©Kirton News 2025

November 2017

The Editors Letter

Greetings, did you all get lasts month’s little puzzle then? The first piece of ‘false news’ was, of course the stop press on page 6. The second the statement that there were THREE pieces of false news. That being the second there were in fact only two. Sorry about that! Several of you made up your own answers with other bits but I’m afraid that was it.

The next bit is, however, very much the current truth. I have been involved with Kirton News for some seven years now - editing, ad manager-ing, accounting, photographing (with recent help), and reporting for six. Along with the rest of the committee, particularly Mary Rayner and Audrey Forinton who have served much longer than myself and to whom I shall always be indebted, we have resurrected a failing product and attempted to inform educate and entertain you. But we all feel that we have done our bit.

So the call goes out for others of you - I reckon a minimum of five - to come to the fore and take over production.

We have, as most of you know, a website and a lot of folks, quite literally from all over the globe, view it regularly. I have several Antipodeans (ex pat Kirtonians) who contact me. That website was more than adequate in its infancy and does serve as a unique archive. But in present times it looks crude and simplistic and it needs to be revitalized and to move on if Kirton News is going to continue to interest and serve a more youthful and growing market.

I have been involved in print design of one sort or another all of the 40 plus years of my working life and will continue to believe in its validity as a product. The ‘Hard Copy’ Kirton News does, I believe, still have a place as a ‘coffee table’ ready reference for local trades people and I know many benefit from that but - rail against it or not - the Internet is here to stay.

I have had thoughts about cutting print production down to a bi-monthly publication. Reduced annual print costs could benefit advertisers cost-wise. More could be done with a more comprehensive on-line product which is immediately up-datable. Especially from the point of view of publicizing events and breaking local news or flagging up problems or peoples sudden and unexpected need for assistance. But that would need constant monitoring and the sort of knowledge and attention I don’t have and, quite frankly, am not prepared to give. I do believe there may also be the possibility of cultivating a revenue stream from on-line advertising.

I will be the first to admit that the growing success of Kirton News has become a bit of an Albatross for me. I know the effort and time I put in which is why I reckon four or five of you - who know one another and are in regular contact - might be needed to comfortably carry this on.

I have had an enormous amount of positive feed back over time for which I am humbled. I do think many of you out there respect and benefit from the product. But do enough of you care sufficiently to ensure it carries on and (hopefully) thrives and develops?

Please get in touch. I am happy to remain at the helm to fulfill advertisers contracts up to and including the April 2018 edition. But after that both myself and the rest of the present committee are off; and Kirton News will be a comfortable memory. Over to you.


A message from Fr. Paul Blanch

Did you know that your Parish Church is under new management?  Our village has a very beautiful and historic church in its midst, but now the Parish Church is writing a new chapter with a new parish priest and Vicar.

As your new priest I want this entire community to know that the Church of SS Peter & Paul is a actually great place to visit, but also to discover why this historic church is here in the first place and what her message is to the wider community.

On Sunday mornings in the celebration of our Parish Eucharist (Holy Communion) we aim to introduce worshippers and visitors alike to Jesus and the teachings of His church. This is done in an open and questioning way, for we do not have all the answers! The architecture is beautiful, and this historic place of worship still serves as a lighthouse in the community as it was intended by those who had enough faith and determination to build it some nine hundred years ago.

We often get asked what needs to happen in order for you to “join” our Church. The short answer is you just need to show up! We welcome anyone and everyone to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 11am or at any of our church activities - in fact we meet every day except Monday at 9am and 5pm for Daily Prayer which lasts about 20 minutes. For we understand that first and foremost, membership in the Church means being part of a community that is drawn ever more deeply into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

You may want to get married in the Parish Church, have your baby Christened/Baptised or you may need to arrange a family funeral – for all these powerful life occasions we are here and we extend a warm welcome to you wherever you are on your faith journey.

Sunday Parish Eucharist at 11:00am

Evening Prayer at 5:00pm

Daily Prayer Tuesday – Saturday: and quiet time in Church at 9:00am and 5:00pm

Join us and feel the difference!

Fr Paul

Help Save Lives Today

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month and I am again trying to raise awareness of the symptoms of this horrible cancer. The survival rate has not changed in over 50 years and it is the worst survival rate for any of the cancers (5%) as it is mostly often diagnosed when it is already advanced. This is because of lack of awareness of the symptoms.

Last year I raised over £500 by abseiling down the Europa Hotel in Belfast to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Action which raises awareness. This year I am not doing anything as dramatic but I still would like to raise money for this worthy cause so I am holding a coffee morning in the parish church on Saturday 18th November 10am -12.30pm.

There will be lots of cake (hopefully!) and a raffle. There will also be information and leaflets.

Also, like many other buildings nationally to raise awareness, the church will be showing a purple light throughout November.

Fay Houltby - Churchwarden; St Peter & St Paul Church, Kirton



The Kirton Church Fund

Lucky player number 38 wins again! Their number was drawn for second prize in August and now has been drawn in the September draw for first prize! Congratulations to them and also to the second prize winner who has also won before.

The numbers are drawn independently and witnessed by members of the congregation after the Sunday morning service so it is just luck of the draw.

As I write this, three new members have joined so prize money will increase for the next draws. Welcome aboard to them and I hope they are lucky!

Would you like to try your luck? There is still plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning) in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. Anyone over 18 may take part and you can join at any time during the year. You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Why don’t you come and join us?

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. The October draw takes place on Sunday 22nd.Winning numbers will be printed in the December magazine.

The November draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the December draw on Sunday 24th.The winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

September 2017 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.74 - TICKET NUMBER: 38
2nd PRIZE - £12.58 - TICKET NUMBER:9


Letters to the Editor

Great Evening

A big thank you is extended to Mr. Stan Naylor (one of our older residents) who spoke at the well -attended evening at Kirton Town Hall on Wednesday 4 October.

There was a large display of old photographs of Kirton District, which prompted a lot of discussion and Mr. Naylor related many stories from his life growing up in the area.

It highlighted how many changes there have been over the years, some to great advantage, like improved sanitation and communication. But others to detriment, like the loss of a great many business’s and the decline in community spirit. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to reminisce with old friends and acquaintances.

And Thanks from Stan

Hi Sam, I wish to thank the Town Hall Committee for inviting me to give a talk on Kirton District on Wednesday 4th. October.  It was a pleasure to talk to those of you who attended, you all kept so quiet.  I trust that you learned something of the district and the Wash estuary, and how we lived, worked and played in the 1920’s and 30’s, vastly different to the presant time with all the mod-cons that makes life so much easier. 

Many thanks also to those who loaned me photographs and the boards to display them, very much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,

Stanley Naylor.

Kirton Kids Club

Once again the ‘conker fairy’ planted the bright shiny conkers within reach of the children at the club!

The excitement this causes never ceases to amaze me – but always makes me smile when parents come to collect their children and they are met with pockets, book bags or others filled to bursting point with the small brown jewels.

The weather has been mostly kind to us since we have got back from the summer break.

Even if it is a bit dull or slightly cold the children still love to be outside playing.

They have lots of equipment, scooters, skateboards, balls etc to keep them happy as well as inside games to keep them busy.

We are now looking to the half term holidays but are managing to fit in lots of ‘pumpkin’ art, making and decorating. The children will be getting small pumpkins to take home and will decorate with black paper instead of scooping again this year.

Halloween is a bit away and the pumpkins would rot if they were minus their insides.

So we have worked out a much better (and cleaner) way of decorating them and it works so well.

The club is also looking very ‘pumpkiny’ where the children have made and decorated the walls and doors.

They will also receive ‘Halloween goody bags’ on the last day which should please them all.

Of course, the run up to Christmas will be busy too with lots of fun things to do, make and take home!

It will all go so fast again you can bet on it.

The club is open for breakfast from 7.30 am to school and after school to 5.45 pm.

Breakfast club is still only £3.50 a session (including breakfast) and after school is £5.50 (including high tea) per child per session.

Please pop in or phone about availability – 07583 762072.


t’s all about Co-Operation

Wednesday October 11th saw - finally - the culmination of months of hard training as five intrepid members of the staff at Kirton Co-Op’s store braved the elements on a charity cycle ride in aid of Kirton Youth Centre.

A previous attempt having been scuppered by some unusually extreme weather conditions Ian Lawrence (Manager), Antony Brown (Team Leader), Adam Gurton, Brad Lees and Darren Johnson successfully completed the ride from Lincoln along the Water Rail Way to the Black Sluice Tidal barrier and thence home to Kirton.

Having done the ride several times myself [a few years ago mind] I fully appreciate the effort involved, especially with a head wind through Holland Fen. And if you have ever travelled that part of the route you’ll know what a soul destroying experience that can be.

Their time of 3hours 20 minutes for the thirty eight miles is a fabulous effort and should be (and was) warmly applauded.

This month’s cover shows the triumphal return. Two other staff members - Teddie and Imogen - held the fort selling home made cakes and minding the bucket, receiving donations for the cause. A final count up means that £293.61 was collected for the Youth Centre. A fantastic effort by all customers and colleagues.

I asked Ian if this was the first of other major cycling charity challenges for the team. Good taste and the censors prohibit me from recording the reply.

On any group distance ride co-operation is key and these lads definitely got it right.

In the best cycling tradition “chapeau” to you all.

And thanks again to David R. Taylor for the fine photography.


Matt visits Kirton Primary School

Matt Warman MP visited Kirton Primary School to congratulate the children on the success of their Shop and Bank system.

He also completed a ‘teddy bear swap’. The children presented Mr Warman with a Kirton teddy bear (available exclusively from Kirton Stores for the amazing proce of only 12 Kirts), and he presented the children with Barrie the Bear from the House of Commons.

Mr Warman was also asked to complete a spelling challenge set by the children. He successfully spelt the word ‘parliament’ (phew!), thereby boosting his school bank account by 1 Kirt.

Kirton Primary School’s unique Shop and Bank system was recently the subject of a full page spread in the Mail on Sunday.

Kirton Primary School’s Commitment to Sport has been Acknowledged

Kirton Primary School is proud to announce that it is the recipient of the School Games Silver Mark. The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme that rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.

Thank you to all the staff who have encouraged competitive sport and games participation at our school.

Kirton Primary School’s School Councillors have been Recognised.

Congratulations to the School Council at Kirton Primary school for being acknowledged by the Speaker of the House of Commons for ‘the commitment and passion with which the school councillors dedicated themselves to their amazing projects’. Well done, Councillors!


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- August 2017

Public Forum

The 2 residents were interested in the Council’s comments regarding item B/17/0252 – Outline application for the erection of one dwelling including access with all matters reserved for later approval at 332A Willington Road, Kirton End.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman announced that the winners had been chosen from the shortlisted Kirton in Bloom properties. The winners will be invited to the September meeting to receive their prizes and certificates. The Clerk was requested to write a letter of thanks to Lynn Fossitt for her judging.

The Chairman informed members that the Police Inspector had attended the Council Office in the Town Hall along with Ian Dunn from Anti-Social Behaviour team in Boston – plans have been made to visit the park frequently during the school holidays and to be proactive instead of reactive in future.

Thanks, were given to Cllr Watson and his wife for their work in getting the Parish Council Facebook page up and running. New members are being added all the time.

A mattress has been removed from the Churchyard that had been fly tipped.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs J Edwards, M Hannay, A Austin and D Smith, sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllrs Rylott and Ransome declared an interest in item 10 on the Agenda (planning) as they are on the Planning Committee at the Borough Council. Cllr Lee declared an interest in item 12 on the Agenda (Town Hall) as his daughter is on the committee. Cllr Foster declared an interest in item 10 on the Agenda (planning) as he is personally involved with the applicants for the Willington Road application.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a. Tree limb broken in cemetery after winds. Health and safety decision made to fell remainder of tree (small tree in new extension part).

b. Trees in church yard reported to Clerk to be broken. Also, Health and Safety decision made to remove broken limbs.

c. Trip hazard – footpath at Hardwick end of footpath next to Langley Mews – reported to LCC/Boston Borough and Mayflower. No one claims responsibility for it.

d. Potholes reported to LCC – Whitebread Road under ref 101000202773 – still not done although Cllr Brookes Highways say they have. Cllr Brookes will chase to make sure that the ones Highways say they have done are different to ones reported.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a. Email received from resident asking for help with the speed issues he claims are between the War Memorial and the A16 on Station Road.

It was resolved that these issues should be passed onto the Road Safety Partnership and ask them to do a survey on the road – this will establish to what extent speeding on this part of the road is an issue.

b. South East Lincolnshire Local Plan has now been submitted for examination to the Inspector.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston
Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes reported that after the Parish receiving complaints about the speed at Hubberts Bridge to Kirton Holme, the speed surveys show that actually there is a 20% reduction in the speeding traffic. The average speed is reduced to 37.8 mph which is actually below the speed limit. Only 7% of traffic is peeding at over 10mph the limit which is also reduced. This will still be monitored and the Police have been asked by the Road Safety Partnership to enforce the speed along this stretch of the road.

Cllr Brookes also reported that the relevant agencies within the Flood Report have been identified. The agencies will now be informed of the outcome of the report and asked for their responses.

Planning applications:

Erection of acoustic barriers adjacent to inverter stations within the existing solar array at Nowhere Farm Solar Park, Fishmere End Road, Sutterton – NO OBJECTIONS

Outline application for the erection of one dwelling including access with all matters reserved for late approval at 332A Willington Road, Kirton End – NO OBJECTIONS

Proposed demolition of conservatory to allow construction of a single-story extension to the rear elevation at 132 Dennis Estate, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Listed building consent for alterations to north elevation including provision of additional dormer windows, alteration to the existing dormer windows, alterations to the bay windows and the re-roofing of the dwelling at Holme House, Holme Road, Kirton Holme – NO OBJECTIONS

Determined Planning Applications

Change of use of dwelling house (C3) and outbuildings to a mixed use of retail (A1), restaurant/café (A3), offices (B1), hotel (C3) and minor demolition and extension work to Grade II listed building, and creation of new vehicular access off King Street, Kirton- GRANT

Part demolition, extension, alterations and repairs to former public house including reinstatement and extension of outbuildings and creation of parking area at The Old King’s Head, 28 High Street, Kirton - GRANT

Erection of a two-storey rear extension as approved under B/17/0203 - GRANT

Appeal made to Secretary of State re B/16/0418 – Erection of 2 No detached dwellings, vehicular access and associated garages at Land north of Drainside South, Kirton

Appeal made against refusal to Secretary of State re B/16/0380 Outline application for the erection of up to 215 dwellings with all matters (scale, layout, landscaping, appearance) except access reserved with public open space and drainage infrastructure at Land north of Middlegate Road (west), Frampton

Town Hall

The Clerk reported that getting quotations from firms willing to undertake the pointing at the Town Hall was difficult. One quote had been received for just the rear of the building plus another price for the whole building. It was resolved that all should attend next meeting a few minutes early so that the exterior of the building could be inspected to enable a decision to be made. Cllr Lee reported the hedge from London Road towards Marketstead on Princess Road is overgrown. Clerk to report to LCC.

The hedge next to the A16 on Station Road has still not been cut back, Clerk to re report to LCC.


Frampton School

Firstly this month, before I forget, I said I would try and find out how the acupuncture had helped our brave volunteer, Alison. I asked her at the last meeting and she reported that she was free of hayfever for two weeks. Amazing, considering she just had a brief taster session of acupuncture. Imagine how long the effects would last if she had had a full session. It’s definitely something to think about.

At our last meeting in June, we had a change of venue, due to the General Election, and Wyberton Church End WI kindly let us use their hall. They made us feel very welcome, and as the saying goes – a change is as good as a rest. Our very entertaining speaker was Sian Fox and her talk was entitled “It shouldn’t happen to a Home Economist”. She told us all about her working life and ended on a fun quiz. We found out some fascinating facts, including:

1) During a lifetime, how much does an average person eat? (5, 15, 25 or 35 tonnes)

2) In which Scottish city as marmalade invented? (Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee or Perth)

3. What fruit contains twice as much Vitamin C as an orange? (Kiwi, Pineapple, Banana or Grapes)

Answers on a postcard please ..... No, not really, they are at the bottom of the article!

Our numbers are slowly increasing – word is getting around how enjoyable it is and the feeling of belonging to a warm and friendly group is wonderful. Why not come along and see for yourself? We have a wide variety of ages of ladies who belong to WI, so you are never too young or too old! Apart from meeting once a month, we arrange outings for our WI and can join outings arranged by other WIs so there is lots of variety and opportunities.

[Answers: 1. 15 tonnes 2. Dundee 3. Pineapple]

If you are interested in joining the WI, please do come along and give it a try. We are a friendly group and you will be made most welcome. We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email vanessajameson@btinternet.com; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk; or Janice Cotgreave on 01205 724617, email Janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com

Frampton Community Pre-School

Well here we are again at the end of another school year. It's been a very busy year and have been full for the past few months.

We have had lots of fun activities on offer to the children and managed to buy some new equipment from fundraising and the grant we received from Frampton Charites. We have also had some toys donated to us from parents and local residents, thank you to those.

We have had a visit from the Kirton fire engine, Father Christmas and we enjoyed the sports sessions with CMS sports.

We have taken part in many different celebrations, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year and Diwali. We were lucky to sample lots of different foods at these celebrations.

The staff have been busy learning lots of new things too, attending courses including Safeguarding, First aid, health and safety and behaviour management.

Looking ahead to September, we have a few spaces available and are able to offer the 2,3,4 year old free 15 hour sessions.

If you are interested in sending your little one to a Pre-School where we have fun, socialize and learn in a caring and friendly environment with qualified and experienced staff, come and have a visit or call 07939 266154.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Leilia Elding

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Lee James Roberts & Mandy Dixson
Nathan Newman & Bethy Thorley
John Albert Hobbs &Gorgie Lorraine Tolley

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Pauline Capel
Rose Herberts
Gladys Benton
Doreen Richardson
Marian Bishop
Colin Philip Clark - passed away 29th September



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-


The Silver Spur Country Music Club.....£20

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.