©Kirton News 2025

September 2018

All the fun of the Fair

Some wonderful pictures from yet another brilliant Village Day. We’ve been so lucky with the weather over the past couple of years and this time was no exception. Great atmosphere and happy faces all round!

Thanks to all of the volunteers, stall holders and performers who gave up their time once again for our village!

Many thanks to David Taylor for supplying these fabulous pictures.



Your vote is your voice

Residents in Boston Borough urged to look out for their voter registration details in the post.

Local residents are being warned not to lose their voice on matters that affect them by completing their annual canvass form and returning it to their local authority as soon as possible.

With Borough and Parish Council elections taking place in the Boston Borough area in May 2019, this is an important opportunity for residents to make sure they can take part.

The form ensures that the electoral register is up to date and identifies any residents who are not registered so that they can be encouraged to do so. This will mean that residents will be able take part in any future elections.

People who have moved address recently are particularly encouraged to keep an eye out for the form and check the details. Research by the independent Electoral Commission indicates that recent home movers are far less likely to be registered than those that have lived at the same address for a long time. Across Great Britain, 94% of people who have been at their property for more than sixteen years will be registered, compared to 40% of people who have lived at an address for less than one year.

Any residents who have any questions can contact their local registration team at: elreg@boston.gov.uk or telephone 01205 314220 / 314221

Emma Staff
Communications and marketing officer - Boston Borough Council


The Kirton Church Fund

Well done to all our winners but especially to number 30 who has won both months! Looking back to last year number 30 won last July as well – it must be a lucky time of the year for them.

You may have noticed that the prize fund has gone up again since the May draw, that is because we have six new numbers taking part. Welcome aboard and good luck to them.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. (That is why the prize money can vary.) The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.

The August winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 23th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 72352)

June 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £38.30 - TICKET NUMBER: 32
2nd PRIZE - £12.76 - TICKET NUMBER: 30

July 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.08 - TICKET NUMBER: 30
2nd PRIZE - £13.02 - TICKET NUMBER: 42


Who are the stars in your community?

Is there a star in your community? It could be someone who has been a long-time volunteer or someone who has done just one really good thing for the benefit of residents.

Boston borough’s Service to the Community Awards has been re-launched as the Community Star Awards to recognise those who work hard for their community. This could be a group, organisation or an individual and include service over a long period or a single event or act of kindness.

Cllr Aaron Spencer told Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday (June 27) that the new awards could recognise those who had volunteered for decades and those whose good deeds yesterday had a beneficial impact on their community.

“I like this new direction of immediate action,” he said.

Council leader, Cllr Michael Cooper, said the new scheme would mean as much as the former one to the people who received acknowledgement for their community work. “That won’t be diminished,” he said.

Nominations can be made by anyone for anyone. They should include the name of the person making the nomination with their contact details and the name of the person being nominated with as much information as possible about why they are being nominated.

These should sent to the borough council’s democratic services manager, Lorraine Bush, by email to: lorraine.bush@boston.gov.uk or by post or hand delivered to Lorraine Bush, Boston Borough Council, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR.

A selection panel will choose those to received a Community Star Sward and presentations will be made at a reception by the Mayor.

Contact: Andrew Malkin,Communications Manager, Boston Borough Council Tel: 01205 314 308.


Letters to the Editor

The View from the Vicarage

Cardinal John Henry Newman, who began life as a Church of England clergyman before he became a Roman Catholic, and who is now in the process to become a Saint of the Catholic Church has left the world and the Church a very powerful heritage of writings and theology.

One of the most powerful and yet simple sayings of Newman is all to do with the notion of change. “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”  Newman could say this because he himself had to deal with change in his own life on many levels. Anglicans have latterly struggled with the concept of change and adaptation, yet the fact of the matter is there would be no Anglican Church or worldwide Anglican Communion today had not our forebears been prepared to adopt change as a necessary part of their spiritual life.

The early church as seen in the Acts of the Apostles needed to change from a small group of first generation believers to a mature group of people that would take their faith and their message to the far corners of the world. As those faith communities matured, so they discovered each other and what common life meant for them, but they also had to come to terms with their differences.  The so called” golden age” of our parish Churches has been long gone, we have been in survival mode for many years. Where is our faith? Why are we so frightened of change – if as Newman states boldly we only become perfect through change.

As your current committed and energetic parish priest, I work hard with PCC members, Churchwardens and others to creatively find new ways to revitalize and renew our Churches and congregations, engaging with our local and wider community that we might be fit for purpose. This will require some change!  We cannot afford to stagnate.

Not even the reign of Jesus on earth was to last forever, nor was the faith invested in Jesus, for this must not be confused with faith in the God of Surprises. The reign of Jesus was to be a reign of reconciliation. The kingdom belongs not to Jesus but to God, the maker of all things. Now these are surprising words, maybe even shocking to you. Perhaps they conflict with your deepest convictions about yourself and the Church. Ydet I am bound to ask - Dare we more fully rely on God rather than on ourselves? It has been my experience that this means when we are no longer filled with certitude; we might just be filled with surprise.

To conclude, the Church should be a community of vision, given its identity and mission by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without a clear idea of its calling and purpose, the church will fade away, the custodian of cultural memories that fewer and fewer want to recall. We simply cannot live on past memories; we can, however, live and act on the powerful and energizing vision that has been passed down through the apostles to us. Our theological openness can help us appreciate a renewed spiritual vitality, to proclaim its excitement to others and live out its joy and delight in the world in which we now live. So think for a moment or two about these words and how they affect your life.

 “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often”  John Henry Newman

Yours in Christ,

Fr Paul

Co-op Sponsors Kirton Primary

Good afternoon, I’m Antony Brown, a team leader at the co-op in Kirton. As a store we’ve raised funds from a stationery cycle in store and customers donating to charity in general, when they say keep the change. We’ve collected and counted this money up to donate to charities, we approached the primary school and they needed a sports kit for their team as they didn’t have one and the pics show what the result is after our donation.

This is a message to ourselves from the sports coach at the school.

“Hi all, Thanks for helping us out with the money to buy some new ‘Team Kirton’ shirts for all of our sports trips.

Rest assured, they will get well used! We have titles to defend…

So far this year Kirton Primary are; TAG Rugby (large schools) Champions, Kwik Cricket County Finalists, Rounders Runners up, Basketball Development Day Winners, 7-a-side County Finalists Girls Football, High Five County Finalists.

There are still a few events on the calendar which we hope to earn some trophies for. Watch this space. Cheers, Keith.”


Join Kirton Library - use it or lose it

We are located at the New Life Community Church, The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton, PE20 1QJ. (On the A16 between the Kirton/Frampton roundabout and the new Jaguar showroom).

Opening hours are: Tuesday 10.00a.m. – 1.00 p.m, Thursday 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m, Saturday 10.0 a.m. – 12 noon

The library is run by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer come into the library at any of the above times for a chat, or contact Diane on 01205 460149 for more information.



Kirton Primary School throw themselves into a Medieval Challenge

Kirton Primary School children (Year 5 & 6) got to hurls cows, pigs and boulders as they tried to raise a mock castle wall to the ground today (3rd July)as part of a science project with a difference.

They were taking part in a venture organised with Lincoln University Technical College to become Junior Seige Engineers to build, test, analyse and improve a fully working Trebuchet.

“We had a great time today!” beamed Lilly. “It took us quite a long time to get our ammunition, plastic cows, to fly towards to the castle wall but we didn’t give up and did it eventually! There were so many things to think about like the weight of rock used, the swing arm length and the size of the sling.”

Mr Hamer, Vice Principal of LUTC, commented, “We wanted to bring engineering to life in a fun way that had some historical learning value too. The ultimate goal is that a few Junior Seige Engineers end up with a career in a STEM subject and this project is designed to plant a seed. Kirton is the first school in the Boston area to take up the challenge and all the children involved seemed to have a great day and learnt a lot!” 

Kirton Primary aims to make all lessons engaging, cross curricular and have a real life context. The Junior Seige challenge definetly achieved in all three areas.

Lincoln University Technical College are planning to visit again next year with a completely different project; children will be designing and building robots they can program to complete a maze!


The Monday Club

Hello everyone, Just an update of our club. Our member numbers have increased greatly so we have had a quite busy schedule. We had a lunch in February at the delightful Rainbow garden centre. At our fundraiser for M.S. we raised £150; that was in March when we also had an outing to a chocolate shop and Brigg garden centre. Julys trip was to a theatre in Hunstanton. Finally, we finished the summer fun with a visit to Bakewell.

We created a display in the church for the flower festival and provided a cake stall at the Village day, where the produce was made by all the members of the club.

Looking ahead we have an outing booked to Woodthorpe Hall on the 12th November . They have a lovely Christmas display and a good restaurant. We’ll be taking reservations starting on the 3rd of September. Everyone is welcome; we meet once a fortnight at the Chestnuts. Please come and join us.


Popular walking festival
makes a welcome return

Now in its fourth year, it’s time to get your boots on for the return of the popular South Lincolnshire Walking Festival from Saturday 29th September until Sunday 28th October.

The festival offers 61 walks celebrating the varied countryside in North & South Kesteven, Boston and South Holland. All the walks take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and reflect the varied Lincolnshire countryside from marshes and fenland to woods, parkland, riverbanks, towns, railway tracks and hills. Walks vary from 0.5 miles to 26 miles and everything in-between led by organisations such as the Ramblers, Lincolnshire County Council and Heritage Lincolnshire.

Harlaxton Manor hosts the grand opening of the festival on Saturday 29th September. The family friendly event offers a rare opportunity to visit the stunning Manor House, its gardens and grounds. A packed programme of walks and tours will be on offer throughout the day, or you can explore the grounds at your leisure with the self-led trails.

This year, the aim is to encourage more people to join us on a walk, as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s three-year Access Lincoln project, supported by the Department of Transport. To encourage this, there are plenty of short walks to enjoy including circular strolls, garden tours, family trails, and activity walks.

To find out more, pick up a copy of the festival brochure which is out now. Copies are available from your local library or tourist information centre, or it can be download from the festival website. Walks are also listed on the South Lincolnshire Walking Festival Facebook page.

Natalie Lunt, Walking Festival Co-ordinator for Heritage Lincolnshire, said “We are delighted once again to co-ordinate this highly successful walking festival in South Lincolnshire thanks to our partners, supporters and volunteers.”

The festival is organised by Heritage Lincolnshire with support from Lincolnshire County Council, Access Lincoln, North Kesteven District Council, South Kesteven District Council, Boston Borough Council and South Holland District Council.