©Kirton News 2025

October 2018

The Editors Letter

Yep, the heat has most definitely left the building! Autumn is here to stay for a little while whether we like it or not. But I shan't complain and say I'm cold, No siree! All I will say is that my new hobby (crochet) will definitely be put to good use over the next few months.

It's never a good feeling to be drawing those curtains earlier and earlier as the nights pull in, especially if you're on your own. If, like me, you have a hobby to turn to, then fantastic as the TV can't always be relied upon for riveting entertainment can it? But if not, then perhaps try and start something new? I appreciate that something like crochet would be difficult if you have arthritis or stiff joints as it's very repetitive but there are many other things you could try. If you're confident online then great, Google is your friend! I searched 'hobbies' this afternoon and there are lots of realistic suggestions. If you like writing and fancy having a column in Kirton News, please contact me! We always welcome ways to enrich the magazine and make it an interesting read for everyone.

If, however, you would like some company or would like to make new friends here are a few ideas:

• Frampton have a thriving
WI who meet every second Thursday at Frampton Village Hall (I appreciate you also need to be female for this)!

• The Friday Group are always looking for new volunteers to keep Kirton looking it's best.

• There is always a warm drink and a friendly face at the Town Hall's coffee morning every Friday.

• Lincolnshire Heritage have events (mostly free) on most months. www.heritagelincolnshire.org.uk

• Kirton library are always looking for volunteers for a few hours every week.

• Start a Book Club! Kirton News will always be happy to advertise for members in any new group.

• The Town Hall Management Committee are always looking for new members.

• The simplest of all these things though, is going for a walk. Whether you can stride a couple of miles or manage a few steps, it's so important to get out for some fresh air. Wherever you live in Kirton, you have some beautiful country lanes that are very close by. This month's wonderful front cover photo was taken by Marie Bishop who was on such a walk just a few steps from her house.

I hope this has inspired you just a little bit. The Autumn and Winter months sometimes feel very long indeed and if helping to volunteer or joining a local group helps to combat even one person's loneliness then it was definitely worth it.

Please write to me or email me with any recipes, stories or articles we can use in future. I would love to hear from you.



To The Rescue

Lincolnshire Search & Rescue (LINCSLSAR) is a team of professionally trained volunteers who provide specialist assistance to Lincolnshire Police in the search for vulnerable missing persons.

Lowland Search and Rescue teams exist to search for vulnerable and missing people. Searches can be conducted in urban or rural areas and for our volunteers, are always initiated by Lincs Police.

We primarily cover the County of Lincolnshire but we also regularly assist neighbouring teams in Nottinghamshire, and Leicestershire and will assist ANY search organisation or emergency service requesting help if at all possible.

Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue is a non-profit making organisation. The Team consists of approximately 10+ members. All operational members are trained to the Lowland Rescue standards.

We do not charge anyone for the services we provide and get no funding from the government or local authority so we rely entirely on our own fundraising and public donations. We are a registered charity.

We have no paid employees and all our members are volunteers who pay for their own personal equipment, clothing, fuel and expenses.

We are running a number of taster sessions around Lincolnshire with the next one being Sunday 16th September 2018 at Tealby Market Rasen between 9am and 4pm.

Anyone interested can confirm attendance by emailing us at: enquiries@lincslsar.org or via the Facebook page: LincsLSAR.

Matt Breathwick,
Public Relations & Search Technician - Lincolnshire Lowland Search & Rescue


The View from the Vicarage

The month of October often feels very like much like the Autumn season has begun in earnest, and this year, after such an amazing summer it will feel and be a contrast indeed.  As we watch leaves fluttering to the ground, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. Autumn is a time for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden. All the major religious traditions pay tribute to such acts of relinquishment. Autumn or the Fall as our American cousins call it, is the right time to practice getting out of the way and letting the Holy Spirit take charge of our lives.

Autumn reminds us of the impermanence of everything. We have experienced the budding of life in spring and the flowerings and profusions of summer. Now the leaves fall and bare branches remind us of the fleeting nature of all things. Jewish rabbi and writer Harold Kushner in his well known book The Lord Is My Shepherd suggests that when we contemplate Autumn’s changes, we grow more appreciative of all the beauties that surround us.

In the Christian Church, the autumnal season sees us move into two major festivals that come right at the beginning of November - All Saints Day and All Souls Day. These festivals fall on November 1st and 2nd respectively.

Many people of course love to celebrate Halloween - October 31st, in fact it is one of those very American customs to really take off in the UK over recent years. Halloween is not just about spooky things. The day after Halloween is known by many different names… All Saints’ Day, All Hallows’ Day, Hallowmass. Whatever you call it, November 1st every year is a day for remembering Christian saints and martyrs and celebrating them with festivals and church services held in their honour.

All Souls’ Day meanwhile is a date to remember those who are now deceased. Offering prayers for those who have died is ancient in origin. In the Old Testament’s Second Book of Maccabees, written around 100 B.C. Judas Maccabeus orders his army to pray and offer sacrifices on behalf of their fallen comrades. Tombs found in the Roman catacombs are inscribed with prayer requests for the deceased. 

In our Churches today we still recall our departed loved ones, and we invite all the families and friends of those who have died during the past year to join us for a special act of remembering in SS Peter & Paul Church in Kirton at 7:00pm on Friday November 2nd. At that service we read aloud the names of the departed and families are gently encouraged to come forward and light a candle as a reminder of their loved ones.

The fear of letting go of our notion of a limited self is very real. We are all afraid of death. Any death. All death. Letting go of this earthly life is frightening. Letting go of any prejudice, any preconceived notion, any notion of identity is a form of death. As many wise sages have told us, we come into this world covered in faeces, urine, and blood; we leave it naked covered in a cloth. The mere reflection on our own mortality frightens us. Most of us spend our life in denial, pretending that we are eternally immortal.  But just stop and think - What beauty there is in letting go and accepting.  What wonder there is in embracing the colours inside ourselves. What loveliness there is in the death of one colour, and the shining through of all the divine colours.  How lovely is this human creature when the divine colours of compassion, kindness, mercy, justice, and forgiveness shine on through. I believe it was for this we were born!

Fr Paul

Fancy a really great day out?  October 23rd (Half-Term) at Kirton Church we are offering a day trip to the City of Derby.  The day will include a Eucharist celebrated in the ancient Chapel on the Bridge, one of only 5 left in the UK. A tour of the Cathedral Church of All Saints, and time to shop in the amazing INTU Shopping centre. Day closes with Choral Evensong in the Cathedral. Cost £30.  Lunch extra.

Sunday October 21st no 11am Eucharist in the Parish Church. 8am Holy Eucharist and 10-30am joint service at Kirton Methodist Church.

All Souls Day Requiem Eucharist  Nov 2nd at 7pm . The names of the departed over the last year will be read aloud and candles lighted. All are welcome.


Kirton Church Fund

Due to very unfortunate circumstances the usual monthly draw didn’t happen last month. The August draw will take place with the September draw on Sunday 23rd September after the service.


Letters to the Editor

The View from the Vicarage

Cardinal John Henry Newman, who began life as a Church of England clergyman before he became a Roman Catholic, and who is now in the process to become a Saint of the Catholic Church has left the world and the Church a very powerful heritage of writings and theology.

One of the most powerful and yet simple sayings of Newman is all to do with the notion of change. “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”  Newman could say this because he himself had to deal with change in his own life on many levels. Anglicans have latterly struggled with the concept of change and adaptation, yet the fact of the matter is there would be no Anglican Church or worldwide Anglican Communion today had not our forebears been prepared to adopt change as a necessary part of their spiritual life.

The early church as seen in the Acts of the Apostles needed to change from a small group of first generation believers to a mature group of people that would take their faith and their message to the far corners of the world. As those faith communities matured, so they discovered each other and what common life meant for them, but they also had to come to terms with their differences.  The so called” golden age” of our parish Churches has been long gone, we have been in survival mode for many years. Where is our faith? Why are we so frightened of change – if as Newman states boldly we only become perfect through change.

As your current committed and energetic parish priest, I work hard with PCC members, Churchwardens and others to creatively find new ways to revitalize and renew our Churches and congregations, engaging with our local and wider community that we might be fit for purpose. This will require some change!  We cannot afford to stagnate.

Not even the reign of Jesus on earth was to last forever, nor was the faith invested in Jesus, for this must not be confused with faith in the God of Surprises. The reign of Jesus was to be a reign of reconciliation. The kingdom belongs not to Jesus but to God, the maker of all things. Now these are surprising words, maybe even shocking to you. Perhaps they conflict with your deepest convictions about yourself and the Church. Ydet I am bound to ask - Dare we more fully rely on God rather than on ourselves? It has been my experience that this means when we are no longer filled with certitude; we might just be filled with surprise.

To conclude, the Church should be a community of vision, given its identity and mission by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without a clear idea of its calling and purpose, the church will fade away, the custodian of cultural memories that fewer and fewer want to recall. We simply cannot live on past memories; we can, however, live and act on the powerful and energizing vision that has been passed down through the apostles to us. Our theological openness can help us appreciate a renewed spiritual vitality, to proclaim its excitement to others and live out its joy and delight in the world in which we now live. So think for a moment or two about these words and how they affect your life.

 “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often”  John Henry Newman

Yours in Christ,

Fr Paul

Kirton Kids Club

Kirton Kids Club still has a few places after school - breakfast club starts at 7.30 am to school and after school to 5.45 pm.

Although places are limited at the moment it is still worth asking just in case there has been cancellations.

Breakfast club includes a hot or cold menu and drink and after school includes a ‘high tea’ and drink.

Children enjoy a variety of games, sports and activities each day and prices are breakfast club £3.50 per child per session,

after school is £5.50 per child per session, with a 10% discount for related siblings booked in at the same session.

Thank you.



How can you help Boston
Community Transport?

Do you have a few hours to spare? would you like to become a volunteer? we are looking for Drivers, Booking Administrators and Trustees - if you are, or know anyone that would be interested, please call on 01205 360183

Make a donation? – your generous financial donations go towards securing the future of our service – please see our website or contact the office for further details.  Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Leave a Legacy? – Please remember our Charity in your will to help us continue our essential community transport service – Thank you! 



The Big Latch On

On August 3, 4 and 5 2018, almost 60,000 people around the world took part in the Global Big Latch On, demonstrating their support for breastfeeding. 22,592 breastfeeding parents attended events held in their community and virtually. At the specified time, over 21,500 children ‘latched’ and were breastfed. Some Kirton Mums took part on 3rd August in Graves Park.

With 778 events taking place in 28 countries, this synchronized breastfeeding event as part of World Breastfeeding Week supports and celebrates breastfeeding families in the community they live in.

Global Big Latch On Organiser Joanne Edwards commented: “2018 has been our best year yet –over 3,000 more breastfeeding parents than in previous years. I couldn’t be happier or more proud of and grateful to all the hosts who arranged an event in their community. This event is about normalizing breastfeeding and showing others that normal doesn’t look the same for everyone.

If you would like to take part or find out any more information, the next event is at Fuzzy Eds at the Spirit of Endeavour on 26th Oct from 2pm.


World War One Event, Kirton Town
Hall, Saturday 8th September 2018

This was an exhibition and the launch of a new book - REMEMBRANCE - Lest We Forget - to commemorate 100 years of the ending of World War One, and remembering that Kirton & District lost 83 young men in that conflict.  It was an awful lot of young lives that were lost, for what reson?  When I say young, many were only 18, 19 and early 20’s, who gave their lives for freedom, and they all originated from a small village, because Kirton in 1914/18 was not half the size it is today.  Not only would the families suffer the loss of a Husband or Son, but the close knit community that existed in those days, would also suffer the loss, because they would have known them as boys.  So we must REMEMBER THEM.

As regards the book, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to my co-authors - Colin Cumberworth and Carol Lidgett, for their unstinting time and expertise in helping to bring the book to fruition.  Also for the Exhibition they presented in the Town Hall, a credit to both of them.  Should anyone be able to help me with any information of the few of those 83 names that I know nothing about, please contact me, I shall be pleased to hear from you. My thanks and appreciation to Ann Booth and her band of helpers, you know who you all are that I include in this tribute, for the display of flags both inside and outside of the Hall.  Also for serving refreshments, those cups of tea was appeciated.

Newton Press Ltd at Sutterton deserves our thanks for the presentation and printing the book.  It is brilliant and deserves a place on any home book shelp, and local libraries, informing new comers to the village, and future generations, why this grand memorial stands so majestically in the middle of our village.

However, I was dissapointed that only one or two from each of the following organisations took the time to visit the Exibition, the Kirton Parish Council and the Kirton Branch of The Royal British Legion (RBL).  Especially the latter, considering the proceeds from the sale of the book is in aid of the RBL Poppy Appeal.

Stanley Naylor - Co-Author & Publisher - Tel: 01205 722594


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- July 2018

Public Forum

2 residents attended. 1 resident came as he had submitted planning application B/18/0226 and was keen to hear the Council’s views on it.

The 2nd resident came to ask the council to reconsider the decision made in April regarding the additional precept monies received. He wanted the additional money he would be paying this financial year refunding to him by cheque. He accused the council of being unethical by keeping the money and suggested that the council had acted illegally in its obtaining. The resident also requested a copy of the Parish Council’s complaints procedure. (Clerk will email to him).

The Chairman read the resident the statement which is the position of the Parish Council: ‘There has been an administrative error which resulted in the wrong amount of precept being requested. To rectify this would result in the parish paying upwards of £30,000 which is deemed not a good use of precept money. The parish council will be ringfencing the additional funds and will be looking to make improvements within the villages with them. The precept will be the correct figure next year. To ensure that this error does not happen in future, we have put in place process improvements in regards to all financial “sign offs” in future.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman thanked the Fete committee for their time to arrange the village day which was a huge success. He also thanked those councillors who gave their time to attend the village day to specifically speak to residents about the role of the council within the Parish.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr Turner and Cllr M Hannay sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Police Matters

No Police attended, however it was reported that the PCSOs have collected the anti-social behaviour diaries from the residents down Church Lane. Disappointingly, on the 4 were returned. The Police have now set up an online reporting site where incidents can be reported without having to dial 101. This is especially useful for recording of incidents where no Police need to attend, but a log of events is necessary.

The incident that occurred outside the Kirton Cottage is under investigation.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes informed members that the jetting in the dyke has been completed outside of Dennis Estate, however, the jetting of the gullies to the pipe in the dyke is still not complete but is programmed to be done. The dyke is now running.

Cllrs Brooks and Austin will attend a ‘walkabout’ in the Parish with Highways Officers.

Cllr Austin informed members that the Toucan crossing upgrade on the A16 is likely to take 4 days.She also informed members that the roundabout signage should be replaced after being damaged last year, this month.

Cllr Austin updated members about the flood investigation works on Station Road. As of yet there is not a solution as it is unclear where the water from Station Road is going – it is thought extra gullies will be needed. This work will likely go one into the next financial year.

Cllr Austin also reported that following on from the request/enquiry about lowering the speed of the road on Skeldyke Road, it may well be possible to do this without raising a traffic order. The senior highways officer is beginning this process.

Cllr Brotherton reported the hedges at the A16/Station Road – Boston side are overgrowing the footpath. – Clerk to report to LCC.

Cllr Rylott reported that at the recent Boston Cabinet meeting a vote of no confidence was given in United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust – The Borough Council has resolved to so as much as it can to stop services being lost at the Pilgrim Hospital.

Cllr Rylott also announced that there is expected to be some good news for Boston this week which will positively affect tourism.

Cllrs Austin and Brookes left, along with the resident who complained about the precept. The resident was thanked for coming and sharing his views.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/ Clerk’s report

I have contacted sign writer to update the Chairman’s board. He will come to the office (not made it twice after being arranged so far) and collect the board from the Upsall Room.

Chased Cllr Austin and Andy Wharf regarding the outstanding work on the A16 roundabout (metal chevrons and blue arrow signs). Nothing from Cllr Austin, however, Highways now confirm that they will be doing the work this month. They wanted further information regarding the lights on the roundabout not working, but this has now been provided.

Kier contacted regarding the eyesore that is the land next to the Methodist Church. They will be sending someone out to tidy up the site.

Chasing around done at LCC to try and get hold of the road speed policy so that it can be ascertained whether Skeldyke Road is suitable/it is possible to get the speed reduced from 60mph. Still not received suitable information, so contacted Cllr Brookes to ask whether he could request it on our behalf, Cllr Brookes forwarded me the policy document.

Following on from the decision at the June meeting to make an initial donation to the Old Kings Head project by Lincolnshire Heritage and contact from Cllrs Sharp and Danby regarding the possibility that some of the money the Council received extra in precept this year, information gained that Lincolnshire Heritage is open to the suggestion of possible investment by the Parish Council into this project. This has already been put in place by another party.

Following on from the reports from the Borough Play Inspector, I have ordered the parts needed from the company who installed the play equipment in the Park in the first place. Just waiting for them to come so that I can instruct the builder who is going to carry out the work to go ahead.

Quotation received and go ahead given to the decorator to paint the Town Hall office. Just waiting for a date that he can start.

Light for office – contractor has installed a new, brighter light.

Sign to go in the Noticeboard informing where the defibrillator is located, ordered and collected from sign maker.

1st ¼ of the year’s figures collated and sent out to all.

Liaison with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the volunteers who wish to undertake speed gun training. This is ongoing as the Road Safety Partnership are still gathering information at this time, no training has been given as yet.

It was resolved that the Parish Council joins LCC’s Community Speed Watch as the first step, with training given at a date when it is available.

Costs obtained regarding the equipment that is needed for the volunteers to carry out speed gun training.

Attended the Parade Marshall Seminar held at Joint Police and Fire HQ at Nettleham.

Event Management forms completed and sent to LCC ahead of the Remembrance Parade.

Bin outside Jhay stores reported to BBC as broken.

Facebook and Website updated.

Liaison with Borough regarding the number of adverts/posters they wish me to display in the village for events in Boston. Compromise as space limited, they will email them to me to put on Facebook and where possible/space allows, on the noticeboard.

Cemetery tap leaking. Cllr Danby slowed flow and put notice on tap not to use. Cllr Brotherton informed as Cemetery Committee Chairman – he has made some repairs. Further work required.

I found a tree had been planted without permission in the cemetery. Reported to Cllr Brotherton. We are due to meet at the Cemetery next week and will take further action then.

Liaison with relative after grave space sinking (due to extreme dry weather). He is happy for me to instruct the grave digger to top up some graves and also put extra soil around/under his family’s headstone to fill the gaps in.

Lighton Avenue – overgrown Hedges over footpath – Reported to LCC

Penny Gardens to Hemmington Way – overgrown footpath – Reported to LCC

Kirton to Sutterton footpath – impassable at places – Reported to LCC

Liaison with residents regarding concerns re precept figures.

Town Hall

To consider tree work quotations for work needed to tree line at rear of Town Hall

To be discussed in closed session later in the meeting.

To consider whether to replace or repair the guttering at the Town Hall.

It was resolved that this should be carried out when the pointing is being done and the scaffolding is already up. Clerk to liaise with builders for a quotation for the work. It was also proposed by Cllr Watson that the painting around the exterior windows be done at the same time to complete the exterior of the building. This was agreed unanimously.

It has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that the ramp at the rear of the Upsall Room is not a proper emergency exit ramp. It was resolved that this should be upgraded to ensure safe exit from the rear of the building should it be necessary. Clerk to get quotations for this work to be carried out.

Cllr Sharp reported that the Town Hall Management Committee had held a successful children’s disco plus the very successful village day. They have renewed the music licence and are looking to install Wi-Fi in the building. There are further events planned for later on in the year.

Planning applications:

Erection of detached double garage at 38 West End Road, Frampton – no objections.

Approval of reserved matters (scale, layout, landscaping and appearance) following outline approval B/16/0380 (Erection of up to 195 dwellings including access off Middlegate Road West, public open space and drainage infrastructure) at Land north of Middlegate Road (west) Frampton – no objections.

Construction of single storey passive house with living green walls at Land at the corner of Burnham Lane and Marsh Lane, Skeldyke – full support from Councillors.

Construction of steps and ramp access to entrance doors at Kirton Methodist Church, London Road, Kirton- – no objections.

Outline planning application to erect single dwelling house and paddock with details of access, with all other matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved at Leyland, 322A Willington Road, Kirton – existing access not suitable for more than two dwellings on the plot, not within the village envelope.

Construction of a 1 bedroom starter home (class C3) following demolition of a builders storage shed at Land rear of 7 Willington Road, Kirton – within a conservation area, not in keeping with a conservation area, plans show a shared drive which is very narrow. request this application be seen by planning committee following on from recent refusal on similar application at 52 Station Road.

Planning Decisions:

Erection of first floor side extension at The Laurels, Beck Bank, Kirton Holme GRANT

In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

Remaining resident left.

Closed session

Town Hall tree quotations were discussed and a contractor agreed upon.

The request from Father Paul that the Parish Council pays for the church clock to be fixed in its entirety was discussed and a figure suggested to add to the list for possibilities to spend the additional precept money on

There were various suggestions made from councillors with ideas and costs also discussed.

The Clerk will draw up a list of the suggestions and costs and circulate to councillors before releasing to the village.


Frampton Community Preschool

The children are enjoying being able to play outside and because of the number of staff we have they are able to choose throughout the morning where they would like to play.

We often make use of the playing field at the back of the village hall, where we all go for a walk together and sometimes we “go on a bear hunt”.

We have recently had visits from “Zoolab” where the children are able to meet different sorts of animals, they hear all about them and if they are brave enough can touch or stroke them.

The children get the chance to take part in lots of different activities throughout the time they spend with us and we always make sure it’s fun as well as educational too.

We have some children that will be leaving for “Big School” soon and we are helping them get ready for this, often scary time.

The staff at Preschool have been busy as well, attending workshops and courses to enhance what they already know, this helps them continue to assist in the children’s learning and development.

We are looking forwards to September and we will have places available for 2,3 and 4-year olds, although children can start at any point in the year.

There is funding available for some 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year olds(After the term they turn 3).

The cost for a child with no funding is £12 per session. We try to keep the cost low, as we are a charity and aim to be affordable to all families.

We are open term times, every weekday, 9.15 to 12.15pm.If you are interested what we are all about, please give us a call on 07939 266154. Email Frampton.preschool@gmail.com or visit our facebook page.