©Kirton News 2025

September 2016

The Editors Letter

Well, we had guts enough to go against our ‘Masters’ and take a step towards true democracy - if those at the top can’t still wiggle out of it!

What we need now is to grow our home industries and get back to exporting. And, take a serious look at what we have, already established, in the ‘Commonwealth’ - largely ignored since the 1980’s - Apartheid and all that.

The front cover this month illustrates two aspects of local industry. One, the skeleton of a new car dealership being built on Wash Road; the other of a once busy food processing unit now being demolished for... guess what... more houses.

Being only a simple chap I would then question the logic of taking up, what is generally recognized locally as some of the finest and most productive arable land in the area to put a few Jags on (providing a few jobs) and demolishing a (relatively) efficient produce factory which used to employ hundreds. But I guess that’s why I’m here typing this rubbish and not a ‘Captain of Industry’.

Can we - and in fact shouldn’t we - have some of the money in the pot thrown at this area to help revitalize industry and provide regular, long term, sustainable employment? It seems that now, since the ‘tragic’ events of June 23rd the Government have actuallt realized there is life outside the M25 (for ‘life’ read ‘votes’) and are talking again of breathing life into the North and North East.

So what about a bit nearer to home? Are we in the East not worthy?

How are local kids going to earn the money to afford any of these properties being built in and around Kirton. I know full well that my two children, in their mid to late 20s’, will struggle to rent, let alone buy a home if they want to stay local. But why stay?

I walked through the village today (as I do almost every day) but purposely looking around and remembering just what was here when the memsahib and I moved in thirty three years ago. It’s a sorry tale.

Apart from the obvious empty shops and near closures there seem to be no spirit to the place anymore. No soul.

Plenty of new bricks and shiny front doors with plenty of people being determined to stay inside their fortresses; only venturing out for a few steps to the security of their motor cars. To shop at Tesco or Sainsbury (other megalomaniac consumer outlets are available). I dunno! Why do I bother?

Because I still have faith in people’s spirit. I know getting together on a local level can be so rewarding and really make a difference.

To quote a line spoken by Stephen Hawking and performed by Pink Floyd... ‘all we have to do is keep talking’.



Richard’s Sky Dive for the Woods

Richard Austin has always nursed an ambition to do a sky dive. Now, as an 80th birthday present from his wife, Alison, he is to leap from an aircraft at 13,500 feet.

In typical fashion Richard, a borough councillor who lives at Wyberton, decided to put the thrill of his leap of faith to good purpose and is looking for sponsorship to raise money for a charity close to his heart – Boston Woods Trust.

 He joked that Alison, also a borough councillor, would not let him do the parachute drop until after they had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary earlier this month.

 He will make the tandem parachute descent in September from Langar airfield in Nottinghamshire. Richard said: “I have a head for heights. I have done a lot of abseiling and flying in my time, but this sky dive will be a first for me.”

He has been heavily involved in the Boston Woods project from the beginning and it has developed to now provide free public access to 110 acres of woods containing 90,000 trees which have been planted and wild flower meadows with more than three-and-a-half miles of all-weather paths.

However the project does needs funds for maintenance and improvement work. The Trust is a charity run entirely by volunteers. You can help the project and sponsor Richard by phoning him on 01205 368351, emailing him at rwa@richardaustin.co.uk going online and making payment from your bank account to the Boston Woods Trust using the reference Sky Dive, account number 00216407, sort code 30-91-04 or by cheque made payable to Boston Woods Trust and sent to Richard Austin, Sky Dive, Cherry Tree Cottage, Low Road, Wyberton, Boston, PE21 7AP. Please write Sky Dive on the back of your cheque.



The Kirton Church Fund

There have been some very lucky people these few two months. Number 14 has been lucky enough to win 3 times this year and had a second prize in the December draw, while number 34 has won 3 times now having a win in April too. Well done to them!

The numbers are drawn independently and witnessed by members of the congregation after the Sunday morning service so it is just luck of the draw.

June marked the start of our fifth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and in that time we have raised £6864 for church funds so a big thank you to all our players. We now have only 45 people taking part, as sadly one of our members has died and another has dropped out so there is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. (That is why the prize money can vary.) The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.

The August draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 72352)

June 2016 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.21 - TICKET NUMBER: 14
2nd PRIZE - £12.40 - TICKET NUMBER: 40

July 2016 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.28 - TICKET NUMBER: 34
2nd PRIZE - £12.42 - TICKET NUMBER: 3



Fay’s Charity Abseil to Raise Awareness

I am contacting everyone on my email list to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer and to try to get some sponsors for an abseil I am doing down the Europa Hotel in Belfast in September to raise money for this worthy cause.

Too often pancreatic cancer is not diagnosed until it is too late because people are not aware of the symptoms. Money will also go to research..

I am doing the abseil with my step- daughter, Kerry, who lost her husband to pancreatic cancer five years ago, only 7 months after being diagnosed. Please sponsor me if you are able to at: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/sidebyside4pc

Any amount will be gratefully received, thank you. Thank you for reading and please check out symptoms below for future reference.

Kind regards,

Fay Houltby


Kirton Kids Club

It is ‘count down’ to school starting again. You can’t believe that six weeks can go so quickly – but it does. The club and school open again on Thurs. 1st September.

Breakfast club is from 7.30 am to school and after school sessions end at 5.45 pm. The morning sessions are £3.50 per child per session and after school is £5.50 per child per session – with a 10% deduction for related siblings attending the same session.

Children are offered a hot or cold breakfast menu plus a drink. After school includes an afternoon ‘tea’ and a drink. There are numerous toys, activities and equipment for your children to keep them busy and happy.
For more information or to book places please call 07583 762072.


The Menace that lurks within our Village

Walking through the village - as I tend to do - I have often been taken, on these recent glorious Summer days, by the beauty of the baskets and flowers; the individual gardens and borders; and the splendid show put on by Messers Luto Senior and Junior at the Black Bull.

It has been a glorious Summer. But there lurks a dangerous undertone. Recently highlighted have been problems along Church Lane.

Those of you who follow Kirton News will be aware of the Skate Park and playground at the Dame Sarah Swift Memorial Park along Church Lane. It is being well used by many but residents know that all is not well.

Dog fouling - that old stalwart, or, should it be stoolwart of our reporting - is disgustingly prevalent in this area. Local folk have approached the Parish Council for provision of a ‘Poo’ Bin and signage detailing fines, etcetera, but to no avail.

Also a traffic nuisance. Cars aproaching Kirton from the South are faced with two nasty right hand bends (first right then left) on which the permitted road speed is marked as the national speed limit. And do they take advantage!

One resident has recently reported they have been in touch with a local authority to ask for speed restrictions and motions to be put in place against those irresponsible pet owners.

As far as speed signs they were told that three thousand pounds would have to be spent. “is that the price of a child’s life” asked our protagonist.

“And will it need an accident for you to take action?” “Yes” (allegedly) was the reply. Shall we get our priorities right? KPC - over to you.


Thank-you from Kirton Church Flower Festival

The churchwardens and PCC of St. Peter & St. Paul Church Kirton would like to thank everyone who supported our recent flower festival, by donating, taking part, helping or just coming along to see the beautiful displays.

Without the help of local groups and businesses we would not be able to make the festival a success and a success it was. With your help we have raised £1890 for our beautiful church.

Special mention:- Ambrose Lighton, The Bell Ringers, Black Bull, Bowls Club, British Legion, Care Home Project, Carl Dunham Butchers, David King, Eagles Fish Restaurant, Four Crossroads, Green Welly Inns, Kirton Church choir, Keshco, Elwood, Briggs and Turner, Frampton Gardening Club, Frampton WI, The Flower Shop, FT Autocentre, Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex, Graham Royce, Jessops, Kirton Church Social Club, Kirton Co-op, Kirton Healthcare, Kirton Guides/Brownies and Rainbows Kirton Kids Club, Kirton Parish Council, Kirton Primary School, Kirton Town Hall, Kirton Walkers, Ladies Luncheon Club, LB Hair Studio, Lincolnshire Pet Crematorium, Little Explores, Lorraine Christine, Martin Duckworth Ltd., Mercers, Methodist Church,, Monday Club, Mothers Union, New Four seasons Chop Suey House, New Life Church, Richard Wilson Motorcycles, Richard Foster, Rush Hair and Beauty, The Salon, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, Sisterhood, White Gables, and all the ladies and gentlemen of the chuch.


Notice of Vacancy for Parish Councillor

If you want to do more for your community, if you want to spend your time productively, and if you can think, listen and act locally then why not apply to become a Parish Councillor.

If you think you have got what it takes to become a Parish Councillor, please contact:

Mrs Belinda Buttery,
Clerk to Kirton Parish Council,
Spring Cottage,
Asperton Road,
Wigtoft, Boston
PE20 2PS or email: belindabuttery@hotmail.com


Good News for Owners of Private Pumping Stations

There may be good news coming for some of your parishioners if they have a private pumping station on their property.

Currently, homeowners have to spend hundreds of pounds every year for electricity running costs, maintenance and repairs to look after these private pumping stations. They may even have been flooded if it’s broken down in the past.  

From October 2016, many of these private pumping stations will transfer over to Anglian Water and become our responsibility. We will take over all of the maintenance and the running costs too, saving customers hassle, worry and money.

We’d like to ask for your support in letting local residents know about this, and asking them to get in touch with us if they think they have a private pumping station. 

To help customers identify and report the pumping stations easily, we have launched a specialist website: www.spotapumpingstation.co.uk.

We have also produced some posters, which you can download here, that can be published in your parish magazines and newsletters, or placed on your parish noticeboards. 

If you have any questions about this campaign, please reply to privatepumpingstations@anglianwater.co.uk. For any other queries, please contact our Public Affairs Team on public.affairs@anglianwater.co.uk.

Thank you in advance for your support.

 Anglian Water Private Pumping
Stations Campaign Team

Parish Council News

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes - June 2016

Public Forum

No residents attended

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman thanked all those who attended the recent Queen’s Birthday Picnic at the Town Hall. He asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Paula Davies who organised the event.

He reported that a shop in the village had recently been raided for issues regarding their alcohol licence. It is understood that their licence has been revoked and that the Borough Council is likely to vote to oppose having it reinstated.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs Austin, Carter, Danby, Edwards, Hannay, Lee and Ransome gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests. Cllr Foster declared a personal interest in the planning item B/15/0180 and took no part in discussions.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Brotherton which was seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 19th May 2016, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

There were no police present however Cllr Turner had recently met with the Police and reported that there appears to be calm in the village currently. Those who had been on the anti-social radar have received varying levels of letter which is having a positive effect on the village.

Cllr Rylott warned residents to be vigilant after her 4x4 had been targeted for a 2nd time (even though it was locked away).

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public. No further action required.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a. Blocked gully’s outside the shops on High Street (from Villager to far end of row) reported to LCC under ref 101000129197

b) Damaged pedestrian guard rail at Church Lane reported to LCC ref 101000127376

c) Investigations into land off Kirton Marsh being owned by the Parish Council have resulted in that the land is owned by the Official Custodian of Charities of the trustees of the Kirton Consolidated Charities of Holmeacres, Holme Road.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) Fields in Trust – Centenary Field – consider whether to protect the land to the rear of the Town Hall as a green space under the Centenary Field project?

It was resolved that the green space behind the Town Hall should be registered under this scheme. Clerk to complete the form.

b) Lincolnshire County Council – Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan core strategy and development management policies – Notification of Adoption on 1st June 2016

c) Lincolnshire County Council - Temporary road Closure - Kirton Holme – Simon Weir Lane – 20.06.2016 – 08.07.2016

d) Bircham Dyson Bell – Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 Proposed Boston Barrier Order – Draft order and draft Location Plan for proposed barrier.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes reported that LCC has agreed not to turn targeted street lighting off at 10 pm, it will be left until midnight before being switched off.

Cllr Austin had been asked at the last meeting to find out what was to happen locally with the 3 million pounds granted to the County Council for potholes. Clerk to chase her to find reply.

Planning applications:

B/16/0155 – Demolition of existing kitchen extension, erection of a single storey extension to form a sun room and kitchen, glazed link to garage and conversion of the garage to a utility room and store at The Old Church, Skeldyke Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of single and two storey extensions and provision of a first floor flat at Jayne Rush, Hair and Beauty, 14 Station Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Accounts for payment

It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 3 of 12 dated June 2016/17 should be paid.

Town Hall

It was reported that the Town Hall is looking into getting smoke alarms fitted as there are none currently in the building.


Cllr Brotherton has now fitted the new lock to the shed.

Reports for Various Bodies

After the flooding today it was deemed even more important to get the emergency plan off the ground properly. Cllr Danby/Brotherton and Carter to be contacted re this.

Cllr Rylott reported that Kirton Holme also had a picnic to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday although this was not advertised in Kirton.

Cllr Still suggested that at future events such as the recent picnics it might be a good idea to have representatives from the council available to residents for a meet and greet during the event.

Cllr Smith had attended the recent LALC meeting. It was reported that the fees will be increased next year for membership. Also LALC felt that the current Standards system was not working too well. The proposed devolution deal for the County was being backed by all councils in Lincolnshire.

Cllr Turner reminded committee heads of the Last Night of the Proms and the Xmas Pensioners party committees to hold a meeting as time is speeding away.

Cllr Foster reported that the Willington Road parking at the end of Willington Road is an accident waiting to happen, plus if an emergency vehicle needed to get through it would struggle as cars are parked on both sides of the roads.

Cllr Foster also reported a missing manhole cover in the roadside opposite Cottage Farm on Donington Road which is a danger to pedestrians walking but also to riders on horseback. Clerk to report to LCC.

Cllr Smith commented that their ought to be double yellow lines at the Nursery on Willington Road too.

Cllr Still will look into whether the land behind the church is consecrated land and whether it can be used as overflow car parking.

The former Case Tractors site will be tidied up imminently and will be regularly maintained after the Planning Enforcement Officer has been in touch with the land owners.

Parish matters Inspection Rota

Cllr Still reported a lot of rubbish in the dykes around the Park. Clerk will report to Drainage Board.

The park is a mess regarding rubbish, it is for the whole village but abused by the minority.

Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

None held.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Kyle John Williams
James william Hicks
Oliver Robert Nigel Carfoot
Felicity Hope Smith

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Mrs Joyce Gwendoline Gill