©Kirton News 2025

May 2021

Hello everyone! So, ever being the optimist that I am, I have thrown caution to the wind with an unapologetically positive headline for the front cover. Why not? I feel positive, far more now than I have done in the last 12 months.

We seem to be slowly coming out of hibernation and it feels really nice to see a buzz again in the village and around the shops. I’m not saying we should ‘go mad’ and book that long overdue flight to the Canaries but having a drink and a chat outdoors with friends is good enough for me at the moment.

For our distributors, the Town Hall will hopefully be opening up again in late May, although not back to pre-Covid times just yet. I’m hoping that most of you read this and know that we will start deliveries again as soon as possible. I do have some contact numbers for you and will get in touch that way if I can. Otherwise, I will put information up on the Kirton Community Facebook page and here, in my next letter. If you do need to get in touch with me, please email using the address below.

It’s that wonderful time of year again – Election time! If there wasn’t so much ‘tit for tat’ on social media I’d be far more inclined to take the time to read up on what’s being promised this time round. I’ll definitely go out and vote, I always do and I see it as a privilege to be able to. Current hot topics all seem to be refuse related, namely fly tipping and the introduction of purple bins!

As is most often the case, it’s not as simple as one size fits all. We’re happy here to further separate our recycling but we also have space for another bin. I know plenty of people who don’t and who also don’t generate the amount of waste to necessitate yet another bin. I think half sized bins would have been a viable option for some households.

We’re very lucky to have some old copies of Kirton News together with the minutes of the committee dating back to 1985! If anyone is interested, I will be taking some excerpts from these to use in a ‘Kirton Memories’ section in future issues. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute any memories of your own.

This month we’re talking to Pat Campbell in our Meet the Locals feature. He’s a very well known face locally and I’m sure most of you, including myself have been to and thoroughly enjoyed one of his gigs in the past. Please contact me if you would like to feature or know someone who would. It can be an individual or business local to Kirton and can be a great bit of free publicity!

I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves.



Meet The Locals

This issue we’re talking to a very familiar face and voice, Pat Campbell!

1) When did you first start singing in public?

I started singing about 16 years ago, although I used to sing as a teenager at the youth club in Swineshead. The club used to put on musical shows in the 60s and 70s. When I first started singing on the circuit I still had a day job but I had a bad fall and had to start a new career. I decided to give entertaining a shot and since then I’ve always been pretty busy. Most weekends I am busy in the clubs etc, week nights I can usually be found at Skegness in the hotels.

2) What are your favourite genres of music to sing?

It’s hard to pick a favourite genre of music, I just love singing good songs. I do get a buzz when people are up dancing and obviously enjoying what I do but it’s also a good feeling when I’m in a concert venue when people are clapping along and stamping their feet. I get some great comments from people after my shows, like “We could hear every word you sang , not like all that shouting on telly”. It’s an amazing feeling when someone asks you if you know their favourite song and to see the look on their faces when it brings back so many memories for them.

3) What would you say was your one ‘floor-filler’ song that gets everyone singing and dancing along with you?

Depending on which venue I’m performing at I get to know at about what time they will be ready for dancing. I can think of a few songs that will always get people on the floor . One is Love really hurts by Billy ocean , I can guarantee that as soon as the music starts there is a swarm onto the dancefloor. Walk of life and Saturday night at the movies are classic songs that people cant resist.

4) Are there any really memorable gigs you’d like to tell us about?

It probably wouldn’t be fair to pick out one memorable gig because there have been so many. I have had some fantastic gigs with a few people and with a crowd of 250. When I did my first ever gig I was so nervous that when I was ending the night I couldn’t remember my own name (ABSOLUTELY TRUE).

5) I can imagine you’ve really missed performing during 2020 but are there any memories from this past year you’d like to share with us?

What a nightmare the last year has been. I have not worked since last march because all the venues are closed and it’s doubtful as to how many will reopen. Unfortunately the government schemes don’t include entertainers. It’s a very uneasy time not knowing if I’m going to be busy again when this is my full time job. There has been some surprises in the gloom however. During the lockdown when people were clapping for the NHS on Thursday nights , I would come out on my balcony and sing a few songs just to cheer people up. We have some terrific neighbours and my wife would tell them that I was going to sing every body would come out to listen (SOCIALLY DISTANCED OF COURSE). I did a show outside for VE day and Christmas and also New years eve. I cant thank the neighbours enough

6) How can people get in touch if they’d like to book you for an event?

If anyone is interested in booking me for an event when all this madness is over please don’t hesitate to contact me, no job to small. Tel: 01205 723327 Mobile: 07751 769813.


Kirton Church Fund

The April draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine.

The May draw takes place on Sunday 30th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July magazine.

A first time winner this month for our first prize! Congratulations! Our second prize winner has won several times before and had in fact just renewed her number for any another year and bought a second number. Congratulations to you her too. It really does pay to stay in. While drawing for the second prize we pulled out several numbers that no longer take part.

While writing my report each month for the magazine I always have a look back to my letter for the previous year’s magazine. There isn’t one for May 2020! That is because of the first Covid lockdown and with church closed there was no March draw to report. Who would have thought then that we would again be in lockdown a year later? However the difference this year is the church is open and here is my report.

Looking back at my report for May 2019I see that I said, “Currently, money is being raised to repair the rooves of the chancel and side aisles, all of which are leaking quite badly when it rains heavily.” Unfortunately we are still in this position and we still need to raise the money.

Kirton Church Fund raises money for Kirton Church. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month with the rest of the money going to Kirton Church.

Why don’t you come and join us? You have the chance to win cash while helping our beautiful church at the same time.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. It’s only £5 a number each month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

March 2021 Winners

1st PRIZE - £41.25- TICKET NUMBER: 80
2nd PRIZE - £13.75 - TICKET NUMBER: 42

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Take care of your mind this May

This month marks Mental Health Awareness Week, from 10 to 16 May. As we recover from the pandemic, during which so many people have faced emotional challenges, mental health awareness seems incredibly pertinent. It may be that you’ve personally experienced challenges with your own mental health over the last year, or you may know family, friends or colleagues who’ve been struggling.

At Christians Against Poverty (CAP), many of our clients come to us with a variety of struggles. This ranges from needing debt help to support with finding a new job or budgeting advice. Often through getting CAP’s help people report an improvement in their mental health and a reduction in stress or anxiety.

With the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week being nature and the environment, we’ve put together some tips to help you make the most of the early summer outdoors.

Advice from the NHS and mental health charity Mind says that there are health-boosting effects of spending time outdoors, being close to nature and having a chance to breathe fresh air. According to Mind, it improves your mood and reduces feelings of stress and anger. Plus, it can increase our energy levels.

If getting close to nature means you have to travel a bit further afield, get yourself a packed lunch, take a bottle of water or a flask of tea, and head out for a walk to your nearest green space to enjoy a cheap and cheerful day out.

Both the NHS and Mind websites have tons of great ideas for getting off the sofa, exercising and enjoying the health benefits of the outdoors. Find out more at nhs.uk and mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living.

Even if you don’t have a very big garden, spending time outdoors can be beneficial. Now that the pandemic-related restrictions are being eased, seeing people outside can be a great way to elevate your mood.

Gardening can also promote positive feelings as you nurture new life through whatever you plant. It’s a great way to grow a bit of extra food too, such as potatoes and strawberries. These do well in containers, so you don’t even need much space – which is great news if you live in an apartment and only have a balcony or window ledge.

For ideas of some of the best vegetables to grow in pots see balconygardenweb.com. Check out growlikegrandad.co.uk, a blog written by an anxiety sufferer who has experienced the great benefits of gardening. He posts some great tips for gardening on a budget too!

You’ll find lots of resources online to encourage the kids to get outdoors, gain a sense of achievement and boost their mental wellbeing. Check out childrensgardeningweek.co.uk and make the most of National Children’s Gardening Week at the end of May.

At CAP, we know all too well the link between financial struggles and mental ill-health. If you have money worries, seek help sooner rather than later. There are lots of free debt counselling charities that can help. Just taking this first step can feel like a weight has been lifted. Have a look at moneysavingexpert.com/loans/debt-help-plan for advice.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t suffer in silence. Get help through Mind (mind.org.uk) or your local GP.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking life-controlling dependencies. Visit capuk.org to find out more or contact Hannah on 07947 621899.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2021 via video conference


Councillors: Cllr I Cole, Councillors: G Cole, D Danby, S Wright. lso Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

One resident attended

To vote a Chairman on the Committee

It was resolved unanimously after a nomination from Cllr Cole that Cllr Danby be chairman of the Events Committee.

To consider which events to hold for the year

It was resolved that the senior citizens party normally held in December could be held in September or October. This would-be dependant on COVID-19 restrictions. It was discussed and agreed that 2 dates be booked with the Town Hall to secure the date, as 27th October and 1st December. The final decision will be made later in the year. It was also discussed that the age limit could be lowered too to attract more residents to come.

Remembrance Sunday is the 14th November this year. It was resolved to put up the red poppy lights the week before and bring them down 21st November. The Clerk will do the relevant paperwork with the County Council and adjust the High Street road closure to extend it to near Costcutters so that cars can turn round when the road is closed when the parade is moving.

The Christmas lights will be put up on the 29th November as will the Christmas Tree. Lights turn on on the 3rd December. A permanent Christmas tree was discussed but a yew tree at 8ft would cost £400.

Cllr Danby will contact Neil Mugglesford (New Life Fellowship church) regarding whether there will be a carol concert this year.

To consider the purchase of lights for next Christmas

The Events committee had not spent any money this financial year and so it was discussed that Christmas Lights for this Christmas could be bought out of the current committee allocation of £300. Members had already looked at websites and finalised their decision. Cllr Cole will email the ‘shopping list’ to the Clerk who will order them.

Some of the old tree lights are only fit for the bin. Replacements will be looked at and discussed at the next meeting.

Date & time of the next Committee Meeting

It was resolved that the Events committee will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month every other month.

Date & Time of the next Meeting will be held on Tuesday April 13th 2021 via Zoom beginning at 10 am. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 11.05am.