©Kirton News 2025

September 2022

It always feels wrong to be welcoming you to our Autumn issue when it’s nearly 80 degrees outside as I write this! It’s no secret to those who know me that I do not do well in the heat! As for that ridiculous heatwave in July, the less said about that the better (thank goodness for air conditioned cars)! Autumn is my favourite season should anyone wish to know. I do love my log burner!

You can’t fail to have noticed our front cover this month (I’ve gone all topical again, oh yes I have)! I’m pretty sure it’s not too controversial as after attending the meeting at St Peter and St Paul’s church in July it is very clear what the vast majority of the village think about the proposed changes to the A16 Kirton roundabout. I thought that the meeting was very useful, it was chaired very well by Peter Watson and Father Alan’s comment about the plans for the roundabout belonging in the shredder brought the biggest cheer of the evening. Everyone who spoke was very respectful and asked valid questions although I am not sure how much of an impact the evening had in the end because it is clear that work is already starting. Where was our consultation and can anything else be done or are we just at the mercy of a council who had money to spend quickly and thought this was a better use than to fill all the potholes? Answers on a postcard please.

We have lots to entertain you again this month! A wonderful article sent in by Keith Naylor concerning a great surprise and news from St Peter and St Paul’s church and Lincs Ark Animal Charity. Lots of Autumnal forthcoming events have been sent through to us including musical entertainment and a vintage film evening! In our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature on Page * we hear from Kirton based Kate High who is a published author and artist (her stories of mystery set in the Lincolnshire Wolds are available on Amazon)! Not forgetting our regular gardening expert Tim Hewett who is advising you to think about those autumn and winter bulbs (see more on Page *).

Please do get in touch with me on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’m always more than happy to receive letters, gardening questions, book recommendations, recipes, announcements or news articles! You never know, you could even end up with your own column!

As always, take care of yourselves and each other.



Meet The Locals

Kate, with her husband Ted, bought their home in Kirton in 1975. For over thirty years, Kate was a designer/maker working in precious metals, producing jewellery and silversmithing. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and sold in London through Liberty's, Electrum, and Cobra & Bellamy.

Kate founded Contemporary Crafts Network in 1988 to support young makers to market and exhibit their work. For more than three decades, she taught part-time for various educational organisations. The longest period of seventeen years - for the University of Nottingham, at two campuses. Shakespeare Street, Nottingham and Fydell House in Boston.

Kate was involved in animal welfare for many years. First as a volunteer for RSPCA, later employed by the charity on a consultancy basis. In 2001 she co-founded the Lincolnshire animal charity Linc-Ark, to aid unwanted, older cats and dogs.

Kate became a full-time writer in her mid-sixties, following the traditional route of finding an agent and a publisher. Her first novel was The Cat and The Corpse in The Old Barn. The second is The Man Who Vanished and The Dog Who Waited. Both are available in paperback. Book three, The Missing Wife and The Stone Fen Siamese came out in hardback in June 2022. The books are also available in translation - for the Germany market.

The novels, set in the Lincolnshire Wolds, centre around Clarice Beech, a contemporary, mid-forties Miss Marple. Clarice, a ceramicist, is intelligent and curious and cannot resist a mystery, especially one involving a corpse.

Constable/Little Brown publishes Kate's books. They are available in Boston from Waterstones and Boston library. Also, via the web, through numerous outlets. The fourth, Murder and The Moggies, at Magpie Row, will come out in June 2023.

Kate will participate in the second Boston Book Festival, which will take place at Fydell House in September 2022.

Shire Horses Return To Kirton

It has been a few decades since shire horses have been seen in the Kirton area working in the fields and pulling carts or wagons along our roads and lanes. However, on the 28th June 2022 shire horses returned to Kirton for the morning as a special birthday surprise for my dad Stanley Naylor for his 100th birthday. I had arranged with Waldburg Shires to come from Cambridgeshire to take a group of us for a carriage ride. This was a particularly important occasion for my dad as he started his working life on Tunnards Farm, Skeldyke, working with shire horses with his dad, Fred.

We all met in Graves Park car park and were greeted by Jo, our horse and carriage driver, and Frankie, the groom, and introduced to the two shire horses Morris and Cosmos. Both giants of horses but beautiful, gentle and placid. Once Jo and Frankie had the two shire horses hitched to the carriage, known as a Victoria Brake, we settled our selves on to the carriage and our little adventure began.

Leaving Graves Park, we headed off at a gentle pace along Skeldyke Road. I had arranged a specific route with Waldburg Shires to take my dad for a ride around the Skeldyke area where he grew up. We went as far as Marsh Road and completed our route going round via Coupledyke Lane through Frampton back to Graves Park. We had one stop at Frampton pre-school where all the children sang Happy Birthday to my dad and then came out to meet the shire horses.

We had lovely sunny weather for our carriage ride and all of us, especially Stan my dad, will remember this special occasion for a long time. A very big thank you to Jo and Frankie for giving us this memorable carriage ride. More importantly we mustn’t forget the two gentle giants the shire horses Morris and Cosmos who did all the hard work pulling the carriage along the lovely lanes of Kirton, Skeldyke and Frampton.

Keith Naylor


A ‘Thank You’ from Graves Park Committee & Social Club

On Friday 3rd June 2022 Graves Park had a Jubilee Celebration Funday for the village. This was well attended and supported by the village.  With the help of lots of volunteers and committee members we raised £2,500.00 for MacMillan Cancer Support. A cheque for this amount was presented to them on 15th July 2022.
The money was raised from Donations received on the gate, stall donations and various activities on the day.

Jonathan Clubb

Gardening Time with Tim Hewett

The jobs list in the garden at this time is low, mainly trying to get the plants, and lawns, through the next few weeks as the heat waves keep coming, and there is a dearth of rainfall as well. August is a difficult month for flowering plants, the early summer plants having gone by and the autumn burst not yet arrived.

All plantings will require regular dead heading to extend the flowering periods, as we come into September, and Dahlias in particular may require attention to their staking as they reach full size. Start regular feeding of Dahlia as well now in order to grow the biggest tubers for next year. Gladioli that have finished flowering should be deadheaded, and the foliage only removed when it dies back naturally in order to feed the corm for next year.

It is however time to start planting autumn and early winter bulbs, Colcichums (Naked Ladies) Aconitum and and Galanthus (Snowdrops) can all be planted now, However despite their appearance in the shops it is still too early to plant out Daffodils and Tulips. Generally bulbs are planted at a depth of around 3 times their size, but it won’t hurt if they are planted slightly more deeply.

Prepare for hedge cutting, the breeding season for birds is now almost over and hedges may be cut back. Still, please, check for nesting birds first though.

Check which shrubs could require propagation, either tender that may not make it through a bad winter, or those that you or your friends may like more of. Cuttings can be taken relatively easily, and free plants are a good thing. Check also the herbaceous perennials that have outgrown themselves, or again where you may like more. Make a list to ensure you don’t forget that one plant that looked so good in June.

Don’t cut the grass on your lawn too often or too short until the weather cools down, as this will cause more browning. There is no need to water your lawn, it will recover with the first rain.

The only area of the garden that should require watering are things that have only been planted this year, particularly trees and shrubs which take longer to settle. After this settling in period well planted and cared for plants should not require hardly any watering even in these temperatures until recently we ran a show garden in France where temperatures regularly broke 40 degrees, we didn’t water throughout the summer.

Good watering practice starts with the planting, ensure that the new plants are planted deeply enough into the soil, and are well soaked before planting. Mulch the beds as soon as possible. This not only reduces water loss through evaporation but also reduces competition from weeds. There is no need to buy expensive mulches, grass cuttings work fine.

When watering always water for a long period, ensure that the water penetrates the soil as deeply as possible. Remember that the plant roots will follow the water, if you sprinkle the water and it remains in the top layers of soil the plants roots will head there, and this is the hottest and driest part of the ground, and the worst place for the roots. Water thoroughly and the roots will head down where the soil retains its cool and dampness for longer. This will enable your garden to survive these heatwaves and possible hosepipe bans more successfully.

The same applies if utilising grey water from your house, the small amounts of detergent from your washing machine will do no harm, however if you use salt based water softeners the grey water should not be used as salt is toxic to soil fauna, for example worms and many species of bees.


Gardening Time with Tim Hewett

Summer has arrived and the hottest part of the year is here. Pleasantly there is less work to do in the garden, other than moving a chair to a shady place at midday and reaching for that cold drink. Most plants will be self- sufficient at this time and will need little or no care.

Tubs and baskets will need regular daily watering, but as long as you have watered properly earlier in the year those in the ground should be fine. Just remember that little and often is the no-no for watering. Water thoroughly when you have to do it, and mulching the ground will also reduce water requirements.

Raise the blades on the mower during hot dry periods as slightly longer grass will survive better.

Carry on deadheading herbaceous perennials to prolong the flowering season. Early flowering plants, for example Pulmonaria, Lupin, can be cut back to the ground to create space for others and to create a fresher foliage. Gaps created through cutting back or from ‘failures’ can be filled with annuals in pots, or quick growing perennials.

Gladioli for instance will generally flower at around 90 days after planting, and I try to keep a few pots of them ready to fill any holes.

Note any plants that are growing too large for possible removal to another spot or for splitting in the autumn. I prefer to take photos as I will certainly forget which ones to deal with when the time comes.

Check roses for suckers coming up and remove them, ramblers will require pruning back after the flowers have faded. If your roses are suffering from black spot, this is a fungal problem and does not require chemical treatment. Start early to remove any leaves that are showing any trace and burn. This includes especially any leaves that have fallen to the ground as this is where the fungus will overwinter. Do not compost them. In the autumn remove the top layer of soil around the plant and replace with a clean mulch. This will break the lifecycle of the fungus. Unfortunately wind-blown spores can appear from other peoples gardens, however your plants will be healthier.

Lastly a reminder that we should not be cutting hedges until September and the end of the nesting season. Have a great summer, and enjoy your gardens.


Kirton Church Fund

August winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine.

The September draw takes place on Sunday 26th September and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.

This is their first win for both first prize winners The lucky July winner only joined Kirton Church Fund in May. Both second prize winners have won before. Well done to all our winners!

In June a new member joined increasing the prize money again. Welcome to them and good luck We now have 40 members with 52 numbers taking part. There really is a very good chance of winning the Kirton Church Fund.

You too could be lucky in the KCF monthly draw but you have to be in it to win it! We have plenty of room for more members. Why don’t you join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part.

You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number. (Ten of the members play more than one number.)

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the up- keep of Kirton Church. (Currently the roof appeal.) The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Not already a member? Do come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. Forms are also available from the church.

June 2022 Winners

1st PRIZE - £48.75 - TICKET NUMBER: 97
2nd PRIZE - £16.25 - TICKET NUMBER: 42

July 2022 Winners

1st PRIZE - £48.75 - TICKET NUMBER: 102
2nd PRIZE - £16.25 - TICKET NUMBER: 92


Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Letters to the Editor

Response to Kirton Parish Council
statement in Kirton News

Not wishing to serialise the ongoing issues with Kirton Parish Council, however, I feel I must clarify some of the statements that were made, specifically aimed at, and inferred about myself.

It can be confirmed by both myself and the Councillors concerned, that it was not because of my leadership, behaviour or abilities as a Councillor as to why they resigned.

The Extraordinary meeting that is mentioned, was not, as was implied, called because of the events of the AGM, but was called myself, the Friday before the AGM, while I was still a Councillor, at the request of three Councillors to discuss staffing matters.

It is misleading to imply that Cllr Cole was voted in to replace me and take the Council forward. At the AGM (later, declared legally void) it was Cllr Peter Watson was voted in as Chairman.

I, and others believe that my removal as Chairman was political and not due to my abilities. With the events that occurred on that evening, the Council was becoming more political based, to which I was an obstacle. I think politics have no place in Parish or local Councils, their aim should be solely for the benefit of the community, and Politics of that nature should stay in Westminster.

Similarly, as with the Parish Council, I also respect the privacy of the Clerk and will not pass comment on that particular matter.

Finally, my 2½ years as a Councillor were great, and the best thing I found out about the Parish while a Councillor, was that it wants to engage with the Council, but you had to get out there and meet them, and by doing that, I met a whole new group of people, that, were just amazing.

Carl Sharp
Former Councillor, Vice Chair & Chair of Kirton Parish Council.


Kirton Kids Club

This term will be busy and though it is one of the longest, I know it will go very fast and be filled with fun

The children enjoy each session using games, toys and equipment – there is a huge amount of all at the Kids Club. The outside space has sand pits, climbing and sliding equipment, benches and tables and lots of grass space for football and games. The children have scooters and lots of sports equipment to keep them occupied too. They are free to enjoy whatever they choose to play with and their friends.

This term the ‘artists’ in the club have been drawing and colouring the play ground with chalks which looks lovely and bright and when the rains comes it will all be gone and they can start again.

There is so much to do and play with and it is good to watch the children enjoying themselves. It is a joy to see children being just that – children. No worries about ‘bugs’ or wars ….. just wondering who will win the game they are playing or maybe how fast they can go on their scooter or how high they can build the lego bricks.

This is what children should be able to do in their play – having fun, being safe, enjoying equal opportunities in everything they do. Interacting with each other, helping with their social and communication skills – learning without even being aware of it.

The breakfast club is full at the moment and will be in September too. The after school has a few sessions but not many as there are already a lot of children booked in for the new term in September – but we do have a waiting list and use this should spaces come up for your children.

Finally can I wish all children leaving the club for their ‘big schools’ in July or simply changing schools and moving – stay safe and be happy.

We are always happy to see you if you would like to ‘pop’ in at any time.


Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

19th June Mason Andrew
7th July Henry Allitt
24th July Tristan Jessett

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

2nd July Darren and Alla Wass

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

On 26th June the funeral of former Kirton church warden and parishioner, David Hilton, was held in church. May he rest in peace.


News from Kirton Primary School

Kirton Primary School has awarded a prestigious national award at the TES School Awards 2022. These awards are considered to be the ‘Oscars’ of the educational world.

Kirton Primary School won the award for ‘School of the Year for Wellbeing’ at a glittering award ceremony held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, hosted by Richard Ayoade.

Judge Dame Joan McVittie said: The school has been so innovative, they just seem to have covered every single base and the impact can be seen in low absence rates.

Mrs Donley, Executive Headteacher, and staff accepted the award on behalf of the whole school.

Kirton Primary School was awarded ‘Primary School of the Year 2022’ at the Lincolnshire Education Awards held in Spalding. Mr Neall and staff members accepted the award on behalf of the school.

The judges said: The school was up against tough competition, but we were so impressed with everything staff do to help their children.

At the same award ceremony, Mrs Bradshaw was a well-deserved finalist in the category, ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year 2022'.

On the same evening, Mrs Heath and Mrs Donley were also well-deserved finalists at the Lincolnshire Education Excellence Awards in the respective categories ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year 2022’ and ‘Headteacher of the Year 2022’. There were over two thousand nominations for these awards held in Lincoln. We have a village school to be proud of!

Kirton Middlecott Gym Has Closed

Charlotte Marshall got in touch to tell us that Kirton Gym at the Middlecott school sadly shut on 31st July. Charlotte said, ‘It’s been such a great part of the community and people are very upset it’s shutting.  As a member for over 10 years now , it’s become a big part of my life and so many others.’  Charlotte wanted to say a big thank you to Sally, Jasmine and Toby for all their hard work and for making it a lovely place to train.  It had been open for 16 years since February 2006.

End of an era

I’m surprised there has been so little fuss made about the loss of our Health and Fitness Centre (the gym) based at Middlecott School.

When it opened it had been funded by the National Lottery, a grant and 106 money (which came from the company that built the new housing on the old Fossett and Thorne site). A condition of the monies was that it was for the use of and for the health and well being of the local community.

The Fitness centre has been well used by so many different groups of people. The elderly to help with their mobility, people needing help with recovery from illness, people with mental health issues, young people trying to keep fit, children’s groups, fitness classes, birthday parties… the list goes on.

It has in fact been more of a community hub.

The notice of closure came with little warning for both staff and users. There has been sadness and anger on all sides. Kirton is a barren place for facilities for young and old. Some people who used the centre will be unable to travel to Boston or Spalding to a Gym or sports centre due to lack of funds and or transport.

At a time when we are all recovering from being locked down and from the restrictions placed on us by Covid, when we need to keep fit and carry on, our Health and Fitness Centre is taken away from us.

Before anyone says walking and cycling are just as good for us (I do both), in winter when it is dark and miserable, also often slippery under foot, the centre was a safe place to go and exercise and meet people.

Nuffield Health have decided not to renew their contract because to quote “In the current economic climate, it is no longer viable for Nuffield Health to sustain the contract”.

I received an email from them on 6/7/22 informing me of the closure. Such short notice when one suspects this has been planned for a much longer time. Apparently the grant from the National Lottery to Lincolnshire County Council for the sports centre would have provided that the sports centre be used for agreed purposes which included use by the public and not disposed of for a period of years (the asset liability period). The Asset Liability period has now run out. It says it all.

Paula Davies

Kirton Parish Church Heritage Day

Kirton Parish Church will be open on Sunday 18th September for the Heritage Open Day from 1pm to 4pm. Guided tours on the hour. Come and see why visitors to St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Kirton say “Wow!”

Join us for a leisurely stroll around the beautiful 900 year old church examining the exceptionally well-preserved Norman arch, an intriguing stained glass window plus around 10 other rare features and hear their stories. There are plenty of photo opportunities and if you bring your binoculars you will be able to examine the angels and the bats  more closely. Definitely the wow factor.


Local Music Festival raises funds
for Lincs Ark

Party in the Ark the weekend long event of Live Music, Food, Drink and Family Fun took place on Friday 5th August - Sunday 7th August at Abi’s Hotel for Cats in aid of Lincs Ark cat, kitten and rabbit rescue. Having taken a short break due to the pandemic, this year’s event was the first in person since 2019. 

Across the three days the event featured a variety of music from bands and artists both local and from further afield including: Tiny Forehead, Still Crazy, Blues Boy Kings, Crossfire, Robert Hokum, Geoff Garbow Band, Molly’s Chamber, SoulFX, The Amazing Armadillos, 2 Bob’s and a Florin, Beachy Head Diving Club, Cuttin Loose, Side2Side SKA and Energy the MC. Not only was the event packed with live music but the field was also filled with guests and stall holders: Lincs Ark, 8 Sail Brewery, Candylicious Sweets & Caribbean Food, Skinners Ice Cream, BLAcraftsgb, Flange & Prong Spiritual, Mirren Kearney Arts and the family fun kids fun zone featuring Eve-marie Ford face painting and bouncy castles provided by The Party People and more.

Continuing the trend and mission of growing year upon year the weekend, over 500 guests either camping out the weekend or visiting for the day turned to enjoy great music and family fun. Many guests complimented the chilled and relaxed atmosphere of the event and the efforts made by the Party in the Ark team. Over the entire weekend through wristband sales and donations the event has raised close to £4000 which will go straight to Lincs Ark cat, kitten and rabbit rescue to support the tireless work they do. 

Quote from Jo Roberts - Party in the Ark Organiser: We are delighted to have made a huge comeback for 2022! We are very proud that Party in the Ark continues to grow in reputation and attendance every year and each year the amount we raise for Lincs Ark goes up significantly which is fantastic! Although hard work to make it happen, it has become a labour of love for us and all the volunteers and bands, all of whom have our huge gratitude for all that they do to help us and make it work 

Best of all Local people seem to love coming and look forward to it which makes us so happy. Here’s to Party in the Ark 2023

Quote from Lincs Ark: Another successful party in the ark means another wonderful donation for our small local charity. Lincs Ark are delighted that Jo and Ray are so willing to not only do all this amazing hard work and turn their land into a live music event but that this is all done to raise much needed funds for animals and that it is ours who benefit. Our thanks extend beyond Jo and Ray to all the volunteers who make the day possible, the bands and business who attend to make the day enjoyable and of course the public who visit and whose donations make the whole effort worthwhile.

Party in the Ark Background

Party in the Ark started out July 2007 with the mission to support the local charity Lincs Ark. Over the 4 years we have grown to be the “micro Glastonbury” we are today. Our goal is to grow our annual event to provide more quality entertainment and family fun and raising more money for Lincs Ark year on year.

Facebook: facebook.com/PartyintheArk
Instagram: instagram.comPartyintheArk
Twitter: twitter.com/PartyintheArk
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCVkefdnkzzamuA-Bo_54MIA/
Website: www.partyintheark.co.uk

Lincs Ark Background

Lincs Ark (animal welfare) was founded in December 2002 by a group of like-minded animal lovers in the Boston, Lincolnshire area. We have now expanded into the areas around Spalding, Holbeach, Sleaford, Horncastle and up as far as Lincoln, however it does depend on volunteer availability.

We are a small charity which is entirely self-funded. Every penny raised via our appeals, fundraising events, etc, is spent on the animals in our care. Everyone involved with the group is an unpaid volunteer with a mutual love of our furry, four-legged (and sometimes feathered) friends!For more info on how to adopt an animal or donate to the cause or volunteer your services in some way please visit the Lincs Ark stall opposite the stage here at Party in the Ark or visit their website www.lincsark.co.uk










