©Kirton News 2025

May 2019

The Editors Letter

Meet the Locals

Hi everyone! As a departure from my usual letter to you all, I thought it would be nice to meet some of the people who run the many businesses we now have in the village. I have a few folks lined up to take part and this issue, we’re going to meet the lovely Jen Sanders, who back in September, opened her shop, Evelyn Ruby Cakes. As always, please contact me if you have any editorial or letters!

1) When did you start making/decorating cakes and were you inspired by anyone? I began baking when I moved back to Boston 11.5 years ago when I worked at the Ferryboat Inn in Langrick as a chef. I started making a birthday cakes for children of friend’s which were awful but you have to start somewhere! My first great cake was my sons 1st birthday cake. I made a 3D monkey cake which was his favourite toy at the time. It looked very realistic and everyone asked me where I'd bought it from, so I proudly told them I made it. From then on I practised with friends and family orders until I decided to get registered and set up my own business 6 years ago. I have always been inspired by my Nan who used to be a cake decorator too. She used to sit with me at her kitchen table showing me how to make flowers, use petal dust and I used to play around with her equipment. We always talked about opening our own cake shop one day.

2) Any baking disasters early on? Oh most definitely! So many lessons learnt early on, 'm still learning now. One cake I remember making for a friend at work was a boxing ring cake. All went fine until I hadn't a clue how to do the rope around it. I decided to use dowels and strawberry laces but it wouldn't stand up straight and the dowels kept making huge holes in the cake. I had to give up. I ended up baking a new cake at midnight, then decorating it to look like a boxing glove throughout the night so it was ready by the morning. I think I got around 2 hours sleep at the most that night.

3) What do you love most about your job? Meeting all the locals for sure. I've met so many lovely people since being here and learnt that Kirton really is a nice place to work.

4) Any hard lessons learned since opening your own shop? I knew what I was letting myself in for so it's no surprise but the hardest thing is working 16 hour days during the week and only having 1 day off a week (if that). It really is never ending but I love it.

5) How do you juggle everything (business and family life)? With difficulty. I have lots of help from my other half, Rob and I couldn't do it without him. He generally does the school run if he's not working, takes the kids to their after school clubs and gets tea ready. My mother in law helps out and my mum generally comes once a week for a deep clean so you may have seen her outside cleaning the shop windows!

6) What's your favourite cake flavour? Well after having cake in the house every day for the last 6 years I'm not really a cake fan anymore! I do love a brownie though or a cookie sandwich (with Nutella or marshmallow fluff inside).

7) Any ideas for the shop/business in the future? I have a lovely room at the back of the shop which has plenty of tables and chairs in making it perfect for hiring out to clubs and groups should anyone wish to do so. I would also love to hold more pop-up shops to bring a variety of temporary shops to Kirton which helps other small businesses too. I am now selling a beautiful selection of kitchen, homeware and gift items which include travel mugs, picnic bags and lunch boxes, children's baking sets and aprons etc. I have started selling cheesecakes which has really took off so once I get packaging sorted I will be selling these by the whole, half or quarter so you can mix and match flavours.



Kirton Church Fund

The April draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine.

The May draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July magazine.

No first time winners again this month – both our lucky winners have won several times before. Congratulations to you both.

It will soon be seven years since we started the Kirton Church Fund (how fast time flies by!) and we have given away a lot of prize money (almost £4000!) Why don’t you come and join us? You have the chance to win cash while helping the church at the same time. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Currently, money is being raised to repair the rooves of the chancel and side aisles, all of which are leaking quite badly when it rains heavily.

We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

Registration forms are available at the back of church, from Kirton Library or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

March 2019 Winners

1st PRIZE - £40.17 - TICKET NUMBER:12
2nd PRIZE - £13.39 - TICKET NUMBER:30


Letters to the Editor

The View from the Vicarage

Dear parishioner, Have you made your list of resolutions for the New Year?  How about these to really make a difference?

1) Listen. Quiet your mind and take in what other people are saying as they tell you their story. Listen to their words and to their heart. Listen to their body language. Seek to understand before you seek to answer or contribute.

2) Keep the storms of life in perspective. Struggles are going to come because Jesus promised, "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). He also said, "Take heart for I have overcome the world." Practice a non-anxious presence. 

3) Be gentle and passionate. St Paul said, "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near" (Phil 4) Everywhere you go, in whatever circumstance you find yourself, the Lord is near. Awareness of this will keep you gentle, truthful, and hopeful.

4) When you wake up in the morning, make it your intention for the day to do what is right in the sight of God.

5) Give yourself away. The pattern of the life of Christ is one of self-sacrifice. The "given away life" The blessings that you receive are a gift. The goodness that you receive is not something to exploit for your own benefit. Rejoice and create opportunities for joy in others.

6) Extend the grace of God. As you have received freely and fully from God, so extend to those who need grace. Forgive others just as God in Christ has forgiven you (Colossians 3:13).

7) Remember that it is not your job to set everybody straight. Choose your challenges with prayer and wisdom.

8) Look for opportunities to encourage a child, to love a stranger, and to do something good for someone you don't like. Do something good for someone who doesn't even like you.

9) Love your family by making happy memories this year. Run in the rain, play in the snow, be spontaneous, and give them gifts at unexpected times.

10) Love your friends with gifts of time and attention.

11) Be a good student. Read the newspaper. Read as many books as possible. Watch less television.

12) Do unto others what God would have you do.

13) Take a Sabbath. One day out of the week the world can still turn without your work.

14) Be affectionate.

15) Be daring. Take risks for goodness sake. Use your talents with gusto!

16) Watch for answers to prayer and give God the glory. Give thanks for his love for you, a love exhibited by his rich providence.

17) Don't eat until you are hungry. Stop eating at the first sign of


18) Lean into life and be excellent.

19) Tell the story of God's great grace. "Christ died for sins, once forall the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God" (1 Peter 3:18).

Happy New Year from your parish priest.

Fr Paul

Kirton Kids Club

It has been another very busy month for the Kids Club.We celebrated our 20th birthday with a party (any excuse) and the children had a great time.

We have also celebrated Mothering Sunday when they took home red hearts filled with flowers for their Mums.

We also had an Easter egg hunt on the last day of term.

So much fun – and chocolate – was had by all!

This month the club has taken delivery of a number of new ‘stunt scooters’ – bought with the help of a donation – and the children have already been able to use them.

They will get plenty of use in the next couple of terms before the summer holidays.

We hope to tidy up the astro turf and outside area this term too – it tends to get neglected during the winter months and used as a dustbin by some – it would be so good if all adults taught their children/youths to put rubbish in the bins but unfortunately this seems not to be the case.

Hopefully soon it will look as nice as it should do.

We have a few places at both breakfast and after school sessions on different days – if you need a space and want to enquire about these places please call 07583 762072 during term time and ask which days have places.


RoadHOG bus takes to the road

The RoadHOG (House of God on the Road) bus will be in the village on May 5th and May 19th between 4pm and 5pm. All 11-16 year olds are welcome onboard. We have games, crafts, and a quiz plus free hot drinks and squash.


Spring Clean Kirton

Myisha Shooter has set up a ‘Spring Clean Kirton’ scheme. Originally this was just going to be a family activity for her and her 6 children but ended up having the following friends join to help: Chelsea Dauny and her 3 children, Laura Himsworth and her son, Lynnette Alred and her daughter and a couple Myisha met via the community page on Facebook called Tori and Steve along with their two children.

They started at the Kirton Co-op, worked their way to the memorial, onto to the church, finally ending up at the skate park. They cleaned the playing field and then the playground before sitting down for a picnic and allowing the children to play for around 45 minutes before heading to the Town Hall. In total they collected 7 bags of rubbish!

Myisha is planning on this being a yearly activity initially so thinks the next one will be next Spring, however she has had lots of interest so if more people get in contact, they may also do a village clean in the next school holidays.

If you would like to get in contact with Myisha please email: Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk and I will forward your message onto her.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- February 2019

Chairman’s comments

The chairman informed members that following on from the recent training given for Community Speedwatch, it was not going to be long before the scheme was up and running in the village.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr P Watson and D Smith, sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Rylott declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. She is also Vice-Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 1th January 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters No Police attended. Cllr Turner has written a report on the ‘goings on’ of the resident who has been drinking/living rough in the village. Cllr Bemrose was not happy that this report was submitted written without her seeing it first as it was supposed to come from the whole of the Parish Council. Cllr Hannay reported he had taken a photograph of the delivery car parking outside the Kebab shop. Cllr Turner asked if he would date and sign it and drop into the Police Station.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin was asked to chase up the following reports that have been reported to Highways:

Potholes on the A16 were getting worse ref: 4108129

The Crossing on Station Road still needs painting. The paint is really faded

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401

Cllr Austin was also asked to follow up the lack of light on the crossing on Station Road, the ‘Z’ Brites are bright but covered to stop the light going into residents’ houses. The crossing itself is not lit and considered dangerous in the dark.

Cllr Austin reported that there is no dropped kerb on the Frampton side of Middlegate Road, it is hoped by Highways that they will be able to get the developers to put one in.

Cllr Brookes reported that the potholes on Sykemouth Drove have had a job issued so should be completed imminently.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC.

I have been chasing up the training to be offered to those volunteers who wished to be involved with the speed gun training. I will be getting in touch with the volunteers in the next week to get suitable dates for them to attend training as I now have a trainer available.

Facebook request for volunteers sent as only 2 of the residents previously stating an interest have confirmed that they want training. Confirmation needed from members whether to pursue this or not.

Report to Council that now I have 10 names of volunteers across the Parish who wish to take part. Just waiting for the Community Speed Watch coordinator to come back regarding dates for training

Chased the coordinator again to try and get a training date set. Not replied to my emails yet.

Training held. 7 volunteers attended. 2 unable to come this time but would like to come onboard in future.

Equipment ordered to enable the volunteers to begin to carry out Speed Watch

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.

LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further

Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones.

Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.

He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority.

Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC ref:343706 – photos which Cllr Smith sent to Cllr Brookes also added to report

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1) Thank you card received from residents for reinstating of the street light on Skeldyke Road.

2) Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Kirton End/Frampton – West End Road (Between Ralphs Lane and Bannisters Lane)

3) Lincolnshire County Council – Help us communicate better with you on planning matters – comments welcome on www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste.

Town Hall

Cllr Brotherton had attended the last Town Hall meeting. Further improvements are planned in the main hall.

Cllr Sharp was pleased that between him, Cllr Brotherton and Cllr Hannay, all Town Hall Meetings have been attended in the last year.


Cllr Foster’s trailer was needed elsewhere and so was not available when the wreaths were due to be collected in. He will collect the excess soil from the Cemetery plus the wreaths when his trailer is available – he asked that the wreaths are collected and put near the bin and he will load the trailer up when he has it.

Parish matters

a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

None held. However, Cllr Hannay has now passed on the Neighbourhood Planning information to Cllr Watson.

b) Update on Park Inspections

No new issues

c) To consider whether to pursue Article 4 direction with the Conservation Area

It was resolved not to pursue Article 4 direction but to continue to try and keep the character within the village when planning applications are considered.

d) To consider whether to ask LCC to provide signs for Best Kept Village 2018 (cost implication).

It was resolved to purchase 2 signs through LCC plus to have a larger plaque type sign in front of the planned planter on the grass verge coming into Kirton on the A16 from Spalding.

e) To consider adopting Fair Processing and Privacy Policy (in envelope sent to you), and Privacy and Data Protection Policy (in envelope sent to members).

Both policies were accepted and adopted.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Hannay was not happy that the gates had been left on around the War Memorial. Members voted to have the brick pillars removed and redone. It was resolved that Cllr Foster would remove them and store them until this is done.

It was also resolved that the repointing at the War Memorial would take a back seat until the pillars are redone. It was also reported that the gates and railings are starting to flake paint. It was resolved to address this after the pillars have been done too.

Cllr Ransome reported that the school had approached her with regards to becoming a school governor again. She was not sure in what capacity this would be (whether as a councillor or as an individual).

The sign has been reinstated at Kirton Holme. It was resolved that the Clerk should sent thank you letters to Mr Roger Wellberry for his large part in getting the sign sorted out. Thanks also go to Keith Wright and Richard Rylott for their help.

Hubberts Bridge have requested a donation from the Council towards a defibrillator which will be at the Wheatsheaf Pub, Hubberts Bridge. Cllr Turner proposed £150 be donated, this was seconded by Cllr Hannay and agreed by the remainder.

Cllr Turner wished to thank Cllr Rylott for her efforts at the Borough and within the Parish after she announced she would not be standing for re-election in May.

Cllr Foster reported the hedge on Willington Road opposite the old Vicarage is so overgrown into the road it knocked his tractor mirror off. Clerk to report to LCC

Also reported mattress/rubbish in the layby nearby. Clerk to report to flyswat team

Cllr Turner reported deep wheel ruts just after Graves Park on Skeldyke Road – making the road just disappear from the edge. Clerk to report to LCC

Planning applications:

Appeal sent to the Planning Inspectorate re – Construction of a 1-bedroom starter home (Class C3) following demolition of a builder’s storage shed at Land rear of 7 Willington Road, Kirton

Also appeal sent regarding single storey passive house with living green walls at Land at the corner of Burnham Lane and Marsh Lane, Skeldyke, Kirton

B/19/0005 – Construction of 4 detached bungalows, three with detached double garages and associate site works at 62 Willington Road, Kirton – seen by Planning Committee on 05.02.19 – NO OBJECTIONS

B/19/0023 – single storey rear extension at Willow Cottage, Holme Road, Kirton Holme – NO OBJECTIONS

Planning Decisions:

B/18/0517 – Outline application with some matters (layout, appearance, landscaping and scale) reserved for later approval for up to three residential detached dwellings and private access road – REFUSE

B/18/0459 – Application under s.73 for the removal of condition 2 (Agricultural Habitation Clause) of planning permission B/04/0547 (construction of agricultural workers house and garage) – GRANT

B/18/0441 – Retrospective application for the change of use of existing log cabin to holiday let accommodation to be used in connection with the dwelling known as Tenacre, at Tenacre, Drainside North, Kirton – GRANT

B/18/0477 – Proposed two storey extension to existing garage at Windy Ridge, Hubberts Bridge Road, Kirton – GRANT

B/18/0490 – Single storey rear extension and new pitched roof over existing rear wing at 48 Station Road, Kirton – GRANT


Frampton News

News from Frampton W.I.

For the first article of 2019 I thought it a good chance to look back over the last year at some of the things we have done, as members of Frampton WI. Life is never dull, and there is a vast array of activities that are available to members. Here is a quick selection and in no particular order:

Afternoon tea at The Tea House in the Woods, Woodhall Spa and Spalding Farm Shop; a private visit to meet the tigers up close and personal at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park; trip to the ballet at Blackfriars; meals out; a creative evening at Pots of Fun; entering the Make, Bake and Show event; trip to Houghton Hall and gardens; day trips to Cromer and Norwich; making and delivering Lonely Bouquets around Kirton and Frampton; flower displays at Kirton Church Flower Festival.

A treasure hunt around Frampton, followed by afternoon tea in the garden; providing refreshments at Frampton Craft Fair; making and laying the Poppy wreath; poppy bombing in Frampton; visit to the Newark quilting show; monthly book group; monthly craft group; supported Womenís Aid; supported Jerry Green Dog Rescue ..... and all this in addition to the monthly meetings with speakers and a wonderful array of refreshments!

The annual fees have just increased to £42, but that works out at £3.50 per month, and members receive a jam-packed magazine each month too. Not bad value at all.

We are a diverse group of ladies ñ different ages and from a variety of backgrounds ñ and all this adds up to the friendly group that is Frampton WI!

Why not make 2019 the year you join as well?

We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact: Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email vanessajameson@btinternet.co; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk or Janice Cotgreave on 07957 904464, email: janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com


The View from the Vicarage

Many people ask me why the four Churches in our village worship in very different ways. At New Life Church the emphasis is on the written Word of God and very modern lively music with biblical preaching. In the Methodist Church there is an emphasis on simplicity of worship, bible preaching and rousing music, whereas in the Parish Church our format is somewhat different, yet very similar to the Romanian Orthodox Church that now uses the old cemetery chapel.  Our style of worship  includes all the key elements found in the other churches. We all worship the same God, we all read the same Bible, and we all acknowledge the same Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.

So, what makes the Parish Church and its worship more formal? We often refer to our services as Liturgy, and liturgy, which literally means “the work of the people” is the Church’s corporate worship, its common prayer for all.

Worship and prayer can happen wherever people are, at any time, and whether they are alone or with others. But Liturgy is the structured and shared worship that Christians engage in when they are together – as Jesus said, ‘where two or three are gathered in my name.’ Liturgy has very specific rhythms – key biblical themes like repentance, instruction, prayer, self-offering and thankful sharing –and these follow the shape of Jesus’ life and teaching.

The weekly remembrance of Jesus on Sunday – the day of his Resurrection – is set in the larger cycle of the liturgical seasons around Christmas and Easter. Year upon year, the journey through this calendar cycle can deepen our understanding of Christ and our calling as his disciples. And this calling is not only just for Sundays, but as the liturgical pattern of Daily Prayer reminds us, at morning and at evening every day – this is when you hear the Parish Church bell ring at 9am and 5pm.   

However, we need to remember that liturgy is not simply utilitarian – it is not there just to “recharge our batteries” or to make us feel better, although it will often do this anyway. Liturgy at its very best is simply our common and very human response of praise and thanksgiving to all that God is doing for us through Jesus.  It is well attested that over the last two thousand years, the Church and its liturgy has developed some very distinct forms of proclamation and response.

Liturgy for the Anglican Christian means the celebration of the sacraments – the signs and symbols, in ordinary things like bread and wine, of what God is doing in Christ. We believe that through his Holy Spirit, God is present and active in the sacraments. So, we dare to celebrate what God is doing in and with his People through Baptism by water, and that we are nurtured by him as we share in the bread and wine of Holy Communion (or the Eucharist), the Body and Blood of his Son, and of course much of this has a mystical and mysterious sense about it.

For us as we gather every week and every day, the real and most powerful work of the Liturgy expresses the rhythms of all human life and existence: things like rest and renewal, death and birth, sadness and joy. It can celebrated very simply or very elaborately, in speech or song, using traditional words or contemporary ones. It can take place in a church or in a different meeting place. 

We know from experience that liturgy can help Christians to feel themselves part of a community linked across the world and through the centuries in worshipping God and gaining a renewed sense of themselves and their place in God’s world. So it is that we believe liturgy uses every part of us: our ears to hear, our voices to read and speak and sing, our bodies to stand, sit and kneel and to move to the altar for Communion, and even our sense of smell when we use incense at the great festivals. We pray with our bodies; through movement and song the power of God’s Word becomes part of us. That is why Liturgy changes things, it is transformative. We believe it is the power of God for bringing about the kingdom of God in our midst, yes even right here in Kirton.

We firmly believe that by participating in the liturgy, we’re doing more than just “attending a service.” We are entering an amazing story—a story in which we also play a role. We are the people who have indeed been gathered. We are the people who share in God’s very life. We are the people sent forth to proclaim God’s story and to invite other people into the grand story of our faith.

You are always welcome to dip your toe into the mystery of liturgical worship here at SS Peter & Paul in Kirton.

 Fr Paul