©Kirton News 2025

September 2014

The Editors Letter

Well, I think it’s been a cracking Summer. Good sport, for those of you that way inclined; and not only did we win stuff but played the game well in so many disciplines, ladies and gents combined. And ‘playing the game’ has historically always been the British way.... hasn’t it?

We, as a nation, are going through a bit of an obsession with history at the moment. The first World War remembrances have only just started and will continue on to 2018. Kirton News has also had an historical bent to it lately with Ken Pearson’s facinating History Digest which continues this month. September also sees an intoduction to another local figure who has played his part in the more recent second world conflict - and beyond.

Gordon Ramsey had, what they used to call a ‘good war’. As has often happened, such horrific conflagrations not only bring fear, death, destruction and suffering but can also provide excitement and adventure never before imagined. And Gordon, now in his mid nineties, certainly had some adventures!

I, like many of you out there, am from one of the fortunate generations who have never had to answer the call to duty of Queen (or King) and Country - but I am also one of those who believe that the contribution his generation made to our future should never be forgotten and we should never tire of being reminded or informed of it; I also subscribe to the belief that we are what our history makes us. So Kirton News makes no apologies for banging on about this whenever possible.

But history is only a day away, and many of our community continue to make their own little ripple in the pond. By the time you read this, almost certainly, Aimee Hayward will be bald! A local girl in her mid twenties, Aimee is raising money on behalf of her Grandad - Merv - to help continue the fight against Cancer. She will have raised hundreds of quid for a battle of a different kind; but one that can, potentially, affect us all - and be won. The money raising event happened on August 31st but, if anyone wants to make a further contribution, Aimee works at Rush Hairdressers. I’m sure she would welcome a contribution.

Gordon, as a lad, answered his calling. Aimee has answered hers. Both ‘heroes’ in their own right - however big or small the sacrifice, you have to steel yourself to make it.

It’s amazing how small an act you need to perform to make a big difference. The impact may not be immediate, but over time - and for a long time it can count.

We can all make a difference - it’s just a question of being bothered!



Quite an Adventure

A nine year old lad shoots pigeons off his local church tower. The year is 1928 - or thereabouts. He is caught by the vicar but, not chastized as expected, is congratulated and encouraged to be ridding God’s House of those ‘interminable pests’.

And admired for his accuracy and prowess. A steady eye will serve him well in the future.

A little more than a decade later, Gordon Ramsey, born and bred in Willington Road, Kirton, is part of an early intake into the RAF. He goes on to perform in several ‘theatres’ and is one of - sadly, not so many - to complete several tours of duty, and come out the other end.

But his flying career - and his adventures - are only just beginning in 1939.

With significant contributions made during and well after the end of World War II - and still another lifetime ahead of him, Gordon Ramsey has had ‘Quite an Adventure’.

There isn’t room in our September issue to do him - anything like - justice; so the story continues, fair and fowl... in November.


A History Digest - part 4

The frequent changes in company’s names on our buses will take another turn in 1928. A firm called Lincolnshire Road Car Co. Ltd. will complete the building, on London Road, Boston, of a garage to house their green buses. They plan to operate a seven days a week service, including evenings.

London’s poor were entertained to celebrate the Coronation of their King Edward VII, son of our late Queen Victoria, by lavish dinners in their streets. What they probably did not know was that the potatoes they ate had been presented by farmers W. Dennis & Sons in Kirton, Lincolnshire, at a cost of £1,000.

‘Langley’s Works’, as they have come to be known, will disappear from the site at No.1 Boston Road during 2003, to be replaced by houses. The firm was widely known earlier in the 20th century, for manufacture and construction of commercial greenhouses.

During 1946, the names of the men who died in the Second World War will be inscribed on our War Memorial. They number less than a quarter of those lost in 1914 - 18. Only one surname appears on both lists: F. Gulson on the first; F.V. Gulson on the second.

Will 1790 go down in history as the year when the magnificent parish church of Kirton, known as ‘The Cathedral of the Fens’, collapses in ruins? The churchwardens were warned that a crack in its tower actually opens and closes as its bells are rung.

Mr. Dean Tunnard has purchased Harvey House in Station Road, and says he will remove its old garden wall and Mr. Fossitt’s cycle and motor cycle business. By 1925 he plans to have built a new motor garage, including workshop, showroom and a petrol vending pump.

Our marshes at Skeldyke were recently the scene of a tragedy. On 25th August 1902, four people from Kirton Holme went there for a summer’s day outing, and were drowned while swimming in a creek.

The mansion built by the Bozon family, already referred to as ‘Bozon Hall’, is now having a defensive moat dug around it, said to be a quarter-mile long. It will be completed by the end of 1377.

1st October 1924 will go down in the history of Kirton Agricultural Institute in Willington Road as the day on which Captain J. Wallace, its Principal, welcomed the first thirteen enrolled students. It is not a ‘residential’ college.

Boston Equitable Industrial Co-operative Society intends to open a branch in Kirton. They have bought land on The Green facing the horse pond and plan to begin trading by 1903.

1598 will see publication of a book called ‘Wit’s Treasury’, which contains many references to the work of the playwright Willian Shakespeare. Its author is 33 years old Francis Meres, who hails from the town of Kirton in the county of Lincoln.


The Kirton Church Fund

June’s draw was quite an eventful one. We had to pull out four numbers before we found one that was still taking part in the draw! Then we pulled one of our luckiest player’s number out. The winner is part of a husband and wife team who have numbers 11 and 12 and number 11 has now won three times while number 12 has won twice. Congratulations to this lucky pair!

It certainly pays to stay in the draw as proved also in the July draw. Number 6 has now won three times too. Number 2 was considering not renewing this year but is glad he kept in there. Remember you have to be in it to win it!

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning).

The August draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

June 2014 Winners

July 2014 Winners

Welcome Kirton Parish Church


Church social afternoons

The social afternoons are held in church on the first Wednesday of every month from 2pm – 4pm. There is a good variety of activities available as well as plenty of time to chat and socialise. Everyone is welcome to come. The £1 donation to the club includes refreshments. Contact Margaret Ormston on 01205 722052 for any further information regarding the social club.

Church Outing

An afternoon coach outing to Alford Manor House has been arranged for Friday 5th September 2014. Alford Manor House, built in 1611, is reputedly one of the largest thatched manor houses in the country. There will be a tour of the house, gardens and museum to visit and time for refreshments in the tea rooms. The cost of the coach trip is to be confirmed. To book a place, please contact Carol Lidgett on 01205 724507.

Puppets in church

A puppet group is coming into church on Sunday 7th September at 10.30am. The group will be telling the bible story of ‘The Lost Sheep’. Come and join the puppets for a fun and inspiring service. Everyone is welcome.

Annual Christmas Tree Festival 2014

The 5th Annual Christmas Tree Festival will be held in church on Saturday & Sunday 6th - 7th December and on Saturday & Sunday 13th - 14th December 2014.

All clubs, organisations and businesses which have supported the Christmas Tree Festival in previous years by sponsoring a Christmas tree, will be contacted by the end of September.

If you are a local club, business or organisation and have never taken part in the church Christmas Tree Festival, but would like to sponsor a decorated Christmas tree this year, please contact Margaret Ormston on 01205 722052 for further details.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

22nd June - Emily Jane Ann Maw
29th June - Paisley Jo Eileen Hancock
13th July - Casper James Pearson & Dylan Ralph Pearson
19th July - Daisy Ann Richardson
20th July - Olivia Louise Pollard
20th July - Heath Winston Bertie Cooper - at The Methodist
27th July - Tyler Shaun Marshall & Scarlett Elsie Marshall
27th July - Felicity Amelia Keal
3rd August - Zak Michael Mcallister Vice
10th August - William Charles Clubb

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

7th June - James Edward Emerson & Victoria Louise Waples
28th June - Lee Adam Holland & Amy Loise Kenny
12th July - Joseph William Hicks & Sarah Louise Turner
2nd August - Shaun Paul Thompson & Hayley Louise Bemrose
26th August - Matthew Ryan Thorley & Gemma Maria Wade

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

12th June - Nora Francis Dowse (Boston Crematorium)
20th June - Elsie Eileen Whitworth (Kirton Church & Boston Crematorium)
24th June Joseph William Tunnard (Algarkirk Church & Surfleet Crematorium)
31st July Sally Evelyn Wainwright (Fosdyke Church & Surfleet Crematorium)