©Kirton News 2025

November 2020

The Editors Letter

I’ll be honest, it’s becoming more and more difficult to know what to write! The days are snowballing into one another and I think I’ll put my hand up and say I’ll be glad to see the back of 2020!

I would love to be able to write about the upcoming Rememberance Day parade which is one of the occasions when I’m most proud to be a Kirtonian and when the village truly comes together but alas, I don’t think that will be happening this year in it’s usual format. I would also love to start talking about the numerous Christmas Fayres that usually start happening in November. But, as with the last 8 months, we will just have to make the best of it.

On a more positive note, Kirton Parish Council are looking for volunteers to be Community Ambassadors! With the absence of the Friday Group being keenly felt, there’s a greater need for volunteers to assist with litter picking, keeping the war memorial clean and tidy and helping with upcoming events. All are welcome and if children would like to help out, they will need to be supervised by an adult at all times. If you feel you have a spare hour or two in the week and would like to get involved, please contact Lorraine O’ Connor by email on Cllrlorraineoconnor@gmail.com or telephone 07490 93 98 60.

The best news I read this week was that Rocky Thompson’s should be back in town every Saturday leading up to Christmas. A wonderful bit of nostalgia, however tiny, I’ll take it! Get your nougat and fudge while you can! My Dad’s favourites were always the coconut mushrooms and it’s funny how stumbling across a picture of their stall can always evoke such lovely memories.

On the Kirton and Frampton Facebook page, it does feel like people are really needing to get a bit of normality back, with posts asking for baby groups and social events, although not many things are starting up again yet. We must still be very vigilant even though getting out and about can be so tempting.

I, for one, see it as a challenge this year to try and do something different. How about carol singing around the village, like the good ol’ days? I love a good sing song and would be happy to go out and about singing a few carols and raise a bit of money for charity. But, I’d need some helpers for that..…...

As always I’m contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. Please chuck me some ideas or thoughts! I would love some feedback and to hear from some of you.

See you again in December!


Kirton Church Fund

The October draw takes place on Sunday 25th October with the winning numbers printed in the December magazine. The November draw takes place on Sunday 22nd November and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

Congratulations to both winners, who have both won before. It is however the first time number 92 has been drawn. This number belongs to a husband and wife team who both have 2 numbers and now have had wins with 3 out of the 4 of them!

Currently we only have 39 people taking part with only 48 numbers in the draw (nine of the thirty nine people have 2 numbers each.) So we really do have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.

The church is still trying to raise the money to repair the roof of both side aisles and the cancel roof which are all leaking badly, especially with all the rain we have been having recently.

You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.

Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring or text 07598987199, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

September 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £44.52 - TICKET NUMBER:71
2nd PRIZE - £14.84 - TICKET NUMBER: 92

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.



Meet the Locals:

This month we’re talking to Matt and Rick from Bates & Elsom Plumbing & Heating!

1) How long have Bates and Elsom been in business for and how many years experience do you both have?

We’ve been in business since May 2017 and have a combined experience of over 30 years in the trade.

2) What sort of work do you routinely carry out?

We carry out all aspects of plumbing and heating, routinely carrying out boiler breakdowns and servicing and gas safety inspections.

3) Are there any other types of work you do that people may not be aware of?

We specialise in boiler and heating installations both gas and oil. Also Bathroom installations where we offer a complete service from tiling to plastering and electrics. We’re also polypipe accredited underfloor heating installers and Ideal boiler max accredited installers. We offer 12 months interest free finance and are also looking at offering interest bearing finance for up to 10 years.

4) Are you available for emergency callouts 24/7?

We don’t currently offer a 24/7 emergency service but we do offer an out of hours emergency call out where possible.

5) Are there any plans to expand in the future?

If our customer base continues to grow as it is we hope to look at offering 1 or possibly 2 apprenticeships in the next year or so. If we’re in a position to expand then we certainly feel it’s important to offer an opportunity to someone looking to learn the trade.

6) How can people get in contact with you?

People can get in touch via our Facebook page or on either of these numbers 07504981965 or 07593958719.

7) Anything else you’d like to tell us?

We’re currently offering a £20 discount on new boiler services. The boiler just needs to be serviced within 12 months of the installation date. We’ll also be offering a 20% discount for oap’s on all appliance services throughout winter until the end of March. That means if both of these conditions apply you can get a boiler service for half price.


Kirton Kids Club

We are now coming to the end of our first term back to work after the long break.

It has been challenging but the children have been really good in taking to the new ‘normal’ for the kids club.

A lot of the after school sessions so far have been spent outside which has been lovely.

But now the evenings are getting darker and colder we know we will be using the inside space more and the club’s ‘bubbles’ will be put into place for the foreseeable future.

This does all seem to be working well thankfully. Breakfast club is quite full at the moment because we are having to work with reduced numbers to help make our safe ‘bubbles’ work.

But if you wish to know about availability – please phone and we can let you know.

After school sessions have spaces – again if you wish to enquire about these – please phone 07583 762072.

Visits for prospective children/adults can be arranged outside of club sessions – face coverings being used at all times though please (adults). Stay safe.


Are you interested in having
your own allotment?

If so, Kirton Parish Council are trying to gauge interest and would like you to get in touch. If you are interested, please contact Belinda Buttery, Parish Clerk on either: kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com OR 07983 89 30 11. Thank-you.


St Barnabas Open for Business

St Barnabas now has the majority of its shops open, and they are accepting donations on Tuesdays and Fridays for now (until they have reached capacity). Donations can also be left at the central warehouse at Cardinal Close in Lincoln without the next to book a drop-off slot, and they are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We are asking our supporters to limit their donations to up to 10 bags and boxes if possible. Our shops are gearing up for Christmas and are stocking a gorgeous selection of Christmas cards with some wonderful designs. The cards can also be ordered by visiting our website or Ebay page.

More information on shop opening times and what we can and can’t accept can be found on our website – www.stbarnabashospice.co.uk or by phoning (01522) 559 500

Thank you to all our customers and donors for your fantastic support over the last 3 months and looking forward to seeing you in our shops again soon!


Artsmark Gold Award for Kirton
Primary School

Kirton Primary School has become the proud recipient of the prestigious, national Artsmark Gold Award! The judges of this award said: Kirton Primary is clearly committed to the Arts and this is reflected in the high profile the Arts have across the school. As a result of your Artsmark journey, you now have a carefully planned curriculum which links arts and culture to wider learning opportunities and to different areas of the curriculum such as history and geography. Having a planned timetable of events during the year helps you to ensure equality of opportunities for all pupils such as watching and taking part in live performances, working with the artist-in-residence, visiting artists and professionals, and external visits.

The focus on the Arts is resulting in your pupils talking enthusiastically about their learning. Well done on your achievements so far and I am in doubt that you will continue to build on your good work.



Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

Unfortunately, meetings will not take place for some considerable time. For further information please ring Laraine Harding on 723 181.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- August 2020

Public Forum

There were no public but a resident did email in some queries he wished to have answered for the public forum:

1) Memorial bench – Since it delivery this has been held in the residents workplace.

2) Coop funding - In the meeting taken place in May it was decided that Cllr Lorraine O'Conner should apply for Coop funding.  Was the application made, and if so, was the Council successful?

3) Climbing frame by town Hall - When is the fence going up?

4) Allotments - in Junes meeting this was going to be investigated, with the possibility of a public consultation. Has any progress been made about this and how much would this initially cost the Parish to both set up and manage?

5) The EGM on 10th August 2020 - Why was the public excluded?

Chairman’s comments

Cllr Cole welcomed all to the meeting both to those who were in the room and reported that the ‘zoom’ link was open for anyone who wished to ‘attend the meeting’ virtually.

The Chairman also congratulated Cllr Brookes for his recent appointment to Chairman of the County Council.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr Austin sent her apologies and reason for absence which was accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations
of interest

Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will not take part in discussions on planning applications.

Cllr S Watson declared an interest in that her husband, Cllr P Watson is on the planning committee at Boston Borough Council

Police Matters

The Policed were unable to attend the meeting, however, the following information was sent via email to the Clerk who picked it up after the meeting:

20/07/20 – Theft, Kirton Medical Centre – under investigation, 24/07/20 – Arson, London Road – 1 arrest, under investigation, 26/07/20 – Racially aggravated public order, Costcutter, Boston Road – under investigation, 03/08/20 – Theft from motor vehicle, Penny Gardens – under investigation, 07/08/20 – Theft of moped, Swift Gardens – under investigation, 12/08/20 – Damage to motor vehicle, Keel Drive – under investigation, 20/08/20 – Theft of moped, Kings Court – 1 arrest, under investigation.

Members asked that the Clerk follow up the restorative justice that was supposed to happen following on from the fire. Nothing has been done as yet.

Members have received complaints of drug use in the Churchyard, where youths are gathering from about 4pm until approx. 11pm. The complaint is that it leaves residents feeling too intimidated to use the footpath through the Churchyard.

It was resolved that the Clerk should contact the local policing team and also to contact Inspector Harrod to ask for help with these issues. It was also resolved that the Clerk should put something on Facebook and ask that residents report issues to the police on 101 or on the online form. Even if no one attends immediately, the incidents are logged and therefore the police will be tasked to such areas where there is deemed to be an issue.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

In response to the points made:

1) Cllrs P Watson and I Cole will collect the bench and erect it in the War Memorial. Cllr Cole said he would contact the resident to collect when convenient.

2) The funding date passed without the Council being successful in its application as Cllr O’Connor could not answer some of the questions on the application form due to the Parish Clerk being off sick. She said she would try again at next year’s round of applications.

3) The quotations had not all been received. One had come through today on the day of the meeting. This item will be looked at for resolution at the next Parish Council meeting.

4) The public will be consulted about the actual need/requirement for allotments. If one can be established then the Parish Council will further this on with enquiries for land in the Parish. Costings will come at a later date. Management would ideally be via an allotment committee that would stand alone.

5) The public were excluded to the items on the agenda only being discussed in a procedural manner. There were no decisions needed to be made just agreement on an approach to various matters.

It was resolved that the Clerk will email the resident with these answers so that he has them as soon as possible rather than having to wait.

Matters for the attention of LCC/BBC

Cllr Brookes reported that he and Cllr Austin had met the Flood Risk Manager and the Highways Manager at the sites of previous flooding to try and further on the solutions to the flooding of 2 and 4 years ago. A feasibility study had been completed at the end of last year but then there were more incidents of flooding followed on by Covid which has meant that nothing has gone forward yet. The plan is to get works programmed and funds established to carry out the investigative works.

Cllr P Watson reported that there had been, in addition to known areas very recent flooding (over the weekend of 16th August) on Willington Road and asked if Cllr Brookes was aware of it. He wasn’t but urged photos to be uploaded along with reporting it to Fix my street where highways will be made aware.

Cllr Cole reported that due to the Superfast Broadband Project in Lincolnshire drawing to a close very soon, Kirton Holme was still on ridiculously low speeds. Cllr Austin in her written report to members said that she would be bringing this up at the Economy Scrutiny Committee which is meeting next month.

Cllr P Watson said that he constantly struggles with his internet and finds virtual meetings nearly impossible. He has had to go to the Borough where he can log onto the WIFI in the Council Offices to attend virtual meetings elsewhere in the building.

Cllr P Watson reported that the planning application for Boston West had been called into committee for decision. Here it was approved to go ahead, which is felt to be a boost to the area in terms of tourism and jobs.

He also reported that he had again taken up the bin issue outside Jhay stores and asked Jenny Moore at the Borough Council to have it investigated thoroughly.

Cllr S Watson asked Cllr P Watson to chase up the issues of dog fouling within the village with the Environmental Enforcement Team. The signage in Dame Sarah Swift Park needed looking at too as residents are still using the Park to exercise their dogs. Also, the green area to the rear of the Town Hall needs to be looked at with regards to signage and environmental enforcement with it now being a play area.

Cllr S Watson had asked the Clerk to contact Cllr Austin with regards the signage on Skeldyke Road. Her reply was: I spoke briefly to Kyra about Skeldyke Road. She remembered the situation and was sure that she had sent the request to the Traffic Regulations section for consideration of a slight extension to the 30-mph zone. As I've said to you recently, this is the "sticking point" as any alterations to speed restrictions, however slight they may seem, have to go through a set process and, if necessary, go through committee if there are any objec tions.


1) Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated August 2020/21 (5 of 12)

It was resolved unanimously that the payments should be made.

2) To consider if it should be spent/what to spend on/when to spend the £10000 grant money received

The grant was made to the Cemetery and it was agreed unanimously after a proposal by Cllr Brotherton, that there are going to be some considerable expenses with regards carrying out the findings of the tree report over the next couple of years and the money should go towards that.

3) To consider the next step with regards to the funds held in United Trust Bank

It was resolved unanimously that the money should be invested for a further 12 months, but the Clerk will make investigations into whether there is a better account with another lender prior to the reinvestment which is due in October.

4) To consider approval of the Annual Governance Statement and the Annual governance and Accountability Return for 2019/2020

Members approved the Annual Governance Statement and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019/2020 was signed. The Clerk will forward this onto the Auditors and put on the website as soon as possible.

Report from minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.

LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further

Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done

The update on the LCC site is:

This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.

Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones.

Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.

He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority.

Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Cllr Austin told members that this matter was not deemed high on the priority list by Highways, but it could be looked at again when the evenings get darker. Cllr Hannay will forward a photograph of the columns on the crossing which clearly show that the columns could support being lit.

Clerk emailed Mr Wharf to ask for an update.

LCC looking into repairing the columns

Email from LCC have advised that “have arranged for the equipment at this location to be reviewed and replaced as necessary.” Any works will not be programmed to take place until the new financial year

Cllrs S and P Watson have observed the crossing as having new columns for the Z brites and that they now work properly.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1. From Kirton Interim Minister, Rev Sue Rose – The PCC has responded regarding the letter sent to them asking for permission for works in the Churchyard.

- The PCC would like to have a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss all the matters raised prior to anything going ahead. This will need to wait until after lockdown restrictions have been lifted.

It was resolved that the Clerk should set up a meeting.

2. Lincolnshire County Council – temporary traffic restriction – King Street (between London Road and a point 60m southeast) – between 17.08.2020 and 25.08.2020 for sewer connection.

3. Citizens Advice – requesting a donation/grant from the Parish Council

It was resolved to not donate as traditionally the Parish Council will only donate to organisations within the Parish.

4. Lives – requesting a donation/grant from the Parish Council

It was resolved to not donate as traditionally the Parish Council will only donate to organisations within the Parish

5. Email from resident requesting the Parish Council do some tree work in the cemetery as a tree is overhanging their property

It was resolved that the tree report will be followed and only maintenance required within the report will be carried out at this time. Clerk to write to resident and inform them of this.

6. Email request from property Manager at The Square, Kirton asking for Parish Council’s help to get double yellow lines installed.

Members resolved to approach both the Police and Cllr Austin with regards to this, because even if double yellow lines were installed, they would have to be enforced. Clerk to write to both the Police and Cllr Austin. To the Police to keep an eye on parking, and to Cllr Austin to take this up on behalf of the Parish Council.

Cllr Brookes left the meeting.

Town Hall

The Clerk has obtained signs for the Park and the Town Hall play area regarding Covid. Cllr P Watson will erect them.


The Clerk has obtained signs for the cemetery regarding Covid. Cllr Brotherton will erect them.

Parish Matters

a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting, None held

b) Consider adopting following policies: i) Anti-bullying and harassment Policy, ii) Updated Financial Regulations, iii) Annual Leave Policy iv.)Proposed strategy for Grants and Loans, v) Cemetery and Recreation Areas Terms of Reference, vi) Consider adopting Terms of Refence for Staffing Committee.

Members resolved to adopt all the Policies and terms of Reference.

c. To consider upcoming domain renewal for website for Neighbourhood Plan.

It was resolved to let it go. It was resolved that due to the lack of numbers that the Neighbourhood Plan would be put on hold until there are sufficient members to take this up again.

d. Remembrance Parade 2020

Due to Covid this is something that is not finalised. The Clerk and the Royal British Legion will follow any guidance as it comes along.

e. To consider whether to hold zoom meeting for September or physical meeting for Parish Council Meeting on the 17th.

It was resolved to hold a physical meeting for the next meeting and to advertise as previously and also to hold on Zoom for those who don’t wish to attend physically.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr P Watson reported that due to the heat, the Community Speed Watch session last week had been cancelled, but one had taken place that day. He asked if there could be a call out for more volunteers.

Planning applications

B/20/0285 – Listed Building consent for the installation of a built-in cupboard to the first-floor landing at Old Kings Head, 28 High Street, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/20/0043 – Change of use of land to form an increased curtilage, the erection of a detached and attached garage, single storey and two storey extension, realignment of boundary wall/fence and building alterations at Hazelnut Barn, Kirton Holme Road, Kirton Holme – NO OBJECTIONS