©Kirton News 2025

September 2009

Well September is here and the kids are going back to school. I have one now starting secondary and my youngest is now starting nursery. What a mix of emotions!! What an expensive time too!!

I had a telephone call the other day from an elderly lady I won’t mention her name. But she made me realize that we can become so busy with our lives that sometimes we can forget about visiting our elderly friends. Now I have never met this lady but we had a good chat about this and that and I have promised to pay her a visit. I will come and visit you as soon as you ring me again. You know who you are.

We have a good mix in the mag this month and another fabulous competition. If you wish some thing to be put in the magazine just give me a ring and I will see what I can do.

Take care


Australia - The Land of Oz

The story includes how local men were involved in helping James Cook discover this great island.  They were Joseph Banks squire of Revesby; Peter Briscoe of Revesby; James Roberts of Mareham-le-Fen; George Bass and Robert Rollett of Boston; Matthew and Samuel Flinders from Donington, and Joseph Gilbert of Wrangle.

There is a full description of the replica of James Cook’s ship H.M. Bark Endeavour.  The opportunity to step on board this remarkable ship was in 1997 and 2002 when it was in Boston Dock.  The main feature of the book is my impression on the country and its culture that has been gleaned from seven visits. 

This includes Sydney; Blue Mountains; Brisbane; Toowoomba; Cairns and The Barrier Reef; Alice Springs; Uluru – (Ayers Rock); The Olgas; Adelaide; Melbourne; Canberra; Tasmania and Papua New Guinea.  There is much more plus 50 photographs and a map of Australia.

The Book is A4 size with 96 pages plus cover.  RRP is £13.95; this includes a signed copy and post & packing.  Make cheques payable to: Stanley Naylor and post to: 15 Edinburgh Crescent, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1JT.  Tel: 01205 722594.  Available from Fossitt & Thorne, The Green, Kirton.


Bostons own radio station

“Did you know Boston has its very own radio station? To listen in now or see the show schedules, go to www.endeavouronline.net. Endeavour Online aims to provide shows for all ages and tastes, with great music from many different genres as well as sports-based shows. Listeners are welcome to text or email in their song requests, messages and announcements, and get a plug for their community events and projects.

Endeavour Online intends to return on August 1st for our annual Summer broadcast as Endeavour FM on 87.7FM and are now looking for enthusiastic people who want to be a part of it. The station, which is run by unpaid volunteers, are currently looking for more presenters, Sports Reporters and anyone who wants to be involved with this dynamic community radio station.
We would also like to hear from local businesses wishing to support the FM station during the Summer through Sponsorship and Advertising.

Please get in touch for more information by calling Dylan Taylor on 07762 114401 or email office@endeavourfm.co.uk. Remember - You can listen in online to your local radio station here at home or wherever you are in the UK, or even the world! The community just got closer”!


More Snippets from a Scrapbook

This month the theme of the items taken from a scrapbook of newspaper clippings collected by Mrs Eliza Tunnard, (b.1864-d.1925,) is ‘on the farm.’

Mike was a servant of a farmer, and in his charge was a donkey, which was kept to amuse his employers’ children. The donkey was following the farmers’ wife around the yard one day and the farmer turning to Mike said, “I think that donkey is taking a liking to my wife.” “Och,” said Mike, “Shure and it’s not the first donkey that’s took a liking to her sir.”

Uhm! It’s not hard to guess at what the farmer thought. Anyway, the next snippet indicates just how strange are the habits of four legged animals.

Two wealthy landowners were re­cently in hot dispute as to the qualities of their respective horses. “Why, your horses are so thin,” said one, “that in summer you have to throw blankets over them to prevent the sun from shining through them.” “What of that?” retorted the other. “Why you called one of your horses ‘Napoleon,’ which was ap­propriate, as it had so many bony parts.” At this a sedate old man, up to then a silent listener, said : “This is nothing to a horse belonging to a friend of mine, which he bought from a milk man; he entered it for a race, and it was running beautifully, until a man at the refreshment bar, shouted out, ‘Milk,’ and it stopped.” Obviously the running made it thirsty.

Probably as surprised as the hen in this curious example of Journalistic humour, written under the title HEN WAS SURPRISED.

A correspondent writes: “A most wonderful phenomenon has recently occurred at Boston, Lincolnshire. A poultry-keeper placed a hen on fifteen double yoked eggs, and twenty-nine chicks were the result. It is said that the hen’s bewilderment at this extraordinary brood from such an ordinary number of eggs was very pronounced. The chickens, which are Black Minoreas, are now about three weeks old, healthy and puckish, and have been viewed by scores of incredible curiosity-hunters.” Personally I would have thought the hen was shell shocked.

Now, under the heading, “MAXIMS worth KNOWING,” may be found this little piece.

How to grow a good crop of potatoes in a dry summer. – Plant a row of potatoes and a row of onions alternately. It is said that the onions make the eyes of the potatoes water and thus keep the roots moist during the absence of rain.

I’m not surprised, onions make my eyes water! The next item indicates that a certain bullock had great ambitions of a sporting nature.

Curious find in a Bullock. – A curious find is reported in the stomach of a bullock, killed by Mr. J. Storey of Kirton, of an ordinary size cricket ball, which had evidently been there a long time judging by its appearance. Makes one wonder, did he catch or field the ball?

Items researched by Robert Meeds.

Holistic Healthcare- now in Donington courtesy of Molsom Optometrists

You deserve quality ‘ME’ time, time to revitalise and time to relax. Escape the stresses and strains of your demanding life. Choose from Indian Head Massage, a soothing massage of the back, neck, shoulders, face (optional) and head to melt away worries and tensions, leaving you ready to face the world again. With a choice of 100% natural coconut oil, or aromatherapy oils, your skin is refreshed - feeling super soft. Treat yourself and enjoy being pampered for a change! When was the last time you took some time out for yourself? Indian Head Massage - pure bliss!

Reflexology – probably the most relaxing and therapeutic foot massage you will ever experience. With a history going back some 4,500 years to Egypt, reflexology is one of the most requested treatments. Back, neck & shoulder massage – ease away the strains of the day. Relax with a back neck and shoulder massage to remove tension and ease those tight muscles. 

Reiki – a traditional Japanese “hands off” energy healing method. Helps with both physical and emotional problems – clients describe the experience as 'deeply calming'. Other treatments include:  Acupressure, Magnetic Therapy, Ear Candling, Therapeutic Wax treatment and Bach Natural Flower Remedies.

Stress is pretty much unavoidable in our hectic day to day lives but did you know that an estimated 70% of illness is either caused or worsened by stress? Treatments can help you to reduce stress.  Treatment appointments now at Molsom Optometrists in Donington - from £10
Your Therapist is Steve Sitch IIHHT MIFR MICHT MFHT (Reiki  Master and Teacher) – always happy to discuss your needs – with no obligation. Find out how you can benefit from these treatments. Just pop in or call for a chat!

Molsom Optometrists are open from 9am to 5pm Tuesday – Saturday inclusive. HT Holistic Healthcare appointment times are from 10am to 5pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 noon to 5pm on Wednesdays and from 1pm to 4pm on alternate Saturdays.

Please note that these treatments are not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. If you have any doubts about your health, you should seek advice from your GP or Specialist.

The first 3 correct entries will win the following: 
1st Prize: Mini Pamper Treatment, Magnetic bangle, 10% Privilege Card * 
2nd Prize: Mini Pamper Treatment, 10% Privilege Card*
3rd Prize: 10% Privilege Card *
* This card entitles you to 10% off ALL treatments from HT Holistic Healthcare.

How much illness is caused or worsened by stress:-
A) 40%
B) 50%
C) 70% 

Send your answers to: Kirton News Quiz, 38 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston, Lincs PE20 1JX. The winner will be notified on 1st October 2009.


The Mothers Union

Tuesday 8th September is the 700th Anniversary Service at Boston Stump for all M.U. branches in this area. The service is at 2.00pm and banners will be carried. Thursday 10th is our day for serving refreshments at our centre St.Benedict’s in Lincoln. On Wednesday 16th we have our monthly meeting in the Methodist Hall at 2.00pm.

When the speaker is from Women’s Aid Boston. This meeting is open to all, as Kirton church supports the refuge in Boston with supplies of tinned and dried foods, toiletries and underwear etc. Please note that this is an addition to our programme.

Helen Airey - Branch Leader


To Wendy Roberts who won The Beridge Arms competition. Hope you enjoy your Sunday lunch. Congratulations also to Mrs. Fletcher, Kathy Stanley and Mrs. C Massey who won 1st 2nd and 3rd prize in our salon competition


Kirton Amateur Dramatic Youth Team

KADYT, Kirton’s Youth Drama Group is starting up again on 16th September after a break of several years. Sessions last for one hour and are free. Do you want to have FUN, learn about drama techniques, and perform plays? Do you want to be a STAR?

If you are at secondary school and aged between 11 and 16 years and want to belong to Kirton’s exciting youth drama group come along to The Methodist Church Hall on Tuesdays at 4.30pm. or for more information phone Fay on 01205 723529.


Lincolnshire Search Society

Lincolnshire Search Society has been running successfully now for over 20 years and is one of the friendliest metal detecting clubs in Lincolnshire. Our members all live locally and our Secretary lives in Kirton and has detected in and around the village for many years with the permission of several landowners in the area.

We would like to let people know of the service we offer, without any charge, to local people. If you have lost a precious metal article, such as a ring or bracelet, we will do everything we can to find it for you. Our latest success was only a few weeks ago when we recovered a gentleman’s wedding ring on the river bank at Surfleet, which he lost when walking his dog. Needless to say, he was absolutely thrilled to have it back as he thought that he had lost it forever.

Some local landowners are kind enough to let us have ‘Club Digs’ on their land. This usually involves approximately a dozen people and we pay a fee for the day. We give the proceeds to the landowner’s nominated charity or we donate the takings of the day to the Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance. In this way, we have raised a substantial amount of money for the Air Ambulance which is an extremely worthwhile cause, and we also donate the takings from our Xmas raffles.

We have a good relationship with local archaeologists whom attended our meetings regularly, and our members record their finds with the Portable Antiquities Scheme. In other words, we are responsible detectorists who enjoy the hobby of finding the treasure beneath our feet.


We are always looking for some Club Land so that we can enjoy days out together and raise some more money for the local causes so if you are a landowner/farmer and can offer us some land, please contact Patricia Cox on 01205 723225 or email: patricia@maplelodge200123.fsnet.co.uk.

Those farmers who know us will already be aware of the fact that we all belong to the National Council of Metal Detecting which ensures that we abide by the rules of the Treasure Act and act responsibly when detecting. We would like to whet your appetite by showing you two of Patricia’s finds which are worth very little money but oh so very interesting, and found in the parish of Kirton.

The first picture is a of medieval bronze knife handle (c1400) featuring bride and groom, thought to be part of a set which would have been presented at a wedding as a gift. If you look carefully you can see the bride and groom embracing.

The second picture shows a medieval bronze key with lozenge shaped head (c1600).
These are only two of the many interesting local finds and adds to the knowledge we have about the people who inhabited Kirton before us.


Kirton Town Hall Village Day

Kirton Town Hall Committee would like to invite you to take part in our annual village day on Saturday 19th September which we hope to become an annual event in the village’s calendar.

The committee was started two years ago with the view of improving the hall and once again making it the centre of village events. Over the past two years new tables chairs curtains and carpeting have been purchased. The kitchen has been revamped to include a six ring double oven and a new larder fridge to cater for parties who wish to prepare food for themselves on the premises. In the new future we hope to modernize the lighting system and to revamp the toilets.

The hall and Upsall room are available for all your special occasions and can now be booked by calling Mrs. Ann booth on 01205 723345. We are looking for new committee members and would welcome some younger members of the community who have fresh ideas and could suggest different uses. Please contact Ann as above for a chat. The village day have now extended their entry forms for the village day to the 31st August.

So if you wish to enter get your forms submitted to: Ann Booth, 92 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 1JR.


Family day out at Bicker Steam Threshing

On 12th and 13th September (in aid of St Swithun’s church) why not go to Bicker’s steam threshing day. There will be working traction engines and vintage tractors, demonstrations of threshing, bailing and wood sawing.

There will also be a special display of asingle cylinder tractors, barn engines, classic cars, stalls, fairground organs, childrens rides, model boating lake and a miniature railway.

Refreshments and a licensed bar is available. At 2pm on the Sunday a church service will take place in front of a fairground organ and then at 3pm on Sunday the Dakota from the battle of Britain memorial flight will perform a fly past.

The Admission price for adults is £3.50 and £1.00 for children. The day starts at 11am on both days. For enquires, please telephone 01775 820273.


Kirton Youth Centre

Is your organisation looking for a meeting place? The Youth Centre has some spare capacity. Contact Steve Graves on 01205 722900.


Best Kept Village Competition

I was very disappointed to hear that we had not progressed to the second round of the Best Kept Village Competition.

This was despite all the efforts of Barbara, our village caretaker; our Friday morning community group; Fred Sheppard, Town Hall caretaker; the village businesses who supported our campaign and lastly the villagers themselves who made a great effort with their gardens.

Details of the Judge’s comments showing where we excelled and the areas which let us down are shown below and also on the Parish Notice Boards in the village.

We will of course, continue our efforts to keep improving our village and with all your help hope to progress further next year.
Many thanks once again.

Alan Lee - Kirton Parish Council Chairman

Parish Council News

Geoff Sharp retires as Clerk to Kirton Parish Council  on 30/09/09 after five years service. Mrs Belinda Buttery from Wigtoft  takes over as Clerk to Kirton Parish Council on 01/10/09. Mrs Buttery is currently Clerk to Sutterton and Billingborough Parish Councils. Geoff Sharp will retain responsibility for Kirton Cemeteries after 01/10/09 in the post of Cemetery Manager.

Kirton in Bloom Garden Competition Awards is sponsored by Lincolnshire Co-operative Chemists, Marshall Bros (Butterwick) Ltd, J Hay Stores & Villager Fruit/Flower Shop and takes place on Friday 18th September 2009 at 10.30am at Kirton Town Hall during the Community Coffee Morning.

The Parish Office reopens after the August break every Tuesday morning from 1st September from 9.30am to 12.30pm Kirton Town Hall.


The death of Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early bird gets the worm;
Life isn’t always f air; and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place: Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sunscreen or an Aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; by his wife, Discretion; by his daughter, Responsibility and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers: I Know My Rights, I Want It Now, Someone Else Is To Blame and I am a Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.


Another Long Day by Margaret Creek

Dawn is just about to break,
I know because I am about to wake,
It is the start of another long day
I lay and wonder what to do or say.
I rise very slowly as you can guess
No need to hurry to wash or dress
Up I get curtains drawn so I can see
Then on goes the kettle for my morning tea
I sit and think shall I do a stew or roast
Then oh my goodness I can smell the toast
So up I get without delay it’s the beginning
Of my own lonely day
I do my chores as best I am able
Trying to keep my poor old legs stable
Then I sit think why I’m all alone
With no one to share my home
But am I a misery no not me
I am always ready to share a joke you see
I only wish I could do what I used to do
But then I must remember I’m ninety two.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Jason Owen Ruck
Gabriel Samual Manning
Kirsty Jane Hill
Ashley James Ward
Oliver James Vickers
Kasey Mae Tebbs
Shania Emily Doris Everett
Lacey Jane Betts
Alfie Harry Kemp
Leon Thomas Patchett

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Paul Jonathan Smith & Polly Tozer
Lee Merriman Dorey & Natalie Ann Mcguire
Jamie Calaghan & Ann Henderson

Wedding blessing of Darrel & Beverley Herd

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Stuart Roberts
Ruth Smart
Vera Lynch


Kirton Youth Club

We held our annual fun day on Sunday 9th August and it was a great success! The weather was good and everyone seemed to be having a great time. We were presented with a cheque from Boston mayflower for the sum of £500 and a cheque kindly donated by Molson’s opticians for £100.

This brought the total money raised on the day to £1001.59p.
I would like to thank everyone who helped on the day such as Teresa cross & Ruth, Leann and Nicky Bonsor, Louise & Rob Fletcher , Leanne and Kerry Fletcher.

The vintage tractor people especially Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. Nicky and porky with their swing boats, the Julian Joachim soccer schools for their big inflatable football pitch. All the car booters and the black bull for the bar.

The beautiful Spalding flower queen Amy Coates and Boston wedding cars who brought her in style. Bouncy blobs for their inflatables the fire brigade, pc Mick Judge and pcso Nerys, Steve Sitch for his wonderful massages. The Allen school of dance and Julie with Kirton kids brass band.

Thank you also to Kirton parish council for letting us have the field for the day and Ann Booth with her help at the town hall. A big thank you also to; Beesons, Jessops, Fossits, Coop, The salon, The peacock. Tesco, Dunham’s Jakemans, Costcutter, Jhays, The Flower Shop, Spoils, The good life, and everyone else who donated a raffle prize for the day. Sorry if I forgot to mention your name but it all was very much appreciated.

Catrina Smith