©Kirton News 2025

November 2024

The Editors Letter

Once again, we are snowballing towards Winter! We thought a full colour cover was the only choice to showcase the wonderful, thought provoking artwork by Garry Hurt. Kirton will once again turn out to remember the fallen on Sunday 10th November. I’m sure this will be very well supported as in previous years. It is something we do so well as a community.

When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today

You can’t fail to notice just how many festive events we have in this issue! There are so many to choose from! Lots of quizzes, craft fairs and musical entertainment to keep you all busy in what can be a tricky time for some. Please go along and support an event if you can and offer someone a lift if they cannot easily attend by themselves. The more the merrier!

Boston is also having a Christmas Festival this year, from Friday 29th November to Sunday 1st December. There will be a Christmas market, live music, an ice rink, parades and much more. Visit the Boston Borough Council website where you can find further details.

Please see below the Christmas & New Year 24/25 Bin Collection times:

Green Bins

Wednesday 25th December:
to be collected Saturday 21st December 2024

Thursday 26th December:
to be collected Saturday 28th December 2024

Purple/Purple-Lidded Bins

Wednesday 1st January:
to be collected Thursday 2nd January 2025

Thursday 2nd January:
to be collected Friday 3rd January 2025

Friday 3rd January:
to be collected Saturday 4th January 2025

Don’t forget, our magazine is available to collect from most of the local businesses in Kirton and we thank them for their constant support. If by any chance, you live in Kirton and don’t receive a copy, please let me know! Previous issues are available on our website www.kirtonnews.co.uk together with our advertising rates and useful local contact numbers!

I’m always contactable by email - Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves and I’ll see you again in December!


Meet The Locals

This month we hear from Jackie Clarke Williams from Jaxs Ark

I am Jackie Clarke-Williams known to everyone as Jax. I have always owned an animal of some sort and naturally wanted this as my career. I followed this passion in my education and gained a qualification in Animal Management HND and City in Guilds Pet Store Management. I now have 30 years working in various sectors of the animal industry, from pet store management and animal health, and teaching animal management at various colleges with practical handling too.

In 2017 I decided to set up own business, Jax Ark Animal Boarding. Starting out as a family hobby, and being designed from the start to be a flexible, professional animal boarding business that all pet owners can access, it has very quickly grown. We have 35+ valued clients that return time and again. These include exotics (snakes, lizards, amphibian, and inverts), small animals (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds,) and exotic mammals (hedgehogs, ferrets, chinchillas and sugar gliders). Our customers use our services during their holidays or at any other times as their needs require. Unlike kennels and catteries, ours is a specialist boarding business one of very few in the Midlands.

Jax’s Ark is situated in the grounds of our family house. We have a large plot of land of just under an acre in a quiet, rural area just outside of Boston, Lincolnshire. Jax’s Ark consists of four outbuildings that are modified to a high standard to accommodate small animal boarding. One caters for the life support needed to house reptiles with multiple enclosures. Two buildings support rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and aviary birds with larger parrots, sugar gliders etc. housed in a large enclosure within the main house. The final and most recent acquisition for the business is the building which has been designed to accommodate 35 exotic vivariums for snakes and lizards, 15 tortoise runs, and life support equipment interchangeable to be relevant to the animal boarding requirements of the day. Along with this we have also created more outdoor space where the enclosures have the capacity to house 18 small mammals (rabbits and guinea pigs), and 12 bird flights. These could also accommodate other exotic mammals if required. The mammal accommodation can be adapted and will remain flexible to suit the species requirements. All our accommodation has been designed to exceed the requirements from RSPCA guidelines and we are fully insured.

Animals have become an obsession for all my family, with Jax’s Ark now run with help from my daughter who has recently qualified in Animal Management HND and assists at a local Wildlife Rescue and greyhound rescue. Not only are we all passionate about animals, but we also enjoy working in the local community. As well as animal boarding, we also offer other services such as claw cutting, assistance with medication administering, microchipping, handling advice, setting up of vivarium’s & fish tanks, offering local care homes fish tank maintenance, and a collection and delivery service to name but a few! We will soon be venturing into; animal encounters with local schools, colleges and other businesses and rabbit bonding.

If you’re interested in any of the services that we can offer, then we would love to hear from you. Please contact Jaxs Ark on: Mobile: 07746760379, email: painshill@live.co.uk or view, like and share our Facebook page, Jaxs Ark Animal Boarding.


Kirton Church Fund

The October draw takes place on Sunday 27th October with the winning numbers printed in the December magazine. The November draw takes place on

Sunday 24th November and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

Congratulations to both winners. The first prize winner has won before but this is their first prize win and the largest payment yet made in the KCF monthly draw as we have now 53 numbers in the draw and therefore the prize money has increased. The second prize winner has several numbers and has won before but this is the first time with this number.

We may have more numbers than ever before but there is still plenty of room for more members and is still a very good chance of winning the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.

You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number if you wish.

Registration forms are available from the back church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Forms are also available from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road which is an Aladdin’s cave of reasonably priced gifts and cards and well worth a visit.

Like more information about Kirton Church Fund? Then please give Fay a ring (01205 723529).

September 2024 Winners

1st PRIZE - £49.69 - TICKET NUMBER: 50
2nd PRIZE - £16.56 - TICKET NUMBER: 95

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Letters to the Editor

Kirton Parish Church Roof

Dear Rachael and Kirton News readers,

I would like to give Kirton News readers an update on what is happening regarding the Kirton Parish church roof.

Readers will be aware that money is being raised to replace the lead on the roofs of the north and south aisles and that of the chancel.

When quoted for in 2021 the cost was nearly £250,000. Kirton Church Fundraising team has been working very hard to raise this money and we have now been successful, with the help of Heritage Lincolnshire, in obtaining a grant to do some remedial work on the church roof. This work will be starting before the end of this year and hopefully stop some of the worst leaks.

However, I must stress that this will not fix the roof as the lead still needs to be replaced. Money still needs to be raised to do this and of course the cost will have increased since 2021. Heritage Lincolnshire will continue to work hard to secure grants for us but we still need to raise the money to match fund these grants. £60,000 was the amount Heritage Lottery asked us to raise to secure the grant that we had in 2012 to replace the lead on the Nave roof. I expect that the amount will be significantly higher to secure a grant this time.

Members of Kirton Church, will continue to work hard as we can to raise money for our beautiful church but we do need the support of the village to do this. Please, please, please support our fundraising!

Our next fundraising event is our Christmas Tree Festival on 7th and 8th December and I really hope you will support this.

Yours very sincerely,


Regret for a Life - A short story by Bill Crewdson

Harold Jacobs walked up the road to his house, his day's work at an end. It was only 5mins walk from the tube station, from which he had just emerged to his home, which was just as well for it was snowing quite hard, he longed to get indoors and warm himself by the roaring fire that would be burning brightly in his Sitting room hearth, before getting out of his work clothes, having a bath, and sitting down to a hot supper that his wife Brenda would have prepared for him." Hmm!" He thought It's Friday so it would be Beef Casserole ...... "lovely!".

Harold had been married to Brenda for thirty years, they had what might be called a "comfortable" relationship, there wasn't a lot of romance, but they got on well together and were always there for each other in times of crisis.

Harold was a Clerical officer in the Civil Service, and was in charge of small dept at the Ministry of Defence, a position which he had gained after that major incident all those years ago. He was now about to retire, in fact today was his 60th birthday and his last day at work.

As his house came into view he was dismayed to find that the place seemed to be in complete darkness. His house was a solidly constructed Semi built in the thirties, and totally in character with the man himself.

As he strode up the garden path he felt a distinct sense of foreboding and his mind went back to that terrible period in his life when his world was turned upside down.

As he turned his key in the lock he dreaded what might be happening, "Oh no!" He cried , "It can't be true!"

In 1969 Harold was serving as a soldier in the British Army, it was a time of great unrest in Northern Ireland, and British Troops had been mobilised into the province as aid to the civil power, Harold's unit had been one of the ones selected for this grim duty.

A soldiers life was very hard in that first year, they were practically living on the streets, sleeping on the pavements in their sleeping bags, Gradually over the months things got a little easier when accommodation was found for them in abandoned wareh uses and factories. It was still a squalid existence all living on top of each other.

The soldier in the bed space next to Harold was a bloke called George Evans, George had a special duty, he was escort to the Brigade Commander, and in company with the Brigadier's driver, a Chap called Bill Bryans, was tasked to watch the Commander' s back whenever he was out and about.

Frampton Gardening Club

We had a different, but interesting take on gardening, when our speaker for the April meeting of Frampton gardening club, was Hannah Sylvester, who is a medical herbalist.

Hannah trained in Western Herbal Medicine at Lincoln University and graduated with a BSc (Honours) in 2010. Hannah has been in practice for 13+ years, helping people with her individually tailored herbal prescriptions, and has helped people with a range of illnesses, including, skin conditions, neurological, muscular- skeletal and reproductive health.

We learned about herbalists through the ages, and talked about connecting with plants and how to use them safely, explaining how herbs work.

Hannah also brought a selection of dried herbs and tinctures with her, which were passed around for us to see, along with empty t-bags, which are used to put the herb of choice in to make a tea.

Certainly the list of plants which could help us if used safely, would include some that many of us already have in our gardens. A very interesting and informative talk.

Our next meeting is the AGM on May 30th. All are welcome to attend, especially anyone who would like to join us on our committee.

On June 27th our secretary, Maggie Welberry has kindly offered to host an ‘open garden’ at her home.

In July we are joining Phil Haines coaches for an outing to Cambridge Botanical Gardens, so our next meeting at Frampton Village Hall will be on August 29th, when the speaker is talking about Lincolnshire cheese. (Annual subscriptions are also due in August)

For more details about the club, contact Ray Harding on 01205 723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205 722382.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- September 2024

Present: Councillors:     

Cllr D Jarvis, Chair, Cllr P Watson Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill,                  Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr M Elston, Cllr L O’Connor, Cllr Pryke, Cllr C Rylott, Cllr Sohail and Cllr S Watson. Also Present: Clerk D. Fairweather. Peter Head and five members of the public        

Public Forum

Resident requesting when the PC are to act on the churchyard wall and trees, as requested on numerous occasions by the PCC.  They are requiring work, and it is PC’s responsibility?

Clerk advised following a meeting with PCC, agreements had been made and a maintenance programme was to be put in place for the next 5 to 7 years.

Member of the Clean Up Squad asking if the Parish Council had any intention to made good equipment in the Dame Sarah Swift Park as the group together with Wombles have worked hard on the park and it is looking neat and tidy. After painting the skate ramp, it would be disappointing if something more could not be made of the area. Advised that this was to be discussed later.

Councillors had received comments that the public were unhappy this matter was to be discussed in a closed session. The Chair explained that there is a third party involved and it would not be fair for the public to spread news of any decisions before the Charity were advised. Being confidential this cannot be spoken of outside of this room, even by Councillors.

Presentation Given By Heritage Lincolnshire

Two representatives from Heritage Lincolnshire, a local Chairty assisting with obtaining grant funding for various projects within Boston Borough. £2.6m available. Kirton High Street project was to help businesses in village repair and update their frontages with assistance funding. Some projects have been successful but have been smaller projects than was expected and there is money to be spent in Kirton. They have investigated areas that would be eligible for funding. William Dennis monument, The War Memorial, and Willington crossroads seating area. Asking to enter into an agreement with HL for this grant funding. With tendering September/October with work commencing October as UKSP would like money to be spent by February 2025 but BBC are asking that most of money is spent by end of year.

Cllr Astill asked if Church wall could be included. Clerk had already spoken on this. It is their desire to have a workshop with PC to finalise ideas. Agreed to meet Tuesday 10th.

Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors

MB - Update sent via Clerk. No further updates on speed restrictions.

Boston Road – development land not started opposite vets. Highways have visited. There are reserved matters in the planning application to deal with this but until it is sold Highways are prepared to Ramp up either side and make good area between for easier access for mobility scooters and pushchairs etc. Cllr Brookes had met with Cllr Astill and advised, if the Parish Council agreed, confirm to Cllr Brookes to proceed Highways. 

AA – Update sent via Clerk. Response received from Highways regarding parking at Kings Head junction:

Unfortunately, for a Traffic Regulation Order to be consulted upon, there must be clear evidence of a problem to justify their installation. We are unable to use double yellow lines to simply act as a reminder, especially given our limited resources and high demand for schemes where problems are occurring.

Cllr Austin reiterated this is a Police matter and residents should be reminded of the Highway Code.

Barriers at Zebra crossing – there was no apparent need, and the children should be taught at school road safety. (Advised from Cllr Bowen that Primary School had just done their road safety, and the children are aware of how to cross the road)

RP – Had heard from other Councillors there are double yellow lines on other junctions in the village.

To Receive Apologies For Absence  

Apologies were received from Cllrs Bowen, Borough Councillor Middleton, and County Cllrs Austin & Brookes. All resolved to accept reasons given.

To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011

Cllr Rylott -planning

To Co-Opt New Councillor

One of the two previously mentioned candidates was no longer willing to stand. Cllr Pryke and Baillie asked details. These had been forwarded with the Heritage Lincolnshire document prior to the meeting.

Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Astill. Peter Head accepted and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

To Approve Notes Of Previous Meeting On 6th August 2024

Proposed Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr S Watson that these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes. Six for two abstentions.

To Receive Updates From Clerk And Matters Arising

PCC – The ruling on closed churchyards if the church is still in use that the Parish Council are responsible for the maintenance of the grassed areas and trees but other works, such as pathway should be agreed to be a joint venture at the time of closure. This obviously had not been agreed at Kirton and the PCC representative advised that it was, in fact, the Council that had laid the slabbed pathway.

Clerk and Cllr Pryke had met with representatives of PCC to discuss works required at churchyard. Only two slabs broken, one of which could be used to replace the other. Cllr Pryke believed if the weed suppressing compound used between the slabs it would be solve the trip hazards. Although tarmac could be used the PCC would not get a faculty for this material.

The wall had areas that required attention, but Clerk had been in touch with Heritage Lincolnshire as there may be more funding to repair this within the UKSP pot, as there were interesting points of heritage with horse mounting points.

Significant tree works but there are restrictions on work now the East Lindsey tree Officer looks at all Boston applications, and the Parish Council does not have the finances to do all in one go.

It was agreed that a plan of works be agreed for future works to be done over the next 5 to 7 years in order that the PCC were aware that action was being taken.

CSW – seven members had attended training and were now awaiting areas to monitor. These are agreed with the Lincs Road Safety Partnership/Police, but new ones can be added if it is felt there is a persistent speeding problem. Clerk advised speed gun had been checked.

Dame Sarah Swift Park – following last months’ concerns over Councillors working in the area, Clerk had received confirmation that if they were working with the knowledge of the PC and not using equipment that they are not trained to use, the insurance does cover Councillors to do works of a voluntary nature.  Notices to be placed to show equipment not safe and a photograph taken to prove, and the PC are covered.

UKSP – Following Cllr Rylott’s notification that there is to another round of funding, Clerk had checked the grant being obtained through HL did not affect the PC from applying and Cllr Elston and Clerk had put together details of play equipment, which could be used anywhere in the village, before the deadline of 1st September.

Cllr Pryke – requesting if any further progress has been made regarding receiving a refund for the park inspections. Clerk has asked for a meeting with officer. Cllr Elston asked if old records are available. Previous Councillor had asked for these on numerous occasions to no avail. Previously the Councillors checked the park on a regular basis on a rota.

Last paragraph of 96-24 states we are responsible for three parks, and we are not.

Cllr Astill asked if minutes can be issued sooner in order that matters are still fresh. Cllr P Watson advised that we had previously agreed that draft minutes be sent within 10 days of the meeting.

Clerk to adhere to this.

Cllr P Watson asked if previously we had investigated CCTV in the village to protect the War Memorial, had anything more been done. There had been an accident in the village, does the BBC CCTV cover that area.

Cllr S Watson – asked for updates on contractor that PC has a CCJ against.  Nothing to report.

To Receive Event Updates

Picnic in The Park – Cllr Sohail confirmed it had been a success and feedback was everyone was hoping for it to be an annual event, improving each year. Displayed a tabletop inscription of children’s comments during the day. Over 250 people attended. Katie Edwards helped and is willing to assist again with funding opportunities. Cllr Jarvis advised there was a sponsor for next year’s Party in The Park. Cllr S Watson asked if there were to be any fund raising for these events as we are spending money for which has not been budgeted. Cllr Elston advised no fund raising had been attempted as there was to be a sponsor this year. Cllr Head advised these events should be self-funding. There are plenty of businesses and opportunities out there to raise funds.

Art Trail – The date for the Art rail has been set for February. Suggested a separate Art Trail Social Media page be set up just for this Art Trail. The Art Trail will effectively not be at a cost to the PC.

Senior Citizens Christmas Meal

Cllr Baillie concerned that no fund raising had been arranged for this. Cllr Jarvis advised money had been raised late last year.

Cllr Head asked the cost of last year’s event. Party cost PC £71 nett last year.

Tickets are priced lower this year so cost will be more to PC. Cllr Elston advised there was £1000 in budget if funds were not raised.


a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule

Proposed Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr S Watson

b) To Approve Broadband for The Town Hall. After discussion on the three options given, it was agreed to accept Lightspeed at £45 per month. Proposed Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr Baillie. Cllr Pryke asked what usage broadband had in Town Hall? Cllr Sohail would try and investigate this from Town Hall. Speed on all options is significantly increased. PC now paying £60, which Town Hall Management Committee used to pay.

c)    To Discuss Town Hall Finance – originally on agenda as PC are being invoiced for 4 hours on a Friday for coffee mornings and Digi Hub but we are only there for 2½. Clerk had written and received the response that although the invoice was incorrect, they would have to investigate charging for electricity for broadband and CCTV cameras. 

Cllr Sohail advised briefly that the Town Hall is experiencing financial difficulty, as they have lost some regular bookings. Electricity bills coming through are showing day and night usage but most of night usage is PC equipment. 

At a previous joint meeting, Cllr Pryke had advised that as they are not receiving any grant payments from PC each month now should they feel the need for assistance in the future, they should approach PC. 

Cllr Elston felt it was not right to be asking for financial assistance when they have a significant amount of savings. The savings had been reduced and there may be some required for solar panels. Suggestions that the three Councillors involved with the Town Hall Management Committee meet with Town Hall with ideas to go forward.

Cllr Rylott commented that if we support the Town Hall coffee mornings should we be supporting the Kirton Holme coffee mornings?

Cllr Elston also reminded members that we had turned down an application for assistance last meeting.

d)    To Choose Football Net at Town Hall – This came from Cllr Bowen speaking with youths, just wanting to play football. Cllr Head had asked if there were any contacts that might donate a goal. Cllr Elston reminded PC that a grant application had been lodged which included football multi equipment, it was agreed to await result of grant, as football net at Town Hall may not be required. 

It was suggested one goal be purchased any way.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting. 7 more TPO’s

Clerk disappointed that no response had been received regarding the Walpole to Grimsby Pylons. Although there will now not be a Scrutiny meeting, it is important to advise planning the PC objections.

Members Reports

ME – After success with the Reggae event in Boston and the Christmas festivities upcoming, has been approached by residents to ask why there cannot be transport for residents. Clerk to write to BBC to ask if they could investigate this. Residents would pay, but BBC to arrange. Cllr Sohail advised Katie Edwards had mentioned funding for transport, to be pursued.

RP – residents in Drainside South are unhappy the standard of their road is not to that of Bungley Lane following works in the village and diversions.

Church Lane/Willington Road, street sign has been moved to leave a gap in their hedge to allow an entrance to their property. Had reported to Highways.

Top two planters outside of the Church are not being watered due to difficulty. The other planter is similar and would be simply solved by removing the two top planters.

Complaints against state of Peacock, with invasive plants growing into neighbouring homes. 

CR – As EOM had been cancelled how do PC envisage moving forward with Streetlight discussions. They are costing a significant amount each year which could be reduced, and nothing further had been planned. Had asked for it to be on Agenda. The problem being whatever is spent they are still the BBC’s asset. Figures have already been brought to the table showing savings. 

Cllr Head felt it was simple accounting, if we had the money, why not use it. 

Cllr P Watson advised that there must be an amount of reserve at the end of each fiscal year. To be discussed at the EOM on 11th September

In answer to Cllr Pryke’s comment on Scrutiny meeting on pylons, this will not be happening as National Grid will not appease a meeting.  Similarly disappointed at the response to the planning application. 

To Receive Correspondence

Complaints of a trader on Highways property – do they have permission? Clerk aware they hold licence but does not know ownership of land. Cllr Sohail advised was a Trading Standards issue. Generator is on pathway and people are having to walk on road.

Looking into building site at Penny Gardens which is very overgrown and requires cutting back from footpath.

To Discuss Future Of Dame Sarah Swift

In closed session Agreed to hold EOM on 11th September as too many matters to discuss. 

Meeting closed at 9.35.  

Date of next meeting: 1st October 2024. 


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

13th October - Emilija Vitunskaite

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

None this month

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

10th October - Alexandra Watts
25th October - Brian Roberts