©Kirton News 2025

October 2024

The Editors Letter

So, THIS is what an Indian Summer feels like! I’m sat here in the middle of September with my front door wide open. As much as Autumn is my favourite season, I can’t forget how long those cold months seem to last!

Thank you so much to Marion Dowling for our wonderful front cover! A truly gorgeous shot! We definitely have some excellent amateur photographers out there! I must also belatedly thank Kirton Parish Council for installing and keeping the planters looking so beautiful in front of The Town Hall (as captured in our previous front cover).

We have been inundated with events in this bumper edition, thank you to all who have emailed me. Something for everyone, I hope you’ll agree!

We are always on the lookout for more ‘Meet the Locals’ participants! This is a great way to (the list is endless really):

• Have some one-off free publicity if you are a local business

• Promote a club or organisation

• Nominate someone locally for doing
something thoughtful, heroic, or for being an asset to our community

We always welcome letters to the magazine, I really love hearing from you all. I must, however, echo the words of one of our previous editors, Roger Booth: 'We must insist all ‘letters to the editor’ be addressed as such and have a name (you can request for it to be withheld should you so wish). If you have some news or an opinion and wish to share it with our community, please have the conviction and integrity to put your name to it. All letters will be reprinted at the discretion of Kirton News.'

Don’t forget, our magazine is available to collect from most of the local businesses in Kirton and we thank them for their constant support. If by any chance, you live in Kirton and don’t receive a copy, please let me know! Previous issues are available on our website www.kirtonnews.co.uk together with our advertising rates and useful local contact numbers!

I’m always contactable by email - Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves and be kind to one another.



Meet The Locals

This month we’re talking to Steve Meeds from DVD Creation!

Steve created his business in 2011. The idea was born from him transferring all his own video footage, so with just one VHS player, he started offered his services to local people so that he could preserve their memories. As he earned, he invested in more equipment, which then allowed him to handle a wider variety of services.

Over the years he’s steadily increased his level of equipment and now he offers a complete service nationally! This spans most types of media, from cine films, video tapes, camcorder cassettes and sound recordings on reel to reel tape and audio cassette. He also works with the modern too, taking care of footage from SD cards and mobile phones. He is based in the village of Fishtoft.

If you have some precious memories you would like preserving or would like to be able to watch that old cine film again then contact Steve!


Kirton Church Fund

The October draw takes place on Sunday 29th with winning numbers printed in the December magazine.

Coincidently, the first number drawn out this month was also drawn out as a winner for last August, but sadly, this person has recently dropped out of the Kirton Church fund. You really do need to be in it to win it as I’ve said many times before and I’m sure these two members would agree.

We still have plenty of room for more members and a really good chance of winning. How about joining us you could be lucky and win?

Anyone over 18 may take part. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the up keep of our beautiful church.

You can join at any time during the year at £5 ticket per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number if you would like to double your chances.

Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Forms are also available from the church or from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road.

Like more information about Kirton Church Fund? Then please give Fay a ring.

August 2023 Winners

1st PRIZE - £45.93 - TICKET NUMBER:60
2nd PRIZE - £15.32 - TICKET NUMBER:52

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Thanks to Kirton Clean Up Squad

The newly formed Kirton Clean Up Squad had a brilliant and successful first morning as four corners of Kirton community came together to tackle some of the untidy areas in the village centre. 11 members made up of Kirton Crew Wombles,residents and a Parish Councillor were joined by 10 Thomas Middlecott School pupils and 3 of their teachers to give the War Memorial and church frontage a much-needed makeover.

The 24-strong army tackled weeding, sweeping, tree-trimming, tidying debris and litter-picking including the churchyard on a two-hour stint. Special words of thanks to Lewis and James at Kirton Co-op for donating bottles of water and snacks afterwards for the troops, Alan Marshall for the loan of his large wheelie bin, Chris Cook for designing our smart new logo and hi-vis print work, the co-operation of Callum Butler, Pauline Chapman and their Boston Borough Council lads for organising the prompt collection afterwards of the 21 bags of rubbish, Kirton Parish Council and Jackie Lane at LCVS for funding and donating PPE equipment, tools and pickers. Also, to all who turned out today for the greater good of our community.

Dave Scotney

Letters to the Editor

Dear Rachael, 

Thank you to the gentleman who cleared the PUBLIC footpath of nettles, brambles and long grass that runs between Drainside South and Princess Road parallel to the A16. It makes walking the dog a much more pleasant experience. Also for clearing the nettles from along the hedge bottom in Princess Road.

The Friday Group used to do these jobs of course, but advancing years have now made that impossible. We are lucky to have public spirited people prepared to take on the work, which I’m sure everyone is aware is hard going.

Also thank you to the stalwart of St Peter and St Paul’s Church who regularly clears the weeds from along the edge of the church wall and picks up litter around the Church.

P Davies


News from The Church of St Peter
and St Paul, Kirton

The art day at the church on 2 September and led by local artist, Karin Christensen, was well attended and I think, enjoyed by all who came along. Everyone chose different areas of the Church to create their own masterpiece, inside and outside the building. They took their art work home, to complete at another time. It would be lovely to see those finished works displayed in the church.

It was a lovely warm day, and so pleasing to see the church being used for a community event, with the doors wide open and the sun streaming through the stained glass windows. Thank you to Karin from the committee, for offering her expertise and time, to help with our fundraising efforts towards a new roof for the church. Also, thank you to all who came along and took part and as ever, to our steadfast volunteers.

Our next event is the Annual Harvest Supper at Kirton town Hall on 4 October. Hope you can make it.


Revolver Live at Wyberton
Community Centre

Who doesn’t love a party night to kick off the festive season. We have the amazing Revolver playing at Wyberton Community Centre on Saturday 11th November, doors open at 7.30pm.

There will be Over the Moon Bars keeping you hydrated through the night. Bring your dancing shoes & party the night away.

Just £6.50 per person, tickets are available through Eventbrite.com, just search for Revolver at Wyberton Community Centre, the easiest way is to download the app or look out for the posts on social media which will have the link for you to follow.


Celebrate Lincolnshire Day

The 1st October of every year marks Lincolnshire Day. What started as a day to mark the Lincolnshire Rising in 1536 has since become a celebration of all that is our home, our community, our county.

St Barnabas Hospice has been at the heart of Lincolnshire since its inception in 1982. From humble beginnings with a small number of nurses, to a county wide organisation delivering vital care and support to over 12,000 each year, we hope to continue for many more years to come.

Every day truly matters. We would like to thank everyone who helps to make all the care St Barnabas provide possible! The support, time and generosity from our supporters makes an invaluable difference. To celebrate Lincolnshire Day on the 1st October, why not host a ‘Care for a Cuppa’ coffee day or a Pub Quiz fundraiser in support of your local hospice? Get your friends and family together with your favourite refreshments and help to raise vital funds for end-of-life care.

It’s easy to get started with your ‘Care for a Cuppa’ or ‘Pub Quiz’, simply sign up on our website! You will then receive a fundraising pack for your event, all you have to do is chose a date and have fun! You can sing up by going to www.StBarnabasHospice.co.uk/fundraising/


Frampton Gardening Club

On June 5th 2023, we had a good attendance of garden club members, for our annual trip out, which, this year was to Doddington Hall and Gardens, Lincoln.

We boarded the coach at Kirton Town Hall, and set off hoping for a nice dry day.

Ray, our chairman, had booked a tour of the hall for us, and as we were there on a day when the house and gardens are closed to the public, we were met by two very friendly guides upon arrival. We were divided into two groups, and our guides gave us our personal tour. Claire and James Birch own, and live on the Estate and learning how it has been passed down the family through the ages, was very interesting.

After the tour of the hall, we had plenty of time to have something to eat or drink in the café or restaurant, and of course, to look round the beautiful gardens and grounds. The Farm shop on the estate was open and there was a vast array of goods for sale from the Kitchen Garden, plus plenty of retail therapy opportunities in the other shops around the area.

In the gardens, the beautiful iris display was coming to an end, but still looked very striking, and with many different colours. One walk took us to the field where the Lincoln Red cattle were grazing – a lovely sight and a view I wouldn’t mind seeing at the end of my garden!

All too soon our relaxing day had to come to a close, and we boarded the coach again for the trip home at a round 4pm. A very successful day out, thoroughly enjoyed by all, and I’m sure like me, everyone went home enthused with a few more ideas for our own gardens.

Our Annual produce and Flower Show takes place at our meeting on August 31st 2023. Frampton Village Hall, 7.30pm For more information contact Ray Harding 01205 723181 or Maggie Welberry 01205 722382.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2023


Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill,    Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr C. Crisford,  Cllr M Elston, Cllr M Sohail and   Cllr S Watson.                   Clerk D. Fairweather. Also Present:    Borough Cllr Middleton & County Cllrs Austin & Brookes 

Public Forum

Father from Orthodox Church having seen last months’ minutes came to reply to the PC on varying aspects. Portable toilet, although only one on site, doesn’t believe one is required as services are only 2 hours maximum. Parking – he realises there is a problem, but his parishioners do not abide by requests despite the Medical Centre being offered and usually empty.  The biggest problem to the residents is parking half on path, half on road and occasionally blocking driveways, particularly at the Easter Events.  There is also a nuisance factor for the local and neighbouring properties which in conflict with their Heads of Terms.  Water from cemetery – he believes the Parish Council gave permission for this when lease originated.  Not a problem can bring their own.  Disputes there were BBQ’s taking place at the Easter event.  He does believe that the speed limit along that part of the road should be reduced. Founda Bada requests that photographic evidence be taken and reported to them.  In agreement with a meeting to discuss the issues further.

Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors

County Cllr Brookes – update of 30 mph signs on Boston Road.  Traffic Order team are currently awaiting quotation for electrical works, hopefully by August.

To Receive A Presentation Regarding Village Litter Pickers And General Clearing Areas In The Village By Volunteers

Clerk had wanted to bring back the Friday Club and speaking with Dave Scotney, a local Womble, investigated bringing together volunteers.  Dave had contacts had contacted the CVS who agreed to assist to form a litter picking and clean up group in Kirton.  CVS would put the volunteers through the necessary DBS checks.  The Secondary School also had an initiative for year 11 children to integrate within the village life and help with tasks.  There would be teacher supervision.  Clerk and Cllr Elston advised the group to come to the Parish Council, who they felt would support them and perhaps be able to make a financial contribution towards initial set up costs for equipment etc.  Clerk reminded the PC of the lock up in the cemetery which was used for Friday Club equipment.  Mr Scotney advised they had 22 names of people prepared to help and have called themselves the Kirton Clean Up Squad.  Cllr Baillie confirmed there was regularly weeding required in the church grounds.  Chair thanked Mr Scotney for his time and agreed to discuss with the Council who all felt a great idea. County Cllr Brookes advised that details had gone to clerks from LCC for litter picking equipment free to local communities.

To Receive Apologies For Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr Pryke, Borough Cllr Rylott and All resolved to accept reasons given.

To Approve Notes Of Meeting Held On 27th June 2023.

Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Baillie to be accepted as a true copy to become minutes.  All agreed.

To Receive Updates From Clerk

CCTV at War Memorial – Open Reach had now given a definite no and Alarmline to investigate another source for elevating camera. Town Hall - Solar panels awaiting a third quotation before organising meeting with Town Hall Management Committee.  Thought is required on the legality of ownership.  PC assisting to purchase, and Town Hall will receive benefits.  When quotation received and comparisons made, matter to be discuss at PC level before THMC. Holes in Churchyard – Cllr Astill had kindly agreed to fill.

To Review Standings Orders, Data Protectiona And Digital & Social Media Policies

Clerk advised all policies came from the standard NALC template with variations for Kirton PC.  All agreed to accept the current issues of the Standing Orders and Data Protection.  Cllr Elston asked that going forward, all councillors have to agree with and abide by the Social Media Policy, and perhaps a tightening up of the wording is required and read out his thoughts on additional points.  All communications should come from the clerk and be answered by the clerk.  Cllr Sohail confirmed hopefully this would stop some of the previous issues.  Cllr Astill agreed the PC were not here to make enemies.  Cllr Watson asked clerk if this acceptable not being a member of Facebook, clerk agreed it was. Cllr Baillie, suggest we have more in the Kirton News not just the minutes and update residents regularly of events that are being planned.  Proposed Cllr Elston, seconded Cllr Astill these be accepted on block.  All agreed.

To Discuss/Approve War Commission Signs For Cemetery  

Images of various signs available had been issued to Council. All agreed unanimously on the design picked by Cllr Jarvis to go on the wall post of the gate.

To Receive Updates For PC Surgery

Cllr Astill advised only held two sessions and very slow but felt it should be advertised better. However, reports made: hedges in Dennis Estate, which were the responsibility of LHP.  Clerk to contact them. Areas around drains in the village requiring attention as they become blocked, and water is not therefore running away. Concern over the ownership of the grassed area behind 54 – 68 Dennis Estate.  Clerk advised there had been an enquiry of this in the past regarding an overgrown tree and not the Parish Council’s responsibility.   Suggested a poster ‘Talk to us’ be placed on Facebook. Cllr Sohail to design.

To Receive Updates From Events Group

Race Evening organised for 2nd September.  Doors open 6.30 p.m.  Cllr Crisford has put races together, Cllr Sohail done the posters for the event.  Pc will be selling own alcohol.  Licence held.  Profits towards old peoples Christmas meal.  Clerk to investigate card machine for ease on the evening.

Also looking into Christmas light switch on, with new lights required.  Money to be kept in a separate account, as Jubilee event.  

75-23 FINANCE – Balance £95021.44 a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule - proposed Cllr Jarvis seconded Cllr Elston. b) To Approve New A Boards for PC Surgery - £35.99. Cllr Astill had requested if new A boards could be purchased for the surgery.  Also, a sign on the wall of the Town Hall to show the Kirton Parish Council Office. c) To Approve Purchase of Additional bins for dog walkers.  Cllr P Watson had walked the areas that complaints had been received.  Clerk to ascertain which posts could be used to erect.  Residents to be advised that any bin can be used for dog bags.  Clerk to send message to Kirton News.  Agreed in principle.  Agenda item for next meeting. d) To Approve Members to Discuss Solar Panels with Town Hall Management Committee. Following discussions, it was agreed that the Parish Council Representative attend together with Cllr Sohail who has now been co-opted to the Town Hall Committee.  e) To Discuss PC Laptops. – due to lateness agreed to postpone this item for another meeting. Cllr Elston suggested the PC show financial support, perhaps on an annual basis, to the Kirton Clean Up Squad.  Proposed £1,000 be donated to start the group.  Seconded Cllr S Watson.  Clerk to set aside in another account for this. Cllr S Watson asked if she could be included in Finance Committee as previous.  Clerk to check records for numbers.  Agenda item for next meeting.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting Land off London Road, Ashwood homes to amend plans to facilitate housing mix. B/22/0529/CD1 land to SE of Avalon Road discharge conditions archaeology  B/20/0410/CD1 rear of 24-26 High Street discharge of conditions. No objections.

To Discuss Orthodox Chapel – To Be Taken In Committee

Proposed Cllr P Watson, seconded Cllr S Watson to move into closed session. Following discussions, it was resolved to meet with group to discuss PC’s concerns, regarding parking and use of grounds.

Members Reports PW

Cllr P & S Watson had attended the Summer Conference at LALC and found it very interesting and encouraged others to attend. DF letter from Persimmons Homes to release part of land at Nightingale Road which they had previously transferred to the PC.  All agreed acceptable in order that they can proceed and finalise the development.

Date of next meeting

22nd August 2023.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

2nd July - Freddie Sear
2nd July - Tyler Ellis
6th August - Avana Jones
6th August - Maddison Dunworth

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

4th August - Kyron Burton & Alison Hardy
12th Augustt - Calum Cheshire & Hannah Clark

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

19th June - Gillian Dawson
15th August - Elizabeth King