©Kirton News 2025

November 2015

The Editors Letter

When my kids were younger [and cuter], a favourite story book was about a clumsy Afghan hound called “What a Mess”. Some of you may remember the charming stories written by that comic genius and doyen of ‘Call My Bluff’ Mr. Frank Muir. That ‘mess’ was a result of some sort of canine dyspraxia and usually quite amusing. Increasingly, local canines appear to be causing a ‘mess’ of a different order and the good Burghers of Kirton have asked me to highlight said problem.

As usual, I’m sure this is a case of the few tarnishing the reputation and good practice of the many. It is a subject we discussed some time ago in Kirton News and (I like to think) something that had some positive impact at the time.

However, especially with the season and the inevitable increase in leaf litter, etcetera only serving to mask potential hazards, the Parish Council have come up with a three point statement highlighting areas which they would very much like all of you responsible Pooch Possessors out there to take to heart......

1. If anyone knows of or sees someone they know of allowing their dog to mess and fails to clean it up they may report it to the Borough and they will fine that person. If they do not want to do so directly they can do so via the Parish Council.

2. Swineshead has two volunteers training to become Dog Mess Wardens (not sure that is the correct title). If anyone in Kirton would like to undertake training for this role please contact Belinda Buttery, Clerk to Kirton Parish Council on 01205 460618.

3. The council intends to spray any poo found with bright coloured paint to highlight the problem.

So, let’s try and keep the streets completely clear of these annoying and hazardous deposits, eh?

Whilst on the subject of something missing from the streets (and bars) I’ve just had news of one of our recently departed local characters which quite amused me. The Late incumbent of SS P&P, Fr. Gary Morgan, who, as many may know has taken over shepherding the faithful of Wainfleet has recently been made official Chaplain to Batemans Brewery!! Do you reckon he’s managed to wangle some sort of liquid Tithe with the job?

It’s so good to see folks enjoying their labours! Happy Hallowe’en - and for that matter, All Hallows Day!



The Kirton Church Fund

Our luckiest player wins first prize again! Their number was first out again for the September draw and second prize winner has also won before. Congratulations to them both.

We have had a new member join us in September. Welcome aboard!

There is still plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning) in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. Anyone over 18 may take part and you can join at any time during the year. You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Why don’t you come and join us?

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

The October draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the December magazine.

The November draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529

August 2015 Winners

1st PRIZE - £36.62 - TICKET NUMBER: 11
2nd PRIZE - £12.21 - TICKET NUMBER: 54


News from Kirton Parish Church

Church Services

All church services continue as normal. Service times are displayed on the church notice board. If you are passing, pause a moment and have a look at the information on the notice board.

The church notice board also displays ‘A Thought for the Month’, as well as details of future planned church activities and events. It is regularly updated.

Fund-raising Coffee Morning

A fund-raising coffee morning held in church raised £140 for The Macmillan Cancer Charity.

The Social Afternoon

The next Social Afternoon in church will be held on Wednesday 4th November, 2pm – 4pm. This will be the last one for this year before the club takes a winter break.

The Christmas Tree Festival

This year Kirton Parish Church will be holding its 6th Christmas Tree Festival over the first two weekends of December. It will be open on Saturdays 5th December and 12th December from 11am – 4pm and on Sundays 6th December and 13th December from 12 noon until 4pm.

Matt Warman, Member of Parliament for Boston & Skegness has very kindly agreed to open the Christmas Tree Festival on Saturday 5th December at 11am.

Once again the church will be filled with beautifully decorated Christmas trees, all sponsored by local clubs, societies, organisations, schools and businesses and there will be musical entertainment on different days during the Festival.

This year there will be a children’s Christmas Trail around the church, with prizes for the first three correct entries drawn at the end of the Festival.

There will be a grand raffle with a Christmas hamper as first prize and a good range of other stalls including crafts, homemade cakes and preserves, Christmas cards and a lucky dip. As always, a good choice of refreshments will be available throughout the Festival.

Make a note of the dates. The Christmas Tree Festival is well worth a visit!


Letters to the Editor

Objection to Planning Application

Dear Sir,

I write with reference to the proposed plan to build 9 houses at the rear of the shops at 7-15, Station Road, Kirton,

I have several objections as follows;

1) The building of these houses means the removal of the brick built garages. One of these garages we use for storage for the many kind donations that we receive for our charity shop. The money raised from the shop subsidised the many camps, visits and activities that we as a group provide the 80+ young members. Losing storage space will severely disrupt the fund raising capabilities for our group. The Scout Aid shop has been well supported by the local community for over 20 years and many residents would be disappointed to see it in decline.

2) The opening up of the rear of the properties will increase the opportunities for vandalism and theft. At present it is unused and quiet so of no interest to anyone but once building starts it may give people ideas in how they can abuse the area.

3) There are insufficient parking places, being only 12 as oppose to 9 houses. As most homes now have 2 cars + those of visitors, the 2 spaces designated for the shops (all of them) use will be usurped by new residents. This will be especially the case if the new owners rent the house to multiple occupants.

4) The entrance to the site is only one car width and the extra traffic will cause problems along Station road, especially when you see the Co-op entrance almost opposite and the amount of traffic that uses the short cut part of Station Road. Take into account deliveries to various business and the traffic snarl up is complete. The movement of traffic in and out of the site will be very dangerous to those families who walk their children to and from the local primary school.

Yours faithfully

Lesley Lanfranco, Group Scout Leader


Editor's Comment

Does anyone else out there object to this? There is another application to build over a hundred dwellings on the disused ‘Mani Firs’ site on London Road. The development of nearer 200 around the health centre is rumbling on.

Do we really need all this when long standing services (Beeson’s Butchers; The Villager Fruit n’ Veg; Fossit & Thorne, The Green) are falling to survive?

Seems a bit queer to me; with all these new (potential) residents you would think business should be booming! What do you think? Let me know in time for next month’s edition.


Kirton Kids Club

There has been an abundance of conkers this year – as I am sure all parents of younger children will know.

The big chestnut trees that over hang the kids’ club play area have been kind to the children and dropped lots of their spiky fruits over the fence for the children to ‘find’.

It is lovely how excited they are when they open the green outside skin to reveal the bright shiny conkers inside.

And it does not seem to matter how many they already have – there is always ‘room for one more’.

With the conkers has come the colder weather thought – stopping us from being outside quite so much. But inside play is just as much fun!

This term we have had, amongst other things - a pumpkin party’ – when everywhere was decorated with pumpkins and party games included pumpkins somewhere in them.

The children also got through a mountain of ‘Halloweeny’’ style party food and lots of drinks. It was a lovely evening and all children attending went home with party bags of goodies.

We have grown our own pumpkin this year too! Yes just the one – but it was an impressive one and came from the seed the children saved from last years pumpkins.

The children helped cut and scooped this fine specimen which decorated the dining area until the end of term.

The breakfast club is now very busy and children enjoy a hot or cold breakfast and a play before school. They are escorted to school by staff and children taken to their classrooms.

After school children meet in the school hall for registration – younger ones picked up by staff and older children bringing themselves to the meeting place.

After school children are given a ‘high tea’ included in the price.They then have an Aladdin’s cave of toys, equipment and games to play with until home time.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am and costs just £3.50 per child per session.After school ends at 5.45 pm and costs only £5.50 per child per session.

For more information of a free ‘taster session’ please call 07583 762072.

Ofsted and Charity registered.


Kirton Primary
School’s Got Talent!

At the end of the summer term, several talented story writers from Kirton Primary School entered their tales into a competition run by Young Lincolnshire. There were over 70 entries from across the county and the school is delighted to report that the overall winner was one of their very own pupils, Thomas McMeechan. Of the eight highly recommended entries, three winners were also pupils from the school: Harriet Moore, Isabelle Harmon and Olivia Atkinson. Quite a sweep!

All four children are to receive prizes presented to them by Matt Warman MP and will also have the opportunity of hearing their stories read by local actors at a presentation event.

The school is immensely proud of their achievement.


Wanted: 10pin Bowlers

for Wednesday mornings at Boston Bowl to play in the white Heather League from 10pm to 12 noon, Start ASAP: price £2 per game max 3 games a match. Free tea, coffee & biscuits. Play in all ready formed league. Interested? Call Boston Bowl on 01205 359525 or A. Limb on 01205 723102.


Please Help The Friday Group

A loyal bunch of volunteers regularly meet on Friday mornings to spend a couple of hours keeping the centre of Kirton tidy and free from litter and weeds.

But their numbers are falling fast (as are the Autumn leaves!)

If you think you could spare some time to help please contact any of the team on a Friday morning, Ian Turner or any member of the Parish Council.

Many thanks


Frampton W.I.

Birthdays come and birthdays go but this last WI meeting was a lovely celebration of Frampton WI 79th birthday.

We celebrated in style, a wonderful collection of food arrived with the members, there was an interesting fruit punch (yes it was alcohol free), the members were waited on by the committee which sadly was much depleted due to illness – and can I just say before I forget – a really big thank you to all the ladies who flooded into the kitchen to help with the mountains of washing up and drying and sorting out the left overs.

I must mention the cake, beautifully decorated by our very own president Ann, oh and cut once by me and many times by Kathy who did a sterling job portioning it out, I could just eat a piece right now....We were serenaded by a very talented young singer, Phoebe Mullard, who I first heard at Framfest, what an amazing voice and a full range of songs, thank you so much Phoebe – please come again!

The raffle prizes were gorgeous - we had a few more than usual and also raffled off the cyclamen that were on each table, no... I didn’t have one winning ticket....The competition was something beginning with F - well who did bring that singing frog- I loved it!

I was supposed to say something before cutting the cake and standing there and looking around the room all I had planned to say flew out of my head. I was struck by the number of people in one room who I actually knew, all with something really special to offer, two thirds of them members a long time before me and at least one third who had joined since I did three years ago.

I wondered if 79 years ago at their very first birthday Frampton WI ever dreamed they would still be meeting in 2015. We are so privileged that they still do. Long long may it continue. Actually what I was originally going to say was that our birthday fell on National Poetry Day and Global make a noise day!!
As a WI we have been very busy this last month we attended the ladies night at Kirton Town Hall...wow did anyone else have their tarot cards read...amazing!

One member went off to sample a hot stone massage and I did see a very nice handbag...nudge to husband..We are off to see The Suffragette and a little supper afterwards....mid month and of course I have to mention the delicious Mr Joel Hicks who will be entertaining us all at Wyberton Parish Hall on October the 20th.

I also have to remind you that the WI will be manning the kitchen at the Frampton Craft Fair at St Marys on Saturday 7th November, please pop along for a coffee or tea, bacon roll and a variety of scrummy cakes.
Next month we meet on Thursday November the 12th, our speaker will be Mr Stuart Gibbon, the subject..Staying Safe and Glenda, Phyllis and Cindy will be your hostesses for the evening. The competition - something beginning with G...all those bringing giraffes please remember the door is not that high....Oh and its just 53 sleeps till you know who creeps down your chimney....
We will be back in the Village Hall Frampton on Thursday November 12th. Come and join us we meet at 7:30 pm, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free.

If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann McCoy(President) on 01205 366020 or Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: carolpattrick@gmail.com or me Vanessa (New Members) on 07955 763473 email: vanessajameson@btinternet.com


Poetry Corner

This month’s edition is a bit full of serious stuff. As a little lighter relief I’d like to introduce a couple of poems. Relevant to the season we have a new contributor and an old favourite.

Our first is a local lady of mature years who has, only recently, put pen to paper. Our second, Gladys Seabrook who has written many a verse since the 1970s, and is, or rather was, an unrecognized talent.

Sadly Gladys passed over early in 2014 but has left some perfect gems:-



Autumn is a time that I love;
The changing hues and a blue sky above.
When everything is slowing down,
The forests are shining like a golden crown.
The birds have finished building their nests,
And many will, soon, be flying to the West.
And, as the Winter glooms
With far less flowers and lovely blooms;
But, as I sit and give a sigh,
I see a rainbow in the sky.
Perhaps we are in for a storm,
And have the whole place wet in the morn:
But that is first Nature’s way,
There is nothing that we can do or say.


Country Girl

My memory leads me through the haze
Of bygone golden Autumn days.
Through stubble fields and stacks of corn
And cocks that crow at early dawn.
Through rustling leaves beneath my feet
And berries hanging dark and sweet
Wide furrowed acres newly ploughed
‘Neath windswept sky and drifting cloud
Migrating swallows in their flight
Grey drifting smoke and bonfires bright
A trace of mist as daylight dies
Ripe juicy plums and apple pies
Cool churns of milk and pots of jam
New laid brown eggs and home cured ham
Around me now these visions whirl
For once I was a country girl

But now I live amid the maze
Of traffic lights and City ways
Of jostling crowds on every street
And concrete pavements ‘neath my feet
In dust and fumes and stagnant air
With noise and bustle everywhere
There’s nothing here to let me know
When autumn brings its mellow glow
But sometimes on September days
Nostalgia makes me stand and gaze
At one small view of Heavens high
Then like a bird I long to fly
Back to the countryside I knew
Through meadow pastures wet with dew
To live again where life is free
Once more a country girl to be

Gladys Seabrook (1926 - 2014)


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Reggie Albert Prideaux Massingham

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No Weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Mrs Alice Wadley