©Kirton News 2025

November 2017

The Editors Letter

By the time this edition drops through your letterbox, I can say with absolute certainty that I will at least have made and be feeding my Mary Berry Classic Victorian Christmas cakes (it's a foolproof recipe, please contact me if you would like a copy). This will be the limit of my preparations for this Christmas thus far! I don't know about you but I am still very much in denial that November is nearly here.

Tis now the season to legitimately set off fireworks and far more importantly, doing one of the things we do best in Kirton, turning out in our droves on Rememberance Sunday. Even if it's chucking it down, freezing or gale force winds, please come out to the War Memorial for that very important half hour. We have so much to be grateful for.

There are lots of events in and around Kirton during this month:

• Community Halloween Disco at Kirton Leisure Centre on 2nd November

• Quiz Night at Kirton Town Hall on 9th November

• Frampton Church Craft Fayre on 10th November

• Kirton Methodist Church Christmas Fayre on 24th November

Please, if you can, support these events. They're all organised to support good causes and they also help the upkeep of some of our most treasured buildings.

For my family, November will be bittersweet as it marks 365 days since we lost my wonderful Dad. Has it gone fast? Yes. Have many of those days seemed never ending? Yes. Anybody out there who has lost someone close to them knows what it's like and not one person deals with it in the same way. It's the rockiest of roads and the only way I have got through the last 365 days is to be thankful that he was here and that I got to call him Dad.

I may mention him many times in my forthcoming letters as Editor but frankly he deserves to be mentioned. I know many of you out there knew him so you don't need me to tell you why we are so proud of him and what he achieved, especially during his time on the Parish and Borough Council. I took on the role of Editor because I want to continue to make him proud and I know how much he loved the village and it's residents. This is your magazine and I know how much you all appreciate and possibly even rely on it.

I hope to see many of you at the various events during November and wish you all the very best.


‘Why is the War Memorial
important to people?’ asks the child

Childish inquisitiveness is one that sets the brain cells into overload (and on to the internet) as we try to not only answer the questions but to also try and evade the dreaded 'but why?'

We all appreciate that not only our own War Memorial, but also those around the country and the Cenotaph invoke great emotion, and that the majority of the population observe a dignified respect towards them, but then there's the question, Why? Why are they so important, creating such emotion in some, but not others.

To understand, perhaps we need to take a look at their history of why they become so prominent in our cities, towns and villages.

1914, In World War 1, from a UK and Commonwealth population of approximately 46 million, 6 million military personnel were mobilised for action, 740,000 gave the ultimate sacrifice and a further 1.67million would come home wounded.

With so many unable to be repatriated, War Memorials became present in villages, towns and cities for the nation to focus not only their grief and loss (for some being the closest resemblance to a grave they would have for a loved one killed in action), but also their pride in those that served.

Since then, they have become a symbol of Remembrance, much the same as the Poppy, of those that have not only given service, but often given the ultimate sacrifice.

There have been conflicts since, and most likely there will still be conflicts in the future, but it is perhaps how these conflicts are conducted that are changing our attitudes to war, remembrance and the Memorial in general. Large areas of communities no longer go off to fight like they once did, with todayís conflicts everyday life appears less disrupted than it once was.

But however the conflict is fought, for some one thing is constant and that is the War Memorial. The closest thing, that even today some may have to a grave or headstone to remember a fallen loved one. For those not directly affected by conflict it is a place you can reflect and pay respect to those who undertook a job, which honestly I donít know if I either could or would choose to, but have great respect for those who do.

When looking at the Memorial, standing there, safe, reading the names, hearing the last post on Remembrance Sunday, never have John Maxwell Edmonds words been more poignant;

When you go home, tell them of us and say

For their tomorrow, we gave our today!

This is why the War Memorial is so important to people.

It's because of this Importance that when people are seen kicking footballs around the Memorial grounds, playing on the Memorial and leaving rubbish on it, you may find people often get upset or angry, after all, to some that's not 'kids being kids', or 'well it's a free country' to them you're playing on a headstone.

Carl Sharp



Kerala flood victims receive £20,000 from Freemasons in England & Wales

Thousands of people whose lives have been devastated by flooding in the Indian state of Kerala will be given urgently needed humanitarian assistance, thanks to a grant from the Masonic community.

The floods, caused by the worst monsoon in a century, have affected five and a half million people, including 361 who have lost their lives. Nearly three quarters of a million people have been displaced and around 20,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed.

Half of the £20,000 will go to Plan International UK, which will be using the money to provide food rations for displaced families, while the rest will be distributed to flood victims directly by Freemasons from the District Grand Lodge of Madras.

The grant comes through the Masonic Charitable Foundation, which is funded by Freemasons, their families and friends, from across England and Wales.

Tanya Barron, Chief Executive of Plan International UK, said: “We are very grateful to the Freemasons for their generous grant. Many of those who have been displaced will be returning to homes which have been devastated by the flooding – this grant will help provide vital support and help them to begin rebuilding their lives” David Innes, Chief Executive of the Masonic Charitable Foundation said:

“Sadly, hundreds of people have died and many thousands have been displaced by these terrible floods. I’m very pleased that Freemasonry, through the Masonic Charitable Foundation, is able to move so quickly to provide this essential funding for Plan International UK and to Freemasons in Kerala, thereby enabling both organizations to provide rapid support to those worst affected by this disaster.”

flood 1

flood 2

The View from the Vicarage

Very recently I was asked to preach at a day of renewal in the City of Leicester, a very large and ethnically diverse City, almost a world apart from rural Lincolnshire. I took as a starting place a quote from a poem by the late Sir John Betjeman entitled  “A Lincolnshire Church”  it was in fact St Margaret’s Church in Huttoft just up the coast from here.  Betjeman describes this amazing church then turns his attention to the village and community around it, and I quote, And around it, turning their backs, The usual sprinkle of villas; The usual waoman in slacks, Cigarette in her mouth, Regretting Americans, stands As a wireless croons in the kitchen Manicuring her hands. Dear old, bloody old England Of telegraph poles and tin, Seemingly so indifferent And with so little soul to win.

Considering the poem was written in 1958, it tells me that England has always been a challenge for the Church. “Dear old, bloody old England of telegraph poles and tin, Seemingly so indifferent and with so little soul to win”. But I believe England does have a soul to win, and we are clearly not winning that soul at present with our Family services, Café Church, Messy Church and dumbing down that which lies at the heart of our faith. But lest we put all the blame on others, we all need to take responsibility for that failure.

The number of people belonging to the Church of England as well as the Church in Wales and The Episcopal Church in Scotland has halved in less than two decades, according to the National Centre for Social Research. The new British Social Attitudes survey found 15 per cent of people in Britain described themselves as Anglican last year, compared to 30 per cent in 2000. The Bishop of Chelmsford, Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, said: “Of course it’s always troubling for the institution of the church to see numbers declining and to hear how younger people are less and less engaged with the life of the church. “ But we also need to remember that the church is not simply an institution. The church is that community of men and women whose lives are centred on Jesus Christ. We do care about numbers, but only because we care about people.” 

The word “church” tends to have a very specific image attached to it. But we need to think wider than this image, all the time I find myself in conversations with people who ask about the Church, and what happens inside on a Sunday morning, because they have moved so far out of the Church’s life and care. They are not all against the Church, they just don’t see how it has relevance in their lives today. But equally they have often never been really seriously informed either.

I’m so often saddened that atheists are so passionate about what they don’t believe that they will read book after book, in order to define their thoughts and beliefs, while we are happy to float along the surface with a Sunday School theology and mentality!  And we wonder why people are leaving the Church in droves.  A church that offers only emotional, feel-good theology is going to lose the long-term intellectual wrestling match to a well-read and convincing atheist nearly every time.

I am fascinated to learn that the Church was once the place where believers came to learn deep theology and robust doctrine – baptism preparation lasted three years! It’s not too late for Christians in our Churches to grow again in their understanding of the holy. It’s not too late to learn the meaning and value of our creeds, doctrines, and faith systems. There is merit in learning and understanding the deeper parts of our faith and I say we should start sooner rather than later. This is why I offer study courses and pilgrimages as education.

Just as a marriage cannot be sustained by the tumble of a short-lived romantic infatuation, so a life of real faith cannot be sustained simply by passionate emotion. Yes, it may be a wonderful (and necessary) entryway, but without depth of knowledge and understanding, it will only be superficial and far from satisfying.

Our modern culture has often ridiculed Christians for being totally irrational. Historically this is false, for many of the best scientific minds have actually been practicing Christians. But there is a very real sense of anti-intellectualism in the church nowadays. Having a rational and well thought out faith allows us to apply it to every area of our lives, such as politics, ethics, and even entertainment. This is how we love and worship God with all our minds. The difference between humans and other animals is the human mind and the ability to reason. This is how God made us different and more like him. We should, in fact, seek to worship and know him through this important aspect of our nature.

Fr Paul

Fancy a really great day out?  October 23rd (Half-Term) at Kirton Church we are offering a day trip to the City of Derby.  The day will include a Eucharist celebrated in the ancient Chapel on the Bridge, one of only 5 left in the UK. A tour of the Cathedral Church of All Saints, and time to shop in the amazing INTU Shopping centre. Day closes with Choral Evensong in the Cathedral. Cost £30.  Lunch extra.

Sunday October 21st no 11am Eucharist in the Parish Church. 8am Holy Eucharist and 10-30am joint service at Kirton Methodist Church.

All Souls Day Requiem Eucharist  Nov 2nd at 7pm . The names of the departed over the last year will be read aloud and candles lighted. All are welcome.


Kirton Church Fund

Well done to all the winners, especially our first prize winners who are both first time first prize winners.

Apologies again for the lateness of the August draw due to the death of my husband. Although we have lost another member the prize fund will stay the same as he was fully paid up until next June.

However we do have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Come on and join us, anyone over 18 may take part. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. At the moment the church is fund raising to repair the roof of both side aisles and the cancel roof which are all leaking quite badly.

You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.

If you need more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 723529).

August 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.08- TICKET NUMBER:79
2nd PRIZE - £13.02 - TICKET NUMBER: 67

September 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.08- TICKET NUMBER:65
2nd PRIZE - £13.02 - TICKET NUMBER: 47


Letters to the Editor

The View from the Vicarage

Cardinal John Henry Newman, who began life as a Church of England clergyman before he became a Roman Catholic, and who is now in the process to become a Saint of the Catholic Church has left the world and the Church a very powerful heritage of writings and theology.

One of the most powerful and yet simple sayings of Newman is all to do with the notion of change. “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”  Newman could say this because he himself had to deal with change in his own life on many levels. Anglicans have latterly struggled with the concept of change and adaptation, yet the fact of the matter is there would be no Anglican Church or worldwide Anglican Communion today had not our forebears been prepared to adopt change as a necessary part of their spiritual life.

The early church as seen in the Acts of the Apostles needed to change from a small group of first generation believers to a mature group of people that would take their faith and their message to the far corners of the world. As those faith communities matured, so they discovered each other and what common life meant for them, but they also had to come to terms with their differences.  The so called” golden age” of our parish Churches has been long gone, we have been in survival mode for many years. Where is our faith? Why are we so frightened of change – if as Newman states boldly we only become perfect through change.

As your current committed and energetic parish priest, I work hard with PCC members, Churchwardens and others to creatively find new ways to revitalize and renew our Churches and congregations, engaging with our local and wider community that we might be fit for purpose. This will require some change!  We cannot afford to stagnate.

Not even the reign of Jesus on earth was to last forever, nor was the faith invested in Jesus, for this must not be confused with faith in the God of Surprises. The reign of Jesus was to be a reign of reconciliation. The kingdom belongs not to Jesus but to God, the maker of all things. Now these are surprising words, maybe even shocking to you. Perhaps they conflict with your deepest convictions about yourself and the Church. Ydet I am bound to ask - Dare we more fully rely on God rather than on ourselves? It has been my experience that this means when we are no longer filled with certitude; we might just be filled with surprise.

To conclude, the Church should be a community of vision, given its identity and mission by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without a clear idea of its calling and purpose, the church will fade away, the custodian of cultural memories that fewer and fewer want to recall. We simply cannot live on past memories; we can, however, live and act on the powerful and energizing vision that has been passed down through the apostles to us. Our theological openness can help us appreciate a renewed spiritual vitality, to proclaim its excitement to others and live out its joy and delight in the world in which we now live. So think for a moment or two about these words and how they affect your life.

 “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often”  John Henry Newman

Yours in Christ,

Fr Paul


Kirton Kids Club

Yet again the wonderful conker trees along the foot path at the Church have spilled their glowing brown jewels into the hands of the children.

It never fails to amaze me that children get so much pleasure from finding, opening, counting and keeping conkers!

I am sure their adults must think ‘Oh no – not again’ – but if they could see their children and how happy conkers seem to make them they would understand everything.

I must admit it has lasted a little longer than normal this year – but it is due to the lovely weather and being able to get out side for the last month. Most years the children have made ‘pets’ out of some of the conkers – giving them legs etc. This year they have even given them faces, hair and named them.

I think we have only had to be inside the Centre three times in the last month – quite a record for us and so nice to still be able to be outside.

Please remember that the club is open the same dates as the Primary School and we have a two week Oct. half term.

The ‘count down’ to Christmas is fast moving on us and I can see how quickly this term has gone so expect the next one to too.

A quick thank you to Natalie C. for being so kind as to donate the big outside ‘Castle’ for the children to play in.

It is very popular and at times gets a little over crowded and we have to ‘evict’ a few.

But children’s play is such a pleasure to watch. Their ideas, imagination and flair takes over and their play takes them to many different places and times.

The breakfast club is still very full each day but we do have a few places on some of the afternoon sessions – please ask.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm. Tel: 07583 762072 for more details or visit: www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk


Sutterton Surgery Flu Clinics

Important news regarding this year’s flu vaccination: Please continue to support your practice by attending the flu clinics as shown below. NHS England recommends Vaccination from October onwards.

Please do not panic to have your Flu Vaccine, as we continue to vaccinate for Influenza until the end of March 2019.

There are slight changes to the Flu Vaccination this season. V accine for all “at risk” groups including pregnant ladies aged 18 – 65 years.

The delivery schedule for the new vaccine (Fluad Seqirus) is to be staggered over three months which unfortunately disrupts our planned flu clinics. The delivery schedule is to be the same nationwide and all practices are to receive 40% stock in September, 20% October and the final 40% in mid-November. This is a major disruption as the majority of our patients will need the new Fluad Sequirus vaccine.

Please do not worry, we have ordered enough vaccine to cover all our patients, but as this is a national delivery programme, all other Pharmacies and GP practices are in the same position and will only have allotted supplies.

We will be holding TWO clinics at Sutterton Village Hall as in previous years and we look forward to seeing you there again for a Coffee and a slice of cake.



News from Kirton Parish Church

Kirton Parish Church has stood at the centre of Kirton for many centuries. Since being built it has been maintained and generously cared for by numerous generations of local people.

Today it continues to serve the local community with regular Eucharistic services, Saints and Holy day services, commemorative services, baptisms, weddings and funerals, as well as pastoral work and outreach work.

At times of joy and sadness, celebration and commemoration, the church is there at the heart of the village.

The Church of England expects each church and the parish it serves, whether large or small, to be responsible for raising sufficient funds for its own maintenance and upkeep.

Today the maintenance and running costs of Kirton Parish Church fall heavily on its present congregation who give regularly on a weekly or monthly basis as their income allows. However, Kirton Church is in need of some major repairs and renovation, including the urgent repair of sections of the church roof.

If you value your church, then please help. A dilapidated church at the centre of Kirton would be a sad sight indeed.

One off donations would be welcome with cheques made payable to Kirton PCC.

However, Kirton Church really needs the long term financial support of the local community, as in bygone times.

Can you offer this support by making a commitment to give a regular amount each month by bank standing order payable to Kirton PCC.

Fr Paul Blanch will be in church on the following dates to meet members of the community who wish to make such a commitment in support of Kirton Parish Church: Saturday 10th November 10am – noon

Saturday 1st December 10am – noon. To discuss this matter further or for any other information please contact: Fr Paul Blanch 01205 624128.

Boston Choral Society

Boston Choral Society meet for practice every Thursday evening at 19.30 hours at Kirton Town Hall. We are always looking for new members and if anyone would like to attend, they will be made most welcome. For more details please visit: www.bostonchoral.com

Heritage Lincolnshire announces their timetable of adult learning courses

Heritage Lincolnshire is happy to announce this year’s offering of our popular GROW courses! For those of you who don’t know, GROW courses are a great mix of practical learning of an interesting new skill (such as Leatherwork and Willow weaving) to more classroom based courses which cover an introduction to the rich heritage of the County; learn how to ‘read’ a church for example or ‘explore’ how to use the landscape to understand the history it hides. Some courses are free of charge and all have concessions available.

Some of the courses now open for booking are:

Making Heritage your business, to be held at the The Old School, Heckington on Tuesdays 6th & 13th November 10am – 4pm

Decoding Church Architecture to be held at Edward King House, Lincoln on Fridays 2nd & 9th November 10am -4pm

Landscape Archaeology: techniques & practice to be held at The Old School, Heckington on Thursday 1st, 8th & 15th November 9am – 1pm and 9am – 5pm

Promoting Heritage in a digital world to be held at The Old School, Heckington on Tuesday 5th & 12th March 2019 10am - 4pm,

The Architectural History of Lincolnshire to be held at Grantham Museum on Thursday 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th March 2019: 1pm - 5pm

For more information on each session, and all our other courses, check out: www.heritagelincolnshire.org/adult

More practical courses tend to be held at the Heritage Skills Centre: we plan to run courses on willow weaving, leatherwork, stone carving, bookbinding but dates are tbc

Our lifelong learning courses are part of the GROW programme organised by Lincolnshire County Council’s Community Learning Service. Courses are open to anyone aged 19 or over on 31st August 2018 and places are strictly limited. Prior booking is essential and to book a place email us at: htladmin@heritagelincolnshire.org or phone 01529 461499.

Death Notice

Margaret Darwood - sadly passed away on 28th August at the age of 94 at her home in Anstruther, Lanarkshire. There will be many people in the village who have warm memories of the Darwoods both from Church and the School.

Your chance to get involved

Have you ever ...

Wanted to get something done for your community?

Thought that the council could spend money better?

Wanted to improve public services?

Thought that you could do a better job given the chance?

Well now’s your chance.

All 30 seats on Boston Borough Council will be up for election on May 2, 2019.

If you are over 18 years of age and have a connection with the borough, such as being on the electoral register or having lived here for at least a year, then you are eligible to become a councillor.

All sorts of people can become a councillor, all that is needed is a willingness to make a contribution to running the council. No specific skills or qualifications are required.

Training on roles and responsibilities will be offered to all new councillors, together with continuous support provided by council officers to give the background knowledge and understanding needed to help councillors with their duties.

There is a basic allowance for being a borough councillor, and additional payments for  extra responsibilities, such as being a committee chairman.  Allowances are paid monthly and can include expenses incurred while acting as a councillor, for example mileage allowances for travelling to and from council meetings.

An open meeting for anyone interested in becoming a councillor is being held at 6 pm on Tuesday, October 16, in the Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, which will provide information on the election process and an overview of the role and responsibilities of being a councillor.

If you would like more information on becoming a borough councillor check the council’s website at: www.boston.gov.uk or contact Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager, on 01205 314224 or e-mail: lorraine.bush@boston.gov.uk

Emma Staff - Communications and marketing officer
Boston Borough Council Tel: 01205 314261

Boston Calendar 2019
- send us your pictures

It’s that time of year when we again begin thinking about next year, and the Boston Calendar 2019. Take a look back and send us your best photographs taken anywhere in Boston borough since the start of the year.

We will be looking for the best to illustrate each month of the year. 
The selected images will again also be used every month of 2019 to brighten Boston Borough Council’s social media presence. And as well as appearing online as a free download the 2019 calendar will be available to buy as a hard copy.

Please send your pictures as jpeg attachments to: andrew.malkin@boston.gov.uk including the month they were taken, where, what they portray (unless that is blindingly obvious) and your full name and a daytime phone number.
We love the Stump as much as anyone else, but variety is the spice of life, so not too many pictures of this iconic building, please.

Emma Staff - Communications and marketing officer
Boston Borough Council Tel: 01205 314261


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- August 2018

Public Forum

The resident came to complain that the bins at the cemetery were all by the front gate and none were in the middle of the cemetery where most of the visitors to the cemetery go to and where rubbish is left. The resident was informed that the reason that the green bins were at the front gate was because they were waiting to be emptied by the Borough as the probation services had been in the cemetery clearing graves and had used the bins to put the rubbish in. The brown bins are for the probation services to use, not the residents as they put wrappers in the brown bins so they are kept away from the main part of the cemetery.

The resident also complained that a limb reported to the chairman as down in the cemetery had not been removed. It will be removed he was told.

The resident also was a member of the Friday Group and informed members that due to the generous nature of the village residents’ tools etc had been donated to them and therefore they no longer needed to buy any. (the resident left)

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman reported on the recent meeting between Cllrs Davies/Austin/Brookes and Danby (Highways matters within the Parish). The roundabout is still awaiting the chevrons and blue arrow signs to be put back. The issue of Skeldyke Road speeding is in hand with Highways and could be addressed imminently. The issue of speeding around the Middlegate/Boston Road area was discussed. Parking outside the Chapel was also raised.

The Chairman thanked the speedy response from the Fire Station during the recent flood. They were on hand very quickly and did an excellent job.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr M Brookes and Cllr D Smith sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in item 11. Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Rylott declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. She is also Vice-Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllrs Hannay and Turner also declared a personal interest in planning item B/18/0322 as the applicant is personally known to them

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 19th July 2018, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

Cllr Turner thanked PC Wilson for his efforts in his short time within the Parish. He has now retired and PC Jon Thornton will take over duties.

Restorative justice has been taken following on from the incident at the Kirton Cottage. Two other youths are still under investigation following on from this incident.

The reported trailer across the road down Sykemouth Drove has been reported by Highways to the Police, Cllr Turner will follow this up.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No further comments made.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin reported that a meeting had been held the day before to discuss the ongoing drainage issues in Kirton. A feasibility study is required to bring all the relevant organisations around the table. The funding for this study has been agreed. The study will allow consideration as to whether any agreed scheme will be funded nationally in aid or by a local partnership. Either way the study is likely and any subsequent grant applications will take 12 months minimum to complete. Should LCC need to fund any work however, it is unlikely to begin before 2021 due to a full programme of work.

Cllr Foster reported that when the now Tattoo Studio was built on the corner of High Street/Boston Road, a craile tunnel had collapsed and rather than repair it, it was filled in. Clerk to report this to Highways team.

Cllr Rylott reported that she was looking forward to meeting a lady who was involved in promoting Hull when it was city of culture to help promote Mayflower 2020.

She also reported the good news that the Stump had received 1.2 million pounds in funding from Heritage. This will go towards improvements in the Stump, which is good for the town’s tourism.

Cllr Ransome reported that the BTAC team are working around the Town to clean/tidy areas up. Weeding and using the chewing gum removal machine were also being done.

Accounts for payment

The accounts for payment as per payment sheet dated August 2018/19 (5 of 12) were to be emailed to all.

Signs ordered from Hutsons to replace damage ones in cemetery - Wait until produced

Removed Chairman’s board ready to be given to sign writers

Board to be updated

Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC - Monitor

Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC plus the trailer that will make it difficult/impossible to repair any potholes that is across the roadway- Monitor

Boston Road reported to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – stating the 3 accidents in the last couple of months. Querying what could be done to make this small stretch safer – speed goes from 50mph on the road approaching Kirton from Wyberton down to 30mph – does the 30-mph zone need extending towards Wyberton?

Await response from LRSP

Quotations to be sought from local builders to upgrade the ramp at the rear of the Town Hall – one builder contacted. 2 more to get quotes from - Wait for 3 quotes

Tree limb to be removed from cemetery – Cut and remove

Reported the overgrown hedge outside 52 Station Road to LCC - Monitor

Purchase key cabinet for Town Hall office - Order

Tree reported by Fr Paul to be down in the Churchyard, reported to tree surgeon to remove as over footpath on Willington Road - Tree surgeon to sort

Overgrown hedge reported to LCC ref: outside 45 Lighton Avenue - Monitor

Deliver Chairman’s board to sign writer to get updated - Monitor

Overgrown bushes/hedges at A16/Station Road reported again to LCC.

Pothole at junction of A52/A1192 reported to LCC.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) Email received from resident who is not happy that the Parish Council has not reversed its decision to keep the additional precept monies.

Further to this email a complaint has now been received. This will be dealt with as per the Complaints Policy

b) Lincolnshire County Council – Essential Maintenance Work – Station Road between 9th and 10th August.

c) Lincolnshire County Council – Kirton/Frampton, West End Road- proposed 40 mph speed limit - Full support given

d. Boston Community Transport – request for donation and information.

Clerk to supply Kirton News information to enable them to get further volunteers/advertise their service.

e. A letter of thanks was received from St Peter and St Paul’s church following on from the flower festival in which over £1600 was raised.

Parish matters

a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting. - None held

b) Update on Park Inspections

Repairs have been made to the park since the parts arrived, but the inspection is showing some other issues, Clerk to arrange parts and fitting.

c) To consider how to spend additional precept monies with in the Parish and how to get the residents involved in the decision.

The list was discussed and the following resolved.

Father Paul: Repairs paid for to the Church clock, £1480, £250, yes.

Cllr Rylott: Millennium sign refurbishment at Kirton Holme, £2000. Revised amount quotation £1000, yes.

Additional planter at Kirton Holme: £400-£500, yes.

Cllr Sharp: Benches at War Memorial, £400 each, 2 purchased, no.

Replacing the wooden windows in the Town Hall Tower, yes if agreed by planning.

Cllr Watson: Any money not used, could go into investing in the Kings Head project . Will bring a return back to the Parish in the future, no

Cllr Bemrose: Monies towards tools for Friday group, Not known, She should liaise with Friday group, not needed.

War Memorial wall repointed both inside and out, Not known, yes.

Purchase of a pressure washer to enable the war memorial area to be cleaned regularly, Don’t buy, hire one when needed, YES.

Contribution towards the Youth Centre replacing the stair lift £20000, £250, yes if get it working first.

Cllr Foster: Installation of a stage in the Main Hall of the Town Hall, £ not known, ask town hall what they want.

Cllr Danby: Reinstate bus stop on High Street near Kirton Antiques, £8000, Not to put in original place, but nearer kerb, no.

Upgrade/installation of CCTV to the Town Hall, £3500 approx, yes.

Replacing the guttering where old cast with new plastic when the Pointing is done. Paint it when windows/pointing done, Not replaced – it is to be repaired by roofer.

Paint around window areas when pointing done at Town Hall, £500 approx, yes.

Cllr Swan-Smith: Replace old benches in Kirton End, £500 each approx, yes buy 2.

Cllr Turner: Replace dead tree outside Town Hall, yes

Full Council: Community Speed Watch - equipment needed/training, £3000, yes

It was resolved also to put on Facebook/Kirton News a piece asking for residents ideas.

d) Update on ‘There but not There’ structure.

e) To consider doing a Neighbourhood Plan

Members resolved that this could be a positive tool for the Parish. Cllr Turner offered to head up this group, Cllrs Watson and Hannay also volunteered. Cllr Turner will seek volunteers from the Parish to see this through.

f) To consider revamp of existing Town Hall CCTV and to have infrared cameras/motion detectors.

This has been agreed under the additional precept monies spend.

g) To consider prize amounts/prizes for Kirton in Bloom

First prize in categories to be £25 in garden vouchers, 2nd price £15. It was agreed that an additional category be added this year in recognition of outstand public service by a resident. Clerk to invite winners/runners up to the September meeting for the prize giving.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Hannay reported the weed situation in the kerb edges is getting worse. Clerk to report to LCC.

Planning applications:

Erection of 2 semi-detached bungalows and 4 detached bungalows and detached garages and associated site works at Land rear of 62 Willington Road, Kirton – no objections however, access narrow.

Approval of reserved matters (scale, layout, landscaping and appearance) following outline approval (Erection of up to 195 dwellings including access off Middlegate Road West, public open space and drainage infrastructure) at land north of Middlegate Road (west), Frampton – no objections.

Erection of 2 no. detached dwellings (1 two storeys with integral garage, 1 bungalow with detached garage), and new vehicular access at 52 Station Road, Kirton – access to rear property is extremely narrow, even more so than the previous application for this site which was rejected. this is still a tandem development and the size of the properties is deemed inadequate.

Change of use of existing store area into hot food takeaway (Class A5) and relocation of ATM at One Stop Shop, 47 London Road, Kirton - no objections.