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November 2009 The Editors Letter This month we have bonfire night. I love bonfire night I can remember when I was a child and my family, and a few friends would club together to buy the fireworks. Dads were in charge of lighting the bonfire and setting the fireworks off while the mums were in the kitchen making soup and hotdogs. We kids would stare in amazement as they lit up the sky and we would be also trying to write our name in the air with some sparklers. Today though most of us go to a public display due to new health and safety laws etc but the good thing is, you do get to see a lot more bigger and better fireworks because they do get quite expensive to buy for home and also you do need to have a lot of space. Christmas will soon be upon us and we will start to worry how we are going to manage to do all the Christmas shopping. So if you get stressed out why not take up our readers offer. Take care all of you Catrina. Road Hog - The House of God on the road If someone was to mention the word ‘church’ to you, what would pop up in your mind? Old buildings, old people maybe, musty smells, old fashioned hymns perhaps! This was the surprise for pupils of the Giles School, Old Leake as the Bishop of Lincoln travelled to dedicate, bless and open the latest, in church terms, “Fresh Expression” of Church. Thursday 1st October, saw the launch of Lincolnshire Youth Mission’s latest project “roadHoG”. A specially fitted mobile church built by local partner churches in the Boston area. The bus seeks to serve secondary schools by day and villages and town areas by night, where invited. The project seeks to support local young people by providing them a safer place on the streets, activities, a listening ear or a place to pray. The project run by local churches, is working in partnership with the Boston Borough Council and Lincolnshire police. As part of the bus’ promotion the bus will be visiting different churches in the area and Sunday 15th November has been booked for the bus to park in the Kirton Youth Centre Car Park from 11:30am – 1pm. Come on board and have a look around? For more information about the project check out their website www.roadhogbus.org.uk
Letters to the Editor Dear Catrina I am the treasurer for the 4th Boston Kirton scout group which currently has a membership of 60 young people in the 3 groups of beavers, cubs and scouts. To help support this group and subsidise many activities undertaken by these young people we have run a charity shop in station road Kirton for over 10 years. This shop is run entirely by volunteers who receive nothing in return other than the knowledge that they are helping the youth of the village. The shops overheads are like those of other charity shops, rent, business rates, water and heating costs but all monies other than these go to the scout group. On Saturday morning 26th September when they went to open the shop the volunteers discovered that a large glass window together with the glass door had been broken overnight with the resultant mess which had to be cleared up before the shop could be open. This damage could only have been caused by malicious or drunken behavior and has cost over £200 to have repaired. This money will have to be found from money which would have gone to the scout group. If the person who did this damage now has shame after sobering up they could always offer to help with the costs of their behaviour by leaving a donation at the shop or by simply using the letter box. Hoping that this pricks someone’s conscience - Yours faithfully Terry Pitts
The new telephone ‘scam’ has arrived I received a call from a 'representative' of BT, informing me that he was dis-connecting me because of an unpaid bill. He demanded payment immediately of £31.00, or it would be £118.00 to re-connect at a later date. The guy wasn't even fazed when I told him I was with Virgin Media, allegedly VM have to pay BT a percentage for line rental! I asked the guy's name - the very 'English' John Peacock with a very 'African' accent - & phone number - 0800 0800 152. Obviously the fella realized I wasn't believing his story, so offered to demonstrate that he was from BT. I asked how & he told me to hang up & try phoning someone - he would dis-connect my phone to prevent this. AND HE DID !! My phone was dead - no engaged tone, nothing - until he phoned me again. Very pleased with himself, he asked if that was enough proof that he was with BT. I asked how the payment was to be m ade & he said credit card, there & then. I said that I didn't know how he'd done it, but I had absolutely no intention of paying him, I didn't believe his name or that he worked for BT. He hung up. I did 1471 & phoned his fictitious 0800 number - not recognised. I phoned the police to let them know, I wasn't the first. It's only just started apparently but it is escalating. Their advice was to let as many people know by word of mouth of this scam. The fact that the phone does go off would probably convince some people it's real, so please make as many friends & family as you can aware of this. It's good but not that clever. He gave the wrong number - it should have been 0800 800152, which takes you through to BT Business. The cutting off of the line is very simple, he stays on the line with the mute button on and you can't dial out - but he can hear you trying (this is because the person who initiates a call is the one to terminate it). When you stop trying he cuts off and immediately calls back. You could almost be convinced! The sad thing is that it is so simple that it will certainly fool the vulnerable. Please pass this on to friends and family.
A little history about November 5th Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in Britain annually on November 5th. The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial effigy-burning of one Guy Fawkes. The origin of this celebration stems from events which took place in 1605 and was a conspiracy known as “The Gunpowder Plot,” intended to take place on November 5th of that year (the day set for the opening of Parliament). The object of The Gunpowder Plot was to blow up English Parliament along with the ruling monarch, King James I. It was hoped that such a disaster would initiate a great uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion. The conspirators, who began plotting early in 1604, eventually expanded their members to a point where secrecy was impossible. One of their number, Thomas Percy (who had contacts at the Court of King James), hired a cellar beneath the House of Lords. Within this cellar were secretly stored 36 barrels (almost two tons) of gunpowder, overlaid with iron bars and firewood. The plan went awry, however, by way of a mysterious letter received by Lord Monteagle on October 26th (10 days prior to the opening of Parliament). Monteagle, brother-in-law of Francis Tresham (another of the conspirators and likely author of the correspondence...although this was never proven), was urged in the letter not to attend Parliament on opening day. When the message was revealed to the First Earl of Salisbury and others, they took steps which led to the discovery of the hidden cache and the arrest of Guy Fawkes on the night of November 4th as he entered the cellar. The majority of the other conspirators, either overtaken as they attempted to flee or seized shortly thereafter, were killed outright, imprisoned or executed. While the plot itself was the work of a small number of men, it provoked hostility against all British Catholics and led to an increase in the harshness of laws against them. Even to this day, it is the law that no Roman Catholic may hold the office of monarch and the reigning king or queen remains Supreme Head of the Church of England. A modern theory regarding the involvement of Guy Fawkes in the Gunpowder Plot is that he was not trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament at all, but merely attempting to assassinate King James who, it was believed, had reneged on his promise to put a stop to the persecution of Catholics. In any event, it remains unclear whether the conspirators would have been successful in their plan, even if they had not been betrayed. Some believe that the gunpowder they were planning to use was so old as to be useless for the task. Today, one of the ceremonies which accompany the opening of a new session of Parliament is a traditional searching of the basement by the Yeoman of the Guard. It has been said that for superstitious reasons, no State Opening of Parliament has or ever will be held again on November 5th. This, however, is a fallacy since on at least one occasion (in 1957), Parliament did indeed open on November 5th. The actual cellar employed for the storage of the gunpowder in 1605 by the conspirators was damaged by fire in 1834 and totally destroyed during the rebuilding of the Palace of Westminster in the Nineteenth Century. Also known as “Firework Night” and “Bonfire Night,” November 5th was designated by King James I (via an Act of Parliament) as a day of thanksgiving for “the joyful day of deliverance.” This Act remained in force until 1859. On the very night of the thwarted Gunpowder Plot, it is said that the populace of London celebrated the defeat by lighting fires and engaging in street festivities. It would appear that similar celebrations took place on each anniversary and, over the years, became a tradition. In many areas, a holiday was observed, although it is not celebrated in Northern Ireland.
Kirton Kids ClubThe extended summer weather has enabled the children at the club to enjoy a much longer outside activity time. For the last five weeks they have been able to play outside instead of activities in the hall at the Youth Centre – something not usually heard of in September. They went home with carrier bags fall of ‘treasures’ – not sure their parents shared their enthusiasm though. “Oh no not more!” could be heard as the children walked out the door. The start of the new school year and new school term has enabled us at the club to put into place our Healthy Eating/Fitness regime. This includes a quick warm-up/workout session when we arrive at the club each day and healthy snacks through out the week. The children have been able to take home a ‘five a day’ fruit and vegetable tracker to fill in and they have eaten a lot of carrots, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumber and bananas, in fact lots of the five a day they need. to fill out their tracker. As well as this I have found healthy recipes that children would love to eat instead of toast at snack times. I have put these together into a Kids’ Club recipe book, including some recipes the children have already made at our cooking sessions at Middlecott School. Our book also includes easy recipes from around the world – if you would like a copy of any of these recipes please pop in and ask. All children seem to love to get ‘stuck in’ and produce food that they can enjoy eating themselves. The club is open for breakfast – 7.30am to school and after school to 5.45pm each day of term. If you should wish to book your children into any of these sessions please pop into the club itself or phone 722426 during club hours.
The Mothers Union
This will now be held during the December meeting, as I am going to be on an MU visit to the Holy Land in November. Helen Airey
Front page picture This month I thought I would like to get the children from Kirton primary to do us a front cover picture. They agreed and what a fantastic lot of pictures I received from them. They were all very good. The children had put a lot of time and effort into them and it was very hard to pick a winner for this months cover. They were all winners in my eyes but unfortunately there could only be one winner for this month’s issue. The winner was Lee and he is 8 years old. Congratulations Lee!!! Catrina Water colour painting Are you an avid painter or do want to have a dabble at something new. If you do get yourself down to kirton town hall on a Monday afternoon from 1.30pm to 3.30pm to attend there fabulous watercolour class. Both beginners and the experienced are more than welcome to attend this friendly class. For more details ring Grahem on 01205 723762 or email gtimbo989@aol.com
Kirton Village Day I would like to thank all the people who helped on the 19th September for our Village Day. I would especially like to thank the judges, committee members and their partners, Catrina Smith and her family for the music and commentating, Ben Wilson for opening the event, the stall holders, the sponsors for our advertising (apologies to the one’s we missed) and all the people who took part in all the competitions or helped in anyway. We raised £330.00 on the day which will go towards the Town Hall funds. We are in the process of having the lighting updated and buying a PA system and also getting grant funding to improve your Town Hall for the future of our village. The winner of Guess the Weight of the Cake (weight 5lbs - 13oz) was Terrie Chapman who guessed 6lbs 1oz - hope you enjoyed the cake. All winners of the classes have been listed and are on the Town Hall Notice Board. We are having a raffle to raise further funds and these will be on sale soon from committee members and various venues. The raffle will be drawn at our Dinner Dance on 5th December 2009. Tickets on sale for the dance from me or Fossitt & Thorne who have very kindly offered to have these in their shop on The Green. Ann Booth - Chairman- Kirton Town Hall Committee Kirton Amateur Dramatic Youth Team - KADYT
Do you want to be a STAR? If you are at secondary school and aged between 11 and 16 years and want to belong to Kirton’s exciting youth drama group come along to The Methodist Church Hall on Tuesdays at 4.30pm. For more information phone Fay on 01205 723529.
Sausage Caserole Cooking time: 1 hour Ingredients: Directions:
If you need a Doctor Are you feeling well today? I really hope you are
I love this Doctor Q: Doctor, I’ve heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true? Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables? Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake? Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio? Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program? Q: Aren’t fried foods bad for you? Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle? Q: Is chocolate bad for me? Q: Is swimming good for your figure? Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle? Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets. And remember: ‘Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming ‘WOO HOO, What a Ride.'
Local PolicingAnti Social Behaviour There have been 13 reports on Anti Social Behaviour in Kirton for September These are: 6 reports of inconsiderate behaviour and 7 report of vehicle nuisance. We are still receiving reports of vehicle nuisance at Kirton town hall although this has decreased; there has been an increase in vehicle nuisance on Wash Road, Kirton at the industrial site. If any resident is witnessing Anti Social Behaviour or if you are a victim of crime can you please report it to Boston Police Station on 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency. Neighbourhood Engagement Cards Neighbourhood Engagement Cards can be found at the Post Office in Cost Cutters, Boston Road. This will give residents the opportunity to raise any concerns or issues within the local community. Can residents please write their contact details in the section provided so that officers can then contact you regarding the issues or concerns raised? There is a box available for you to post these cards on the counter at the Post Office. The next Kirton Neighbourhood Panel meeting is going to be held on 17th November at 7pm, the Upsall Room – Kirton Town Hall. If any resident would like more information regarding Neighbourhood Panels or would like to join the Neighbourhood Panel, please contact me on the details below.If anyone has any questions, queries or concerns, you can contact me at Kirton Police Station, Station Road, Kirton. Tel: 01205 722002 (not 24hrs) Or you can e-mail me at: BostonSouthRural@lincs.pnn.police.uk PCSO Adam Eden The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
Kirton Youth Club The youth club is thriving again and we have lots of new members. We enjoy karaoke mainly on Friday nights and we do have some potentially very good singers. The girls do tend to have a lot more confidence getting up and sing whereas the boys stand and taunt them so we get them up and I must say I enjoy some of the rapping they try to do. The new wii is going down a storm!! Guitar heroes is the most played and what with that and karaoke some nights it does get very loud. Paracetamel is always needed by us adults. But it’s fun for us as well; we have a go too and make a fool out of ourselves. For more information contact Catrina on 07804 241339.
Is Your Organisation Looking For A Meeting Place? The Youth Centre Has Some Spare Capacity. Contact Steve Graves Tel: 01205 722900. |