©Kirton News 2025

September 2010

The Editors Letter

We have suddenly found ourselves without an editor as Catrina informed the secretary in late July that she was leaving the village and could not continue as editor.  

We have been requested by the committee to edit this edition of the magazine and appeal for a new editor.  We feel that it  would be prudent for there to be an editor and deputy so that problems with respect to holidays or illness for example, could be avoided.

If anyone is interested in taking up the position please contact Mary Rayner, the secretary, with your details.  She will then inform the committee.  We hope that we receive a favourable response to our request because without an editor the magazine will fold.  

After more than 40 years this would be a great shame.

David & Sylvia

A reflection from the Methodist Minister

It has been said that we humans are creatures of habit, with much of our lives depending on routine, going to work or school. We choose the times when we can beat the traffic, catch the bus; getting up so that we have time to do all the things we need to do before we leave home. We plan our day so that we can fit everything into it and adjust our lives to fit around the family and friends.
We can be much more comfortable if life is a little predictable, then something comes along to mess it all up, maybe it is just a change in the weather. The recent heatwave in early July will have left many of us feeling lethargic or tired from lack of sleep and going out in the middle of the day was just not sensible. So we may have found that our routine had to change to fit in all the usual expectations of the day.

So often I have heard people say that they are bored with their routine, get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. A rather basic description, but in reality we all want to break out of that and be challenged, and those who manage to do so find life is happier and more fulfilled because of it.
I recently went on a ‘retreat’ and along with the others found it quite difficult to ‘switch off’. Here was an opportunity to focus on our own needs, not something any of us found easy, for clergy and other church leaders, we respond to the needs of others and that gives little space for ourselves. The retreat gave us that opportunity to reflect and listen to God in a very special way, without the constraints of our usual busy workload.

It is too easy to cut God out of the day when there is so much to be done, yet I know from experience that the day will be so much better when I have started it in prayer and reading the Bible. Each day is started with a challenge, what does God expect of me today? No chance of being bored or being overtaken by routine when He is involved!

Perhaps this is something you already do, I hope you make the most of it. However, if you don’t, why not give it a try? Whether or not you believe in what the Bible says, there is a great deal of wisdom passed down the ages that started in that book; so I challenge you to start reading it and find out some useful tips for life and some inspiring stories that will make a difference to your day.

May God bless you, In His Love


Keeping On The Move

About eleven years ago (roughly)  we heard about a Keep Fit Group opening at the Youth Centre in January.  

At the time it was run by the council, so we went along to the college and joined in.  The person we spoke to at the college was rather concerned that my husband might be the only male to turn up.  He thought that he might feel awkward being the only one.  David assured him that he was not concerned about being the only male and we have been going on Monday mornings ever since.  

Both of us have arthritis and back problems which is what one is presented with in the later years.  We are happy to say that it has been a great help to us and, what is more, we have managed to lose quite a bit of weight.  

The lady who runs the group makes it all fun and there are always a lot of laughs.  Be sure though that we are not all playing about and acting silly.  We all know how much good it is doing us and we have no intention of giving up.  

We are a range of ages and we are sorry to say that you must be over 50 to become a member.  Our eldest member is in her 80s and she is as fit as a fiddle.  
The fun starts at 10.30am on Monday mornings at the Youth Centre, 1st floor and the cost is £2.50 per session.  If you want to find out what it is like, come along and join in for a free try; it will be something you will really enjoy and, of course, you can make new friends if you wish.    

Don't be worried about special clothes.  Just turn up in something comfortable and enjoy yourself.  Hoping to see you there.

David & Sylvia

Care Home Project - India

On January 22nd 2010 I made my 6th visit to the CARE HOME INDIA PROJECT to assess how our money is being spent to help the very poor, vulnerable people who are suffering HIV/Aids, mainly women, children and babies.  My daughter Laura, my sister Katherine and a nurse who specialises in HIV/Aids, Christopher Hall, accompanied me. We arrived in the beautiful city of Bangalore, a thriving, growing bustling city.  

The sun was shining through a haze of pollution from the many exhaust fumes.  Traffic goes through in several lanes, trying to fit into three lanes.  There is loud honking of horns from cars all vying for position.  This lovely city with its many majestic buildings, also has a sad side of poverty.  People live on the outskirts with nothing more than cardboard  and coconut fronds over their heads.  I know the Indian government is aiming to eradicate poverty, but it is a slow business and will take years.  

This very emotional journey affected us all. especially when visiting a widow with a small child, both victims of HIV/Aids.  This lady actually lived in the beautiful part of the city of Bangalore.  Surrounded by luxurious apartments, her home is tiny-when entering it is necessary to bend one's head.  Considering that this is 2010 the poverty we witnessed was quite painful.  A small room made up with walls of cow dung and a dirt floor, no chairs, no table only a bed on which lay a profoundly handicapped little girl of seven years.  She looked like a three year old.

How this lady managed is beyond description.  She had to leave the child alone in this dark hovel while she went out to work for a pittance, cleaning in the surrounding apartments, going home occasionally to administer to the needs of her little girl.  Because the room was so tiny her cooking was done outside on a fire.  I felt personally the urgent need to help.  The sight was so sad it affected us all in the group.  This is where the CARE HOME PROJECT helps, by providing this very sick lady and child with support, food and medicine.  We are also going to get her help with her little girl who sadly lacks stimuli, yet responded to our attention with smiling eyes.  

Editor's Note: Maureen has since updated us on the above situation.  She was able to send a special frame with suspended toys to Divia (the little girl) and the photo shows that this was a success.  Sadly Divia died of a chest infection in July.   


Kirton Village Day Classes
Saturday 18th September 2010

Here is a list of classes for the Village Day, so you can all be thinking about which ones you may like to enter:

Childrens 3-7 years:
1) Decorated cupcake
2) A homemade bracelet
3) Fairy garden - on a tray/container no bigger than 10 cm x 20 cm

Childrens 7-11 years:
4) A bookmark
5) A Lego model

Craft Classes:
1) A handmade card
2) A cross stitched item
3) A water colour painting
4) A knitted item
5) A photograph – plant or flower
6) A photograph – animal
Photos to be no bigger than 8 x 10" and unframed

Agricultural classes:
1) Longest Bean
2) Tomatoes – up to three on a plate – any variety
3) Carrots – up to three on a plate – any variety
4) Onions – up to three on a plate – any variety
5) A Marrow
6) Parsnips – up to three on a plate – any variety
7) A Pepper
8) Potatoes – up to three on a plate – any variety
9) Beetroot – up to three on a plate – any variety
10) Oddest looking vegetable
Vegetables must be fresh and all varieties must be labelled

Food classes:
1) A fruit loaf
2) A fruit pie
3) Jam tarts – 6 on a plate
4) Victoria sponge – with jam and cream
5) Decorated cake

Other classes:
1) Wine - fruit or flower, not kit form, clear bottle, plain white label
(ie Apple wine, Sept 2010)
2) Foral arrangements.
Children’s classes will be 50p per entry and all others will be £1 per entry.


Kirton Kids Club

Kirton Kids’ Club is looking forward to its twelth birthday at the end of the year. We have seen so many children grow up under our roof. From their reception days - to the end of year six. The building echos with the happy noises of busy children laughing and joining in with each other.

Kirton Kids’ Club is run as a charity, all money is ploughed back into the running of the club – buying the equipment and activities for the children, paying staff wages and the renting of the building.

The club is open every morning term time from half seven to school and after school until 5.45 pm. The children are given a choice of breakfast in the mornings and a snack after school. They are escorted to and from school by Kids’ Club staff and helpers.

The children enjoy a huge variety of games, activities, arts and crafts, sports and media to keep them occupied and happy during the sessions. Their space inside and out is well used and ideal for our sessions. The walls covered in children’s art and information.

We are proud to be part of the Kirton Community and proud that local businesses and schools are involved in the club on a daily basis.

If you wish to know more about the club or want to book children in please feel free to pop in during session times or phone 722426 for more information.


Teddies' Tunes
Pre-school Music and Craft Activity Groups

We meet every Monday during term time at the Methodist Church Hall, London Road, Kirton. Sessions start at 9.30am and cost £4.00 per week for 1 child and accompanying adult (parent / grandparent / carer). There is a discount for siblings.
TEDDIES’ TUNES has been running in the Boston area for almost 10 years and has recently started in Kirton.

A typical Teddies’ Tunes session consists of 45 minutes of structured musical activities including: Action songs and rhymes, Finger rhymes, Percussion instruments, Rhythm activities, Movement and circle games.

This is followed by: a simple craft activity for you to enjoy with your child , free play with a small box of toys, refreshments and time to chat and make new friends.
Hundreds of children and their families have enjoyed Teddies’ Tunes over the last 10 years. Why not join them. The new term starts on Monday 6th September.

Contact Rosemary Brown on 01205 367004 for more information or to book a place. Mention ‘Kirton News’ and receive your first session FREE!


Health & Wellbeing Event
Fundraising For The Hakusan City Exchange

A health and wellbeing event will take place on Saturday 19th September at Kirton Town Hall, in aid of raising funds for the Hakusan City Exchange project. The event will be held from 10.00am until 4.30pm and admission is £3.50. Under 14’s are free when accompanied by adult.

Many exhibitors, demos and speakers will be featured including a guest speaker and raffle drawn by celebrity. Refreshments will also be available.
More details are available from Tammy on 07725 016001.


Missing Cat

Large male tabby cat missing from King Street since June. He has a mushroom coloured belly and grey blue fur on top and is called Piccard. Please call 07979514228 if seen. Thank you.


Our local Gardening Club

2010 sees Frampton Gardening Club enjoying another very successful year. We meet at Frampton Village Hall at 7-30pm on the last Thursday of each month, except June and July, when we run coach outings to famous Gardens/Halls.

In June 46 members visited Normanby Hall and Gardens in North Lincolnshire,(this was the childhood home of ‘Sam’ Cameron, the PM’s wife) and its grounds included the only totally period-correct Victorian Walled Garden in Britain.

In July we took 39 members to the spectacular Cottesbrooke Hall and Gardens in Northamptonshire, -reputed to be the inspiration for Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park”, and today housing the finest collection of sporting paintings in Europe, known as the Woolavington Collection.

Our varied Thursday speakers have included Susan Frudd on creating a wildlife garden, Trevor Rogers on Victorian Walled Gardens, Tom Holland on creating Spring colour in hanging baskets, and Geoff Hodge on the life of a Gardening Writer/Editor.
Our Autumn meetings begin on Thursday 26th August with Hazel Kaye talking about notable gardens in the East of England; on September 30th we have Janette Merillion (possibly one of the best Lincolnshire speakers about horticulture); then on October 28th John Gregory will describe how beginners can succeed with bulbs; and finally on November 25th Harold Leach will entertain us with tales of being a SAGA host on garden tours.

Our Annual Dinner will be held around Christmas 2010 or early January 2011.
New members are always welcome and could attend a couple of ‘taster’ meetings free of charge if they wish.

Enquiries are welcome at:
Ray Harding -Secretary - Tel: 01205 723181
Bill Castle -Chairman - Tel: 01205 722935

Local Policing

During the early summer months Kirton witnessed several problems regarding anti-social behaviour in the village.
These have primarily been youth related issues which have seen large amounts of criminal damage caused to properties and vehicles.

In a response to the upsurge in anti-social behaviour in Kirton the South Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team has acted pro-actively to reduce incidents and identify those responsible for commiting criminal acts.

Frequent late night patrols have been carried out and hotspot locations have been specifically targeted as part of a concentrated effort to bring about a swift resolution to the problems.This action culminated in three juveniles being arrested for public order offences at the end of June. In addition, further charges were brought against these individuals relating to numerous offences of criminal damage around the village.

These individuals have been charged with these offences and have appeared at court where they have been ordered to pay compensation for damage they have caused. They are also being dealt with on matters of anti-social behaviour by the South Rural NPT and Anti Social B ehaviour Officers at Boston Borough Council. Since these offences were dealt with the latter half of the summer period has been a great deal quieter and reported incidents of anti-social behaviour have decreased by half. The South Rural Policing Team are also going to be working with Children’s Services throughout September on a Green Open Space Sports Project.

The scheme has already been piloted in Wyberton where it has been a huge success and it aims to give young people a chance to play sports in a designated supervised environment during the evenings and hopefully reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour even further
Regrettably, Kirton has also been subject to a number of burglaries in recent weeks. During early August a spate of rural burglaries at farm buildings and isolated premises in the Kirton End and Kirton Holme areas took place.

Plant machinery and power tools were stolen from a number of properties and investigations are being carried out to identify the perpetrators. There have also been an increase in burglaries in the village itself with reported incidents on the Hardwick Estate and Edinburgh Drive whereby thieves have been targeting unnoccupied properties and electronic items and other valuables have been stolen.

Please can I ask all residents to remain vigilant and look out for any suspicious persons or vehicles around the village, especially during hours of darkness. If you see anything suspicious please do not hesitate to report it on any of the following telephone numbers:

PCSO Neil Williams - Tel: 07939 886327
PCSO Jon Thornton - Tel: 07944 776733
PC Martin Appleby - Tel: 07500 920446
Kirton Police Station - Tel: 01205 722002

There is also a new non-emergency number for contacting the police which has replaced the old 01205 366222 telephone number. The new number is 0300 111 0300.

PCSO Neil Williams

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

13/06/2010 - Isobelle Rose Rowett
27/06/2010 - Skye Lacy Dawson
04/07/2010 - Charlie Thomas Atkin
11/07/2010 - Emily & Jack Smith
11/07/2010 - Charlie Michael Dent
18/07/2010 - Natalie Frost

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

04/06/2010 - Gary James Hall & Laura Jane Prosser
05/06/2010 - Keith Drury & Julia Priestley
26/06/2010 - John Gordon Morris & Amy Louise Chapman
24/07/2010 - Karl Anthony Louth & Zoe Anne Forman

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

07/07/2010 - Mr Sam Stevens