©Kirton News 2025

November 2022

The Editors Letter

It is cold and it is most definitely now Autumn! The logs are ordered for the fire and the curtains are being drawn far too close to 5pm for my liking!

Thank you very much to Neil Moores for our very appropriate front cover for this month. Kirton will once again turn out to remember the fallen on Sunday 12th November. Kirton Parish Council together with the Royal British Legion (Kirton branch) have organised the Remembrance Day Parade, combined with a church service at St Peter & St Paul’s which I’m sure will be very well supported as in previous years. It is something we do so well as a village.

‘In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.’

John McCrae’s ‘In Flanders Fields’

This is most definitely our busiest time for forthcoming events! There are a vast amount to choose from, most of which you will find on pages 29 and 30! Lots of quizzes, craft fairs and musical entertainment to keep you all out of mischief!

Please see below the Christmas & New Year Bin Collection times:

Green Bins

Monday 25 December
to be collected: Saturday 23 December 2023

Tuesday 26 December
to be collected: Saturday 30 December 2023

Purple/Purple-Lidded Bins

Monday 1 January 2024
to be collected Tuesday 2 January 2024

Tuesday 2 January 2024
to be collected: Wednesday 3 January 2024

Wednesday 3 January 2024
to be collected: Thursday 4 January 2024

Thursday 4 January 2024
to be collected: Friday 5 January 2024

Friday 5 January 2024
to be collected: Saturday 6 January 2024

Don’t forget, our magazine is available to collect from most of the local businesses in Kirton and we thank them for their constant support. If by any chance, you live in Kirton and don’t receive a copy, please let me know! Previous issues are available on our website www.kirtonnews.co.uk together with our advertising rates and useful local contact numbers!

I’m always contactable by email - Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves and be kind to one another.

Meet The Locals

This month we’re talking to Iveremovals Ltd who are a family run service and have just opened in Kirton! They offer: 

a) Full house removals
b) Office removals
c) Furniture removals (single or multiple items)
d) Removals to UK & Europe
e) Man & Van general services
f) Packing Services
g) Furniture dismantling and Re-assembling
h) Mattress covers
They specialise in house removals and offer a reliable, friendly service. No dump runs ensures really clean transportation!
Email them on: Iveremovalsltd@yahoo.com or telephone with confidence on: 07888 266237 or 07888 267820.


Down Memory Lane

3 fabulous old photos of postcards that were donated to Kirton News of Kirton Train Station:


Kirton Church Fund

The October draw takes place on Sunday 22nd October with the winning numbers printed in the December magazine. The November draw takes place on

Sunday 26th November and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

Congratulations to both winners. The first prize winner has two numbers and their other number won first prize last month. The second prize winner has been in from the start of Kirton Church Fund and of course has won before.. Numbers are always well mixed up every month; it’s just the luck of the draw.

We have not welcomed any new members for over a year now and have currently only 49 live numbers in the draw so we really do have plenty of room for more members Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part. I know I say it often but it really is true – there really is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number if you wish.

Registration forms are available from the back church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Forms are also available from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road which is an Aladdin’s cave of reasonably priced gifts and cards and well worth a visit.

Like more information about Kirton Church Fund? Then please give Fay a ring (01205 723529)

September 2023 Winners

1st PRIZE - £45.93 - TICKET NUMBER:67
2nd PRIZE - £15.32 - TICKET NUMBER:9

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Open Weekend Art Display

I’d like to thank Kirton Primary School and the local Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Guides who submitted some wonderful art work for the Art exhibition held in Kirton Parish Church on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September.

Although the event was well advised,  sadly it was not well attended. It was such a shame as the event showed what talented and creative children we do have in our local area. Well done to all the children.

by Fay Baillie


Letters to the Editor

Dear Rachael, 

Thank you to the gentleman who cleared the PUBLIC footpath of nettles, brambles and long grass that runs between Drainside South and Princess Road parallel to the A16. It makes walking the dog a much more pleasant experience. Also for clearing the nettles from along the hedge bottom in Princess Road.

The Friday Group used to do these jobs of course, but advancing years have now made that impossible. We are lucky to have public spirited people prepared to take on the work, which I’m sure everyone is aware is hard going.

Also thank you to the stalwart of St Peter and St Paul’s Church who regularly clears the weeds from along the edge of the church wall and picks up litter around the Church.

P Davies


Kirton painting group exhibiting at Fydell House in Boston

A Kirton painting group has been invited to exhibit artworks at the historic Fydell House in Boston. The exhibition will feature mainly watercolour paintings, with a wide variety of subjects such as local area, landscapes, animals and flowers.

This art group has been meeting at Kirton Town Hall for several years and 15 members will participate in the show, hanging more than 50 paintings.

Fydell House is a historic building with an interesting past and a beautiful garden open to the public. It is popular for tea and food during daytime.

The exhibition opens on November 1st and will last until January 30th. Entry is free and Fydell House is open Monday – Thursday 9:30 – 4, Fridays 9:30 – 3.


Car Parking Discussion
back on the Agenda

There was a really well attended Kirton Parish Council (KPC) meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday 10th October and there was lots of business for the council to discuss.

Agenda item 7 was to discuss the Town Hall and Public Car Park. This discussion was eloquently led by Councilor Astill. Who gave his view of the situation at present and his overall thoughts concerning the car park contract etc. The upshot was that he suggested that the current situation hadn’t been thoroughly planned and there had been a rushed decision to restrict the car park without local residential and business discussions taking place.

Regular readers will know about the Kirton Car Park Group (KCPG) and their wish to change the way the car park is restricted to better suit all the residents of Kirton, the businesses, the Town Hall Committee and visitors to our village.

Now there will always be differing opinions regarding parking and of course if you live on the periphery of the village this will be different from those residents in the centre. All opinions are valid though. Acceptance of the views of others is essential if we are to get a resource that suits all of us. Of course, in the past, emotive statements have been made on both sides of the argument but many of these were without evidence or an understanding of the reality of living close to the car park. Additionally, a misunderstanding of why people park and what villagers need has also clouded the issue.

An example being that residents of the village who regularly used the car park freely, before the restrictions, were regularly ridiculed and referred to as ‘freeloaders, inappropriate users, idlers, breaking the law and offenders’ in addition to other derogatory descriptors of our village residents – your KCPG have again reminded the KPC that before the car park was restricted there were no rules (other than on commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles) so residents were in fact none of these descriptors and to continue to use them is offensive and incorrect. KCPG support the commercial vehicle limits and weight limits on the car park. However, it’s up to the KPC to ‘police’ these and simply sitting back rather than challenging the drivers and having an open discussion has added to the inappropriate situation we have at present.

KCPG members observe the car park regularly and some people have apparently pointed out that it’s much easier to use now. In reality the car park sits nearly empty most days and on only 5 days since 1st February 2023 has the car park been over 75% full (not including the monthly Farmers Markets). Mostly it remains empty and those locally will be aware of the anti-social behaviour (ASB) that this could encourage; evidence would show that there was less ASB (arson, drug use & damage), before the restrictions, as residents came and went freely watching what was going on.

The KPC have stressed, correctly, that they are not ‘responsible’ for business parking. However, they are also not responsible for many things they get involved with and comment on, usually hastily and on social media.. A charitable explanation would be that they are ignorant of the results of their decisions. A more troubling explanation would be that they simply don’t care about the life blood of our village (businesses).

The KCPG know this is a difficult thought to get around BUT all your KCPG has ever wanted is the truth, rather than the conveniently fabricated and unevidenced reasons for the restrictions, and a car park for the whole village – at present it does seem at times that visitors are thought more important than our residents and our struggling businesses.

It seems, from the meeting, that there are lots of good ideas about the car park and at the meeting the KPC agreed to hold an open and public meeting /discussion to hear all views. KCPG supports this and it is due to be held before the contract end point of November 2024.

Currently please be careful if you are parking in the car park. KCPG are aware of the lack of signage (Public Car Park side) and that the camera appears to be switched off. However, this could change at any point. KPC reported that the current thoughts from the car park company are a return cont. over to 3 hours free parking with no return within 4 hours. The agreement of 3 hours parking no return with 2 hours (which is more manageable) was a “gentleman’s agreement” and the company want this stopped forthwith. Of course this could result in any “popping in and out” of the car park, whether you park up or not, resulting in a ticket being issued. So, popping in at pupil drop off time and seeing the spaces are full and popping back 5 mins or more later will result in you getting a ticket too? This is the reality.

Let’s all try to work together and support our Parish Council in understanding all the facts and coming to the best outcome for all the residents – that’s all we can ask ultimately.

Rudy is returning for Xmas 2023

If you are looking for a way to have some festive fun whilst making a difference to those in your local community this Christmas, why not support your local Hospice by taking part in Rudy’s Run. This event is perfect for primary schools, sports groups and community groups.

Rudy’s Run is a very special Festive Fundraiser brought to you by St Barnabas; you can pick a date of your choice and the children can run, dance or prance as they take part in their very own Rudy’s Run whilst raising vital funds for Hospice care in Lincolnshire.

It’s FREE to sign up and we will provide everything you need to take part: Rudy’s accessories (antlers for each child, a Santa costume for one lucky teacher/group leader), letters to send to parents, a guide to set up Just Giving, and a digital activity pack with games, recipes, crafts and more…This year our activity pack is better than ever, filled with fun festive crafts for all the children.

We know that Christmas is a busy time, which is why we are letting you know about this exciting opportunity now and why we have made Rudy’s Run as hassle free as possible. Participation is completely free of charge. All we ask is that each child tries to raise £3 in sponsorship money to support the work of our Hospice.

Simply sign up through the link below and we’ll do the rest. ‘We’ means Rudy, as all packages will be delivered by himself personally! All the Elves at St Barnabas Hospice will be working hard to support you with your Rudy’s Run, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch at fundraising@stbarnabashospice.co.uk or 01522 540300.

Torchlight Procession 2023

On Tuesday 21st November, hundreds of people will come together in the historic uphill area of Lincoln for the annual St Barnabas Hospice Torchlight Procession, as part of the Light up a Life campaign in remembrance of loved ones.

The Procession will be led by the RAF Waddington Pipe band, with supporters holding flaming torches and light-up lanterns. Together, they will walk the route from Clayton’s Sports Ground to Lincoln Cathedral, creating a beautiful atmosphere.

As is tradition for the Procession, a brief stop will take place at the Hospice’s Inpatient Unit on Nettleham Road. Patients, staff, and volunteers will then be able to enjoy this emotive display from the comfort of the Hospice building.

Attendees will be able to write Messages of Love and tie them to the railings of the 30-foot Tree of Life outside Lincoln Cathedral, sending a special message to the loved ones they will never forget.

The Torchlight Procession is free to attend, however we do ask that you book your place as well as purchase torches and lanterns in advance of the event (extra lanterns and torches will be available to purchase on the evening). Tickets will be available from 1st November on our website.

Before the event, St Barnabas are encouraging members of the community to dedicate a light in the name of a loved one lost through their Light up a Life appeal and these dedicated lights will shine brightly on the Tree of Life.

This appeal will stay open throughout the whole festive period, with supporters receiving a personalised handwritten card, a star-shaped tree decoration and a digital tribute to share on their social media pages to spread the word about their dedication.

To dedicate a light, visit: https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/light-up-a-life.


Frampton Gardening Club

As we walked into Frampton Village Hall for our September meeting of the gardening club, we were treated to magnificent display of plants at the front of the hall.

Colin and Karan, the owners of Swines Meadow Farm Nursery, in Market Deeping, came to talk to us about these lovely plants, and about how their nursery began in 1999, just because they sold a few plants from their farm gate! It is a ‘plant lovers’ nursery, and they sell many unusual plants along with the usual garden favourites.

Colin spoke with equal passion and knowledge about each plant – and he did amazingly, speak about each and every plant on the tables, telling us where they would grow best, what they would look good with, and much more information than you could read on a plant label. Colin’s’ enthusiasm for them was infectious - which was obvious by the amount of plants we all came away with, plus the information that we could buy more by mail order if we can’t get to the nursery in person. A win, win situation!

We had our usual raffle and cup of tea afterwards before we set off home with our new plants and lots of ideas and information to use in our gardens.

If you would like to join us at any of our meetings we meet on the last Thursday of each month, 7.30pm at Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road. We have a meeting in November and then a break until the Spring. Our Christmas meal will be on Thursday January 18th 2024 at the Thatched Cottage in Sutterton. For more information, contact Ray Harding on 01205723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205722382.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- August 2023

Present: Councillors:     

Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr C. Crisford, Cllr M Elston, Cllr Pryke and Cllr S Watson. Clerk D. Fairweather and one member of the public Not Present:    County Cllrs Austin. 

Police Report

Nothing on website.  Criminal damage to Town Hall play equipment.  Offender now has a tag and has been assigned community hours, some of which will be served in the village.  Police say he is truly sorry, remorseful, and now understands the error of his actions.  

Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors

Cllr Pryke advised Outer Dowsing solar farm; route of cables is now coming through Kirton. Kirton are to be issued with money from the UKSP fund for High Street regeneration but no details available yet.  Community Foundation now involved and future application requests will be dealt with through them. Cllr Middleton arrived.  Advised he was only here to listen to comments on planning.

To Receive Apologies For Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr Sohail, Borough Cllr Rylott and County Cllr Brookes.  All resolved to accept reasons given.

To Approve Notes Of Previous Meetings 25th July 2023.

Proposed Cllr Baillie seconded Cllr Astill that these be signed as a true copy to become minutes.  Unanimous.

To Receive Updates From Clerk

Following clerks annual review, it was suggested that updates are kept each month, as although Clerk is aware, the PC are not given every action taken.  Listing of various things outstanding and where we are. Car Park CCTV - Latest, spoken with Car Park Company with a view to cancel contract as no signs have been there for some months and they are in fact contravening their contract to PC Notice Board    November 2022    Checked with planning for permission adjacent to Highway, none required as PC have exemptions on varying projects.  Board ordered.  Handyman booked to install in September when children back at school. CCTV for village - OpenReach, cannot use pole. Now have another source for camera. Alarmline putting together quotations Solar Panels - Awaiting tonight’s result. Orthodox Chapel  - Awaiting convenient date from Florin Buda to meet for a chat. A Boards & office sign Ordered Travellers site planning - 2nd application – public meeting Cleaning of William Dennis Statue Speaking with family, regarding previous work


a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule, proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr Elston b)    To Discuss numbers of Members for Finance Committee.  Cllr S Watson at a previous meeting had requested to be a representative.  Standing Orders say 3 members.  Cllr Baillie agreed to step down from finance and proposed Cllr S Watson be her replacement, seconded Cllr Jarvis. c)    To Discuss 3rd Quotation for Solar Panels – no communication received.  Cllr Elston advised there is funding out there and PC should investigate this once quotation received.  Cllr Jarvis advised care needs to be taken with some funding and the attached conditions. d)    To Approve Purchase of Litter Bins – following Cllr P Watson’s survey agreed to purchase 3 bins which BBC have agreed to empty as long as on a collection route. e)    To Discuss PC laptops – now clerk has taken on post together with Financial Officer, no requirement for the two laptops originally purchased.  Clerk requesting if these can be traded in for a better specification machine with more memory.  Possibility of selling laptops or using as a trade in. Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr S Watson that this is acceptable.

To Discuss Village Cctv

Clerk has been advised that BT categorically will not allow any equipment on their poles.  Present CCTV contractors therefore to price including pole.

To Source Funding Opportunities

Brought to the meeting from Cllrs Watson following a summer conference they attended.  Cllr Elston agreed there are plenty of opportunities for Parish Councils to obtain grant funding and perhaps Kirton should investigate this for future projects, particularly further play equipment. Cllr Pryke reminded Thomas Middleton Charity and United Charities may also be approached.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting B23/0239 change of use to travellers’ site – Chair of the meeting did ask Cllr Middleton if he felt he should be at the table for these discussions but did not leave the meeting. following the public meeting, Cllr Pryke had asked for an extension for comments and had asked for a meeting with the leader of the BBC.  He was to take the concerns of the residents to her as Planning would still not redact address from objections and he was to comment on their behalf. Comments - The Parish Council reiterated its comments previously made.  Cllr Astill had done significant time visiting both BBC and the site.  With this knowledge the PC were concerned that a plan of the site, to scale, was not held on file. Additional views from last response regarding waste control both septic tank and general household waste and its disposal from the site were of a concern.  The entrance to the site being close to a public footpath of heritage and access to the area did not have a road infrastructure equivalent to the number of vehicles that would traverse there. Parish Council could not see how BBC Planning could do anything other than adhere to their original decision, as the only amendment was the agent and the flood risk had not been removed. Cllr Middleton left the meeting advising he felt no planning issues.

Members Reports

Race Night preparations going well with a couple of sponsors on board.  Cllr Crisford had also been speaking with a brewery who may be agreeable to supporting event. FB – Advised again that nothing had been done with the gravestone that had fallen over.  Clerk advised that memorials are not the responsibility of the Church or Parish Council.  Cllrs Pryke and Elston agreed to attend site with a view in lifting the offending stone.  Also asking any news on trees.  With the additional storm damaged one on the path side it would be done when financially viable to do so. CA – few requests have come from surgeries, which he has dealt with or passed to clerk.  Commenting on communications within the Council.  At Council training were advised all communication should come from and go to the clerk.  He felt too much emailing was happening between meetings. What had happened to procedures set down in the meeting in June?  Council took on board they are guilty and agreed to curtail comments to meetings. Had been observing the Orthodox Church events and parking.  Clerk awaiting Father to return from holiday to agree a date for a meeting.  Clerk and Chair to attend with Cllr Astill.  Cllr Pryke commented that he too would like to attend and in fear of being overpowering Cllr P Watson stood down.

To Discuss Performance & Pay Of Clerk

Taken in committee following discussion agreed clerk’s salary point to be brought in line as no increase received since started in November.  Back pay to be paid and increase in hours due to the Kirton Community Group and additional works required there. To pay under payment and increase proposed Cllr Baillie seconded Cllr Elston. 7 for 1 abstention

To Discuss Orthodix Chapel

Taken in committee, with result to put on future agenda as meeting with Chapel had not taken place.

Date of next meeting

Due to Clerk’s annual leave, Tuesday 3rd October 2023 would be the September meeting.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

2nd July - Freddie Sear
2nd July - Tyler Ellis
6th August - Avana Jones
6th August - Maddison Dunworth

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

4th August - Kyron Burton & Alison Hardy
12th Augustt - Calum Cheshire & Hannah Clark

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

19th June - Gillian Dawson
15th August - Elizabeth King