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©Kirton News 2025 |
September 20112
The Editors Letter Difficult to find anything to rant about, having had such an excellent Summer! Let’s go into Autumn pulling together Kirton. Let’s think about the word, ‘Community’; ‘Commune’; Communicate. Fellowship; Interaction; Friendship; Companionship. Talk to your neighbours - you might be pleasantly surprised. Let’s all join Graves Park and have a Village Sunday Jamboree. Just see who is actually out there. Let’s do something to bring us together. I’ve been resident here [not quite yet a local] for 29 years and have seen the village grow in numbers and diversity, but shrink in passion and basic humanity. Let’s get back to those ‘Good Old Days’ where everyone knew each others business’, but helped each other out and benefitted from doing so. Going to bed at night thinking you’ve made someone’s day just a little bit special - with no financial or material reward involved - can be a great medicine. It cures many ills and angsts. Try it! And, meanwhile, if any of you out there fancy joining the team at Kirton News; if any one wants to have a say or make a contribution - get in touch. It’s getting to be a lonely limb: I could do with the company. Sam Graves Park - part deux! The 1950s saw Graves Park being used extensively by members of the community. One of the main early ‘movers’ were the popular Green Circle Table Tennis Club whose HQ was the Black Bull. Members included well known local names such as Fossitt and Fyson; Thorne and Cowham; Traves, Hardy, Flatters and many more. Post World War II, with rationing still in place on many items and austerity still a recent memory for some - very much a way of life for others, people still knew the ‘secret’ of enjoyment gleaned from the simplest of pleasures and pastimes: still knew the value of friendships and good companions.
In September 1957 the land was officially taken on by the Trustees and a Committee formed to take the facility onward and upward. Originally meeting in a tin hut on the field there soon followed a move to the Black Bull(!) The committee laid down their plans. November 1959 saw the completion and Grand Opening of the new, £4,000 Sports Pavillion with ‘Home’ and ‘Away’ dressing rooms; inside (as well as outside) toilets, a large central Club Room, and Kitchen. The opening was a grand event in the Village Social calendar. Thanks were given to the many volunteers who (in some cases, quite literally) did the ‘spade work’. The finished pavilion, it was said, was quoted as a model of excellence and enterprise to other sports and playing field associations throughout the County. Things looked set fair for Graves Park; but the rug was soon to be removed. As early as 1964 cracks had not only appeared, but become a yawning chasm. In April of that year the ‘Standard’ reported a “Decline in the use of Kirton playing field”. The committee which, only five years before were meeting almost once a week, had not met for a full year. There was, simply, “nothing to discuss”. The sports club who rented the facility looked after themselves but some of those were in serious decline. The Kirton and District Cricket Club no longer used the ground. They were, for the ‘64 season, unable to raise a team, having only 4 players on their books. The youth of Kirton, it was said, would “rather be at the Gliderdrome than on the cricket field”.Apathy reigned. Even the football pool had collapsed; the reason given:- a lack of VOLUNTEERS to act as collectors. Getting the message? NOTHING works without support! Use it, or lose it. Although Kirton was, even then, considered a large village (almost a town) the temptations of the nightlife and entertainment available so close by; the bright lights of Boston(!!) was too much for some. Well used by children (although the “doors were in need of a coat of paint and the grass could do with a crop”) it wasn’t enough when the young adults and more were not making sufficient use of the venue. This was one thing the committee had little control over. In the past years a lot of good work had been done. A major offensive was needed to retrieve and re-vitalize Graves Park to make sure that effort hadn’t been in vain. In 1966, in the midst of England’s celebrations of some minor sporting triumph, the cash ran out. A crisis meeting was called and the Committee officially re-formed. GP’s future was in the balance!! It was decided to form the Graves Park Social Club and make better (and more economic) use of the building: making wider use of the available space. The centre room was re-carpeted, re-decorated and re-lit to become a “very attractive lounge with modern furniture”. The kitchen was transformed into a “smart Bar with a modern lighting system”. A portion of wall was demolished making the snooker room more a part of the main building. In October 1967 at the official opening, Mr. John Bateman congratulated all concerned for thier efforts and said he was sure the facility would now go from “strength to strength” (this was the first occasion in a much longer association between Graves Park and the local brewing family). Further plans were also declared to extend the pavilion for a table tennis and tea room.
The Graves Park Committee Chairman, Mr. F. Fossitt, spoke of the work done by the Club during the past year. He stated that the committee decided to go ahead with the plans for a Social Club as a means of raising funds for the upkeep of the entire Park facility - sports and all. The Green Circle Club have now made the Park their home, with five teams in the Boston League. There will also be two darts’ teams and a snooker league team. A social evening followed.” The difference? The Village embraced the facilities on offer. They USED it as THEIR social venue. How many 18ths’; 21sts’; Weddings; Christenings? “A social evening followed.....” The first of many over the coming decades. ....To be continued. Kirton Town touring France/Belgium 1959. Back row: Colin Dixon, Ernie Lawson, Reg Port, Gordon Hicks, Alec Hall, Lee Harmston, Jack Baxter. Front row: Pete Loveday, Brian Wilson, Ralph Woods, Colin Cumberworth, Jim Fossitt. Middle right: October 1968. Miss Graves Park, Janet Benton, cuts the tape watched by club members Top Left: Opening the new Sports Pavilion in 1959 with ladies of the Kirton British Legion serving refreshments (below)
What Granny used to say This month Granny provides us with a set of useful tips when on holiday! • Eating garlic and drinking stout is said to help repel insects. • Lemon is a natural antiseptic; therefore, lemon juice dabbed on insect bites will take away the itch, burn and help dry it out. • Hang clothes in the shower room, the steam will get the creases out. • A light eau de cologne is an ideal refresher when travelling. • Put feet in brown paper bags under inflight socks to prevent swelling – just don’t get up to go to the toilet!!!!! • On the beach don't try and rub sand away from between toes and fingers, but shake baby talcum powder on hands and feet and the sand comes away easily, • Pack dark colour clothing to cut down on washing whilst away. • Photocopy passport and carry separately in case of loss. • Place a golf ball on the floor and roll bare foot over it whilst travelling. This helps circulation. • If you don’t wear sunglasses for a couple of days after arrival it will help you adjust to daylight more quickly and get over the effects of jet lag.
Vintage Tractors plough a deep furrow! Congratulations go out to all those who organised and supported this years’ Vintage Tractor Run from Fosdyke. The annual event - which took place on May 13th this year - continues to flourish. All funds have now been safely ‘gathered in’ and the Committee is proud to report the total raised this year for (Boston and District) Macmillan Cancer Support is a magnificent £3,405. Brilliant!! The Committee would like to say a big “thank you” for all your support. Letters to the Editor It may have escaped your notice but, there’s a large hole down Willington Road. It’s been there some time. I know that Anglian Water/May Gurney have been posting regular newsletters detailing the “progress”(?) of the job for some months. I’ve read them. They give very little information of any use and even less hope of an end in sight. A local resident (Hemmington Way) is so fed up she has written to her MP - Mark Simmonds. Can he, with the Might of Parliament at his disposal, extract any more information? The following is transcribed verbatim. Read on... From the Managing Director, Anglian Water: Dear Mr Simmonds, Thank you for your letter dated 25 June 2012 regarding the sewer work being undertaken at Church Lane, Kirton. I am sorry to learn of this situation and the effect that it has had on your constituents. Due to the emergency nature of the work it was not possible to give the appropriate notice to the local residents to inform them of the road closure. However, we did send letters informing those closest to the excavation that the road would be closed. A road closure has been necessary on both occasions to ensure safe working conditions and the safety of the general public. Regrettably, with both excavations there have been unseen operational delays. To try to keep residents informed, our contractors (May Gurney) have been sending an informative newsletter to those near the excavation. With regard to May Gurney’s work ethic, we have raised your concerns with their supervisors. However, there have been several operational problems that have slowed down the progress of the work. The soil condition is very poor, which has meant excavating has been very difficult. We have had to conduct property surveys and also had to have the excavation support designed prior to the work continuing. We have had to remove an overhead BT cable and also remove the ground water from the excavation, which has proven difficult due to the heavy rainfall that we have seen. During the first excavation there was also a burst water pipe which had to be rectified. In the current excavation the water main had to be relocated. Unfortunately, the leaking sewerage pipes to which Mr and Mrs Lidgett refer were due to vandalism at the site, which we believe took place one night at a weekend. The equipment has now been secured as much as possible. I am sorry for the inconvenience that we have caused but the work we are doing is vital to ensuring the sewer is fully operational. I hope I have clarified the situation, but if you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact me again. Yours sincerely Well, there you are. Incidentally, Mark Simmonds’ contact details are in this very publication!!!!! Sam Kirton Sports News Wow oh Wow!! What an amazing 2 weeks we were treated to with the Olympics. Well done to everyone who took part for putting on an amazing show. Sport in School Unfortunately due to all the rain the field was flooded and all sports day were cancelled. All members of staff, the children and parents were all disappointed and hopefully the weather will be better next year. The school however did make use of the rare glimpse of decent weather by staging their own Olympic ceremony on the field. This included a cheerleading display from the children and also our very own Olympic torch relay, capped off with a giant whole school Mexican wave it’s safe to say Olympic fever hit the school. Football All the football teams in Kirton have had pre season friendlies and training hard ready for the new season. All of the teams have also been drawn in matches for the 1st round of their respective cup competitions. Good luck to all the teams in their cup matches, also good luck to all teams from Kirton as they start the new league season in the next couple of weeks. A full review of the new season will be available from next month!! Quiz Time Thinking time -
What four letter sport begins with a T? Remember!!
Kirton Kids ClubBy the time you read this the children will be back to school and settled into their new classes or for the little ones – getting used to their new lives as primary school children! The summer holidays will be a distance memory and everyone will be looking forward to the next big event – Christmas! But let me step back a month to the summer holiday sessions – the children that attended were involved in so many activities it’s hard to name them all. It’s good to watch children use their imaginations, develop and learn through play. They socialise and share but while doing all of these they enjoy themselves in safe, modern surroundings with qualified staff who care about the children and their development. The club is open every day term time from 7.30am to school and after school to 5.45pm. Holiday sessions are advertised in advance on our website www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk where contact details can also be found. If you are thinking of going back to work or updating your qualifications and need childcare either end of the school day and want a childcare setting that is not only good value for money but was established thirteen years ago and has served the local community ever since – then call us on 07583 762072. Prices are kept low to enable more parents and carers the chance to access the facility for their children: Breakfast club £3.20 per child per session / afterschool £4.30 per child per session (with a discount for related siblings at same sessions). Feel free to pop in to the club (next to the village Church) and have a look around and a chat to staff. For more information please go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school website.
Royal British Legion Trip to
When we arrived at the Arboretum the sun had got his hat on and a lone piper played us off the coach (He was tuning up his instrument up for an event later that day). This event turned out to be the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the Queens Royal Hussars and their comrades; I watched the unveiling of the plaque but missed the service of dedication as this was held inside owing to the weather. The size of the arboretum is huge and although we had four hours there it was still not enough time to see all of it and more reclaimed land is being donated as the gravel working come to an end. Our thanks would like to go to Phil Haines coaches and their driver Dave Cairns for making the coach drive so enjoyable, the remains of the proceeds has been donated between the National Memorial Arboretum and the Poppy Appeal which now takes our district donation to the Poppy Appeal fund to over £3,500. The appeal for 2011 ends on 30th September and the 2012 appeal start on 1st October, so I am looking for volunteers. If there is anyone willing to give up an hour of their time to do house to house collecting for us in the Wigtoft, Sutterton and Fosdyke area we would be very grateful, so please get in touch with me at the contact address below. Thanks again to everyone, your Poppy Appeal Organiser
Popular money course to run again as people say they need tactics to cope with the economic downturn Boston and Kirton residents are being given another chance to get their finances in order with a popular free course being run by a local church. Money coach Carol Lidgett, who will be helping to lead the sessions, said: “If you know how to save and budget effectively, it can have a hugely positive impact on the whole family. With households feeling the squeeze on their disposable income, we’ve all got to get a bit more savvy about our money to get through these tough times.” New Life and Kirton Parish churches are among more than a thousand churches of different Christian traditions across the UK who are regularly offering the course, as they work together to positively impact the communities around them. CAP Money has been found to be useful for newly retired people, soon-to-be students, mums dealing with mounting bills, families saving for a wedding and everyone in between. Carol added: “We hope that we can help people, quietly and confidentially, take the guess work out of their situation so they can plan for the future, sort out any problems early and come through unscathed.” The next course takes place at New Life Fellowship at The Junction in Kirton, starting at 7.15pm on Monday 6th October. To find out more about CAP Money or to book your place visit www.capmoney.org or telephone Carol on 01205 724507 Christians Against Poverty is a home-grown debt counselling charity which is determined to reduce poverty in the UK caused by debt.
Voluntees required by VOLUNTEERS from Boston are being sought by a charity to offer its service users practical and emotional support. TheRed Cross offers a care in the home facility called First Call that offers practical and emotional support whilst maintaining dignity and independence at home through regular telephone support calls, companionship and social visits by volunteers. Volunteers will also support practical tasks such as shopping. Spokesman Paula Wilson said: “We are looking for caring and compassionate volunteers in and around the Boston and Kirton area who would like to help and support people in their own homes who may be vulnerable or are experiencing a particular time of crisis. “As a First Call volunteer people will have the rewarding experience of helping people who need that little extra support at home to maintain their independence. All of our volunteers have the opportunity to learn new skills and meet other volunteers across the Red Cross. “The time limited service of up to 12 weeks is invaluable in assisting people to build their self-confidence and their ability to cope.” The service provides individuals and their carers with access to support and services that they may feel are relevant to increase their independence. This service is available to everyone and referrals are accepted from individuals, family members, friends and neighbours, social services, hospitals, doctors and other health care professionals. For more information call 0845 054 7171 or by emailing firstcall@redcross.org.uk. Music Bugs at Kirton Town Hall
As well as a large choice of instruments to choose from, children have the chance to play with puppets, pom-poms, scarves, rhythm sticks, parachutes, balls, bubbles and our very popular hobby horses. No-obligation taster sessions are available for our Kirton sessions and we are offering your taster session FREE (normally £4.50) if you quote KIRTON NEWS on booking. Sessions at the town hall are available for children from 6 months to 4 years and run on Thursdays at 10am with other sessions locally in Boston and Spalding. Classes return on Thursday 13th September. Booking is essential. Contact Sarah Parkinson on 0844-578-1015, email sarah@musicbugs.co.uk or visit www.musicbugs.co.uk/classes/grantham.php Class fees are £4.50 per session with discounts available for siblings and twins. A very warm welcome awaits you at Music Bugs and we look forward to seeing you. Kirton Church Fund The Kirton Church Fund (KCF) has been running now for three months. The September draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month.The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church Fund to help save the church roof. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Currently we have only 34 members taking part so there is plenty of room for more members ( and a very good chance of winning). We still need to raise a lot of money for the roof and it would be a terrible shame if we don’t manage to raise the money and the church has to close. You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Registration forms are available from The Black Bull, The Merry Monk, Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. June 2012 Winners July 2012 Winners Anyone for an Allotment? Kirton Parish Council would like to know whether there is any requirement for allotments in the village? If anyone is interested, please contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Belinda Buttery on 01205 460618 or email belindabuttery@hotmail.com. What is Alpha?
Churches together in Kirton are running a new 10 week Alpha Course starting on Friday 28th September 2012. 7.00pm. Hosted by New Life Fellowship, The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ. To book your place please phone: 01205 369936 or 07985 149607. Everyone is welcome.
It's Kirton Library's Birthday This Month! Thank you for all the kind comments and lovely cakes and biscuits it was fabulous to share them at our birthday celebration. Story & Rhyme Time for Under 5s: Knit Chat: Booksale: Author of the month: Philippa Gregory Library Opening Hours:
Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club
Can we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the month. Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help. For Non Members there is a waiting list to join our 200 Club names can be added to this list in the Surgery Reception. ONCE AGAIN A BIG THANK YOU to all members of the 200 Club for your support. June 2012 Winners July 2012 Winners A plea from Kirton Parish Council: Let’s get together and beat Vandalism
Windows have been broken. Doors barricaded to stop people inside the Town Hall getting out. Hanging baskets pulled down and generally nuisance behaviour. Your children are your responsibility and you should know what they are doing and where they are. Anti social behaviour is also prevalent in other parts of the village too. Damage is being done to trees in the new Park off Church Lane. Litter is being left all over the grass. This is a facility for families not for youths to trash. Please help us to look after our village. Please will all residents report any incidents of Anti-social behaviour, criminal damage, thefts, etc. etc. etc. directly to the Police and not to the Parish Council. This is because further information may be required regarding the incident. When you report an incident you must remember to get a crime number. Each crime number is logged onto the police computer, these statistics help tell the Police where there is most need for them to patrol. So even minor things must be reported. If the police do not know about a pattern emerging or a wave of a particular crime, then how can they deal with it?
The Diamond Jubilee 2012 Never before all the days of our lives Beneath all the splendour, the pomp and the pageantry For Her Diamond Jubilee let us be thankful
Editors Note: We haven’t heard from Gladys for a bit. She is well into her eighties now and not as prolific as she once was but, as you may appreciate, her creativity and brilliant, sensitive touch with words has not diminished. I’m still trying to get funds together to publish a book of her poetry. The nation deserves to read her - she has a fantastic catalogue. It’ll take about £600 to get her in print. Any proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards the Spina Bifida Association. Gladys has had a life-long battle with the condition. If any of you out there can spare a few bob to help me (and Gladys) complete this task just get in touch with me through the usual channels. Please help. She’s worth it! Sam The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
DonationsThe magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-
Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), |