©Kirton News 2025

November 2011

The Editors Letter

I received a telephone message on 7th October. It was from a lady of (from the sound of it) mature years, and of some education. She made a point of, firstly, not leaving her name; and secondly, not leaving her (telephone) number. She made reference to a donation the magazine received - page 16, October 2011 - of £25. The Donor had since experienced a visit from the authorities.

The (anonymous; cowardly; upset; but narrow minded) Lady was concerned that we, the Magazine, had taken.... and I quote... “Drug Money”. I feel I must respond.

The gentleman in question has, as far as I know, not been charged with, or convicted of any crime. What took place on the day that (I think) the Lady is referring to has come to no conclusion. She should be careful... as should we all... of judging people too quickly. The donation was gratefully received. The world - as we know it - is by no means perfect.

I can see the immediate point she has tried to make. And I can see why, as such a narrow-minded individual, she is so upset. But, should we constantly, as seems to be the current trend, look at the world from an immediately negative point of view?

If someone is (allegedly) accused, should we automatically condemn? The Lady assumes much but knows very little. A fault common to us all.

She should perhaps (for instance) look at her own breakfast table. The cup of tea she drinks... Tea was, during the 19th century, at times, paid for by the Brits in silver pirated from the Americas and Opium introduced as a cheap recreational drug into China. Perhaps she should study the history of the two Opium Wars.

The sugar she may take in her tea was, originally, produced in the Indies. Brought by ship into Bristol and other Western ports. But the ships who brought the sugar returned to the plantations packed to the gunwales with kidnapped, half starved Africans who worked, and died, to produce the sugar. The world has never been perfect. We are, too often, quick to condemn and too late to give more credence to things we hear.

The £25 in question was gratefully received by Kirton News - “dirty” or not. If dirty, then we shall cleanse it (not "launder it!") and put it to good use. The only positive thing I do take from this telephone message is that we, as a publication, have stimulated some debate. It would be wonderful to think that this could continue.

So..., in reply to my anonymous caller (and, at least, I am prepared to put my name to this) I say “thanks for pointing it out but, tough. You’re the one with the problem... not us."
Be more christian; more tolerant; more accepting of things. Unless you’re sure you’ve got the evidence to be otherwise.
We may be shown to be better (especially in Boston, in the near future) to be more magnanimous in our outlook, and to judge ourselves before we judge others.

Sam Chapman


Bygones.... memories from only ‘just around the corner’(...shop!)

Kirton’s more senior Citizens may remember taking their post-war food ration coupons to these premises on Station Road! Now a kebab-takeaway, it was once a busy village shop owned, and run, by Mrs Amy and Miss Doris Hoyes... my Grandmother and Aunt.
The ladies, who also lived in the house adjoining the shop, were very much “Miss Marple” characters and knew most of what was going on in the Village!

As I recall, the shop heaved with everything imaginable including knitting wool, toys, ornaments, home cooked hams and hair ribbons. The shop window always housed a stand full of delicious cream cakes... a real treat perhaps after the austerity of the war years.
To the left of the shop was a place I remember as Graves’ Yard, now a small housing development.

My sister Minty spent a few days with our aunt, but the stay was short and, not too sweet. After being put to bed in the middle bedroom one evening, she came down stairs screaming she had seen a dwarf man climb out of a wardrobe and through the door. The grown-ups scoffed and she was sent back to bed.

But my aunt was curious and made inquires in the Village as to who had lived in the house during previous years. And indeed, she was informed a tailor had lived, worked and died at the premises and... he was a dwarf!!

During the late fifties, I spent several holidays with the ladies in Kirton while my parents were away. In those days a train service still ran through the Village and I often accompanied my Aunt to the station to meet visitors.

I was also amused by the fact the Fish and Chip Shop was situated in the graveyard!
One of the names I remember is Dawn Bannister. Her father owned a mens’ outfitters opposite Kesh’s store and when we were able, we would sneak into the shop and pretend to measure each other up for suits!

Miss and Mrs Hoyes sold the shop around 1964 and took bought another village shop in Butterwick.
My Grandmother lived well into her nineties and Aunt Dot passed away in 2007.

Lindy Marwood

Another Success For Boston Choral Society

Boston Choral Society returned to Old Bolingbroke on Saturday 8th October with an evening of popular music spanning almost 500 years. As there is so little live music performed in rural areas, many of the audience travelled from the surrounding villages to attend.

Their ‘Autumn Extravaganza’, ranged from Monastery style plain-song through ‘Hallelujah Chorus‘ up to ‘West Side Story’. Everyone enjoyed the humorous setting of the nursery rhyme ‘Old Mother Hubbard’ performed in the style of Handel. Not to be left out, the audience actively joined in with the hymn singing and raised the roof with Jerusalem and Rule Britannia! The evening was so successful that the choir was immediately asked to return at a future date.

Due to the very bad weather last year which caused many events throughout thecounty to be cancelled, BCS decided that their winter concert would be over the Advent weekend, hopefully before any adverse weather arrives.

‘A Journey into Advent’ is on 26th November at St Peter & St Paul, Kirton, with the main work being Benjamin Britten’s ‘A Ceremony of Carols’.

On 29th November they will return for the 10th successive year to Johnsons Garden Centre, Boston. Light seasonal music is guaranteed while the audience partakes of a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine.

Their last outing this year is on Thursday 22nd December when BCS members have been invited back to ‘The White Hart’, Boston to lead an hour of carol singing. They hope many people will attend this free event as they prepare for Christmas.

After the Christmas break, they have four concerts planned before the summer. The music ranges from Dvorak to Lloyd-Webber and Cole Porter to Vivaldi.

Boston Choral Society is still open for new members, especially men. You should be able to sing in tune, follow music and attend weekly rehearsals on Thursday evenings 7:30-9:30pm at Wyberton Primary School - great fun but hard work.
For more information visit their website at www.bostonchoral.com.

Thorban Osloc

Spotlight on a new Local Business:
The Tanning Salon

The Tanning Salon which has recently opened in Kirton, is very much a family affair being run by a mother, daughter and stepdaughter. Carol Rate, Lauren Kemp and Stacey Passant have the salon in the centre of the village and have transformed the old clock shop premises to a light, airy and welcoming venue.

Along with Gemma Handson, a fully qualified beautician, the ladies offer Spray Tanning sessions, Massage, Facials, Tinting, Waxing and Manicures/Pedicures. A vertical Tanning Suite is also available. But, the current talking point must be the Garra Fish Treatment which involves soaking your feet (or hands) in a tank of small fish which then nibble away all the dead skin around the immersed limb.

Originating from Turkey (it’s been know of for over 400 years) the fish nibble only dead skin leaving your limbs naturally exfoliated and leaving a feeling of relaxation and revitalization. It doesn’t hurt – they don’t bite – and can even help sufferers of psoriasis and eczema.
In the near future Carol will be introducing Gel Nail Extensions and the I-Fit Pad; a vibrating device which exercises you on-the-spot and can help users to drop a dress size in only four weeks!

Also on sale in the shop are a wide selection of accessories such as Handbags, Scarves (the majority of which are hand made) Jewellery and Make Up.
Ladies Nights are a feature of Monday and Tuesday evenings – for eight to ten people – and much more is in the pipeline.

So, call and see the girls at 12 High Street. The Salon is open 4pm to 9pm Monday to Thursday (school friendly hours!); noon until 9pm Friday and 10am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday.

They could even solve your Christmas present problems with gift vouchers available for all treatments.

Kirton Kids Club

What a wonderful month this has been! Not only was it the start of the new school year but we have managed to get some of the most amazing weather too.
The children have enjoyed afternoons full of laughter and sunshine outside where normally we would be inside keeping warm.

One of the highlights of this month has been a visit from Mr. Brian Clarke. Brian came to talk to the children about growing up locally in the war years.
He told the children about schools in those days, growing what you ate and the message of ‘making do and mend’ – and passing down clothes from one child to another to save money.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and tucked in to home made scones topped off with Mrs. H’s raspberry jam (raspberries from the garden like they would have been in Brian’s childhood).

The whole afternoon was rounded off with a game of ‘conkers’. The children collected the conkers from the trees around the village church, a hole made and string attached.

Even Brian managed a game or two with the children – though I think they beat him hands down! Many thanks Brian for an interesting and fun afternoon. Kirton Kids’ Club is a charity run, Ofsted registered childcare facility in the heart of Kirton Village.

All profits are put back into the club to help keep fees low and equipment and toys up to date with masses of choice for the children attending.
The children enjoy numerous toys and equipment and a brand new outside play area with climbing wall, tower and slide.

There is also astro turf and a covered area where they grow plants and set seeds.
Kirton Kids’ Club support all EYFS development and targets with planned activities every day along with free choice and early year’s tracking.
Older children have their own ‘chill out’ room with xbox, ps2s and wii plus sofas and home work area.

Come and have a look for yourself – we are an ideal choice if you want breakfast or after school care – catering for children nursery to fourteen years.
Breakfast club includes a choice of hot or cold breakfast and drink for £3.00 per session and after school includes a snack at drink at £5.00 per child per session – with a 10% discount for related siblings.

We drop off and collect children from the primary school everyday and the younger children have a member of staff with them before and after school.
For more information please ring 07583 762072 or pop into the Youth Centre – next to Kirton Church.

Kirton’s Christmas Fayre

The Christmas Fayre this year will be on the 2nd December (Friday). Starting at 17:00. There will be burgers, sausages, potatoes etc. available to purchase and Kirton brass band will be playing for the choir from the Junior School.
The lights on the tree will switched on at 17:30 by the youngest and oldest pupils of the School.

Father Christmas will be there on his sleigh. There will be plenty of stall holders and Kirton Fire Brigade will be there with one of the tenders.

There will also be a Carol Concert in the Town Hall on the 17th December.  This will be a joint project between the Methodists, CofE, and New Life Fellowship.  Entrance will free and will start at 18:30.


Best Kept Village Competition 2011

The judges comments from round one and two of their inspection of Kirton village are listed below:

Round 1: As we approached the village our first impressions were very good. Then we noticed where litter had been dropped. Trees, ponds, streams, dykes, walls and roads were all very well cared for even though some discarded litter was found in verges and on pavements. Lots of rubbish in and around Graves Park including broken glass. This was also noticed at The Youth Centre but the grass cutting looked superb and all hanging baskets and tubs were very pleasing.

Trees in the churchyard are very impressive and the Chapel, War Memorial, Cemeteries were all immaculately kept. We looked and asked around to no avail to find Best Kept Village notice. All shops and amenities were clean and tidy. Noticeably an effort had been made but in one or two places we felt parts of the community hadn’t entered into the spirit. We enjoyed our visit to your village and were struck by how lovely the cemeteries and garden of remembrance, and the churchyard looked.

Unfortunately, try as we might we could not find a BKV poster on any notice board, unless it was in the Town Hall – which was closed. We thought what a nice variety of shops and amenities. Any newcomer to Lincolnshire looking to reside here wouldn’t hesitate to be impressed with Kirton. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Round Two: Only a small amount of litter was found along the Youth Centre fence. Gutters in places needed a sweep but generally, others were very good. Some weeds were spotted poking out from under fences/hedges and we noted a mixture of good gardens with the occasional one needing further attention. Some nice hanging baskets were spotted.

The porch of the chapel in the old cemetery needed sweeping. Iron work around this cemetery could be cleaner but the whole area has been improved. The War Memorial very good. Weeds need monitoring in the blue slate ground cover at the chapel. Most sites were good but a few needed more attention – weeds, paint work to be renewed and graffiti removed. It was a pleasure to meet the enthusiastic volunteers sweeping up and painting. They have a big job on. We were pleased to see that the scout shop still flourishing.

Overall, very well tried, but it was a pity the standard of the competition was slightly higher. We were very impressed by the work and enthusiasm of the volunteers that we met. They are an asset to the village. Unfortunately there were still too many small areas, often private, towards the centre of the village that were not “best kept”.

The Magical Christmas Tree Tour

Every December, three of the finest folk performers go around the country with their magical Christmas tree! The tree is full of songs and tunes from everywhere and this is your chance to write the set list!

sA fun and spontaneous night for everyone - especially Maggie, Chris and Pete - who, quite literally, don't know what they are going to do next.... but they do it well!
The Magical Christmas Tree Tour visits Frampton Village Hall on Saturday 3rd December and begins at 7.30pm. Tickets priced at £8 are available from Blackfriars, Boston on 01205 363108, Myra on 01205 722013 or Fossitt & Thorne, Kirton.

The Magicial Christmas Tree Tours features Pete Morton, Maggie Boyle and Chris Parkinson.

Birthday Wishes

It has been brought to our attention that a loyal stalwart of the team that delivers Kirton News will be celebrating her 90th birthday on the 4th November. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Joan Hodgson a very happy birthday and hope she has an enjoyable day.


Minute extracts from the last
Parish Council Meeting - August 2011

Police Matters

No Police attended. The Clerk had previously received an email to inform member that the Street Smart initiative will be in Kirton on 22nd and 23rd of August with the youths clearing litter and debris around the village.

Cllr Brotherton informed members that PCSO Thornton had told him that he plans to do a leaflet drop around the village warning people of the consequences of parking in the wrong places – after this cars will be ticketed.

Cllr Rush warned that although anti-social parking is a headache for residents, visitors to the village should not be discouraged by not being able to park to use the shops and facilities in the village, this was agreed by all.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting

Gullies blocked outside Methodist Church, Kirton have been now completed.
Report received from resident that 2 x Sycamore Trees on Hemington Way are diseased and need to be removed. Clerk reported this to Longhurst (who are the land owners on which the trees are growing) – they contacted a tree surgeon who confirmed that the trees are sound but the ivy, which has been cut off at ground level, does give the impression that the tree may be diseased. No further action.

Permission has been granted by Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board to construct the field access culvert for the new Park. Clerk has specifications.

Parish Plan Review Meeting held 2nd August – notes from meeting included with agenda
Parish Council Information Evening – held 26th July – Lincolnshire County Council – Highways and Transportation South – reconfiguration of the department – presentation as to how things have changed and who is responsible for what. Informed that workshops will be held in October to go through the results from the Winter Maintenance Questionnaire. Presentation in reading pile.

Sunken control box on pedestrian crossing near Medical Centre, Boston Road – Reported to LCC. Pot hole in pavement outside 37 Boston Road – reported to LCC. Request for warning signs on the approach to Children’s Play Area off Church Lane – LCC currently looking into request – on-going.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on:

Lincolnshire County Council: Parking Policy Draft Consultation – consultation period closes 30th September – view: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/parkingpolicy

Winter Weather Pre Consultation Questionnaire: Lincolnshire County Council – members to view concerns/comments to enable questionnaire to be completed

Lincolnshire County Council: Hedge – Station Road – due to being a private access Highways have no powers to enforce the cutting back of the hedge – however likely that hedge will be replaced with a wooden fence - but this is unlikely to improve visibility for neighbours as there is a bend in the road.

iI was resolved unanimously that although there was nothing further that Highways could do, it may be an issue that planning enforcement could help with.
Thank you email received from Chairman of the Four Villages Day Care Committee for the donation received.

Community Lincs

Best Kept Village Competition 2011: Kirton and Kirton Holme out of this competition this year – need to wait for the judge’s comments to see the reasons given.

Christ Church Kirton Holme: Thank you letter received for the donation received.

Lincolnshire County Council: Station Road/Kyme Mews – Waiting Restrictions. Members were keen for this work to start

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council

Cllr Smith reported that the A52/Holme Road corner needs the gully clearing – Cllr Skinner will report to LCC.
Cllr Skinner will also report the rust marks on the Kirton Holme sign
Cllr Rylott reported the hedge at a residence in Kirton Holme is also huge – Cllr Rush will visit property.
Cllr Rylott also reported the signs near the Poacher were causing visibility issues – Cllr Rush will visit the Poacher
Cllr Rylott reported that villagers had been querying when the footpath from the village in Kirton Holme from the Golf Course to Tuckers Barn will be completed – Cllr Skinner has been keeping an eye on this and there is no money planned for this stretch of pathway at the moment.

Also in Kirton Holme – the stretch between Sunnyside and The Mantles has sunk in two places – this had been shown to Mike Sharp when he visited the villages – Clerk to ask for an update as to when this road will be repaired.

Cllr Brookes informed members that the Z Brites have now been installed on the crossing on High Street. It also looks as though the flooding issue around the War Memorial has been sorted. Cllr Brookes and Brotherton have been in talks regarding the flooding issue on Station Road opposite to the Town Hall – Cllr Brotherton will get some photographs and copy them to Cllr Brookes – ongoing.

Cllrs Lee and Brotherton met with highways on Boston Road to discuss getting the speed limit on the road greatly reduced. Mr Milner will take the requests away and come back with the results. The likelihood is that the 30 mph will be moved out of the village to the Hardwick Estate entrance and the 40 mph will be extended to the West End crossroads.

Mr Milner informed Cllr Lee that the request for double yellow lines on Willington Road was not a high priority and when he had visited the site there did not seem to be cause for concern regarding parking. Cllr Brookes has since told Mr Milner that this road does not present issues until the evening when all the cars returned from work are parked down there. Cllr Brotherton will take photos and forward these onto the Clerk who will forward with a letter to Mr Milner.

Cllr Rush shared his view that the current contractors working for the County Council seem to have no sense of urgency about any of the projects that they have undertaken. In his view far too much time is spent standing around and doing nothing. Cllr Lee informed Cllr Rush that the Parish Council had written to the same effect to Highways.

Town Hall

Cllr Fitzgerald informed members that the recent meeting scheduled was cancelled due to so many people being on holiday.

Cllr Lee informed members that the copper pipes from the sink area had been stolen and as a result some flooding had occurred in the kitchen area. These have since been replaced with plastic pipes. Clerk to check CCTV to see whether the perpetrators were seen on the CCTV. Clerk to chase remaining quotes for the pointing work.


Cemetery Manager is identifying the trees which need remedial work – he will then get 3 quotes for the work.

Kirton in Bloom

The presentations will take place at the coffee morning on 23rd September. It was proposed by Cllr Lee, seconded by Cllr Brotherton and resolved unanimously by the remainder that due to the lack of prizes and prize money available now, that the prizes should be £40 for 1st place, £20 for 2nd and a framed certificate for the runners up.

Frampton W.I.

Frampton W.I. celebrated their 75th birthday with a party at Kirton Town Hall with 160 other W.I. members. 
The highlight of the evening was a presentation from Colin Alderson who was the Head Pastry Chef for H.M. the Queen. 
Members were fascinated with his humorous stories and intimate knowledge of proceedures in and around the palace kitchens. 

Members enjoyed a meal provided by the members of Frampton, who put in a lot of very hard work to make the occasion very successful, a great time was had by everyone. 

Happy Birthday Frampton!


Garden of Daily Living from Kirton Kodger

First plant three rows of peas
Peas of mind
Peas of heart
Peas of soul

Next, plant four rows of squash
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness

Then plant seven rows of lettuce
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be patient
Lettuce be mindful of our actions
Lettuce be compassionate
Lettuce inspire one another
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce really love one another

No garden is complete
without turnips
Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another
Turnip the music and dance

Plant seeds
Respect for ourselves and others

Complete the operation by planting
Thyme for each other
Thyme for the family
Thyme for friends
Thyme for rest
Thyme for ourselves

Water freely with patience
and cultivate with love.
There is much fruit in your garden
because you reap what you so.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

18/09/11 - Phoebe Vice
18/09/11 - Willow Wiseman
25/09/11 - Ellie Richardson
25/09/11 - Cheish Borrill
25/09/11 - Scarlet Law & Joshua Law, at The Methodist Church

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

23/05/11 - Mrs Barbara Jeeves
15/09/11 - Ena Hemington, at the Methodist Church