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©Kirton News 2025 |
November 2007 The Co-Editors Letter Dear readers, Now that the little goblins, ghosts and witches have ceased their annual American tradition of ‘Trick or Treat’, we have a few days of peace before all the firework night festivities kick off. Then of course, there are less than 60 days left until we have Christmas upon us...seems like this year has flown by! It
has been an extraordinary year, in which we had an early summer, then
months of rain, to culminate in yet more mildness..hope this doesn’t
spoil the sprouts! If you would like to feature in the calendar, there are 64 spaces that are available, to have your house, dog, car, etc., captured in this memorabilia. You could then have your own special 2008! Call me for details. Tricia Mortimer Tearfund
Global Poverty Prayer Week Kings Church Kirton is holding a special service to present ‘Be part of a miracle’. This is Tearfund’s new vision to help us understand the human face of poverty and the difference which local churches, showing God’s Love can make. Please join us at 6.30 pm in Kirton Town Hall on Sunday the 18th November; everyone can make a difference. Bridget Langley
Memories of a Marine Engineer In January 1960 I set off as a nineteen year old on a meandering stopping train from London to Immingham as an engineer apprentice about to join my first vessel. The train seemed to take for ever and arriving in Immingham station on a cold rainy day I walked across the railway lines to a cargo ship with what seemed to me to be a huge funnel. I learnt later this was a typical characteristic of the company vessels. Some wag said it was that way so you never got lost when exiting the pub in foreign parts! I
was extremely fortunate in as much as the ship was a fast liner vessel
enroute to Australia. She was a steam turbine developing 10,250 shaft
horse power and had a service speed of 18? knots which was pretty quick
for those days. For the more technically minded she was equipped with
two Babcock & Wilcox water tube boilers generating superheated steam
at 450psi, fairly moderate, to three impulse turbine stages. The auxiliary
electric power was produced by Allen diesel generating sets. The engine room typical for a steam turbine was clean but smelt of steam and oil. The overwhelming sensation was the blast of hot air when you opened the engine room door. The gearbox from the turbine was a two stage reduction unit and our propeller as far as I can remember would have a rotational speed of about 120 revolutions per minute. It was all very exciting for me. Our first port of call was the Suez Canal. At this time I noticed a rather drawn individual dressed in off white vest and shorts. I mentioned this to the second engineer who laughed and explained that this was our Radio Officer and he was a bottle and a half a day man. He meant gin. For some unknown reason at that time radio officers were usually Irish and alcoholics. I think perhaps it was because being stuck in front of a radio set every day must have been very boring. The booze was cheap being duty free. About this time we changed from blue uniform (serge or barathea trousers and blazer with brass buttons and rings on the sleeves, purple for engineers) to whites which were a tropical uniform consisting of white shoes, long white socks, shorts, short sleeve shirts with epaulettes and a white peaked cap. I have never forgotten the reprimand I received from the Captain who had the impressive name of Cook during Board of Trade Sports. This was held every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock at sea and was a slang name for boat drill. I should explain that Captains and Chief Engineers then were like gods and never spoke to lowly minions like me. ‘Pull your socks up Booth’ he roared. It was fairly obvious to me that how smart you appeared was more important than the drill. Sports day was followed by officers retreating to the bar before a heavy curry lunch and siesta although the drinks part didn’t apply to apprentices; we couldn’t afford it. The vessel had two deck and two engineer apprentices. We spent most Sunday afternoons studying and playing monopoly in the evenings. The ship duly arrived in Melbourne, our first port of call in Australia. Our itinerary was Melbourne, Sydney (north and southbound), Newcastle and Brisbane. More of this in the next issue. Roger Booth
behalf of The Royal British Legion, I am researching the history of each
of the 84 names from two World Wars that are etched on the Memorial. The
object being to compile it in a book before it is completely lost in time. The information I am looking for is where they lived, who their parents were, how many in the family, where they went to school, who they worked for before joining H.M. Forces. Any scrap of information will be appreciated. Contact
: Stanley Naylor, Chairman.
Frampton Gardening Club Our speaker for the September meeting was Nick Lance who told me not to worry if he was late which immediately had the opposite effect. How late is late? Bill and I tried to drag out the club business bit and then eureka! Nick arrived. The subject was ‘Beautiful houses and gardens in Lincolnshire’. Nick took us round the county looking at historic houses and smaller properties all with beautiful gardens giving us information as he went along. Surprisingly there are many interesting houses and gardens to visit in our county but not so many National Trust properties. Nevertheless I think all those he showed us are in the Yellow Book of gardens. Our
future speakers and subjects are: Pauline Chubb Around the homes - News from The Chestnuts Brian had a birthday August 21st. We went to Grantham on an outing with Trish on the 14th of August and had a very nice day. Eileen and Laura are back after their summer break also Peg. We are ready for the Autumn, the garden is looking nice. Eileen and Tony brought some miniature conifers and they are growing nicely also the geraniums are looking lovely. We have Sarah Ashwood fashions to visit us and the residents were impressed. We had a nibbles night Saturday the 18th and all enjoyed it, also a game of dominoes. We still have a fish and chip meal every other Saturday, We have a coffee morning every Monday morning, We are making a blanket for the Pilgrim hospital also for the hospice. N Bamber & E Pearson Kirton Kids Club I cannot believe another month has gone by so fast. It has been a very busy one with the start of the new school year, lots of very excited children and a lot of apprehensive parents. The Club has been a hub of activity, the onslaught of some really nice weather meaning the children could use the outside facilities during all sessions. The young ones enjoy the sand pit, bikes, buggies and sports equipment, while the older children race around during their sessions on scooters and skateboards as well as playing rounders, football or quick cricket. Children can choose indoor or outdoor play during the nice weather, and enjoy their snacks outside too if they wish. There are always different arts and crafts to keep the children busy each day too. Just as we got used to the ‘Indian Summer’, overnight we had autumn upon us! The children are adapting well though, and really enjoyed the conker-collecting outing we had! They each had the chance to collect as many conkers as they could in the ten minutes we were in village. We then went back to the club to see how many each child had collected. There was a lot of ‘loud counting’ and piles of conkers all over the club hall floor! The highest amount of conkers collected by a single child that day was nearly eighty! (I bet their parents were thrilled to have them taken home by the very proud children too). Even
the pre-school children enjoyed a walk along the footpath next to the
church collecting conkers. Their small handfuls were equally shown off
proudly at home time. If you wish to have a look at the club or would like to book your children in, we are open – breakfast club (7.30am to school) and after school club (3.20 to 5.45pm). Club staff escort the children to and from school. We
also offer pre-school afternoon play sessions for children - two years
and upwards. The Mother’s Union Please note the November meeting will be a week earlier than usual on Wednesday the 7th November at 7.15 pm in the Methodist Church Hall. This is our AGM and fundraising charity evening. It is also the meeting when we think about the programme for 2008, the theme being ‘Time for Relationship’. It will be followed by a ‘scone and cream’ supper. I would like to say how delighted we are to be able to help the ‘Tiny Totz’ group and thank them for the very warm welcome to their happy sessions. Helen Airey Puppet Show fun for children The Churches in Kirton are organising a puppet show followed by refreshments and games on Saturday 10th November. The fun starts at 3pm when the puppets will present a sketch and some sing some songs. The children will then have the chance to get involved in the performance and learn how to operate the puppets. This event takes place at the Methodist Church on London Road, and is free for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. The whole event will finish at 5pm. To book your child’s place or for more details contact Jonathan, tel: 725055 or Sheila, tel: 722701. One of the telephone numbers in the regular ‘worship section’ of the magazine has changed. One of the Junior church contact numbers is given as 366054, but it is now 725055. Many thanks.
Music Workshops for Children At Kirton Town Hall starting Saturday the 3rd November 10.30 am - 12 midday. Sessions will include: instrument playing, singing – songs from all around the world, music and movement, hand drumming, instrument making and composition Lots
of fun for all, no experience necessary, ages 4 – 11 years. Scarlet
Community Music Club Pay me....maybe? If any readers sometimes think that they would like to cover the cost of the magazine that is freely delivered to the door, but are unsure how to go about this, it is always possible to hand cash to myself, Tricia Mortimer. I can be found every weekday morning at Kirton Primary School, dropping my daughter off, and then again at 3.15pm collecting her. This would be from the nursery side of school. Alternatively, if you are passing, the money would also be welcome through the door, at either Roger Booth’s or mine by hand delivery. Though it is not compulsory, it would be a wonderful help towards covering the printing costs, and maintaining the deliveries for the future. Thank you. Tricia Mortimer Kirton Senior Citizens Christmas Meal & Entertainment Will be held
on Monday 10th December 2007, at 6.30 p.m. in Kirton Town Hall. This is
available to all Senior Citizens who are resident in Kirton Parish. Geoff Sharp - Clerk to Kirton Parish Council - Tel: 01205 361634 Opening
Hours: The Parish Office (Town Hall) is open every Tuesday 9.30a.m. - 12.30 p.m, (Tel: 01205 723972 during these times).
Green Waste Collections In
the last issue I said that the last green waste collection would be the
24th October. Roger Booth Frampton Playgroup This month at playgroup has been as busy as any other and we are pleased to say that the new children are settling in well to the playgroup routine. However there are some spaces available for sessions through out the week, for more information on this please call the number below and speak to Sue our playgroup manager. We have had a very crafty month and have all enjoyed being creative by making our own rockets and robots out of unwanted everyday household items. Some of them were out of this world! We
have also been fortunate enough to purchase some new toys and equipment.
Everybody has had great fun exploring and playing with the new additions
to playgroup, so far the Lego and the space set have proved very popular. At present we are collecting the Tesco sports vouchers. These go towards new equipment for playgroup, so if you are collecting these and have some to spare we would be very grateful for them. There is a collection box for these in Frampton village hall. Finally we would like to say a big thank you to Tom Fletcher and Mrs Chean for kindly donating their out grown and un-used toys, they are very much appreciated. If you would like to be involved in playgroup or would like to discuss the availability of places please contact Sue our manager on 07939 266154.
The Registers Baptism Weddings Funerals
Donations The
magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following
donations Kings Church Kirton - £50 Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.
Army Cadets News As some of you may be aware, Kirton Army Cadets have recently returned from their annual camp in Strensall near York August 20th-30th. Kirton cadets joined hundreds more from all over Lincolnshire to enjoy 10 fun packed days. They enjoyed various activities such as the following, rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, fieldcraft, map & compass, drill, shooting and much, much more. Our
more advanced senior cadets went out for 4 days at Catterick for a fieldcraft
expedition, and the other seniors took part in the Community Sport Leadership
award As a result of our high standard of training, administration, cadet promotions, attendance and star passes our Company also managed to keep hold of the title Best Company. This is 11 years that we have won now. |