©Kirton News 2025

October 2011

The Editors Letters

Happy, and sad. The emotions that strike me as I write. Sad that Joan has had to relinquish her Editorial role (and, of course, for the cause behind it) but happy for her that she will soon be back in the bosom of her family. The magazine owes her a great debt for stepping in and helping rescue the publication. Good luck Joan, and God bless.
Sad that Summer has finally forsaken us; but happy that Autumn is just around the corner with its ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’. A comfortable and reflective time, I always think. Hearths are warm, families gather and people come closer together.

Sad that I take over the Editorial role with such a crisis in the Village. With reference to Father Gary’s heartfelt appeal for funds to keep the church in Kirton alive. But happy, because I know that the Village will, itself, come closer together to help the cause.
This publication was born, some forty years ago, from the members of Kirton combined churches, and still has many on the Committee. It is still often referred to as ‘The Church Magazine’. But it isn’t. It’s the Village Magazine, representing all faiths, creeds, believers and non-believers, and my first message to you as Editor is this...
The Church in Kirton is worthy of saving for all of us. It serves many purposes and, for the majority of us who are not practicing Christians but are - as I consider myself - christians with a small ‘c’, it also plays a dominant part as a focus of our community. And (in these days especially) we need to focus on what is good about communities.
We all attend church at some point.

Baptism; Marriage; Funeral. It provides us with a sense of our past; some of the most profound insights into how our community has grown and developed. It provides a quiet space for moments of contemplation; a refuge from the pressures of everyday life. It also provides a place of entertainment - Country Music concerts; Car Boot Sales, all take place in the church and grounds. I don’t have the space to list more here but, you see where I’m ‘coming from’?

I take over the helm at Kirton News with the memory that, only twelve months ago, I answered a call to help a publication that was crumbling fast. In a year the committee, with the addition of Joan Woods, Sushma Bragg and myself, turned the fortunes of this magazine about. Now it’s up to the Villagers to answer another call. I want Kirton News to become even more of an organ for the people of this village to make themselves heard. To raise issues; to highlight the good and bad in our community as well as to inform and entertain. And I think, between us all we can make that happen. But, I don’t think we’ll have much of a community for much longer without the c(C)hurch as a living focus at it’s centre.
Kirton News would like to launch the appeal to help save the Church in Kirton. Give money. It’s as simple as that. A couple of quid - that’s all - from everyone will make the difference. But, obviously, more will be even better.

Kirton News itself has, as has already been mentioned, had a good year. We don’t set out to make profit; we are all un-paid volunteers, but we want to start the appeal with a donation to Church funds of £1,000.
Join us. Give generously. See you in November.



Coast to Coast for
Cancer Research UK

Six cyclists blazed a trail across the country when they cycled Coast to Coast and have raised more than £9,500 for Cancer Research UK. Delighted to have achieved the challenge of cycling more than 152 miles the team were over the moon to raise such a huge amount to go towards vital life-saving work.

The team comprised of 6 riders – Steve Elwood, Alan Sharpe, Anthony Luto, Kenny Doig, Asa Elkington and Jez Hyland, and 2 support vehicles driven by Simon Horniblow and Andrew Walker who provided much needed food, drink and encouragement on route!

The route took the team through the Penines and the highest point was a massive 1690 feet, a massive challenge for all the cyclists. They rode into Kirton Marsh just before 6pm on 25th June – 12 ½ hours after they started out.

“It was an incredible event,” said Steve, “We all feel immensely proud of what we have achieved both in terms of the physical challenge but also the amount of money raised.” Donations are still possible at http://www.justgiving.com/stephen-Elwood Chloe Higgins, Area Volunteer Manager for Cancer Research UK, was delighted to hear of the team’s success.

She said: "We are extremely grateful to Steve and the team for taking on such a huge challenge to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.” "We receive no government funding for our research so without the support of teams like this Cancer Research UK just couldn't continue this life-saving work, so thank you.”

For more information please contact Area Volunteer Manager, Chloe Higgins on 07789 776195 or email chloe.higgins@cancer.org.uk

• Together with its partners and supporters, Cancer Research UK's vision is to beat cancer.

• Cancer Research UK carries out world-class research to improve understanding of the disease and find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat different kinds of cancer.

• Cancer Research UK ensures that its findings are used to improve the lives of all cancer patients.

• Cancer Research UK helps people to understand cancer, the progress that is being made and the choices each person can make.

• Cancer Research UK works in partnership with others to achieve the greatest impact in the global fight against cancer.

For further information about Cancer Research UK's work or to find out how to support the charity, please call 08701 602040 or visit www.cancerresearchuk.org


Diamond Jubilee

I'm sure none of you have to be reminded, 2012 sees the celebration of Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Are any of you out there planning anything special? Would you like to see the Village put on a show? Celebrations take place over the first weekend of June and, if anyone IS planning something they want the Village to join in with then let us know and we'll 'flag it up' in Kirton News.

As well as Editor of this fine organ, I am also a member of the Town Hall Management Committee and we want to know if you want your Town Hall to put on a special event. And, if so... what?

If enough of you respond with some (feasible, and printable... please!) suggestions and ideas then we'll try to get something organized. But we'll need time to plan so send me your thoughts over the next couple of weeks. We'll publish the results in a following issue and see how it goes down with the rest of the Villagers. We'd love to mark the occasion with something really special and between YOUR Magazine and YOUR Town Hall we'll do our best to make it happen!


The Martians are coming!

On Palm Sunday, I, and members of Kirton Parish Church Choir, held a short service outside Kirton Town Hall. We were dressed in our robes which may look a little strange now but were commonplace not too many years ago. We then formed a little procession back to church, all the time singing hymns with great gusto.

To church people this is normal and nothing out of the ordinary. However, judging by the reaction of local people (one chap nearly walked into a signpost at the shocking sight that beheld him) you would would have though that the Martians had landed. Moths were agape, cars beeped their horns, motorcycles slipped their clutches and revved their engines, and cyclists shot up the pavement to avoid us.

All this because a bunch of Christians chose to celebrate the triumphal entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. We were commemorating what was a radical act over 2,000 years ago. Eventually it ceased to be viewed as radical and became a part of normal yearly celebrations. Now we have come full circle and it is radical again; judging by people’s reactions it is even extremely radical! It is strange that, in this hedonistic anything goes world that we live in, we are the ones that stand apart from the norm.

It is strange that people reacted to us in a way that equated to a Martian landing. Christians are called to be otherworldly; because we are citizens of Heaven as well as Earth, we are aliens in our own land. So it is not Martians that landed at the Town Hall on Palm Sunday but heaven dwellers. We have been here over 2,000 years and our message is as radical as ever; get a life, one that lasts forever.

Many Blessings

Fr. Gary

Teddies' Tunes

Pre-school Music & Craft Activity Groups Teddies’ Tunes group in Kirton is held every Monday during term time at the Methodist Church Hall, London Road. Sessions start at 9.30am with 45 minutes of structured musical activities followed by a simple craft activity, toys and refreshments. The session ends around 11.00am.

The weekly charge for 1 child and accompanying adult (parent / grandparent / carer) is £5.10 but there are discounts for those under 18 months, for regular attendees and for those paying by the term. Siblings are also charged at a reduced rate dependant on age. TEDDIES’ TUNES has been running in the Boston area for almost 11 years and has been in Kirton for 18 months. During a typical Teddies’ Tunes session you can expect: Action songs and rhymes, Finger rhymes, Percussion instruments, Rhythm activities, Movement and circle games, Teddy bears, props such as lycra, soft toys and the magic bag.

Followed by: A simple craft activity for you to enjoy with your child, free play with a small box of toys, refreshments and a time to chat and make new friends.

Hundreds of children and their families have enjoyed Teddies’ Tunes since it started in 2001. Why not join them? The new term is now underway and we shall soon start practising for our Christmas Nativity play and concert. Contact Rosemary Brown on 01205 367004 for more information or to book a place.

Mention ‘Kirton News’ and receive your first session FREE!


Memories of a child  (1940 - 1950)
by Brian Clarke

I was born in 1936 at Wyberton and lived in a small cottage with my mother, father and my brother, who was 6 years older than me, on Wyberton Low Road; the bungalow was and still is called "Elmfield Cottage".

I remember very little of my life before World War Two apart from  the trips on the back of my mother's bicycle to Frampton Marsh and one visit to Frieston Shore.  My first clear memory of life was in being aware of the war and being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night, my mother carrying me in her arms and rushing from the house into the garden of a house across the road which had an "Anderson" air-raid shelter.  I can still remember the dank smell of that air-raid shelter as it often had three or four inches of water on the floor.
What of the cottage where I lived?  We had no running water, all the water we used for drinking, washing, etc. came from the rainwater that fell onto the roof and into the spouting and ultimately into a cistern in the back yard.  We had no electricity, but we did have gas connected to the property for light and cooking, however, much of the cooking was done in an oven at the side of the fire in the living room, or on the fire itself.  

During the war food was either scarce, unavailable or at the very best, on ration, so how did my parents cope with this shortage of food?  Nowadays, we see that most houses in the countryside have a lawn.  In 1940, many of the lawns were dug up for growing fresh vegetables.  My father grew potatoes, carrots, onions, leeks, Brussel sprouts and we also had a plum, a pear, an apple tree and three walnut trees.  We also kept about 50 chickens and a pig.  Therefore, our diet was made up mainly of vegetables and fruit from the garden, poultry, pig meat and eggs.  We did have milk delivered by a local farmer (in a jug) bread and some meat once a week by the local baker and butcher.  In the autumn we also collected mushrooms from the grass fields which we considered to be a luxury.  If we compared the diet we had in the 1940's to the diet we have today, I feel that the diet we had in the 1940's was far healthier than it is now, there were no obese or even fat children then.

I went Wyberton Primary School which was on Wyberton Low Road.  The building still exists, but has been converted into a private dwelling. The school had two classrooms and a cloak/washroom (only cold water).  What would today in school be called years 1+2+3 were in one classroom, and years 4+5+6 in the other classroom, so teachers had to teach a wide range of ages all at the same time.  There was only one teacher in each classroom.  I used to walk or run to school on my own even from the age of five, as my parents were both at work.  My mother worked on the land and my father was a coalman.  My father was not in the Armed Forces as he was too old: he was a veteran of the First World War having luckily survived four years in the trenches in France in the 1914-18 war.  It was quite safe in those days for children to be on the road, as there were virtually no cars on the roads with petrol being restricted for essential purposes only.  Anyway, ninety nine percent of people did not have a car and to get around people had to either walk or use bicycles.  There was no bus service locally.

Today's children may be interested to know how we learned to write.  As pencils and paper were in short supply, we had to write with a piece of slate on a slate board and then when the slate board was full we would wipe the writing off so that we could use the slate board again.  It was only when we were aged about ten that we were given pen and ink, which was very messy.  Also interesting for today's children, we had no televisions, computers, calculators or mobile 'phones, so every day we would be learning our tables "parrot fashion" and as our school was associated in some way to the church, we had to learn the Ten Commandments off by heart.

Let me recollect how we spent our time when not at school.  As I was a chorister from the age of six at Wyberton church, Sunday consisted of going to church at 11 am, going to church for Sunday School at 2.30 pm and going to church at 6.30 pm, so that kept me out of mischief on Sundays.

During the school summer holidays during the war, I worked at a local farm, mostly picking potatoes, this would be from about the age of 7.  This was really back-aching work, but you got used to it after about three days.  Work started at 8 am, with a break at 11 for a packed lunch for half an hour, then back to work until 3.30 pm, with a break at 2 pm for a drink.

Then home for tea and maybe back to work at the farm from 5 pm to 8 pm.  I often worked Saturday mornings as well I wonder what the "Health and Safety" people would say if children worked now as we did in 1944/50.  The truth was, the country needed the children to work on the farms to get the crops in and the parents of the children needed the money to help feed the family.  Oh, and by the way, after a hard day's potato picking, one had no problem with sleeping - we were "dog-tired".

When we, as children, did have spare time we would be playing in the grass fields that were abundant in the 1940's, as the farming community relied upon Shire horses to do the heavy work, and horses had to have grass fields to feed.  We would fish for "sticklebacks" in the dykes, collect bird's eggs (very naughty of us) climb trees and go conkering.  I never saw a football until I was 12, so when the pig killing time came round, we used the pig's bladder as a football.  We also used to go ratting (killing rats).  

At one time, the government had a purge on rats and mice, and through the schools, gave one penny for a rat's tail, and one half-penny for a mouse's tail.  The local farmer was having his corn-stacks threshed at that time, so I went along with some other boys armed with sticks, and one boy brought his terrier dog, so that we could kill the rats as they came out of the corn-stack, and cut their tails off.  I then was very proud to present my teacher with a handful of 33 rat's tails and receive 33 pence for my efforts.  She told me how pleased she was with my effort and how well I had done.  I often reflect and wonder how pleased she was really, receiving 33 rat's tails? My early school days were extremely happy in spite of the shortages and the hard work we had to do.  You see, we were independent from a very early age, free from all the restrictions placed upon young people today; we were tough and agile (in spite of the fact that all children in the 1940's had measles, whooping cough, mumps, chicken-pox and boils at some time or other).  

We learnt the following lessons in life: If you hadn't got it, you could manage without it, if it was broken, you mended it, we respected our elders, because if you didn't you got a clip round the ear, or worse!

Author... Author!!

I know many of us have enjoyed reading Brian Clarke’s fascinating reminiscences over the last two months. Are there any more of you readers who would like to share memories and experiences? Or any budding short-story writers, perhaps?

We’d love to make this sort of thing a regular feature of Kirton News. If you have anything to contribute don’t hesitate to contact me, Sam Chapman; e-mail, post or ‘phone - my details are on the contact us page. I’m looking forward to it already!!

Kirton Kids Club

As we start the new school year the summer holiday club is still very clear in our minds. What a brilliant time the children all had!

The weather was kind to us (we did duck and dive the rain clouds a few times) and the children enjoyed some lovely trips and outings during the sessions.
They made numerous arts and crafts including puppet making, self portraits,‘t’ shirt decorating, collages, pirate outfits, miniature gardens, soft toy decorating and jewellery design to name just a few.

We also visited Play Towers and Bay Tree Owl Centre where they enjoyed a display with owls by staff and adopted ‘our’ owl Jim for another year.
They also enjoyed cuddling baby chicks and dissecting bird pellets. It really was an exciting day out.

The children also had a wonderful time in the village church. Father Gary kindly allowed them to look around the church, make brass and wood rubbings and take pictures of the interesting architectural features of the church.
From these we made a beautiful ‘stained glass window’ style collage and included all the pictures and rubbings the children produced during our visit. This is now on the wall at the club.

The old stocks at the back of the church were very popular with the children and they enjoyed listening to the ‘stories’ about village life and the use of the stocks in days gone by.

The Kids’ Club is very much a part of the village and the children really enjoyed looking and reading the plaques around the church relating to village life from years gone by and in some cases their relatives or ancestors. We thank Father Gary and his wife for their kindness in allowing the children to have access to the church on that day.

There were many fun moments during the weeks and I have to say the staff had a great time too as well as the children! The session times during the school term will revert back to 7.30am starts and 6.45pm finishes as usual.

If you are interested in any of the session times or would like more information please call 07583 762072 – we will be pleased to offer your child/children session spaces.


Kirton Church in Crisis

Dear Neighbours, I am writing this letter because there are certain facts which I believe the general population of Kirton are unaware of. I do not write this lightly nor are the facts presented here untrue or exaggerated.

It is with great delight that I am able to report that English Heritage have awarded Kirton Parish Church with a grant of £96,000 for repairs to the roof. However this delight is tinged with the worry of an extra £60,000 which has to be raised to complete the repairs. The roof is in a very bad state and every time it rains it rains inside the Church; this gets worse as time goes on. If the roof repairs were postponed or shelved altogether the roof would deteriorate to such an extent that the Church would be unusable and therefore cease to be a centre of worship. This would not only mean the loss of regular Church worship for the community but a loss of Baptism, Marriage, and Funeral facilities for the wider community.

Kirton Church has also fallen short on the amount of Parish Share it pays to the Diocese of Lincoln for the last couple of years. The Parish Share is the money the Church pays towards the cost of a Vicar. In the past the shortfall has been written off and covered by surpluses held by the Deanery. However the Deanery surpluses are rapidly depleting and won’t be there much longer to cover any shortfall. This will result in cutting the amount of Vicars in the area and larger areas having to be covered by less staff. I pride myself in being part of our community and being visible and accessible to all. This would cease if we continue to fall short on paying our Parish Share and could result in Kirton losing its Vicar altogether. In other words I am faced with either administering a much larger area and having much less time to spend on local Ministry or moving to another post and Kirton Parish being merged into another group under a Vicar many miles away, possibly Boston.

The former Bishop of Lincoln The Rt Rev John Saxby regaled his congregation with the following introduction. “The Church has plenty of money, however its all in your pockets”. I realise non of us are particularly rich but just a small amount given by many people could make all the difference. Many Blessings

The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion, Kirton and District Branch would like to thank all the residents and businesses who sponsored Chris Johnson of Fosdyke in his Skydive challenge on 29th August 2011 in aid of the celebrations for the 90th Year of The Royal British Legion.

A Special thank you to KMB for there generous contribution.
Chris raised in excess of £460.00 for this special celebration of 90th Year Poppy Appeal Fund.

For our year ending 30th September 2010 / 2011 appeal Kirton district have raised over £ 3,400 towards the National Poppy Appeal.
Next Year 2011 / 2012 we are looking for volunteers to help us in this vital fund raising effort to provide assistance for serving and ex serving armed forces personnel and their families.

If you feel you are able to help us in anyway (i.e. street collecting or house to house collecting) or have any ideas to raise funds, please contact me Roland Reece your Poppy Appeal Organiser on 01205 722501 or email roland.reece@btinternet.com


Kirton Ladies who Lunch

Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club was started over 18 years ago by a few local ladies who though it would be fun for friends to meet over lunch and then listen to an interesting speaker.

There are still several of the founding members attending the lunches and, over the years, numbers have grown. At one time there were over 100 members - with a waiting list!

Unfortunately, membership has fallen lately but we would love to have more people come and join us. We enjoy a 3 course meal with tea or coffee afterwards and there are still interesting speakers. We meet on the second Thursday of every month at a local eaterie at 11.45 am. Once a year we try to arrange a day out.

If you would like to join the Luncheon Club it is open to anyone, not just residents of Kirton. Ladies from surrounding villages will be made most welcome.
Any of you requiring further information should contact Lorraine on 0120 723181 or Julie on 01205 722989.


The Last Night of the Proms

Tickets for Kirton Brass Band's Last Night of the Proms are now on sale. This  very popular annual event held in conjunction with Kirton Parish Council helps to raise funds for the Senior Citizens Christmas Meal will be held, this year, on Saturday 22nd October 7.30pm at the Town Hall. Contact Tony Fell on 01775762775 for tickets or call in at Fossitt and Thorne, The Green, Kirton.

Parish Council News

Kirton is to be included in Boston Borough Council's name and shame project for dog fouling and litter dropping in the streets. It is only a small minority of people doing this, but we do need to keep the streets clean. It is hoped that people who allow their dog to foul the footpaths become more responsible and clean up after them.
Please let us try to keep our footpath clean and tidy.

A note for your diary’s: The Kirton Parish Council quiz night is on  Friday 18th November beginning at 7.30pm at Kirton Town hall. Please come along and support this event. Teams of 4 people is chanrged at £6 a team. To book a table please call 01205 723612. Many thanks.

Cllr Alan Lee

Frampton News

16th Frampton Craft & Gift Fair

The 16th Frampton Craft and Gift Fair will be held on Saturday 12th November at St. Mary's Church, Frampton. The event includes over 20 different craft & gift stalls, plus a Grand Raffle, tombola, cakes, children’s stall and books.

Hot and Cold refreshments will be served all day and proceeds of the Craft Fair will go towards the cost of keeping our lovely church open for everybody.

The entrance money taken on the door this year will be donated as usual to a local charity, and we hope that everyone will be as generous this year as they have in the past.
We look forward to seeing you all at this now established event which is the perfect opportunity to come and do some Christmas shopping and then try our bacon butties, home made soup and home baked goodies. What more can you ask for! We look forward to seeing everyone on the day.

For more informaion please contact the Event Organiser; Val Halgarth on 01205 723579 or email - valhalgarth@btinternet.com

Frampton W.I.

At their September meeting Frampton W.I. had a presentation from Mike Peberdy an N.H.S. Health Trainer. Although he was preaching to the converted the members were impressed by the efforts being made to make people aware of the health issues in Lincolnshire, and the one to one help with these that people can receive.  

Given the message the members had just received, inroads were made into the chocolate biscuits etc. provided by Anne Bennett, Julie Hunt, June Frankish and Kathy Stanley. 
Members were also reminded about the 75th Birthday Party to be held at Kirton Town Hall on Thursday 13th October.  

Anne Collins


Garden of Daily Living from Kirton Kodger

First plant three rows of peas
Peas of mind
Peas of heart
Peas of soul

Next, plant four rows of squash
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness

Then plant seven rows of lettuce
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be patient
Lettuce be mindful of our actions
Lettuce be compassionate
Lettuce inspire one another
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce really love one another

No garden is complete
without turnips
Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another
Turnip the music and dance

Plant seeds
Respect for ourselves and others

Complete the operation by planting
Thyme for each other
Thyme for the family
Thyme for friends
Thyme for rest
Thyme for ourselves

Water freely with patience
and cultivate with love.
There is much fruit in your garden
because you reap what you so.



The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

June 2011
Destiny Taylor

Aug 2011
Ashton James Ian Hancock
Daniella Vistorja
Cruz Anthony Pelling
Shelby Kerman
Danial Chambers

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

06/08/11 - Tyron James Lee Jorden Smith & Laura Helen Bannerman
06/08/11 - James Christopher Ward & Michelle Annie Chamberlain
13/08/11 - Rupert King & Laura Haynes Wass
20/08/11 - Renewal of Wedding Vows
20/08/11 - Lynette & Anthony Hammond
27/08/11 - Gareth Hammond & Kathleen Foringtonck

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

no funerals this month



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Kirton Parish Council.........................£150
Colin from Tinttease Hair Sanctuary.....£25
Kirton Sisterhood................................£25

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.