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©Kirton News 2025 |
October 2008
The Editors Letter Dear readers, let me introduce myself I am Catrina Smith the new proud editor of Kirton News. I wish the former editor Rodger and his wife Elsie all the best in their new life over in Australia. We can all dream of living elsewhere and for some it is possible and others not so easy. I think you have to make the best of what you have. Life can throw a lot of things at you but it will only make you stronger and a lot wiser. You need to appreciate what you have, if you have a healthy family (and a few good close friends) that is all you need. Too many people worry over things that they needn’t have too, concentrate on your loved ones and your life and let others do the same with theirs. Kirton news is a community magazine and I would like to feature more local people and issues from the whole community if you have a story to tell or wish to raise a topical issue don’t hesitate to contact me. Catrina Smith Autumn Food and Games Fun for Kids The Churches in Kirton are inviting children between the ages of 4 and 11 to an afternoon of fun at the Methodist Church on London Road. The theme is Autumn time and the children will have a chance to sample and make a variety of foods and play some traditional games too. The event is free, it starts at 2pm and runs until 4pm. For more details or to book a place for your child contact Sheila 722701 or Jonathan 725055.
Christian Aid Week The amount collected for Christian Aid was £365.97. Ann Dawson
Sutterton Parent & Toddler Group In Sutterton in the village hall, the parent & toddler group are desperately looking for new families to join the small but very friendly playgroup. It runs every Monday from 9.30am until 11.00am, with tea and coffee available, with juice and biscuits for the children. Due to the recent new school year, the numbers attending have dropped alarmingly, and so Norma, who runs the meetings, is appealing for anyone with pre-school kids to come along and have a look. All are welcome, and no pre-booking required. It only costs £1 to cover the cost of the drinks, so is reasonably priced too! Hope to see you there.
Kirton Youth Club I am pleased to announce that thanks to our youth panel which consists of Kerry Fletcher, Leanne Fletcher, Joshua Overton and Kai Williams. We were successful with our application with Lincolnshire county council’s youth service funding. The Fun day we held at Kirton town hall was a great success. We would like to thank all the local business’ in Kirton for their generous donations, bad lads army star Richard Nauyokas and everyone that helped on the day. Everyone commented on how great the day was so we are thinking about holding one again next year. We have been open all summer on Wednesday nights and have had several activities going on. We have had a disco, cooking, football tournaments, basketball, pool, table tennis and karaoke. Unfortunately due to personal commitments and lack of volunteers we are not open now on a Friday night. So if you would like to come and help out I would love to hear from you. Please note you will have to undergo an Enhanced CRB Disclosure this cost is met by the youth club. Catrina Smith - Tel 07804 241339 Around the homes - News from the Chestnuts Throughout August building work has continued at a pace, concentrating mostly on the general Room, kitchen and new entrance areas. Unfortunately this created a great deal of noise, vibration and dust. Bill and Laura drew the short straws, as Bill’s flat is directly above the work area and Laura next door to the new entrance, car park etc. Bill stuck it out for a week before sponsoring himself for a three week stay at the Woodlands and Laura as usual spends quite a few daytime hours away from The Chestnuts. Apart from the lack of communal space the rest of us appear to be getting used to the noise and dust and even manage to hold our domino and bingo club meetings in a vacant corridor for now. Unfortunately Penny Bevan had a fall in her flat on the 19th. She was taken to the Pilgrim where she is being treated for a broken ankle. Hopefully it will not be long before she is back with us again. Bryan Flatters had a birthday on the 21st. and went out for a meal with his daughter. We all wish him good health and luck throughout the coming year. Monday Sept.1st was a fine sunny day and Monica decided to take advantage of the weather and held a Monday morning meeting outside in our secluded garden. Our next outing was discussed and also arrangements for a Christmas outing. More details will be available in the next newsletter. Tony Mathieson. Memories of a Marine Engineer - Part 9 Having finished my apprenticeship I returned to sea as a fifth engineer on a 20, 000 ton steam turbine tanker. I chose to sail on tankers because the pay was better, the vessels were modern and the accommodation superior.
S.S.Quiloa, built by Scotts of Greenock in 1960 I was on the same watch; the 4 to 8, (four hours on duty, eight hours off), with a Lancastrian Second Engineer Brian whose wife Mavis was also on board. Mavis decided to get her hair ‘done’ in Newport so Brian and I went to a local pub whilst this was in progress. This turned out to be a chrome bar with stools and bat-wing doors out onto the street and the barmaid welcomed us with a ‘What’ll you have’. Brian being something of a beer connoisseur decided he didn’t like the first American beer, although of course we drank it, so we selected a second variety, and a third, and so forth. At this stage we were somewhat merry when the bat-wing doors flew open and the local sheriff burst in. He was well over six feet, appeared almost as wide, wore a Stetson, boots and six guns on both hips. I couldn’t contain myself and erupted into peels of laughter. Up to then I had only seen such characters in Westerns. With Brian digging me in the ribs and muttering ‘shut ups!’ under his breath the sheriff glared at me before striding out of the bar so no harm done but Brian was in the doghouse when Mavis caught up with us being unimpressed with our condition. At this time the US and China were on very bad terms so the American immigration refused to let our Hong Kong Chinese go ashore. Our Chinese engine room fitter had terrible toothache and one side of his face was up like a football but the immigration wouldn’t let him go ashore to the dentist without an escort. I recollect poor Wong (or whatever his name was), who was about four foot ten inches and about 9 stone if that, going down the gangway sandwiched between two sheriffs who probably weighed more than twenty stone each. The whole thing looked and was ridiculous but I have come to learn that this was typical American ‘over the top’ behaviour. At least Wong got his teeth sorted. Ships have to be drydocked periodically to paint the underwater surfaces (otherwise they would be slowed down by barnacle infestation), check the propeller and rudder. We went to Taikoo dockyard in Hong Kong and us three fifth engineers on board worked days which was a delight full break from the drudgery of watches – its not much fun getting up at 3.30 am every morning. It’s the only time in my life that I smoked doing 40 a day for a fortnight after which I decided I didn’t much like the taste or the horrid aftertaste in one’s mouth the day after. The three of us used to go dancing in the evenings in Hong Kong but the ballroom wasn’t licensed so we used to drink ‘tea’. The routine was that you slipped an usher a few Hong Kong dollars who went next door purchased the beer and poured it into a teapot so we would in a very civilised fashion drink beer from tea cups. We were at sea in good weather conditions on Christmas day so we looked forward to our special lunch but one of the sailors rushed in to say that our Chinese carpenter was running amok in the crew alleyway with a long handled fire axe. For some unknown reason the carpenter was attempting to demolish a clock in the alleyway – maybe he was trying to stop time – who knows? Anyway we disarmed him and chained him to a very solid bench in his carpenters shop. He was a very good carpenter but somewhat fiery by nature. He had previously been prevented from strangling a sailor on the foredeck who made some very personal remarks to him during anchoring operations. We had a very likeable but mischievous Geordie third engineer called Willy and during Christmas lunch he launched one of his larks. We had arrived at the Christmas pudding stage of the lunch and a very large, splendid pudding it was. Willy produced a half crown from his portion which he proudly demonstrated to the diners after which he surreptitiously passed the coin under the table to me so that I too could announce yet another half crown. Meanwhile Ian, our fourth engineer was furiously carving up his pudding portion without success. Ian was so annoyed he obtained another complete pudding which he proceeded to massacre. I don’t think Ian ever did realise the whole thing was a set up. My contract was for six months followed by two months leave but ten months later along with three other shipmates I was still on board in Iran. At that time the Shah was still in power and relations with Britain were cordial. We were promised replacements in Abadan after loading but they didn’t show and we were sailing outbound down the Shatt-el-Arab which connects with the Persian Gulf when we got a message saying the relief officers were on a pilot boat coming to meet us. We had thirty minutes to pack and leave. I remember going to the cinema in Abadan that evening before leaving by air to UK the following morning. It was a great feeling. Roger Booth As Grandad used to say……Definitions of words Kirton oldies may use: Duck-frost - rain, ‘Forecast said freezing and look at it – more like a duck frost’. Editor’s Note: these definitions are kindly supplied by Ken Pearson some of which appear in his book book ‘Tairtyville Talk’.
Kirton Kids ClubThe summer holiday club seemed to fly by again this year but the children managed to fit in some really fun days – they cooked and made things - they went on trips did workshops and played drums to rock music (which they were frighteningly good at!) to name but a few. The three weeks were filled with very energetic children full of fun and laughter, no wonder it all went so quickly. The Kids Club have for the past three years adopted an owl called Jim at Bay Tree Nursery. Jim is not the best looking owl in the world and when we first started to pay for his adoption he had no one else adopting him so we decided as a club, we would. The children visit Jim each year as part of their summer trips. When we went to see Jim again this summer and to readopt him we were really happy to see he has now got a ‘mate’. He definitely looked a much happier ‘bunny’ and the children were delighted to see him snuggled up to his new partner. As part of our summer activities I had planned a new ‘healthy cooking’ workshop. This included baking sessions each week. The children made healthy oats and fruit bars, different flavoured scones, pizzas and fruit salads, cookies and a whole morning of smoothie making and testing. The aim of these sessions was to try and get the children to taste different foods – especially those they have never tried. In turn this would maybe encourage them to continue eating the choices they had made during these workshops. The children were also involved in sports, games, outings and parties during the three weeks. If you would like to have a look around the club please either pop in to the Youth Centre during club hours or phone up and we can arrange a time and day for you. To arrange the above or to book your child into any of the sessions offered just phone: 722426 and ask for more details. Look forward to seeing you. Carolyn Sharpe - Manager The Mothers UnionPlease note that the date of our next meeting has been changed and will not be on the 8th October. Our Harvest Evening will be held a week later on Wednesday the 15th October in the Parish Church when the Mother’s Union are hosting the Harvest Supper and Concert evening. This is during a week of celebration and the evening will start with supper at 7.00pm followed by a concert by the Salvation Army Songsters and sale of harvest produce. ‘Come ye thankful people come’ and may we ‘Raise the song of harvest home’. Helen Airey Local PolicingAnti Social Behaviour For the month of August there have been 15 reports of Anti Social Behaviour. They are as follows: 1 report of noise nuisance, 2 reports of drunken behaviour, 5 reports of inconsiderate behaviour and 7 reports of vehicle nuisance. Please report any incidents of Anti Social Behaviour, myself and colleagues work closely with Boston Borough Council, Boston Mayflower and Longhurst Homes. With this partnership work we can help resolve issues that you may have. Information Request On Sunday 17th August 2008 a ladies bike was stolen from the front of Kirton Town Hall during the Jumble Sale that was being held. CCTV has been checked and three youths were sat outside for a considerable time. At approx 14.40hrs on the 17th August one of the youths is seen to remove the bike and ride away. There is also footage of persons attending the event speaking to these youths. If anyone knows them or has any information regarding this theft could they please call Boston Police Station on 01205 366222 or CRIME STOPPERS anonymously on 0800 555111 The latest Kirton Neighbourhood Panel meeting was held on Tues 26th August. The next meeting will be held on 25th November 2008. If anyone would like any information regarding Neighbourhood Panels or would like to become a member please let me know. If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk PCSO Adam Eden - Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:24th August - Lewis Jack Hepworth Weddings - We ask God’s blessing on: 8th August - Steven James Harold Maw and Lisa Jane Croxton Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: 26th August - Evelyn (Ev) Southon
Donations The
magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following
donations Anonymous..............£3 Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope. |