©Kirton News 2025

September 2020

Hello! After a little Summer break we are back. I hope you have all managed to stay well and sane! The glut of good weather over the last week has definitely helped! Side note: I’ve had a haircut so I can finally consider myself presentable to the outside world!

Has anything changed much since July? I’m definitely sensing a little respite in the air…….. even through my mask I’m sure I can feel it! Masks have become the norm now haven’t they and however annoying they can be, it’s a very small price to pay for ours and everyone else’s safety.

Have any of you been out for a meal yet? The handful of places I have visited, locally and during a few days away in Warwick were set out so sensibly and so much thought had been put into everyone’s safety and enjoyment in equal measure. I certainly don’t envy them but think they’ve done brilliantly.

Our local shops and businesses have been constantly supportive in making sure the magazines are available throughout the village for your convenience. We are still working towards delivering them out to you as soon as the Town Hall is safely open for our distributors to use as the collection base once again.

Two new businesses have opened up in the village, PWR Interior Finishes and Big Boy Takeaway. It’s great to see them up and running and we wish them every luck for the future.

In this edition we’re talking to Lee Winter from PWR Interior Finishes in our Meet the Locals feature and next month we will be talking to Gemma Haines from Phil Haines Coaches. If you know of a new business or someone with a connection to Kirton who would like to take part in Meet the Locals please do contact me.

Thank you to David Taylor for our front cover.

As always I’m contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. See you in October!



Kirton Church Fund

Well, we have finally managed to do the KCF monthly draw! With Kirton church now open on a Sunday morning for a few regularly worshipers we managed to do the draws for April, May and June on 19th July after the service, witnessed by members of the congregation.

Well done to all our winners but especially to number 60 who has generously donated their winnings for July back to church after winning first prize in June. 88 is a first time winner and has decided to have another number to double their luck.

You too could be lucky in the KCF monthly draw but you have to be in it to win it! Why don’t you join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year. As I mentioned earlier in the year, because of a change in the gambling laws since the Kirton Church Fund was set up, we can no longer offer a discount and all entries must cost the same i.e. £5 ticket per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.

You may have noticed that the prize fund is slightly different in each of the above draws. That is because the prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. (The rest of the money goes to the up- keep of Kirton Church.)

During the last few months we have lost 6 numbers with sadly one person dying and 4 people moving away. We gained one number in March with the first prize winner for February treating themselves to another number and as previously mentioned number 88 has a second number for the August draw. Good luck to them.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw with currently only 48 numbers taking part

Not already a member? Come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring or text 07598987199, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

The August winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 20th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

April 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £43.79 - TICKET NUMBER: 1
2nd PRIZE - £14.60 - TICKET NUMBER: 82

May 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £41.61 - TICKET NUMBER: 88
2nd PRIZE - £13.87 - TICKET NUMBER:37

June 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £41.84 - TICKET NUMBER: 60
2nd PRIZE - £13.94 - TICKET NUMBER: 77

July 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £42.01 - TICKET NUMBER: 86
2nd PRIZE - £14.01 - TICKET NUMBER: 60



Meet the Locals:

This month we’re talking to Lee Winter
from PWR Interior Finishes:

1) Welcome to the village PWR Interior Finishes! The shop front is looking really good, have you met many of the locals yet?

Firstly, a huge thank you for all of the support we have seen from the village! We have met a number of lovely people and the first weeks have been exciting and very enjoyable.

2) Is it just yourself running the business?

We have a great team here at PWR, from our time served, very professional installers to our accounts and ordering team and finally myself as front of house.

3) Is this a one-stop shop for all our interior needs?

It certainly will be in the coming months. We currently supply flooring, lighting and furniture. However, I’m very pleased to announce our kitchen showroom will be opening over the coming months and we will be adding decorating materials to our range in the near future. These are the short term plans for the shop but look out for other additions we hope to add in the longer term too.

4) Any deals we can look out for now or coming up shortly?

Yes! We have some great offers on at present and we will be constantly looking for ways to bring you new deals. We have carpets from £4.99 a metre and cushion vinyl flooring from £9.99 per metre. We are also now offering 0% finance to make your dream home more achievable. 

5) Are there any expansion plans?

Yes, we are looking to grow and expand. We are confident that we can offer a service and product that will be much in demand.

6) Finally, how can we get in touch with you?

There are a number of ways you can get in touch. By phone 07496 984551, by email lee@pwrinteriorfinishes.co.uk or on social media, either Facebook or Instagram.



Letters to the Editor

Statement of response to Mr Davies letter (Concerned Parishioner) to the Editor:
Kirton News

Statement from Kirton Parish Council: The Parish Council would like to clarify your letter with some facts, specifically that 3 of the 6 resignations occurred during the leadership of Mr Sharp and Mrs Bemrose as Chair and Vice Chair respectively.

At the time of the Parish Council AGM meeting on the 21st of May 2020 while the traditional voting to elect a Chairman was being conducted, no members were aware that the meeting was not legally valid as insufficient public notice had been given to conduct the meeting and both Mr Sharp and Mrs Bemrose resigned immediately after the meeting in writing. The following day another councillor resigned for their own reasons.

A subsequent Extraordinary meeting was called with sufficient public notice and successfully held on the 29th May and a new Chairman (Cllr Ian Cole) was duly elected unanimously.

While Mr Davies mentions that the tenure of Chair and Vice Chair should last 4 years, one has to consider that if the members are dissatisfied with that arrangement, the only option is to vote out the incumbent Chair at the AGM, as there is nowhere in the constitution to democratically remove the Chair by a vote of no confidence at any other time. It should also be noted, that the Vice Chair actually resigned of her own choice, and was not voted out of the position of Vice Chair.

It has to be stated that the belief of Mr Davies and many others that the leadership of the council was doing a good job, the remaining council members clearly disagree with that statement, and chose Cllr Cole to lead the Council.

The comment regarding any employees of the Parish Council is a private matter, and will not be discussed publicly as the Council respects the privacy of its employees.


Kirton Kids Club

Finally we are beginning to see the first signs of spring around the Youth Centre. The storms lately have taken its toll on our outside space though and once we can get outside there is a lot to do to make it look nice again.

Both breakfast and afterschool clubs are very busy still but there are some places on different days - so if you wish to find out about these please feel free to phone 07583 762072.

The children have been busy this half term getting ready for Easter.

We have an Easter tree and it has been decorated in coloured eggs, chicks, bunnies and carrots.

We will have an Easter egg hunt before the end of term and the children will take home something chocolate before we break up.

The children are able to take part in lots of different activities at the club each morning and after school session.

Art and craft is a huge part of what they love to so but so is sports, construction, play role and imagination play to name a few.

It is good to see children be children and play together, enjoying lots of different activities and socialising with friends.

Please contact us if you need any information.


Closed Doors – Open Church

I have been given this opportunity to introduce myself to you! I am the Family Worker at the Methodist Church in Kirton. I started in late September after many years as the Benefits Training Officer for two Councils. Quite a change of career!

At that time, I was hoping and praying to work with the local Church and community to set up whatever was needed by people of Kirton. To this end I chatted to people within the Church and anyone outside of it, who was kind enough to answer the questions of a strange woman who accosted them in the street. Thankfully, I was not arrested and quickly found out that the village would benefit from a Mums and Tots group and a place for retired folk to meet together on a Tuesday.

A group of dedicated and enthusiastic people from the Methodist Church set up Tots, Toast and Tea for mums and toddlers, as well as Young at Heart for those who wanted food, fun and fellowship. It was lovely to meet those who attended both groups and it was a privilege to see friendships develop and the young and not so young enjoying themselves.

In March Covid 19, meant that all groups had to cease as lockdown began. The doors to the building have closed but the Church is still very much open for business. A team from the Chapel deliver food, Church notices and goodies to members, friends and those who have been made known to us. Young at Heart now takes place virtually (via Zoom) on Tuesdays at 1.30pm, we still chat, bring poems and readings and of course there is the quiz! We keep in touch with the children via challenge packages that include, stories, pictures to colour, quizzes and fun fact sheets. Services are held on line, currently at 4.00pm every Sunday. As a Church we still worship, pray, chat and care for each other. Just in new and inventive ways!

If you would like to join any of our groups or if you have a prayer request at this time, please feel free to email me at kirtonfamilyworker@gmail.com. I came to Kirton knowing no one, in under a year I have been impressed with the kindness, sense of humour and friendliness of the people of this village.

One day the doors of Kirton Methodist Church will be open and we would love to meet you, you will be very welcome! God Bless You

Jackie Wood
Family Worker – Kirton Methodist Church

Kirton Community Library to Reopen

The library is pleased to announce that we plan to reopen on Tuesday 1st September.

The revised opening hours are:
Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 noon
Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Saturday 10.00am to 12 noon

Initially service will be limited to book return and collection of reserved items. Books can be reserved online from the new Lincolnshire Libraries catalogue.

Although browsing will not be allowed the volunteers will try to help you select a book if required.

All books have been renewed automatically and there are no fines due.

Located opposite the Jaguar dealership on the A16 In the New Life Community Church,
The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ

Contact Frances on 07845 481621 or f_brooks@sky.com if you require further information.



Properties To Rent in Kirton

Kirton Consolidated Charities have a vacant property to let:

A 2-bedroomed bungalow at 6 Franks Close £350 per month
(Maintenance Contribution) Deposit of £500 required

Any interested parties who are inhabitants of the village of Kirton or the neighbourhood, should apply in writing, giving full particulars,
to The Clerk (Mrs J Barnes), 21 Sea Lane, Butterwick, Boston, Lincs PE22 0HG
by the 3rd September 2020


Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

Unfortunately, meetings will not take place for some considerable time. For further information please ring Laraine Harding on 723 181.