©Kirton News 2025

October 2017

The Editors Letter

Greetings good people: with those longer nights approaching I have been sat cosseted in my cardie musing on what to attempt to entertain you with this month.

I even had to consult the memsahib as to what bait I might put on October’s hook to try to catch a few of you ‘crabs’ out there, but to no avail.

“Well, what has upset you this month” she spiritedly inquired and I had to admit, somewhat shame facedly, “Not a lot really”

Surprisingly (especially for me) little has stuck in my craw of late - even ol’ Donald Mc Trumpington has lost much of his comedic value but he did prompt a comment on the radio the other day.

With his constant ‘tweets’ about fake news it was mentioned that some of the major culprits are those on-line sites who rely entirely on advertising to fund their activities. They love to feed in the odd testing taradiddle. These mendacious spin doctors delight at leading us further into their sites with spurious sensationalism where we can’t help to be eventually wooed into spending our hard earned dosh on the most ridiculous new gadget or toy which we “can’t possibly do without” that flits briefly, almost subliminally, across the side of the screen. I guess that’s what passes for ‘business’ these days, and the likes of “Amazon ‘R’ Us” seem to be well on track to rule the world.

However, the comment did prompt me to think hey, wait a minute; ‘Kirton News’ relies [almost entirely; but all donations gratefully received] on advertising revenue. Are we falling behind the trend by NOT feeding in the odd petty perfidy or flight of fancy? Are we doing you good people a dis-service by not leading you into a dust bowl of deceit with the odd mirage or monkeyshine?

So, as a little tester - for this month only - I have woven in to the fabric of our October edition three ingenious pieces of FALSE NEWS.

How about that to keep you occupied for a few minutes as those lengthening evenings take their toll.

No prizes involved for those who spot what I’ve done but remember..... cunning is everything. Even in print, don’t always believe what you see.


The Kirton Church Fund

Well done to the winners, especially our first prize winner who is a first time winner.

Sadly, August saw us lose another member so we are now down to 47 members taking part

so there is plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Come on and join us, anyone over 18 may take part. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 24th with the winning numbers printed in the November magazine.

The October draw takes place on Sunday 22nd with winning numbers printed in the December magazine.

If you need more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 723529) .

August 2017 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.74 - TICKET NUMBER: 69
2nd PRIZE - £12.58 - TICKET NUMBER: 38


Kirton Primary School
Goes from Strength to Strength

Kirton Primary School is Proud to Announce the winner of the Lincolnshire Media Education Award for Primary Teacher of the Year is none other than Kirton Primary School’s own Mr Greaves.

The judges said: This award is being given to someone who is not only a fantastic educator of both students and fellow teachers but someone who is pivotal to every aspect of his school. His drive and enthusiasm creates an incredible energy throughout every class and his ability to incorporate everyone in everything that goes on has built a wonderful culture of inclusion and success in a truly stimulating learning environment.

Everyone at school is immensely proud of Mr Greaves’ well-deserved achievement.

And the success continus with the recent SAT Results.

Kirton Primary School is delighted to report that it continues to outperform the majority of schools nationally. Across the country, 61% of children achieved the expected level in reading, writing and maths combined at the end of KS2 in 2017. At Kirton Primary School, 81% of our children achieved this combined score. We hope to share more detail and analysis when this becomes available. Congratulations to all our children, staff, governors and parents who have contributed as a team to make these fabulous results possible.


The Chestnuts Monday Club

The Monday Club continues to thrive. This year we held an open afternoon; raised funds for the Royal British Legion; celebrated Easter and Christmas; entered the church's flower festival and sold cakes at the Fatherís Day fete. Our outings (with The Caring Companions) took us to the Deep in Hull, Burleigh House, Grimesthorpe Castle, an evening with Ken Dodd in Skegness and a boat trip on the Trent.

October meetings are on the 2nd, 16th and 30th held at the Chestnuts at 2pm New members are always welcome.


Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Would it be possible to highlight what a fantastic job that all the volunteers of the 1st Kirton Brownies (and lets not forget the Rainbows,Guides,Cubs and Scouts, apologise if I have forgotten a group)do. My daughter has just returned from a four day adventure with her Brownie group in Sutton on Sea staying at Seagull House. Too say she enjoyed it would be an understatement. Listening to all of the things she has done over the past few days and the enthusiasm of how she described it has left us in no doubt what a brilliant time she has had. 

This I have to say is all credit to the great group of people who give up their spare time to enable our children to have memories and experience that they may not get the opportunity to normally have. 

So from me and I am sure I can speak on behalf of all the other parents who’s children go to these groups a big “THANK YOU”

Yours Sincerly

Marcus Hannay, Kirton  

PS. I you ever get the opportunity, please support these groups with their fund raising as you can be assured it is going to a worth while cause. 


Kirton Kids Club

The Summer holidays are flying by but I am sure the children are having a great time.

The break was eagerly awaited by them as was the ‘water play party’ we had on the run up to the holidays.

The children all met their new teachers in the last week of term and found out which class they were in, ready for their return in September.

This will come all too quickly but I know they will settle down and enjoy the coming school year as they have done every other.

The Kids Club opens the same day as the school returns.

We start breakfast club at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.

For more information and prices please go to: www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or email: kkc09@live.co.uk

Happy Holidays and see you all in September!


Vi & Keith Gomm Golden Wedding Anniversary
- 26th August

Vi & Keith moved to Kirton in January 2002 they spent their first night together in their new home sleeping on the floor whilst they waited for their household goods to arrive following their move from Chesham Buckinghamshire.

Prior to their retirement Vi and Keith both worked in the printing industry for a small family printers called Greens; who since they were founded have printed everything from ration books during the war to simple stationary for local businesses and the community.

During this time Keith worked as the foreman and was responsible to ensure that printing to fulfil the orders was produced on time and Vi worked alongside him collating the printing jobs as necessary.

After Keith reached his normal retirement age he continued to work on for a further 5 years up until Vi took early retirement, throughout this time their previous roles were reversed and therefore Keith then worked for Vi.

Since moving to Kirton they have taken the community into their hearts; met new friends; took up bowls and became members of the Kirton Bowls Club and Vi joined the ladies keep fit club.




Well good people of Kirton. How about this.The Press Awards (formerly The British Press Awards) have announced a new category for 2018 . Alongside ‘National Newspaper of the Year’; Foreign Reporter of the Year’; et al, they have introduced ‘Local Newsletter of the Year’ and - guess what? Your very own Kirton News has been long listed for a gong!! How good is that?

Ahead of the ceremony in March 2018 we should be hearing more in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed and I’ll keep you posted.


Royal British Legion
- Kirton and District Branch

On Saturday the 11th November the branch will be holding their Annual Service of Remembrance at Kirton War Memorial at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month.

We would be pleased to welcome all members of the community to join us in this special service of remembrance.

The main village Remembrance Parade will take place on Sunday 12th November, parading outside the town hall at 1030 hrs then marching to the war memorial for the start of the service and the laying of the wreaths.

It is also that time of the year that we need to start organising for the November Remembrance time with the ordering of the poppies, wreaths and all the other items that are produce by the Poppy Factory for us to offer to the community to buy or donate to help support past and present members of the armed forces community and their families.

If you have any special request for poppy items please contact me Roland Reece, the poppy appeal organiser on 01205 722501 and I will do my best to meet your requirements.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at either the Saturday Service or Sunday Remembrance Parade and hopefully the weather will stay dry, as the last couple of years have been.

Mini Bus Driver Required

Thomas Middlecott Academy require a mini-bus driver Monday to Friday (term time only) from 7.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Salary to be negotiated

Must hold Class 1/Minibus Licence. Would suit retired person.

Please contact: Julie Walker on 01205 722336 or email Jonathan Harris at: JHarris1@thomasmiddlecott.co.uk



2017 Flu Programme

We are bringing the flu clinic to you again this year.
Who? Nurse Su Kaye
Where? Sutterton Fourfields School Village Hall) Park Avenue, Sutterton
When? Tuesday 24 October 2017, Wednesday 25 October 2017
Time? 9:30am - 12:45pm, 2:00am - 17:30pm
Walk-In Clinic, No Appointment Necessary

We hope you will come along to the Village Hall, this year you can pamper yourself and have a mini-manicure for £5 and enjoy a catch up over a cup of tea with us while your nails are drying!! We will be holding the tombola and raffle as last year, with the proceeds going to the Surgery Patient Equipment Fund.

Meet the Patient Participation Group, staff from Age UK, St Barnabas Hospice, Carers First, County Care, Cruse Bereavement who can advise you on any concerns you may have and you can offer any suggestions you feel may help improve our service to you.

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- July 2017

Public Forum

One resident attended from Sentence Crescent. He raised numerous issues.

He had objected to the Middlegate development and as such, had received correspondence from the agents representing the developers. The agents said that they had changed some matters within the application. The application was rejected at the Borough Council and both applications for the same development will be heard as one appeal. The issue the resident raised was that this appeal could only receive new information up to the 28th of July. However, as the planning officer was away that was dealing with the development, its refusal and the further information had not gone onto the Borough Council’s website and so residents would not be aware of the date of the 28th.

The resident reported that he thought a tree on the Lighton Avenue/Sentence Crescent triangle of grass was diseased.

The resident reported that the footpath that runs from Langley Mews to Hardwick Estate (Hardwick end) is a trip hazard where the footpath’s small slabs are uneven.

The resident also reported that the rear of 75 Sentence Crescent is overgrown from the Dennis Estate housing.

The resident also reported that he felt that since the streetlights were turned off at midnight, that there was an increase in the fear of crime.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman reported that there have recently been 2 more acts of vandalism in Dame Sarah Swift Park. There had been 1 incident where paint/food colouring had been thrown down the slide (this was subsequently cleaned off by a resident whose child/grandchild was using the park. There had also been a tree cut down.

The Chairman reported that he had attended both schools and had been in touch with the Anti-social behaviour team in Boston.

The tree had been reported to Longhurst Housing and the anti-social behaviour had been reported through Andy Fisher at the Borough.

The Chairman and the Clerk had attended a meeting at the Borough regarding Rural Isolation. Other procedural matters had also been discussed and further steps investigated on the back of this.

The Chairman reported that the Middlegate development (2nd one) had been rejected by the Planning Committee at the Borough. He thanked those for their support in attending the meeting at the Borough.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs C Rylott, J Edwards, M Hannay and S Carter, sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in item 10 on the Agenda (planning) as she is on the Planning Committee at the Borough Council. Cllr Lee declared an interest in item 12 on the Agenda (Town Hall) as his daughter is on the committee.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 15th June 2017, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

3 youths have been apprehended regarded the food colouring incident on the slide in the park. It is known that all of the youths are known to the Police. 2 of the youths are to received next step warnings/letters and the 3rd is to received 1st stage.

Cllr Austin reported an accident on the A16 (fortunately no one was hurt) where the safety of the exit from Wash Road onto the A16 was highlighted to be an issue.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Cllr Ransome will take the matter of the planning officer being away and therefore the information regarding Middlegate up with the Planning Department and ensure that another Planning Officer takes the necessary steps to ensure it ends up on the Borough Website.

Clerk to arrange for tree on Lighton Avenue/Sentence Crescent to be looked at.

Clerk to report footpath to Boston as don’t think it is Highways. Possibly Mayflower.

The resident also reported that the rear of 75 Sentence Crescent is overgrown from the Dennis Estate housing. Clerk to report to Mayflower.

The Chairman stated that the Police say that since the streetlights have been switched off that they are not having an increase in crime reported to them.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a. Numerous attempts to contact solicitor to get final figure for legal work to transfer the land for the Cemetery Extension – still awaiting confirmation after going to the Partners instead.

b. Numerous phone calls to get fly tipping collected from Dame Sarah Swift Park.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a. Correspondence between Cllr Rylott and various officers at the Borough asking for help in tackling anti-social behaviour at Dame Sarah Swift Park.

b. Request from Frampton Parish Council to ask whether Kirton PC would go halves on a speed indicator sign at a cost to the Parish Council of £1013 approximately.

It was discussed whether purchasing one of the speed reactive signs would be better for the Parish Council to have solely and not to ‘buy in’ to the Frampton one. Various suggestions were made regarding what should be done. However, it was resolved that members should identify which columns should have the speed signs able to be attached to them. This information should be gathered by members and should be emailed to the Clerk prior to the next meeting.

c. One quotation received to clean the war memorial area prior to the centenary and VC Jackson stone being laid.

d. Lincolnshire County Council – Planning Application Consultations

e. Thank you for contribution at the Church Flower festival.

f. Matt Warman MP – response to request for help in tackling the disregard for the Licensing Act in the Parish

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes reported that the hedge cutting on Green Lane has been reported on to Public Rights of Way to take any action.

Cllr Brookes updated members on the flooding report which has now been finalised. It has gone to the drainage team who will look at it and decide what needs to be done.

Cllr Austin walked the footpaths from Middlegate Road to the Stag and Pheasant corner and reported that the footpaths were overgrown.

Cllr Brookes asked whether the Parish Council could ask for speed enforcement on the stretch of road from A52 to Hubberts Bridge – Cllr Turner will speak to the Police and ask.

Planning applications:

Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline approval B/16/0099 (the erection of 9 dwellings) to reduce no. of dwellings to 8 and alterations to design and positioning of plots 4,7 and 8 as approved under B/17/0030 at Land between Bungley Lane and West End Road, Frampton – NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of a two-storey rear extension at Rivendell, Donington Road, Kirton End – NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of a two-storey rear extension as approved under B/17/0203 – NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of a single storey rear extension at 24 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Change of use of dwelling house (C3) and outbuildings to a mixed use of retail (A1), restaurant/café (A3), offices (B1), hotel (C3) and minor demolition and extension work to Grade II listed building, and creation of new vehicular access off King Street, Kirton NO OBJECTIONS

Part demolition, extension, alterations and repairs to former public house including reinstatement and extension of outbuildings and creation of parking area at The Old King’s Head, 28 High Street, Kirton NO OBJECTIONS

Retrospective application for the creation of a storage building for hay and grass cutting equipment at Holly Cottage, Drainside North, Kirton NO OBJECTIONS

Determined Planning Applications

Application for the construction of a new factory unit and area for associated parking/delivery vans at The Kirton Distribution Park – GRANT

Erection of a two-storey rear extension at Rivendell, Donington Road, Kirton End - GRANT

Erection of a straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton - GRANT

Erection of a straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton - GRANT

Erection of a shed to store farm machinery at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton - GRANT

Accounts for payment

Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated July 2017/18 (4 of 12) see over

It was resolved that the accounts should be paid as per the payment sheet.


The Solicitor has confirmed the fee for the land transfer. It was resolved that the Clerk should check that this will be the final fee for the transfer, with just the fee to pay for our solicitor.

The Clerk suggested that to reduce the costs to the Parish that brown bins should be purchased and stored at the Cemetery – these could be transported to where they are needed in the village and returned when full for emptying. It was resolved that 6 bins should be enough for the cemetery. Clerk to arrange.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Smith reported that there is further work going on on Sykemouth Drove. Cllr Brookes said this could be because not everything that was supposed to have been done got done last year and so it is being finished off. However, Cllr Smith reported that there are still large potholes on Sykemouth Drove after Little Drove. This area is in Swineshead Parish, so Cllr Brookes will take this on.

Cllr Smith reported that the Brown Tourist sign on the A52 opposite Willoughby House is still bent and is not the best advert for visitors to Boston. Cllr Austin reported that this is down to be fixed.

Cllr Foster reported the residents of Little Side Road are having to take their bins all the way to the end of the road to get emptied because not all the bin lorry drivers will/can drive down there. Cllr Ransome will ask for the smaller lorry to be used down this road.

Cllr Foster reported that the potholes on Whitebread Lane are still there. Clerk to report to LCC again.

Cllr Lee reported that there were Travellers on the Wash Road Ind site again. He was unhappy that the bollards had never been erected to stop such activities. Cllr Brookes informed members that it was Western Power that stopped this happening.

Cllr Austin and the resident left the meeting.

Inspection Rota

Cllr Foster reported dogs in the Park. He approached the dog owner to be told that the rules only apply to the fenced off area. No dogs are allowed in the Park, it states so on the signs at the entrance.

Cllr Ransome reported beer bottles in the park. She reported dog waste in the park. The small side gate has been jammed open. The sign needs cleaning.

As reported previously 3 Youths have been spoken to regarding their behaviour in the Park. There are measures in place to tackle anti-social behaviour in the park during the Summer holidays.

b. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting. None held.

c. To consider purchase of flag pole to be erected in grounds of Town Hall.

d. Having a Facebook page for the Parish Council was resolved to be a good way/method of keeping in touch with the Parish. Policy documents to be prepared by the Clerk.


Frampton School

Firstly this month, before I forget, I said I would try and find out how the acupuncture had helped our brave volunteer, Alison. I asked her at the last meeting and she reported that she was free of hayfever for two weeks. Amazing, considering she just had a brief taster session of acupuncture. Imagine how long the effects would last if she had had a full session. It’s definitely something to think about.

At our last meeting in June, we had a change of venue, due to the General Election, and Wyberton Church End WI kindly let us use their hall. They made us feel very welcome, and as the saying goes – a change is as good as a rest. Our very entertaining speaker was Sian Fox and her talk was entitled “It shouldn’t happen to a Home Economist”. She told us all about her working life and ended on a fun quiz. We found out some fascinating facts, including:

1) During a lifetime, how much does an average person eat? (5, 15, 25 or 35 tonnes)

2) In which Scottish city as marmalade invented? (Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee or Perth)

3. What fruit contains twice as much Vitamin C as an orange? (Kiwi, Pineapple, Banana or Grapes)

Answers on a postcard please ..... No, not really, they are at the bottom of the article!

Our numbers are slowly increasing – word is getting around how enjoyable it is and the feeling of belonging to a warm and friendly group is wonderful. Why not come along and see for yourself? We have a wide variety of ages of ladies who belong to WI, so you are never too young or too old! Apart from meeting once a month, we arrange outings for our WI and can join outings arranged by other WIs so there is lots of variety and opportunities.

[Answers: 1. 15 tonnes 2. Dundee 3. Pineapple]

If you are interested in joining the WI, please do come along and give it a try. We are a friendly group and you will be made most welcome. We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email vanessajameson@btinternet.com; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk; or Janice Cotgreave on 01205 724617, email Janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com

Frampton Community Pre-School

Well here we are again at the end of another school year. It's been a very busy year and have been full for the past few months.

We have had lots of fun activities on offer to the children and managed to buy some new equipment from fundraising and the grant we received from Frampton Charites. We have also had some toys donated to us from parents and local residents, thank you to those.

We have had a visit from the Kirton fire engine, Father Christmas and we enjoyed the sports sessions with CMS sports.

We have taken part in many different celebrations, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year and Diwali. We were lucky to sample lots of different foods at these celebrations.

The staff have been busy learning lots of new things too, attending courses including Safeguarding, First aid, health and safety and behaviour management.

Looking ahead to September, we have a few spaces available and are able to offer the 2,3,4 year old free 15 hour sessions.

If you are interested in sending your little one to a Pre-School where we have fun, socialize and learn in a caring and friendly environment with qualified and experienced staff, come and have a visit or call 07939 266154.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Ensley Roy Hamilton

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Jake Stephen Rudd & Palgh Loujse Martin

Edward Ernest Welsford Howlett
& Kirstie Marie Hutson


Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

None this month



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-


The Silver Spur Country Music Club.....£20

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.