©Kirton News 2025

November 2010

The Editors Letter

We are very pleased to introduce our new editor, Joan Woods and her deputy and Advertising Manager Sam Chapman.  
Their contact details are shown on the 'Contact Us' page,

Contributions to the magazine should be sent as usual by Email if possible.  
However, hand-written contributions may be handed in to Fossitt & Thorne, The Green, and these will be collected by the Editor.  All enquires concerning advertising should be directed to Sam.  

We also have a new treasurer, Mrs S. Bragg and our heartfelt thanks  go to Mrs Carol Lidgett for all the hard work she has done for us.  

We have enjoyed our brief stint as editors again, but now hand over to the new team  and wish them every success.  We hope that the magazine goes from strength to strength. All the best to you our readers.

David and Sylvia.


The Minister's Message

Each week one of my ‘jobs’ is to prepare worship; the first thing I do, usually on a Monday, is to read through the Bible readings, praying that God will show me the message He has for me and, as the week goes on it usually becomes clear what God has to say to His people on the coming Sunday.

So often, as I read, I am reminded of hymns and songs and those too will be included in the worship. The reason that I am reminded of the words of hymns is because the writers used the Bible to inspire them – there is so much of God’s Word in our hymns. Too often though, we get so worried about getting the tune right that we miss the beauty of the words.

In the summer we had the annual Songs of Praise and it was good to have new words set to familiar music so that we didn’t worry about the tunes but were able to think about what we were singing.

We can spend our lives concentrating on the difficult things, struggling on with making relationships work or worrying about our jobs – rushing from one place to another – that we miss the beauty of God’s world around us. Stop and enjoy the wonder of the dawn with birds singing and the sun breaking into the dark of the night; sit on a seashore and watch the power of the waves rushing in and out.

All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above – so thank the Lord, yes thank the Lord for all His love’ (from the harvest hymn ‘We plough the fields’ by M Claudius)

May God bless you as you watch the changing seasons.

Rev. Irena

Care Home Project - India
Concluding Maureen Bray's Report of her Visit

We also visited orphanages, one in particular had 90 children all affected by HIV/aids.  The expected lifespan for all these lovely babies and children is 15 years.  As we nursed the babies I could not help wondering why these innocent victims of this modern disease have to suffer so much, just by being born.

To the ladies who knitted baby clothes and blankets, they have all been gratefully received at the orphanage.  Thank you.  To the people who donated cuddly toys, especially the very big cuddly tiger, it was a joy to see the children playing with them, thank you too.

I conclude with the story of a lady that your readers may remember I wrote about ten years ago.  Her husband contracted Aids as a young man.  When out drinking with his friends he went with a prostitute not knowing she had the virus.

He later married and had two children, and it was only after the second child was born with severe herpes on his head and face that diagnosis was made.  This family were all victims.  The husband and baby have both died, but with the help of the CARE HOME PROJECT IN INDIA this lady and her daughter are both keeping reasonably well.  The CARE HOME INDIA is funding the daughter's education to enable a chance in life for them.  
So I  publicly thank all the people who have cared enough to support this heart-rending charity over its first ten years.  The work goes on for the Claretian Fathers.  This small charity is totally dependent on the good will of people in the West.

Maureen Bray.


Art exhibition in Kirton Church

Local artists will be exhibiting paintings in St. Peter and Paul’s Church during the last weekend of November. Proceeds from the event will go to the Butterfly Hospice Trust and Boston Woodlands Trust. The exhibition will showcase watercolor paintings and other artwork by a number of artists from around the Kirton and South Lincolnshire area. Homemade cakes, tea and coffee will be served all day.

Rev. Father Gary Morgan and his wife Paula have very kindly opened the church for the event.
Please come by and support the important work of these charities. Perhaps you are looking for an original Christmas present for someone who “has it all”? If so, you might find it here, and give a gift to a good cause at the same time. Opening hours of the exhibition: Friday November 26th 10-5 pm. Saturday 27th 10-5, Sunday 28th 12-4.

For more information please contact Graham Timbrell on 01205 723762 or email: gtimbo989@aol.com

Frampton Gardening Club

Following our previous article in the September issue of Kirton News, we had a couple of new members contact us and attend the September 30th meeting. We made them most welcome and hope they continue to support us.
Our speaker, Janette Merrillion bought a selection of potted perennials  and made quite a few sales.

Her illustrated talk was entitled “Unexpected Tales of Plants and Gardens”.  And sure enough, the unexpected and quirky facts began to emerge as she progressed seamlessly through the evolution, successes and failures of different garden designs, their designers,  and the plants in them.

This began with some very old features such as a turf maze, (thought by some to require penitential monks etc to cover the maze route on their knees, and dates back to at least the middle ages.) She included “Capability” Brown, the Jeckyll/Lutyens partnership,  Margery Fish,  Harold Nicolson, and the role certain plant groups (eg.herbs,  old English roses) played in these gardens. 

Janette’s excellent slide-show clearly highlighted some of her favourite gardens, such as Mottisford Abbey, Hampshire; Hestercombe, Somerset;  Mannington gardens, Norfolk, and (at this time of year) the stunning Acers of Westonbirt Arboretum, Gloucestershire.
Always there were fascinating tales from folklore, herbalists, and an array of “old wives” about the uses of many well known plants.

Our next meeting, entitled 'My work as a Saga Host' by Harold Leach will be on Thursday 25th November at Frampton Village Hall at 7.30pm.  The Club’s Christmas Dinner will be held at the Thatched Cottage on Friday 7th January 2011 at 7.00pm.

Ray Harding: 01205 723181

Kirton District Royal British Legion

Kirton District Royal British Legion would like to thank all the residents of the area for their generous support in their donation of £3340.91 towards the 2009 national appeal.
We look forward to your support in the forthcoming 2010 appeal. Thank You


Kirton Kids Club

Everyone has ‘settled’ in to the new routine of Kids’ Club and School. The weather has been very wet over the last few weeks so the main hall at the club is always set up with numerous activities each day to keep the children busy and happy for the session times.
It’s lovely see how children bond with each other so quickly and make friends with children that a few weeks ago were strangers to them.

It’s nice also to see how the older children tend to ‘take care’ of the new younger ones without being asked – it comes naturally to them. The children move up a year each September and suddenly become very grown up over night.

The Kids’ Club offer the children a vast variety of games, construction, role play and art'n craft every session. The children choose what they would like to do. If there is anything they would really like to use/play with that is not out – they can ask for it and it will be taken out for them to use. There is also a full size snooker and football table for the children’s use during the afternoon sessions.

If you would like to book your child/children in to any of the breakfast club or afternoon sessions – please ring 722426 or pop into the Youth Centre during club times.


Kirton Town Hall Village Day

Kirton Town Hall Village day was held on Saturday 18 September. It was in the tradition of local village fetes and included competitions, fair stands, charity stalls, craft stalls, face painting and the appearance of the Kirton Youth Band.

The weather was favourable for the day which was opened by Father Gary Morgan. The money raised will go towards the fabric fund of the Kirton Town Hall now run by a committee as a charity. The improvements over the past 3 years have made a difference to the hall and we are getting busier all the time.

Chairman of the Town Hall Committee, Ann Booth would like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Village day, the committee members, helpers and especially the villagers who made it a success.

Kirton Town Hall Management Committee


The Roadhog Bus

The Roadhog Bus is now visiting Kirton fortnightly on Sundays from 4.00pm until 5.00pm. Route 705 to Bus Stop: Kirton Town Hall Car Park

Dates of forthcoming visits are: October 24th, November 7th, November 21st and December 5th. Why not pay us a visit for games including Wii etc and drinks and a chat.
If you are of secondary school age we look forward to welcoming you aboard!


Best Kept Village Compeition

I would like to say how delighted we are to have been awarded runners up in this year’s competition which is selected from approximately 68 villages.

This is a big improvement on last year as we were eliminated after the 1st round.  The winners this year were once again Nettleham who have won it for the last 10 years.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed towards our success including Barbara, our village warden, The Friday Community Group, Richard Gray and the local businesses. I feel that with everyone’s continued support, maybe next year could be our turn to be No 1.

Kirton Primary School Nursery

It’s the beginning of another exciting year at Kirton Primary School and that includes our Nursery classes. We are able to offer 52 places, 26 in both the morning and afternoon, for a 3hr session. Our morning session begins at 8.45 until 11.45 and the afternoon session is 12.30 until 3.30.

Children are able to come to the nursery the year before they start school full time and it is a 5 day placement. We follow the Early Years Curriculum with a very ‘hands on’ approach. A vast majority of our activities are outside, in all weathers, often messy and always fun. We hunt for appples, pears, conkers, hedgehogs and lots of other wildlife.

We cook, paint, glue and create wonderful pictures with all the treasures we have found. We sing, dance, talk, count, and make lots of new friends. The children choose from a wide variety of activities during the session, lively or quiet, with friends or by themselves.

If you would like to come and look around, please contact school on 722236 to make an appointment.

Jane Barber - Assistant Head and Nursery Teacher

Comments to Lincolnshire County Council
Proposed Waste Transfer Station at Kirton

In June of this year a general letter was sent to the Clerk of the Council and was brought to the attention of councillors at the meeting on the 17th June. At this meeting the Clerk commented that she had been unable to view the consultation documents online as the link was not working and so she could not see whether the consultation directly affected Kirton. Present at the same meeting was one of the Parish Council’s County Councillors, Paul Skinner. He commented that he was on the Committee and that Kirton was not one of the areas that had been highlighted as a possible site for the Proposed Minerals and Waste Strategies.

It came to light a few days later that the County Councillor was misinformed as Kirton was in fact a proposed site for a Waste Transfer Station.

This by now was 2 weeks into the consultation period. A meeting/presentation was hastily arranged between the County Council and the Parish Council. Representatives also attended this meeting from Fosdyke Parish Council and Boston Borough Council.
During the meeting Mike Reed was asked if he could provide Risk Assessments for the site at Kirton or if these were not available, copies of the same for the up and running site in Louth. Mike Reed promised these to the Council and confirmed he would send them to the Clerk within 2 weeks. They have never arrived despite numerous requests. Mike Reed also offered a visit to the Louth site organised by the County Council. This offer was accepted. The County Council then informed the Parish Council that it was not deemed appropriate to visit the Louth site yet as the Kirton site was only one of many sites being considered by the County Council.

The Frampton side of Kirton hosts a sewerage treatment site which frequently, when the wind is blowing can be smelt well into the village. This has been described by Anglia Water Authority as an acceptable level of smell. Not if you are a neighbour of this treatment site. The WTS will smell. This has been proven by the self organised visit that Kirton Councillors took to the Louth site. One end of the village smelling is bad enough. Both ends will spell disaster for Kirton. Who in their right mind would want to live in a village that either smells of sewerage or rotting rubbish or both? This is going to have a direct effect on the village. Businesses will look elsewhere rather than coming to Kirton. House prices will be directly affected.

The site for the proposed WTS was funded by EU money in 2006. The money was given to regenerate the area with a view to a possible 350 jobs which could be created on this developed site.

Matthew Stapleton, senior development officer at the time said of the distribution park: ‘This site would enable storage and distribution companies to move away from the traffic problems of the centre of Boston. It has good road links and would support roughly 350 jobs’.

Why is this site still vacant after all this time? Is it that Lincolnshire County Council plans to develop the whole site into a waste management site?

The Parish Council is in full support of the concept of the Waste Transfer Stations; however, this type of industry has a place. The site proposed in Kirton is not the place. This site is within close proximity of residential developments and also schools and businesses.

Kirton Parish Council fully supports Boston Borough’s stance that the WTS would be better situated alongside the existing Waste Management Site near Marsh Lane in Boston. This site is neither near to residential areas nor to schools. Business thrives on the industrial site nearby.

Following a public meeting held in the village, Kirton residents were very concerned that this site was a ‘done deal’. The residents' worries are obvious environmental issues, such as smells and flies and rats that such a site will cause. These are coupled with fears that house prices in the village will plummet, families will leave the village (which will have a knock on effect with the local businesses in the area, and the schools). Kirton has been a growing village but a Waste Transfer Station will mean the end of this. Please support our community, not drive it away!

Local Policing

Throughout the past month, Kirton has enjoyed a continued decrease in Anti social Behaviour calls to our Command and Control Centre.

Kirtons Neighborhood Policing Team has acted pro-actively to reduce ASB incidents, identify those responsible and enforce where necessary with the assistance of Boston Borough Council’s “Community Safety Team”

Within the period of time since the last newsletter there has been an increase of “Criminal Damage” to various parts of St Peter and St Paul Church in the village. As a result, this has been highlighted and raised as a priority by The Kirton Neighbourhood Panel.

Kirton NPT is to increase Hi-Visibility patrols in and around the Church grounds.
Boston NPT would like to inform the readers that the church grounds belong to the church and as such are private property. The footpath that runs through the Churchyard is public right of way.

There has been a slight decrease in incidents involving underage drinking in the village. Kirton NPT is continuing to work closely with Boston’s licensing officer and the local stores, CO-OP, Cost Cutter and Jhays, and we thank them for their continued support.
The demolition of Case Tractors on London Road is well underway. The Boston Rural South NPT would like to thank the buildings owners, Kier, for their prompt actions.

Boston Police Officers attended Kirton and arrested 4 young males for a disturbance both inside and outside “Curry King” on Station Road, which left a shop window and a vehicle's rear window smashed. I can confirm that 3 of the young males were charged with “Criminal Damage and Racially Aggravated Assault” and are now awaiting a court date.

Please can I remind you to remain vigilant and look out for any suspicious persons or vehicles in and around the village, especially during the hours of darkness. If you see anything suspicious, please don’t hesitate to report it on any of the numbers below.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Kelsay Mather
Lotte Wyler Megan Freeman
Sophie and Alicia North

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Dean Ashley Wood & Jade Toni Harris

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Edith Mary Addlesee
Edith Callow
Brenda Doreen Taylor
Walter Whiley