September 2017
The Editors Letter
September... Well, if it hadn’t been for that interfering Pope Gregory we would still only be in the SEVENTH month of the year instead of nine. Religion, again you see - cocking things up!
As the year relentlessly progresses and nature’s cycle plays out it’s (some would say homo sapienly affected) course it comes to me to pass on a few comments from local folk about naturally related village topics.
Thanks go out to the stealthy stalwart who keeps the verges neatly mowed down Church Lane.
A splendid Hurrah! to Cheers Nursery who, inspite of occasional vandals, continue to delight most of us with the multifarious floral displays in the village centre. More power to Dave (and Anthony) Luto’s elbow for the brightness at The Bull and congratulations to newcomers Kirton Cottage for winning this season’s Kirton in Bloom.
If I have missed anyone - and I most certainly will have done - who have put so much into beautifying their surroundings then apologies, but your efforts are most certainly appreciated; by me, anyway.
A couple of other things to say: THIS IS NOT THE “CHURCH” MAGAZINE, OR THE PARISH MAGAZINE: it is for the Village and Villagers of all persuasion, irrespective of ethnicity or religion; LGBTQIA: MCC; PLJ; or otherwise and will remain so as long as I am at the helm (which may not be much longer, but more in October) but we are most pleased to welcome [Fr] Paul and Maggie Blanch into the community who take over at SS. Peter & Paul’s this month and wish them well in their incumbency. I hope they make efforts to engage us all, behind and beyond the rood screen.
Circumstances have dictated that we have had to publish earlier this month and so some stuff has been missed that might otherwise have been flagged up but, I have been asked to bring your erstwhile attention to the up and coming Last Night of the Proms (see opposite)
And finally, for many years a gang of dedicated [mature] volunteers have been turning out on a Friday morning to do their bit to keep Kirton tidy. Autumn is obviously a particularly busy time with the leaf fall. Unfortunately their numbers have declined over recent time, in fact the mob is often down to only two so I have been asked to put the word out for more troops to join this merry band. Just turn up in the centre of the village on a Friday around ten a.m. and meet The Friday Club. Bring a rake/spade/hoe, whatever, bend your back and enjoy the satisfaction of a good deed well done in the fresh air. It would be nice to see a few of you ladies there too.
I do believe there is a cup of tea involved at the Town Hall afterwards. So, until October - Pyongyang permitting - take care;
The Kirton Church Fund
June marked the start of our sixth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and in that time we have raised over £8700 for church funds so a big thank you to all our players. We now have 48 people taking part and well done to all our winners.
You may have noticed that the prize fund has gone down slightly since the May draw, that is because we have lost two of our players.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. (That is why the prize money can vary.) The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
The August draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.
The September draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 72352.
June 2017 Winners
1st PRIZE - £38.68 - TICKET NUMBER: 68
2nd PRIZE - £12.89 -
July 2017 Winners
1st PRIZE - £38.68 - TICKET NUMBER: 63
2nd PRIZE - £12.89 -
You’ve got a friend in me . . . in Kirton
Kirton Friendship Club has been meeting for several months now and the members have been enjoying a variety of activities each week.
This is a community club aimed at the Over 60’s in Kirton and surrounding villages, both ladies and gents and there is space for plenty more members. So why not come and join us and bring a friend. We are also in need of a few more volunteers, so if you are newly retired or new to the area, why not come and help older people in your community?
We meet each Thursday morning from 10am-12.30pm in the New Life Church building, Wash Road, just off the A16. For more information give Sue Blackford a call on 07963 155225.

Kirton Church Flower Festival
The churchwardens and PCC of St. Peter & St. Paul Church Kirton would like to thank everyone who supported our recent flower festival, by donating, taking part, helping or just coming along to see the beautiful displays. Without the help of local groups and businesses we would not be able to make the festival a success and a success it was. With your help we have raised £1670 for our beautiful church.
Special mention goes to:- Ambrose Lighton, Christians Against Poverty, Duckworth Jaguar Landrover, Elwood, Briggs and Turner, Frampton Gardening Club, Frampton WI, F&T Autocentre, Jessops, Keshco, Kirton Church Choir, Kirton Church Social Club, Kirton Co-op, Kirton Healthcare, Kirton Guides/Brownies and Rainbows, Kirton Kids Club, Kirton Library, Kirton Methodist Church, Kirton Mothers Union, Kirton Parish Council, Kirton Primary School, Kirton Town Hall, Kirton Walkers, Ladies Luncheon Club, Little Explores, New Four Seasons Chop Suey House, Richard Wilson Motorcycles, Richard Foster, Rush Hair and Beauty, Tesco, The Bell Ringers, The Black Bull, The Bowls Club, The Flower Shop, The Four Crossroads, The Mercers, The Merry Monk, The Monday Club, The Salon, The Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, The Sisterhood, Thomas Middlecott Academy, Veena Cornish Photography, White Gables, Wooodlands Farm and all the ladies and gentlemen of the church.
Swineshead Children’s Centre Activities
MONDAYS: Little Explorers, 9.30am to 11.00am. (Free & No Booking)
TUESDAYS: Baby Sensory 9.45am to 10.30am (Precious Early Learning for Babies Fee Payable) Ring Mallissa on 07541801984
or email: to book.
WEDNESDAYS: Come and Play, 1.30pm to 2.30pm (Free & No Booking)
THURSDAYS: Learning Family 10.00am-11.30am 1pm-2.30pm (Free - Term Time Only)
FRIDAYS: Movers & Shakers 9.30am to 10.30am. (Free & No booking)
HEALTH VISITOR: 11:00am to 3.45pm (Appointments are sent to parents)
Just come along! Sessions run all year round unless otherwise stated and free unless stated.
Now taking bookings for Adult Learning Courses eg: Emergency Paediatic First Aid, ESOL, Healthy Eating, Money Management, CV Workshop and more so please call the centre for more details.
Mum, Dad, Carers and Grandparents are welcome to all session’s. Sessions may be subject to change so please check with us by giving us a ring or dropping in.
Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday-Thursday / 8.30am - 4.00pm Friday
St Marys School, Abbey Road, Swineshead PE20 3EN
Telephone: 01205 820331 or email:
Keep up to date with our events and activities by visiting:
We are now on Facebook:
Like us and follow us!
Freedom, justice and equality
On 9th & 10th September we are holding our third Heritage Weekend in Kirton Parish Church. This is in conjunction with Heritage Lincolnshire and is part of county wide open days.
This year we are excited to be remembering Dame Sarah Swift and Sgt Harold Jackson VC. as both of these worked hard for freedom, justice and equality in different ways. The church is open on Saturday from 11-4.30pm and on Sunday from 12.30-4pm.
There will be displays about the lives of these two exceptional people who were both born in Kirton. Each day at 1pm Carol Lidgett will give a talk with a slide show describing how these two people changed the world they had been born into.
We have a wonderful heritage thanks to these two and look forward to meeting with you over the weekend. If you want more details about this weekend please visit the website of Heritage Lincolnshire at:
Alast minute addition for the Heritage weekend (see page 11) It has just been arranged for a copy of the Domesday Book for Lincolnshire to be out on show too for the weekend. The gentleman who owns it will also be there to look after it and answer any questions so it will be even more interesting as there will be some photos of Kirton in the past also on show for the locals to come and inspect! NOT TO BE MISSED!
Anyone for tea at Middlecott?
Staff and students at Thomas Middlecott Academy held a Summer Tea Dance on Thursday 6th July aiming to bring our local community together and invite the senior members of our village to meet the younger ones. Members of The Kirton Friendship Club, an over 60s community group were invited, as were residents of White Gables Care Home and Frampton House Residential Care Home.
Students baked scones, prepared sandwiches and served strawberries and clotted cream, culminating in a delicious afternoon tea for our VIP guests. Music students sang some outstanding solo pieces to the delight of all, greeted with generous applause. The afternoon was rounded off by a raffle conducted by the students, in support of the Inspiration Fund.
Our students really enjoyed the event and meeting our senior community and Darcy Hoyles, Head Girl said “It was wonderful to meet the older people in our village and to be able to get to know them. I think we all enjoyed spoiling them and making sure they had a great day. One of our core values at Thomas Middlecott is ‘caring’ and we wanted to ensure that our guests know we care about them.
Mr Harris, Principal said “It was lovely to see the interaction between the generations and the pleasure it gave both. We are looking forward to inviting them to our Christmas Carol Concert and to our 2nd Annual Summer Tea Dance, next July.”

Letters to the Editor
Dear Mr Chapman,
I am moved to write following the letter from Derek Thornhill, who cruelly tore you to pieces in the July/August issue of Kirton News.
Government is not about labels, left wing or right wing, although we call them by those names. Government is (or should be) about choosing to treat human beings decently, whatever party is elected into power. It’s not wrong to have ‘left wing’ views because they are about treating all people decently and equally, it’s not a matter of politics, it’s about treating people humanely. But any government has the choice of whether to be kind or cruel to its own people.
The present government has treated people abominably for a long time. They could choose to take a different path. People have marched in London this weekend about austerity, so there must be something amiss.
People don’t gather together and march for no reason. Anyone who voted this government back in to continue to treat people horrendously must be either under the opinion that Brexit is a more important issue than it really is, or feathering their own nest comfortably with no thought for people living in poverty and being treated cruelly by the government.
There are people having their disability benefits ripped from them who no longer have anything to live on, people losing their homes for the same reason because they can’t afford mortgage or rent.
There are people who are in work who are going to food banks. In-work benefits have quietly been reduced. Austerity doesn’t work, if you take a lot of money from enough people, those people will not have enough to live on, therefore they won’t spend that money in shops. So the shops go out of business and so do the factories that sell to them.
My sister told me that in the town near where she lives there is a long row of empty shops where in the past they were all busy selling to people.
This is reality, this is the truth of what is happening in our country today.
Yours Sincerely, E Pearson, Kirton.
Kids Club
The Summer holidays are flying by but I am sure the children are having a great time.
The break was eagerly awaited by them as was the ‘water play party’ we had on the run up to the holidays.
The children all met their new teachers in the last week of term and found out which class they were in, ready for their return in September.
This will come all too quickly but I know they will settle down and enjoy the coming school year as they have done every other.
The Kids Club opens the same day as the school returns.
We start breakfast club at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.
For more information and prices please go to: or email:
Happy Holidays and see you all in September!
Hello from Father Paul
Dear People of God in the parishes of Kirton, Algarkirk and Fosdyke, I am told that this weekend is the official announcement of my appointment to the Benefice,and although I did write a short article for the Diocese, I thought you might appreciate a short letter to either publish in your weekly news or on the Church web sites.
Maggie and I are getting ready in haste now for our move, and things are finally taking shape, what with the sale of our home, the booking of our move and the shipment of our worldly good back to Blighty.
The parishes, their people and you as Wardens are in our prayers daily.
It seems somewhat strange sitting here in Northern California looking out of my study window at the mountains bathed in glorious Californian sunshine, and reflecting on the idea that in less than twelve weeks I shall be moving into The Vicarage in Kirton and getting ready for my Installation as your new Vicar and parish priest on September 4th.
Maggie and I are both very excited about our move home after eight years, serving in two very different parishes here in the USA. We are excited to be coming to you with a wide experience of ministry in both pastoral, liturgical and preaching styles. We fell in love with your amazing Church buildings and we know the area quite well over many years of travel to East Anglia.
The call to serve as your priest came to me very strangely and yet powerfully, so here we are answering the call to serve with energy, enthusiasm and passion.
I was born and raised in North Eastern England in the City of Durham, growing up under the shadow of that city’s great Norman Cathedral, the burial place and shrine of both St Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede.
Thankfully my upbringing from birth was in the context of a committed and active Church of England family whose daily life was immersed in the life of our local church and parish.
I trained for the priesthood at Chichester Theological College in West Sussex and also have a Theology degree from Durham University. My experience in ministry has been forged in urban and rural parishes in England, Scotland and the USA.
We are counting down the days to our move, and as I bring to a close my ministry at All Saints here in Redding, I ask your prayers for our future life together under God’s guidance and inspiration.
Every best wish and blessing to you all,
Fr Paul F Blanch
Guys v Girls; The Result
The ‘Guys V Girls’ Charity Netball Tournament & Family Fun Day returned to Middlecott Sports & Fitness Centre this summer following a year to kick start the battle of the sexes once again.
Lovingly named ‘Balls V Boobs’, the focus for 2017 was firmly on the two chosen charities - The Movember Foundation for the guys and Breast Cancer Care for the girls.
8 teams of guys and 8 teams of girls took part in the tournament, some returning for the third year and others playing for the first time. Team names included Wonder Women, Breast is Best, Ball Busters, Don’t Blame it on Height! and Kent Touch This! who spent the morning playing a round robin against the rest of the teams and the usual backdrop of sarcastic netball jokes and guy and girl themed songs to get everyone in the mood! Teams were then ranked in order of position ahead of afternoon play-offs.
Fighting off all the competition, returning teams Aphrodite and Kirton Killerz took top spots for the girls and guys and faced the final showdown to be number one overall. The guys got off to a shaky start while the girls experience took them quickly into the lead by half time. Battle continued and the guys pulled it back but the girls tactics had the edge and once again the reigning champions won the day with a final score 0f 10-7 to Team Aphrodite.
Awards went to:
Best Guy: Sean Band - Kirton Killerz
Best Girl: Hollie Dawson - Lunachicks
Bad Boy: Perry Spratt - Kirton Killerz
Wooden Spoon Award: The Chisams (fighting off Balls are Better 4-2)
Runners Up: Kirton Killerz
Winners: Team Aphrodite
The standard of play was certainly raised and with more and more of the men bringing some game, the fun and competitive nature of the tournament made for a fantastic days entertainment alongside the off court action at the football shoot-out and inflatable assault course. The spa day draw was also a particular hit whilst Peppa and one of the Minions popped by for a lunch time visit.
All in all, the event managed to raise a fantastic £2400 for the charities involved. Event organisers Clare, Ellen, Rachel, Lindsay, Laura and Kate would like to say a massive thank-you to everyone who took part and helped out as well as all those who donated raffle prizes and sponsored the event - Middlecott Sports and Fitness Centre, SM Kent Ltd, Dunhams, Taylored Security Services and JD Betts Plumbing. Bring on next year!!!
For more information please email:

Help with road safety
Dear all, can I please bring to your attention our daily plight living on Station Road Kirton nr Boston between the A16 roundabout and the memorial. This is a short section of the B1397 which along with being residential also houses Kirton Town Hall, Kirton Fire Station, access to Kirton Police Station, a primary school and local stores such as the co-op, a flower shop and take-aways.
My name is Mr Tony Moore, my wife Denise and I moved into No27 Station Rd almost 4yrs ago after handing back our council house in Wyberton and purchasing our own home in Kirton. We chose to live in Kirton for it’s seemingly quieter/slower pace of life yet retaining excellent road links and local amenities. it seems we’ve moved onto a racetrack. It is what it is living on this section of road however I firmly believe it could be made a whole lot safer with some measures put in place which is why I write for help. There are my views and what I see on this road, I’m sure a road safety expert would list considerably more;
Just one set of speed limit signs at A16 roundabout advising 30mph zone and one road painted SLOW (see attached pic), nothing else despite all the above amenities listed above which are imminent as you drive through from A16 East to West.
Narrow footpaths which at peak time are laden with school children and parents
No weight restrictions for HGV’s which use it as a “Rat Run”
Speeding motorists and motorcycles.
I have raised my concerns with our local Kirton Police force who have deployed mobile speed checkers for 2 days, this has also been deployed along Bannisters Lane in nearby Frampton West. They now have permanent flashing speed advisors and so does Boston Rd in Sutterton, also nearby.
I would take a punt that Station Rd in Kirton carries fifty times the volume of traffic than Bannister Lane and twenty times that of Boston Rd in Sutterton, there must be some stat’s somewhere of how many and what type of vehicles use this road.
My work takes me around the country for around 35,000 miles per year so I see all different kinds of traffic calming measures which are just not present here on Station Rd. I would be happy to step up and play a role in making this road safer and a more pleasant for users and residents alike, this is not just a moaning mail.
Please feel free to write to; Mr & Mrs T A Moore, 27 Station Rd, Kirton, nr Boston, Lincs, PE20 1LD. Kindest regards
Kirton Primary School
Receive National Acclaim
Kirton Primary School is proud to announce that it was recently short listed for the Times Educational Supplement’s Maths Team of the Year 2017. This is a prestigious, national award recognising all that is exceptional in education. The ‘team’ consisted of every teacher, teaching assistant and apprentice in school since every one of them is involved in the teaching of maths. Sadly, the school was unable to take every member of staff to the award ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Mayfair - much as they would have liked to. Although the school did not win their category on the night, the whole school is immensely proud to have been short listed and to have their work recognised at a national level.
Kirton Primary School is also proud to announce that Mrs Fovargue has been recognised as Finance Teacher of the Year 2017 in recognition of her work to make the school’s unique Shop and Bank system such a success. As well as attending a dazzling award ceremony hosted in London by Kate Garraway, Mrs Fovargue has brought a cheque back to school for £5000. The Mail on Sunday intends to run a story on the school’s innovative and successful system.

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- June 2017
Public Forum
2 residents came to complain about the overgrown brambles on Green Lane which are making using the pathway impossible and residents are having to go into the road. Dangerous as this is the rear entrance to the primary school.
The same 2 residents reported that outside the Primary School floods whenever there is any rain, which is worrying as only a year ago they were flooded out of their bungalow.
The previous Chairman of the Recreation Ground (Dame Sarah Swift Park) was concerned that the rubbish bins in the Park are overflowing and that the area looks a mess, but he is against closing the Park and handing it back. He wanted the Target/Standard to ask residents to name and shame the youths who are ruining this facility for everyone.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Danby had met with MP Matt Warman regarding the Parish Council’s concerns with licensing and the blatant flaunting of the individuals concerned. Our MP had the suggestion made to him that it should be a fixed penalty for breaching licencing laws. He will take this up with Parliament. Mr Warman said that licenced premises have been punished more severely historically than retailers.
Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Rylott for setting up the meeting with Matt Warman.
Still no reply to our letter to the Crime Commissioner’s office.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs Brotherton, Edwards, Foster, Carter, Smith and Austin sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllrs Rylott and Ransome declared interests in item 10 on the agenda – Planning – as they are both on the Planning Committee. Cllr Lee declared an interest in item 12 on the agenda – Town Hall – his daughter is on the committee.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 20th May 2017, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
Cllr Turner wished to speak on the matter of the Park. A resident recently has sent the Clerk pictures of the damage and the mess left by youths who are using the Park for meeting and drinking and taking drugs. This is putting other users off the Park. This was forwarded to the Police Inspector at Boston along with a request for additional patrols and a dispersal order be put in place. It was reported that one mother saw the mess and broken glass and turned straight round with her child and left. This is not helped by bins overflowing (Borough Council informed – they are supposed to empty the bins).
On top of this there is the issue of grafitti on equipment which as soon as it is removed/painted over reappears. The small children’s play area has had the fencing broken, youths are smoking cannabis/drinking alcohol and urinating in the area. It is possible that some of the offenders come from outside of the Parish.
The Chairman proposed that the Park be closed and handed back to the developers, and the play equipment be removed from the small children’s park and be put in at the rear of the Town Hall.
Cllr Ransome suggested that CCTV be looked into. This had already been investigated but the Borough wouldn’t add it onto the CCTV loop for Kirton. She also enquired how much the park is costing the council on a yearly basis. Was it possible to get the Environment Enforcement Officers to the park to issue tickets.
Cllr Danby stated that the location does not help the situation as it is out of the way.
One of the councillors agreed to speak to the residents of Church Lane to keep them informed and to ask for their help.
The Chairman offered to write an article for the Target and will also arrange to meet with the schools in the village.
Cllr Rylott offered to speak to Peter Hunn’s team at the Borough to see if they had any suggestions.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
Clerk will chase up the brambles on Green Lane which was reported under LCC ref 101000202778.
Cllr Brookes informed the residents that the flooding report was complete and currently being checked. When the report is released actions will be taken accordingly.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/
Clerk’s report
a) Overgrown Hedges making using the footpath difficult at Penny Gardens.
b) Overgrowing nettles and brambles on Princess Road footpath.
c) Overgrown hedges on Green Lane.
d) Potholes on Whitbread Road.All reported to LCC
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes reported that the Flooding Report is now in for checking and as soon as this is done actions will be taken accordingly.
Planning applications:
B/17/0185 – Erection of a straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS.
B/17/0189 – Erection of a straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS.
B/17/0186 – Erection of a shed to store farm machinery at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS.
Accounts for payment
a. Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated June 2017/18 (3 of 12).
It was resolved that the accounts should be paid as per the payment sheet.
Clerk to remind contractors that they are now overdue to spray weed killer in the Cemetery.
Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Danby asked that the Clerk chase up frequency of grass cutting of the amenity areas as some are not being done as frequently as they should be.
Cllrs Watson and Danby attended the resilient communities workshop – they will prepare a report for next meeting.
Cllr Lee asked that the laurel hedge on London Road be reported to the developer to cut it back as it is now over the pathway.
It was reported that the roundabout and the main roads are all in need of the road sweeper – Clerk to request.
Cllr Hannay reported that the hedge is again overgrowing the path at the corner of Station Road and the A16. Clerk to report.
Cllr Turner proposed that the War Memorial have the soil topped up and retaining edges put in the borders. Clerk to ask Probation Services to weed the Memorial area.
Cllr Turner asked for a volunteer to help him trim the suckers and trees around the War Memorial – Cllr Watson will help.
Clerk to make enquiries with the Borough (Matt Fisher) whether they have anything suitable/suggestions to clean the war memorial area. Cllr Ransome suggested that the 141 ATC may be able to help.
Parish matters
Cllr Turner said that the Fire Brigade has agreed to change the flags over. He suggested an alternative is to have a flag pole separate from the Town Hall. Members suggested an alternative flag pole/bracket on the Town Hall.
Frampton School
Firstly this month, before I forget, I said I would try and find out how the acupuncture had helped our brave volunteer, Alison. I asked her at the last meeting and she reported that she was free of hayfever for two weeks. Amazing, considering she just had a brief taster session of acupuncture. Imagine how long the effects would last if she had had a full session. It’s definitely something to think about.
At our last meeting in June, we had a change of venue, due to the General Election, and Wyberton Church End WI kindly let us use their hall. They made us feel very welcome, and as the saying goes – a change is as good as a rest. Our very entertaining speaker was Sian Fox and her talk was entitled “It shouldn’t happen to a Home Economist”. She told us all about her working life and ended on a fun quiz. We found out some fascinating facts, including:
1) During a lifetime, how much does an average person eat? (5, 15, 25 or 35 tonnes)
2) In which Scottish city as marmalade invented? (Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee or Perth)
3. What fruit contains twice as much Vitamin C as an orange? (Kiwi, Pineapple, Banana or Grapes)
Answers on a postcard please ..... No, not really, they are at the bottom of the article!
Our numbers are slowly increasing – word is getting around how enjoyable it is and the feeling of belonging to a warm and friendly group is wonderful. Why not come along and see for yourself? We have a wide variety of ages of ladies who belong to WI, so you are never too young or too old! Apart from meeting once a month, we arrange outings for our WI and can join outings arranged by other WIs so there is lots of variety and opportunities.
[Answers: 1. 15 tonnes 2. Dundee 3. Pineapple]
If you are interested in joining the WI, please do come along and give it a try. We are a friendly group and you will be made most welcome. We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email; or Janice Cotgreave on 01205 724617, email
Frampton Community Pre-School
Well here we are again at the end of another school year. It's been a very busy year and have been full for the past few months.
We have had lots of fun activities on offer to the children and managed to buy some new equipment from fundraising and the grant we received from Frampton Charites. We have also had some toys donated to us from parents and local residents, thank you to those.
We have had a visit from the Kirton fire engine, Father Christmas and we enjoyed the sports sessions with CMS sports.
We have taken part in many different celebrations, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year and Diwali. We were lucky to sample lots of different foods at these celebrations.
The staff have been busy learning lots of new things too, attending courses including Safeguarding, First aid, health and safety and behaviour management.
Looking ahead to September, we have a few spaces available and are able to offer the 2,3,4 year old free 15 hour sessions.
If you are interested in sending your little one to a Pre-School where we have fun, socialize and learn in a caring and friendly environment with qualified and experienced staff, come and have a visit or call 07939 266154.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Henry Janes Carr
Archie Thmas Carr
Oliver Michael Clubb
Rokas Macijous Kas
Alronas Jazins Kas
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
none this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
27th July 2017 Mr Graham Charles Bush
John Robert Rudd also known as Bob or Jake
Passed away on May 12th 201