©Kirton News 2025

November 2013

The Editors Letter

Is it just me... or, since the installation of the new Puffin crossing on the High Street (as highlighted last month), do some drivers seem to be a little quicker through the Village centre? Taking away those white stripes seem to have given some an agenda to put their [individual] feet down. The 30mph signs do not indicate a MINIMUM speed limit! And, putting traffic lights in front of some drivers sometimes only serves to have them accelerate - consciously or otherwise - , anticipating some possible sequencing activation. Do those few extra seconds really make a difference?

Please slow down before there’s a serious accident!

Speaking of the High Street, am I alone in thinking Clearway might have secured the (sadly redundant) Peacock a little more sympathetically! Two inch thick metal doors and steel shutters make it look more like something out of a Mad Max film rather than a once proud part of Village life.

Along with the crumbling Kings Head, I wonder if the centre of Kirton isn’t on a path of magnificent decay.

Centre businesses are still keeping heads above the parapet but need YOUR constant support to make certain that they don’t fall foul of the inexorable march of the ‘Big Three’. The Co-Operative, I know, are a major player in the consumer market - but they, at least, make efforts to integrate with their communities. The likes of ‘T’, ‘M’, and ‘S’ seem unstoppable. They systematically destroy English town and village high streets - as well as farms, other produce and goods suppliers - for pure profit, not “Quality” or “Service” which you are guaranteed to get from your local tradespeople.

It’s the same ethos that has been described to me when people comment on our advertisers in The News. You don’t mess on your own doorstep. Local people, supplying local services to local people. It has to be top notch. Mary Portas.... take note! And I’ll do it for half the salary.

I, for one, would rather see a boarded-up Tesco store at Chain Bridge than lose the likes of Beesons, Jessops, F&T, The Villager, et al.

I’d rather do without star fruit on my plate, or ten types of pasta - that, probably would go ‘off’ before I had a chance to consume it - and stick to fresh, decent grub.


Kirton Primary School News

A message from Kirton Primary School
and Nursery: Admission to Nursery

Kirton Nursery school is the only Nursery in the area that is run by fully qualified teachers. The curriculum is fully supportive of the primary school curriculum, the children receive a head start in programmes such as Phonics, and transition is much smoother as the children move into their first full year of school. Best of all, it is free!

If your child’s date of birth falls between 1.9.2010 and 31.8.2011, and you would like a place in September 2014, or know someone who does, please let our office staff know. You can either call in at the office, or call us on 01205 722236.

Admission to Reception September 2014

To join us in September 2014, a child’s date of birth must fall between 1.9.2009 and 31.8.2010. Please note, the school does not administer its own admission to Reception; applications must be submitted to Lincolnshire County Council who allocate places on the school’s behalf.

The application process is due to start from 18th November 2013. You may apply online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ schooladmissions, or make a telephone application by contacting the Education Team on 01522 782030.  We accept children from the surrounding area, not just Kirton village.

The application process is due to close on 13th January 2014. If you know anyone who has a child who would like to start with us in September 2014, please let them know the importance of applying as early as possible.

Congratulations to Kirton Primary School!

Kirton Primary School is a proud recipient of the Silver Primary Science Quality Mark. This national award recognises the school’s ability to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate science provision for every child.

The assessor noted the school’s clear vision for the teaching and learning of science, its effective development plan and congratulated the children on being actively engaged in their own learning and achievement.

The school has also received a visit from Mr Mark Simmonds MP who congratulated the school on being one of the best primary schools entered in the national Pupil Premium Awards.



The Kirton Church Fund

There is still plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning) in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the

The October draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the December magazine.

The November draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

September 2013 Winners


Hall for Hire

Kirton Town Hall is a familiar part of village life. Recent years have seen splendid re-furbishments and a dramatic increase in the use of the building by the general public. It’s an excellent venue for parties and celebrations; concerts and community events; sales, exhibitions and much more.

But it is also an ideal forum for business-to-business use; meetings, conferences and training courses.

The more it is used the more the management can update and increase the facilities provided.

Sunday to Friday charges are:
Whole building: £10.80 per hour - £19.40 after 5pm
Hall only: £9.20 per hour - £15.10 after 5pm
Upsall Room only: £5.90 per hour - £7.60 after 5pm
Saturday: Whole building: £18.40 per hour - £20.90 after 5pm
Hall only: £14.20 per hour - £16.80 after 5pm
Upsall Room only: £7.60 per hour - £10.15 after 5pm

There’s crockery and cutlery to hire; excellent kitchen facilities and posh chairs if you want to impress!

Hall Only: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £ 182.50
All Rooms: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £172.50
Crockery/Cutlery hire: 35p per place setting (or part setting)
Blue Soft Padded Chairs (100) hire fee: £ 30.00

More information about hiring the Hall can be obtained from the booking clerk, Lisa Porter: 01205 724826.



Brings Back Memories

Someone asked the other day, ‘What was your favourite ‘fast food’ when you were growing up?’

‘We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up,’ I informed him.
‘All the food was slow.’
‘C’mon, seriously.. Where did you eat?’
‘It was a place called ‘home,’’ I explained. !

‘Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.’

By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table.

But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if I’d figured his system could have handled it:

Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.

My parents never drove me to school... I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed (slow)..

We didn’t have a television in our house until I was 10.

It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 10 PM, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air at about 6 am. And there was usually a locally produced news and farm show on, featuring local people...

Pizzas were not delivered to our home... But milk was.

All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers --My brother delivered a newspaper, seven days a week.

He had to get up at 6 every morning.

Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the films. There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or almost anything offensive.

If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don’t blame me if they bust a gut laughing.

Growing up isn’t what it used to be, is it?.


Kirton Kids Club

This month has been a fun one for the children. The extra long spell of fine weather has meant they could be outside for much longer this autumn, enjoying games and activities or using the climbing wall and slide or simply doing their ‘own thing’ and enjoying their time at the club.

This month has seen an abundance of conkers that seem to fall over the fence from the trees in the church yard.

It doesn’t matter how many conkers the children collect there is always time for getting a few more.

It is amazing how much pleasure those bright shiny seeds can bring to a child and the look of achievement on their faces when they take home the ‘jewels’ in a carrier bag at home time.

The children have enjoyed making Halloween decorations, pumpkins, bats and spooks – all hand decorated and glittered to make them shiny when they put them on their walls.

The Kids Club is always a hub of activities, fun and laughter.

The children pick the toys and equipment they wish to play with or use and there is always lots choose from.

The best games and activities are those that come from the children’s imaginations though and these are the ones that enable the children to take the lead and develop their own thoughts and ideas.

At breakfast club the children are able to choose from a hot or cold menu and have some play time before they are escorted to school.

The afternoon session is longer and includes a snack, drink and various ‘treats’ that keep them going until home time.

Breakfast club opens at 7.30am until school (£3.50) and after school until 5.45pm (£5.50).

If you would like a look around the club please feel free to pop in – we are happy to give your child/children a free taster session or call us on 07583 762072 for more information.

NB. The children and I would like to thank David and Sylvia for their continued support and kindness. We all look forward to seeing the snow drop bulbs spring into life after Christmas it will be lovely to have some of our own to watch and tend over the next few months – we appreciate the gift.

Look us up on the net www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk and see where we are and what we do via pictures. We look forward to seeing you!


Remembering a friend

It was with great sadness that many ladies in this area heard of the death of Jean Bartle. Jean died on the 21st of September; she had tenaciously fought the cancer, from which she had been suffering since earlier this year - typical of this vital and amazing lady.

Jean first did her keep fit classes in Kirton in the evenings at Kirton Middlecott School. In her vibrant leotards, dangly earrings and fashionably cropped auburn hair she was a whirlwind!

Gradually she started other classes in surrounding villages and then moved her Kirton classes to the newly opened leisure centre in the centre of the village. Jean also started tap dancing classes and always referred to these ladies as her “Tappers”.

Jean’s many classes must have happened for nearly thirty years, and one could not count the number of ladies (and some gentlemen) who attended.

A few years ago Jean moved her Kirton Tuesday keep fit class to the warm and comfortable newly refurbished Frampton Village Hall.

We still all marveled at the amazing clothes she wore and those dangly earrings, but one of the things that bound us ladies together was Jean’s passionate support for “Break Through Breast Cancer”. Always full of ideas to fund raise for this, she organised so many events, along with smaller fund raising activities throughout the classes, which, since the year 2000, have raised nearly £20,000.

When the fund team were told of Jean’s death they were very upset.

Jean helped many people in the volunteer work she did for eighteen years at St. Barnabas’ Hospice in Boston.

A lady so full of life and enthusiasm for everything she did; and my goodness, what a gap she leaves in the lives of her family and the many friends who had the privilege of knowing her.

Farewell from all your friends. You never completely lose a person for as long as you remember them.



The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch

On Thursday 12th September 2013 the Kirton and District Branch of the Royal British Legion held a meeting at Kirton Town Hall, the leaders of the local youth organisations and the heads of the local schools in the area were all invited. To discuss ways that the youth of our area can commemorate the anniversary of the First World War.

The Scouts Group and the Girl Guides Group attended but we are sorry to say no schools attended.

The Scout Leader suggested maybe a sea of poppies could be planted somewere in one of the villages or Westgate Wood. I have followed this up by asking Boston Wood Trust if this can be done. The Chairman thinks this is a good idea and is going to look at ways they can help. The Parish council suggested planting poppies in the war memorial garden.

The Girl Guides thought a display in the town hall of what village life was like at that time.  The young people could do pictures and essay on how they though it was. If anyone has any photographs or memorabilia from that time which they are willing to let us borrow for the day , this would be very much appreciated to help build up a bigger picture of what life was like.

I would really like as many of the local groups and schools, or if your family had a business which was around at that time to partake in this event to make it a day to remember all those villagers that failed to return home.

So, please if there is any one who thinks they may be able to help us in any way contact me at the details below.

Roland Reece 01205 722501 or email roland.reece@btinternet.com


Nurture Enterprises Ltd

The Lincolnshire Higher Skills Programme is delighted to offer a FREE 5 Day CMI Level 3 Award in First Line Management.

The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Level 3 Award in First Line Management is a concise qualification, giving you an introduction to the necessary skills, roles and responsibilities of first line management.

It enables you to strengthen and develop your basic knowledge of this management area through focusing on specific skills areas such as:-

• Leadership
• Planning
• Organising yourself
• Analysing your own management style
• Communicating effectively
• Motivating a team
• Using resources effectively
• Counselling and improving performance
• Disciplinary & Grievance management

How to achieve greater performance The course is delivered over five days which will be one day a week for five weeks. However, there is a commitment to completing a degree of written assignment work away from the course and it is usual that this ‘homework’ work is completed in your own time. The assignment required by the awarding body of approximately 3,000 words in length and this will be split into sections and given as ‘homework’ during the course. It is then marked and assessed by the training and moderations teams. Upon satisfactory completion of both the five days of training and the assignment you will gain the qualification from the Chartered Management Institute.

The course dates are: Tuesday 19th November, Tuesday 26th November, Tuesday 3rd December, Tuesday 10th December, and Tuesday 17th December.

Courses will be held at: Venture House, Boston Enterprise Centre, Endeavour Park, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW.

The Lincolnshire Higher Skills Programme is supported by Lincolnshire County Council and The European Social Fund.

For more information or to check your eligibility for a place on the course please contact Matt Bust on 01623 827900, alternately email mbust@nurture-ltd.co.uk


Frampton Pre-School

We have been back now for a few weeks and are back into our routine. We have some new children who have settled in well, with the older children showing them the ropes. It's lovely to see the care shown to the younger children from the older ones.

We have been getting outside and enjoying the fresh air and have been finding lots of bugs and insects.

We continue to provide lots of different activities, and the children are constantly learning through play, alongside our knowledgeable staff whom provide support, care and guidance.

If you would like to come and see what fun we have contact Sue on 07939 266154. If you would like your child to attend, places are becoming limited.

We provide pre-school education for children from the age of 2 to 4 years, with funding for 3 year olds, some 2 year old funding available depending on certain criteria.


Did I read that sign correctly?

Toilet out of order: please use floor below.

In a launderette: Automatic washing machines: please remove all your clothes when the light goes out.

In a London department store: Bargain basement upstairs.

In an office: would the person who took the step ladder yesterday please bring it back or further steps will be taken.

In an office: after tea break staff should empty the teapot and stand upside down on the draining board.

Outside a secondhand shop:  we exchange anything - bicycles, washing machines, etc. why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain?

Notice in health food shop window: closed due to illness.

Spotted in a safari park: (i hope so) elephants please stay in your car.

Seen during a conference: for anyone who has children and doesn’t know it, there is a day care on the 1st floor.

Notice in a farmer’s field: the farmer allows walkers to cross the field for free, but the bull charges.

Message on a leaflet: if you cannot read, this leaflet will tell you how to get lessons.

On a repair shop door: we can repair anything. (please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn’t work).

Man kills self before shooting wife and daughter: this one i caught in the sgv tribune the other day and called the editorial room and asked who wrote this. it took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible!!! they put in a correction the next day.

Something went wrong in jet crash - expert says really?

Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers: now that’s taking things a bit far!

Panda mating fails; veterinarian takes over - what a guy!

Miners refuse to work after death - no-good-for-nothing’ lazy so-and-so’s!

Juvenile court to try shooting defendant - see if that works any better than a fair trial!

War dims hope for peace - i can see where it might have that effect!

If strike isn’t settled quickly, it may last awhile - ya think?!

Cold wave linked to temperatures - who would have thought!

Enfield ( London ) couple slain; police suspect homicide - they may be on to something!

Red tape holds up new bridges - you mean there’s something stronger than duct tape?

Man struck by lightning: faces battery charge. He probably is the battery charge!

New study of obesity looks for larger test group - weren’t they fat enough?!

Astronaut takes blame for gas in spacecraft - that’s what he gets for eating those beans!

Kids make nutritious snacks - do they taste like chicken?

Local high school dropouts cut in half - chainsaw massacre all over again!

Hospitals are sued by 7 foot doctors - boy, are they tall!

and the winner is: Tzyphoon rips through cemetery; hundreds dead - did i read that right.


Local Policing

By the time that this issue is published, the new Puffin crossing should be up and running on the High Street, making crossing the road a more enjoyable experience than the old Zebra crossing. But, and there is always a but, people still risk their safety crossing High Street without using it.

The Parish Council have fought a long and hard battle to have the crossing upgraded so please USE IT.

Can I please remind members of this parish that the Town Hall is NOT a playground. Parents, do your children use the area around the Town Hall as a meeting/gathering place?

If the answer is yes, would you please encourage them not to congregate at the Town Hall in the evenings and weekends as there have been a number of incidents including theft and criminal damage over a prolonged period.

The Town Hall has a fully operational colour CCTV system that operates 24 hours a day 356 days a year and this will be used to identify any offences along with any suspects and the perpetrators dealt with.

There was a theft reported to Kirton police station where a number of bolts were removed from the black safety railing situated outside the main door to the Town Hall.

The Town Hall CCTV system caught the offender in the process of removing the bolts and from the images we were able to positively identify the offender.

The offence was dealt with by way of Restorative Resolution.

Criminal damage was caused to the rear doors on the outside of the Town Hall when a local youth started a small fire that damaged the doors. The Town Hall CCTV system caught the offender in the process of lighting the fire and from the images we were once again able to positively identify the offender.

The offence was dealt with by way of Restorative Resolution.

Restorative Resolution or Restorative Justice is an approach to justice that focuses on the needs of the victims. The victim is given a say in how the offender is punished. In the two incidents above, it was decided that the offender who removed the bolts from the railings should pay a cost towards the replacement bolts and a writen appology to the Parish Council for their actions. The second incident the punishment was to work within the community picking up litter in the village for a three night period.

Please Contact Kirton Police Station on: 01205 722002.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Amy, Roxil, Leon, Tina Harrison
Teyanna Mary- Marie Drury
Jamie John Kevin Andrew
Ellie Skye Tunnard
Oscar Richard Dawson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

James Downs & Lucy Gardner
Elliot Royce & Robyn Emma Stevens
Martyn Taylor & Laura Samantha Smith

Freda Marie Rogers & Paul Lenton
at The Methodist Church