own nose. Often, like with the prodigal son, truth is found at the end of a long road back to the Father’s house.

Of course, G K Chesterton was speaking specifically about Christianity. In his book “The Everlasting Man” he contrasts two ways of analysing the Christian faith. The first is from the inside. The second is from a million miles away. As he writes, “The best relation to our spiritual home is to be near enough to love it. But the next best is to be far enough away not to hate it.” Often, we find that sometimes just stepping outside the front door of your own particular viewpoint, leaves you too close to have a clear perspective. You can be standing beneath the awning while complaining about the shade. Your proximity itself creates emotional and intellectual blind spots.

As Chesterton puts it, “The popular critics of Christianity are not really outside of it … Their criticism has taken on a curious tone; as of a random and illiterate heckling.” Perhaps you get what he was talking about: Many of the complaints and criticisms we hear about Christianity and the Church are more emotionally charged than carefully reasoned. And safe passage to meaningful conversations with each other can be hard to find.

C S Lewis also navigated this same terrain. He describes this journey in his first published work after his conversion to Christianity, The Pilgrim’s Regress. It’s a fictional account of his conversion that he wrote over a holiday visit with his childhood best friend. Of course, C S Lewis based his work after John Bunyan’s classic The Pilgrim’s Progress. Just like John Bunyan, Lewis uses allegory to make his points. But his “regress” offers a glaring contrast to Bunyan’s “progress.” C S Lewis wanted to illustrate that his character found spiritual fulfilment not by progressing to a far-off land to be freed from a heavy burden—but in the fulfilment of a longing that could take place only in the Christianity he had previously rejected.

C S Lewis speaks of making spiritual progress by turning around and retracing his steps. Sometimes, this is exactly what progress looks like: Turning around and heading back the other way. Think about it, we can hardly call going further down the wrong road progress.

Lewis could write ‘The heresies that men leave are hated most.’ The things I assert most vigorously are those that I resisted long and accepted late.”

Where are you on your journey? I dare you to read again Rumi’s poem and then let it settle in your mind and heart. The Church has changed in these parishes, you might be surprised at what is happening! There is always a warm and kindly welcome.

Yours parish priest and friend,

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- February 2018

Present: Councillors: Cllr I Turner – Chairman
Councillors: D Danby, R Bemrose, S Ransome, P Watson, C Brotherton (and Borough),
M Brookes (County)
Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum
No residents attended

Julie Harrison and Lorraine Bush – Boston Borough Council – Parish Liaison Update
A task and finish group was formed to try and address the issue of Rural isolation. A group has been formed which is tasked to raise awareness of the services available to residents within the Borough. The group is working towards improving/increasing communication between Parish Councils/Boston Borough and residents within the Borough. A monthly newsletter has been devised which will be sent from the Borough to Parishes via the Parish Council to be further forwarded to community groups/newsletters etc. Much information is being/will be gathered which will enable the group to then decide how best to get information out to the Parishes.

Consider whether to co-opt to fill Kirton Parish vacancy
It was resolved to co-opt Carl Sharp as the Kirton Parish councillor.

Chairman’s comments
The Chairman highlighted the need for all members to check their emails regularly. Members were also asked to ensure that they respond to emails as a matter of course within a few days.

Members were reminded that when they declare an interest in an item they must make it known the reason for the declaration – this is to ensure that residents who attend meetings are aware of when/why the declaration has been made.

The Chairman shared his frustration that after recently being able to work with the local police to get a dispersal order put in place, it was advertised on social media on the Frampton Facebook page, and also on the Police’s twitter account. He said that it was a pointless waste of time as those the dispersal order was aimed at were aware of the order, and as such avoided the village during the time. He went on to say that advertising the fact that there had been a dispersal order would have served a better purpose.

The Chairman told members that Cllr Watson was struggling on his own with the Emergency Plan and asked members whether they would consider helping him. It was also suggested that he advertised the need for help on the Parish Facebook page.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes needed to leave the meeting early and so it was resolved to move this item up the agenda.

Cllr Brookes informed members that some of the technical reports have now come back regarding the flooding report, so things are still moving along.

He also reported that following on from an email forwarded to him by the Clerk that a resident in Kirton Holme had complained about the lack of decent broadband in the village. Cllr Brookes made enquiries from LCC and could inform members (and the resident) that the upgrade is due in Kirton Holme in March.

The issues regarding Bungley Lane continue. Cllr Brookes agreed to ask why the developers couldn’t use the newly built road running through the Windmills Development rather than further churning up Bungley Lane, also he will ask whether interim measures can be made to make the road safer due to the number of existing potholes and collapsing sides prior to the road being fixed up by the developers (who won’t do anything until after the development is complete).

Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs A Austin, R Foster, M Hannay, C Rylott, S Smith and J Edwards sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests
Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in item 12. Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman. Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 18th January 2018, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Bemrose, seconded by Cllr Ransome agreed by the remainder.

Police Matters
A new neighbourhood police Sgt has started, Cllr Turner will arrange a meeting.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No members of the public attended.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
a) Standing water on A52 between Hubberts Bridge turn off and Tescos – reported to LCC ref 101000251283
b) Mud build up on road verges where swept off road by farm machinery resulting in standing water when it rains at Holme Road, Kirton Holme, reported to LCC ref 101000251289
c) Verge damage following on from where vehicle was parked on side of road for long period of time and vehicles having to mount verge on other side to pass reported to LCC ref 101000251257 – the verges between Willington Road and the Golf Club have to be rechurned up after work carried out by contractors working at the sides of the road. Clerk to report to LCC.
d) Clerk emailed a confirmation letter to the Chairman of the Town Hall Management Committee to confirm the Parish Council’s decision to reduce the grant payment paid for the financial year 2018/19.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a. Resident of Kirton Holme complaining about his broadband being so slow. Asked for help with contacting LCC. Cllrs Brookes/Austin were forwarded the email received and asked to follow up by the Clerk.
b. After Highways have reported that Bungley Lane was not their responsibility – further investigation from Cllr Brookes results in Highways informing the Parish that the matter has been forwarded to the Developer for remedial action.
c. Fault report 101000248307 – Pot holes on Station Road – LCC report work carried out and no further action is planned.
d. Thankyou letter received from the leader of the County Council, Cllr Hill for the support in the Fairer Funding Campaign for Lincolnshire.
e. A suggested sign from Boston Borough for litter was received. It was resolved that rather than putting up many signs in the centre of the village on lamp posts/gates etc, it would be better if the sign was turned into a poster and laminated and one given to each shop around the centre of the village. Clerk to arrange.

Planning Applications
B/18/0022 – Retrospective application for Advertisement Consent for internally illuminated fascia sign at 47 London Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/18/0025 – Erection of 2 no. single storey rear extensions and extension to existing garage at Collis, Drainside South, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/18/0021 - Retrospective application for the installation of a ATM cash machine into existing elevation at 47 London Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/18/0007 – To build a timber barn style shed enclosing and existing shipping container with an adjoining veranda with oak posts for structure, oak decking and cedar shingle roof at Fallowfields House, Washdyke Road, Kirton Meeres – Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in this application and took no part in discussions – NO OBJECTIONS although it was thought to be a little over the top for a shipping container.
Determined Planning Applications
B/17/0491 – Outline application for 4 no. dwellings with all matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access) reserved for later consideration at Land to the rear of 84 Boston Road, Kirton – GRANT
B/17/0120 – Erection of two storey side extension partially over existing single storey attached garage at 18 Thomas Middlecott Drive, Kirton – GRANT
B/17/0400 – Application for the conversion of existing barn for form dwelling at Sunnyside Farm, Holme Road, Kirton Holme – GRANT

Accounts for payment
Cllr Ransome proposed that the accounts as per payment sheet 11/12 dated 15th February 2018 be paid, this was seconded by Cllr Watson and agreed by the remainder.

Town Hall
The roof has had a few slates slip although it cannot be seen where they have come from (assumed therefore to be the rear of the tower) – Clerk to arrange for work to be done.
The contractor has informed the Clerk that he is no longer able to carry out the pointing to the Town Hall, it was resolved to use the second choice contractor – Clerk to liaise.

One resident has reported to Cllr Ransome that twigs are falling off trees in the cemetery into their garden (they are on the new development adjacent). Resolved to follow tree report – ie. no trees identified as needing work so no work will be carried out.

The Clerk/Cemetery Manager needs to have another row of ashes plots dug soon. She requested from the cemetery committee their thoughts on using half of the burial area in the centre of the new section for ashes to try to advance down the cemetery more evenly. This was agreed.

Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Danby said that the OAP party is costing the Parish money. He would like to reduce the cost – he will bring this up with the committee when it next meets.
Cllr Bemrose would like to know more about the CCTV in the village. It was resolved that the Clerk should request a visit to the CCTV suite for the council.
Mud on the pathway and damage to the pathway reported by Cllr Bemrose (between Dennis offices and the bungalow on the corner of London Road/Princess Road). Clerk to report to LCC.

Parish Matters
1. Inspection Rota. Cllr Rylott still has the book.
2. War memorial – consider when/how to clean area, update on VC preparations. Cllr Bemrose has organised water and 2 power washers. Only the floor area will be washed.
3. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting. None held.


Scout & Cadet News

Dear Parents, friends and supporters, our Treasurer is retiring in April this year and we are looking for a volunteer to take his place, This person must have experience of book keeping and/or accounting. And of course be good with figures.

The duties are varied and sound quite a lot but only take about an hour per week and attending meetings once every six weeks or so during term time.

Duties include: Keeping up to date records of all financial transactions, Banking money as necessary, Paying monthly, quarterly and annual bills as they arise, Providing up to date year end information for the auditor and for the AGM.

If you would like to volunteer you will need a good knowledge of computers and excel spreadsheets. Be prepared to be interviewed by leaders and have a criminal records check performed.

Some training about the Scout movement will be necessary but it all adds up to a very enjoyable volunteering experience providing a very valuable service to the community.

If you are interested please contact me on01205 722976.

Yours in Scouting

Lesley Lanfranco, Group Scout Leader


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Archie Anthony Hooker

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

None this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Joan Bennett
Joan Priestly