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October 2014 The Editors Letters I’m sure I’ve said this before but, so much to speak, of.... so little time! But, with time on our side - in an historical sense - and no apologies to the Rolling Stones, I would like to remind you of a couple of past ‘rants’. In May 2013 we published an appeal from Ryan Williams, then a lad of 15 years, who, with his mates, loved to “BMX and scooter”. The project to build a skate park in Kirton had been taken on before. Great efforts had been made but no positive result achieved. Well now, it looks like a “goer” As highlighted in, only February of this year, in your Kirton News, movements were afoot to make this happen. I can reveal that funding has been secured and it is, in all likelihood, that, in or about the middle of October THIS YEAR, work will start on the construction of the base for a skate park and BMX track on the Dame Sarah Swift Memorial Park on Church Lane. A triumph for Ryan and his mates, and for the youth of the Village. Also for past efforts from Chris, Mandy and others; George, Belinda; Alan; the Parish Council and several more. errors and omissions respectfully excused. Thanks, also, to those who wish to remain more anonymous. And thanks to WREN for the funding. So... that’s the good news. More reports later. If you want to see an impression of what the park will look like there was an illustration in our February on-line edition; if you haven’t kept your printed copy. As to the pending; the Library situation (first highlighted in the October 2013 edition of The News) has been quiet for a while. Efforts were made to establish a committee to form a ‘Community Hub’ to run the service, and all relevant forms filled; applications applied for, and boxes ticked. And, may I say ‘thanks’ to those of you who became involved. [Keep the faith; you may still be needed.] The embryonic ‘Hub’ is, I hope, still in existence. I have, ashamedly, been out of touch. Of course, as is often the case with what used to be called ‘local government’, not only the goal posts but parts of the stadium, have since been moved. Since major objections were made and a “Judicial Review” sought - which aimed to make the decision of the County Council to dismantle the Library Service [as it stands] invalid - that action has drastically altered the situation. The involvement of an outside organisation - Greenwich Leisure Limited, who have made alternative proposals to run the scheme and have produced “alternative models for a comprehensive and efficient library service” - has further complicated an already ludicrous situation. Greenwich Leisure Limited carry the mantra “Better for Everyone” They are described as a “non profit distributing co-operative”. Mmmmmmmh? It might intimate that, because local government funding will still be directed at a library service, GLL will get the bung. It suggests the current service is in-efficient. Rubbish. It suggests that local volunteers can run the service better than the existing arrangement. Well, with the greatest respect, Rubbish. It suggests that local volunteers can run the service cheaper. Without Doubt; they are not paid! It removes responsibility to provide the community with the chance of education, involvement, and the ability for advancement, from the very people in who’s lap that commitment is laid. The latest is that no further review will take place until February 2015. Ad then, watch this [ever expanding] space. Remember; local elections? The REALLY important bits? Further information regarding the future of your local Library Service - and more waffle - is available in A4 printed format AT your local Library. And so; to the Bad News. NatWest. Why close it? Absolute Rubbish. As highlighted on our centre pages, the Bank’s “difficult decision” to close is primarily excused by the “fall in the number of transactions” taking place through the branch. If every business in Britain closed its doors because of a drop in transactions over the last FIVE YEARS we would have no local shops; no pubs; very few restaurants, and, certainly, no bakers. We would be a nation populated by TESCO, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s, hairdressers and nail bars. Oooh; and the occasional knocking shop. There are petitions to sign AGAINST the closure of the NatWest branch in Kirton. They are located in Fossitt & Thorne (The Green); Beeson’s Butchers, and the NatWest Branch itself. Also have a look on Facebook at “Save the last Bank in Kirton”. October sees my birthday. The tenth. All bribes, presents, bungs, etc., gratefully received. I don’t mind a single malt. Here’s to Autumn. Sam
Quite an Adventure
A keen marksman from his early years, he was often caught around Kirton popping at pigeons or picking off the odd sparrow when he wasn’t mixing with the old boys in Teddy Flowers’ blacksmith shop on Willington Road. That’s, apparently, where you went for all the local gossip. Gordon tells a tale of a particular visit to the nearby butchers shop where he took a pop at a sparrow just as a beast was being slaughtered (most butcheres killed their own meat on the premises in those days). The animal dropped at the same instant that Gordon pulled the trigger. He was convinced he had had his biggest ‘kill’ to date! But he doesn’t say if the sparrow got away! As a pupil at Boston Grammar School he honed his sporting prowess - particularly as a cricketer - playing for the School First XI, Holland County Council (on leaving school he wasa employed at the R.D.C. Offices), and Kirton Cricket Club where he was one of the group instrumental in securing Graves Park as its permanent home. A keen cyclist, particularly with his mate George, he would regularly ride to Kettering after work, around Wicksteed park and home again. With the outbreak of World War II Gordon enlisted in the R.A.F becoming the first airman from Kirton to fly operational duties. By 1941 he had completed his first tour of 50 “ops” flying Wellington bombers. He sometimes flew over his home village, often low to take photographs, mostly to the delight of the locals. Except for one particularly cold and damp morning when a group of girls cutting cabbage mistook him for the enemy and dived for muddy cover. A temporary wane in his popularity on that day! Later in the conflict he became attached to 105 Squadron Pathfinder Mosquitos. Gordon was by now Flight Lieutenant Ramsey having been commissioned early in 1942; the same year he married his first wife, Kirton girl Eileen Bannister; they were to have a daughter. Flt.-Lieut. Ramsey went on to fly two ‘tours’ - 60 missions - in Mosquitos, a magnificent and sometimes neglected aircraft.Largely constructed from wood (metal was in desperately short supply) it was known for its speed; it is sometimes referred to as “The Plane that saved Britain” for its work as both fighter and bomber; U-boat hunter and reconnaissance craft, as well as ‘pathfinder’ for large scale bombing operations. He even flew the legendary “F” for Freddie (LR503 for you plane buffs, and pictured here) which became the most famous and successful allied bomber of the war surviving 213 operations. Later in the war, and in the six months run up to D-Day, he was stationed at Defford in Worcestershire - then a secret radar development site - where he added to his list of piloted craft flying almost every type of twin and four engined aeroplane then in service. The last year of World War II saw Gordon attached to Transport Command flying Diplomatic mail all over Europe. It was late in this year he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. The citation read; “The King is graciously pleased to approve the award of the D.F.C. in recognition of gallantry and devotion to duty in the execution of air operations”. With the ensuing peace many combatants returned home. For Gordon, however, the adventures were far from over..... The Kirton Church Fund
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning). The September draw will now take place with the October draw on Sunday 26th October ( two separate draws on the same day so there will be the same number of winners and the usual amount of prize fund).The winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine. For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529. August 2014 Winners Welcome Kirton Parish Church Church social afternoons The social afternoons are held in church on the first Wednesday of every month from 2pm – 4pm. There is a good variety of activities available. If you enjoy a game of dominoes or cards then come along and join like - minded people. If you prefer to sit and chat, there is plenty of time for that as well. Everyone is welcome to come. The £1 donation to the club includes refreshments. Harvest Festival Service The Harvest Festival Service will be held in church on Sunday 12th October at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend. Baptisms Fr Gary has individual baptism services almost every week in church. These services are so popular that Fr Gary is usually fully booked a month or two ahead. Baptisms can be for adults as well as for children. The Annual Christmas Tree Festival 2014 The 5th Annual Christmas Tree Festival will be held in church on Saturday & Sunday 6th - 7th December and on Saturday & Sunday 13th - 14th December 2014. During the festival Kirton Church will be filled with beautifully decorated Christmas trees, all sponsored by local clubs, schools, children’s groups, local businesses and organisations. If you are a local club, business or organisation and have never taken part in the church Christmas Tree Festival, but would like to sponsor a decorated Christmas tree this year, please contact: Margaret Ormston on 01205 722052 for further details. Craft Stalls If you would like to book a craft stall space at the Christmas Tree Festival, please contact Paula Morgan 01205 722380. Spaces on Saturday 6th or 13th December £10 per stall. Spaces on Sunday 7th or 14th December £7.50 per stall. All subject to availability.
Letters to the Editor Amie’s Hairraising Fundraiser
On Sunday 31st August I had decided to shave my hair off, because of this I decided to make a fun day out of it at Kirton Leisure Centre. The weather was excellent and we had 4 bouncy castles, burger van, arts and crafts stall, music, raffle, face painting, cakes, scones and sweets. The turnout was fantastic and the support from the village was amazing. The whole day was much better than I had ever expected having had organised it in only 4weeks. On the day itself we raised £923.64 and in total including all sponsors and the fun day I have raised £3114.64. All of this money will be going towards Macmillan Cancer Nurses. Raising this amount of money is more than I ever thought as my target was £500. At least my hair will grow back and I’m enjoying the extra sleep in the morning at the minute.
Kirton Kids ClubWhat a wonderful Indian summer and so nice for new children to the club to start their time with us able to play outside in the evening sessions. It is good to see all children back in September – all ready for the new school year after the long summer break. New teachers, new uniforms and new classes – a lot to take in but children adjust so well and it doesn’t take them very long to get into the swing of it all. The club is a buzz of happy laughter and chatter. Children are given a hot or cold breakfast in the morning before being escorted to school and after school are escorted to the club by staff where they play and socialise and enjoy a ‘high tea’ snack with their classmates and friends. They have an Aladdin’s cave of toys, activities and equipment to choose from and a large hall in colder/wet weather or a bright outside space with play equipment and astro turf. Older children (year 5 upwards) enjoy their own ‘chill out’ room where they have play stations, xbox and music. Younger children are taken to and picked up from their classes mornings and afternoons. If you wish to have a look around the club or want your child to enjoy a free taster session – feel free to pop in and stay with them to see how they get on. Breakfast club is £3.50 a session – including breakfast and after school sessions are £5.50 including ‘high tea’. Details of holiday sessions are available with address and phone numbers. For more information find out web page via the school website or go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or phone us on 07583 762072.
Natwest to close in Kirton
It has caused something of an uproar amongst the Villagers, especially as, in 2002 when the Royal Bank of Scotland smothered NatWest into their bosom they specifically promised that the Kirton branch - even then the last in the Village, recently abandoned by the TSB and Lloyds before their merger - would remain open to service the community. They have welched on the deal. The official line, recently e-mailed to Kirton News, is as follows. A NatWest spokesperson said: We have taken the difficult decision to close our NatWest Kirton branch on 25 November 2014. The number of transactions taking place at this branch has fallen significantly over the last few years. The branch is only open for 15 hours a week and has no technology so it’s not linked to our computer systems. Over our whole branch network there has been a 30% drop in branch transactions since 2010 as people do their banking where and when it is convenient for them, whilst online and mobile transactions have grown by over 200%. We expect these trends to continue as more and more of our customers bank with us through our mobile app, by online and telephone and through our upgraded ATM network. When we close a branch, we take a number of factors into account including usage and alternative ways to bank with us in the local area. We’ve taken a number of measures to ensure that our customers will still have access to banking in the area: Post Office: We do understand that some of our customers do not use the internet or mobile phone app and prefer to be served over-the-counter. As a result we have come to an agreement with the local Post Office, which is close to the branch, so that customers can withdraw cash and check balances free of charge. In the coming months they will also be able to pay money in and businesses will be able to get coinage. Nearby branch: The nearest branch is 3.8 miles away in Boston. Our branches are still very important to us and we’ll continue to have one of the largest branch networks in the UK. 80% of our customers are within a three mile radius of a branch, and when you include the Post Office network that rises to 90% of our customers being within one mile of a place where they can carry out their every day banking. Overall, we are investing over £1bn over the next few years to give customers greater choice in how they bank with us, such as improving our online and mobile banking and upgrading over 400 branches across the UK. These branches will be fitted with new technology including iPads to register and access Online Banking and free Wi-Fi access for customers to use their own digital devices in branch. We are also installing around 100 new ATM locations across the UK, including in railway stations, to increase the number of places customers can access their cash. Finally, almost 600 more Cash and Deposit machines (CDMs) will be placed in branches for customers to quickly and easily pay in cheques, cash and coins. We’ve advised staff and we’re making our customers aware of the closure and the different ways they can still bank with us. If customers or local businesses are concerned about how this will impact their banking, they can go into the branch where staff will be happy to discuss the alternative ways to bank with us. Kind regards, Sarah Binnie, Media Relations Manager, RBS & NatWest Press Office The lady in question, Sarah Binnie also lead with the statement that; “If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. Thanks, Sarah” So, having e-mailed said Sarah to pose questions such as “is there any way that the Villagers of Kirton can have their say in this? Do we have recourse to further action? Or are we - as is so often the case - expected to be good little boys and girls and roll over and die?” and “Who can we get in touch with?”(sent from 4th September) and had, as yet, no reply, I can only assume that NatWest, RBS and their representatives are taking us for a bit of a ride. As tax payers don’t we OWN RBS? Or at least a substantial portion? As I also posed in one of my communications; “We are constantly told how technology can give us so much more choice. What it most determinedly doesn’t give is the choice NOT to use it!!!” If you want to have a say there are petitions - raised by Kirton News (me) who takes entire resposibility for this - available to sign in Fossitt & Thorne, The Green; Beeson’s Butchers and the Branch itself. I’m not expecting them to make the damnedest difference but I’ll be damned if I’m sitting back and doing nothing. If we can get a decent amount of signatures in by the middle of October I’ll find someone’s nose to stick it under! There is also a Facebook page where you can post your comments (pro or con) and have a say. Just search for “Save the last bank in Kirton”. It’s more than just the branch of a Bank. It’s a symbol of the Villages’ chances for survival.
Steam Threshing Weekend at Bicker We had a wonderful weekend, and can I first say a big “thank you” to all who attended; spectators and show people alike. The weather was very kind to us and we had a good crowd on both days. On Sunday we had a fly past of the Dakota and, later, 2 Spitfires which was an unexpected bonus. The group “Transported” came on Saturday with their deck chairs and did face painting and making poems about people if you wanted one doing. We had “Woodieswings” with their rescue owls and parrots - they were very interesting, plus all our usual attractions. With the weather being so good people came and sat about drinking and eating, and enjoying the atmosphere. We even had Radio Lincolnshire visit us and we had the pot of gold at the end of the treasure hunt. Here’s looking forward to September 2015!
The Royal British Legion
The Remembrance time poppy appeal in November was very successful. We also had the sponsorship of poppy seed planting by the local schools, scouts and girl guides to commemorate the start of the First World War. After purchasing 89 packs of seeds we were still able to donate £ 108.31 to the poppy appeal fund thanks to a generous donation by Elwood Briggs and Turner Veterinary Practice and lots of individuals to name them all will take too long. After all the hard work by the children scattering the seeds only a few came to bloom, hopefully they will flower next year. In July we held our Annual Fishing match and tombola which was held at Westwood Fishing Lakes with the support of the proprietor Mr Couplands, we were able to donate £ 121.00 to the poppy appeal fund. To complete this year we would like to say a big thank you to Frampton church and Wigtoft church for their generous donation from their commemoration service collection for WW1 The poppy appeal for September starts in October, the launch for Lincolnshire will be held at East Kirby Aviation Heritage Centre on October 25th and this will be the first year with our new Standard Bearer Ben Phipps. We wish him good luck in is new duty. Ian who has now retired will now be able to sit with us and enjoy the event. This event is open to the public so if anyone would like to attend they are very welcome to come along. By the time you read this notice we will have held the talk on the Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial, to be held at Kirton Town Hall. In my next letter I will be able to report on this event and let you know how much we collected in donations in support of the memorial trust. Best regards for now Frampton community pre-schoolWe are all pleased to be back, after the long summer holidays, and it has been nice to hear different stories and adventures that have taken place. We are pleased to have welcomed some new children and their families and hope that they enjoy the time that they are with us. It is a quieter time of year, but this enables us to really get to know the children, help them settle in which makes them feel safe and secure, ready to learn, make friends and have lots of fun. We do have some places available for 2,3,4 year olds, free places available, depending on age/criteria. We open daily, term time only, from 9.15 to 12.15. As we are charity run we try to keep the cost to families’ low, so each session is just £8. This includes fun activites, snack and drinks. We pride ourselves on our friendly approachable manner, and our qualified, knowledgable staff, who between us have many years experience within early years. If you are interested in seeing what we do, feel free to call us on 07939 266154 or e-mail Frampton.preschool@gmail.com
Frampton W.I.
I also listened to Yvonne Robinson who came to talk to us about the Citizens Advice Bureau, she was inspiring as well as very interesting, I had no idea the CAB now occupied the old tax offices, nor that they were a registered charity and not connected to any Government department. Last night was a bit of a blur and a learning curve for Sarah and I as we had not ‘hostessed’ before. I think we just about muddled through with the guiding hand of Ann. Sarah's cakes and sausage rolls were a delight and my mini quiches turned out ok thankfully. I didn’t win the raffle but I did acquire a prize!!– many thanks to a new lady Sarah who we really do hope comes again. I heard someone say that there were so many new faces last night and looking around the room I realised there were, keep coming ladies Frampton WI is growing and we love having you with us. Our meeting next month on Thursday 9th October, 7:30pm at the village Hall, Middlegate Road will be our 78th birthday party. Bring and share supper, line dancing with Pete Smith, and the competition – a birthday card. Can everyone come early so we can start supper at 7:30pm please? (please note this date it says 19th on the yellow programme card). And finally a quick fact about our adopted resolution this year- it’s really important to tell your family if you have decided to donate your organs because if you don’t and even if you are on the register they can overrule your decision. Let them know how you feel either way, it will ease the burden of decision making on your behalf. On a lighter note by the time you read this there will be about 85 shopping days before Christmas. Did I tell you about our Christmas Dinner to be held at the Poachers? Ah well next time! If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann on 01205 366020 or Carol on 01205 722879 email:c.pattrick@tiscali
Jessop's Plum Loaf Pudding